Научная статья на тему 'Ecologization and environmental education'

Ecologization and environmental education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Konysbaeva D.T., Belan O.R., Suindikova Zh.T., Gorbulya V.S., Zhokusheva Z.G.

According to the state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan higher education, ecology has become one of the basic discipline in the curricula of all specialties. However, the volume of environmental intellection can not be achieved within a single discipline. We have developed and tested the elective course on “Greening and Environmental Education”. The main idea of the course is the formation of future professionals’ ecological thinking, ecological culture, the obtainment of professional environmental knowledge and skills, and their implementation in practice.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ecologization and environmental education»



Konysbaeva D. T.

PhD, Associate Professor; S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical university, Astana, Kazakhstan

Belan O.R PhD;

Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay, Kazakhstan

Suindikova Zh.T. Associate Professor Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay, Kazakhstan

Gorbulya V.S. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical university, Astana, Kazakhstan

Zhokusheva Z. G. Senior Lecturer.

Kostanay State University A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, Kazakhstan


According to the state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan higher education, ecology has become one of the basic discipline in the curricula of all specialties. However, the volume of environmental intellection can not be achieved within a single discipline. We have developed and tested the elective course on "Greening and Environmental Education". The main idea of the course is the formation of future professionals' ecological thinking, ecological culture, the obtainment of professional environmental knowledge and skills, and their implementation in practice.

Keywords: basic discipline; environmental intellection; greening; environmental education.


According to state standards of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the curricula of specialties ecology has become one of the basic disciplines. However, the completeness of ecological thinking, cannot be achieved within the same discipline. We have developed and tested an elective course on "Greening and environmental education." The core idea of the cycle is the formation of future specialists of ecological thinking, ecological culture, obtaining professional environmental knowledge and skills to implement them in practice.

Greening and Environmental Education

Analysis of the environmental situation shows that many problems in the field of environmental protection, due to a lack of competence and the level of training of managers and professionals, whose activities are related to the impact on the environment [1]. Undoubtedly, the higher the intellectual level of all members of society in the field of environment, the easier it is to solve and prevent environmental problems of our time. The key place is occupied by education for sustainable development. The aim of which is the acquisition by pupils of knowledge, skills, experience, integrated solutions to social, economic and environmental problems to improve the quality of life for present and future generations.

Environmental orientation is one of the principles of the state policy in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to state standards of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the curricula of specialties ecology has become one of the basic disciplines, and read in all specialties. In the course of "Ecology" examines the basic laws of formation and functioning of biological systems. However, the completeness of ecological thinking, cannot be achieved in a single course "Ecology". For a more complete implementation of the targets and tasks of discipline "Ecology", we have developed and tested an elective course on "Greening and Environmental Education" and "human ecology." These courses involve a multidisciplinary and systemic approach to the study of the basic problems of ecology and environmental protection, and include a statement of experiments on the effect of environmental factors on human, environmental development of interior design.

The core idea of the cycle is the formation of future specialists of ecological thinking, ecological culture, obtaining professional environmental knowledge and skills to implement them in practice.

These courses are for students not only to pedagogical skills, but also for specialty: "Accounting and Auditing", "Jurisprudence", "Finance", "State and local management", "Physics", "Informatics", "Electrical power", "Transport equipment and technologies", "Geography"," History. "

The volume of courses is a three credit. As part of the elective courses are considered the following aspects: social, ecological-economic, legal, vale logical, as well as selected variable components.

Social ecology is of great methodological and theoretical significance for the practice of rational man's relationship to nature, to the understanding of the social process in the modern environmental situation. Particular attention is paid to the study of patterns of interaction between human society and nature and its individual regional groups.

Course content contributes to the development of future specialists of ecological outlook, which is based on ideas about the unity of the relationships of all the natural processes occurring in the biosphere, their change under the influence of anthropogenic factors and the consequences of these actions.

It has long been known that overcoming the ecological crisis of the biosphere only those-conical and technological means - it is impossible, as well as maintaining a state of balance between society and nature, if people will not transform itself, will not change their mentality and morality. This process is difficult and long, but it gives an opportunity to the public and to each person individually to find solutions to environmental emergencies and draw appropriate conclusions.

In this regard, the program examines the range of social and environmental problems that are the result of, on the one hand, the human impact on the environment, on the other - connected with the person safety, forced them to live in a modified environment. Social Ecology is the practical implementation through the participation of students and the organization of the following activities: the debate and discussion of issues of environmental safety on G-Global platform. The format of theses, essays, presentation and defense of projects on "Energy of the Future", "Biodiversity", "Kazakhstan EXPO-2017".

Organization and participation of students in the program "Zhasyl el" (Green Country). The "Zhasyl el" durable, state for urban greening program and the villages of Kazakhstan adopted taking into account the strengthening of the arid zones and desertification. Students acquire practical skills, change the environment and ensure the safety of existence.

The next stage of the implementation of the theoretical knowledge of social ecology section is the active work of students from the public to study the nature of the native land and the award of the status of natural monuments of local importance. Students and supervisors are preparing Naturally - scientific justification for the study and additional materials - collection, herbarium, photographs of natural areas reflecting the uniqueness of topography, flora and fauna. The result of this work is to conduct joint roundtable discussions with representatives of local authorities, environmental agencies and teachers, schools, students with a discussion of the importance of natural areas for the environment in the region and the formulation of resolutions. In the study course student initiates the campaign "Clean Coast", "Zhasyl aimag" changing their attitude towards the environment.

The survival of the human species really, if it created a society in which every individual has formed ecological thinking, ecological culture and consciously embodies them in everyday practice.

Environmental thinking is a different approach to the world, as an integral evolving natural system in

which man and human society is just an evolutionary element, not the best or necessary, but the most powerful and dangerous. Harmonization of the relations of man with his environment acts as a guarantor of sustainable development. The current demand for ecological thinking due to the need to ensure national and environmental security for the preservation of the environment and future generations.

Particular attention is paid to the learning process, not only the mastery of the system of scientific knowledge about nature and its interaction with the society, but also the development of emotional and sensual, moral-aesthetic perception of nature and a sense of responsible attitude to nature [2]. Urgent element is the environmental ethic associated with environmentally correct treatment of man with nature, moral awareness that all living organisms have an equal right to existence with the person on the planet. It is important to bear in mind, what personal qualities (eg: respect for the diversity in nature and society, the realization that our present way of life affects the future generations) abilities and skills students need for the realization of the concept of sustainable development.

E.Gekkel called environmental science of economics. Neglect of environmental requirements for the rapid economic benefits leads to serious consequences for the people and ultimately to economic losses. Without sound environmental management policy will be developed economy. The second section is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the basics of environmental protection and rational nature, aimed at understanding the need to harmonize the relationship between man and nature for sustainable development, including addressing environmental problems. We consider the current stage of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in Kazakhstan and abroad, the foundations of the economic mechanism of nature. Principles of planning and environmental management. Methods and criteria for environmental assessment. Economic incentives for environment protection functions. Payment for environmental management. Environmental taxation. In the study of the unit dominant environmental management. Students using the technology of dual education, get acquainted with the principles of planning and natural resource management. For example, the mining industry in the Kostanai region are considered aspects of reclamation of waste dumps, tailings, efficiency of use of fertile soil for shielding technological education. These studies are reflected in the thesis, scientific publications, competitive work (the results of the study on "Biological reclamation of iron ore dumps" students Asylgereeva D. and A. Zhakupova supervisor of Konysbaeva DT submitted to the contest "Scientists of the Future" initiated by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan took the first prize. Students perform research in conjunction with the West Virginia University (USA) in the Small grants Programme in the direction of "Ecology Naurzum state Nature reserve" (Kostanay) with the study of the current state of the flora, fauna and soil. The results of the study presented at the Republican contest of scientific works of students, where they took second place prize Maruarova A. (supervisor Ph.D., professor Bragina TM).

Legal aspect includes regulatory support environmental protection activities. The section deals with the legal protection of human environmental interests, mechanisms for the use of environmental legislation in the professional activities and everyday life, the role of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of environmental human rights. To survive as a species in today's ecological crisis, a person is required to maintain the quality of the environment, and within favorable not only for him but also other organisms. In this block, students take an active part in the discussion of biodiversity at international scientific conferences. For example, at the conference "Biodiversity of Asian steppes" (Kostanai, Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute in 2007, 2012, 2014) examined the state and prospects of preservation of plant and animal communities of steppe ecosystems of specially protected areas including the creation of an ecological network, ecological reserves. At the closing session, students participate in the discussion at the adoption of the resolution on ways to save the steppe biome. The popularization of environmental knowledge contributes to the involvement of different sectors of the population to the activities carried out by students and teachers of the University: competitions of drawings and essays, exhibitions, festivals, "Earth Day" and "Day of the Birds", the organization of ecological sites for preschool children, summer environmental camps and ecological trails adults and schoolchildren.

Section course "Quality of the environment and the health of the population" is intended to cover the following topics. Status of the biosphere and the modern understanding of human health. The quality of the environment and health. Issues of human adaptation to the environment. The combined effects of environmental factors, especially the regional landscape. Household ecology. Nutrition, organic food. Environmental labeling. Issues of biological safety, hygiene and toxicology.

Getting acquainted with the dangers in the environment where there is a person, their general laws, forms of exposure, the student is aware of the threat of personal safety, translates them from the category of potential in real-life. The resulting sense of personal vulnerability forms a stable motivation to seek a reliable protect themselves from exposure to danger.

Realizing the need for the survival of a personal note, students should recognize the need for survival and nature, which is a single whole person human adaptation problems for the environment were investigated as part of an experiment to detect the formation of adaptive-adaptive reactions from students full-time education of the 1st - 4th course "Biology" specialty "Chemistry", "geography" at the age of 17 to 21 years. The sample size was 336 people. The sample was differentiated into two groups by the criterion of nationality: the first group (I c.) Were a student of Kazakh nationality, a second group (II c.) - A student of Slavic nationalities alien population.

Education in high school causes students considerable tension of the nervous system. Continuous emotional stress student body can lead to a breach of adaptive-adaptive reactions and the formation, the appearance of psycho-

somatic diseases (Zarakovsky GM, Medvedev VI, Ra-zygraev NA, 1997; Sorokin ND, Khachaturyanets M.L ., 1993) [4.5].

Analysis of the results of diagnostics of health, activity, mood (SAN) showed that the mean group values of girls indigenous nationality in all courses correspond to well-being, normal activity and high spirits. However, in assessing the functional status of girls take into account not only the scores of individual indicators, but also their ratio (MA Shalashova, 2007) [6]. At the optimal functional state values being, activity and mood are approximately at the same level, but their relationship changed with increasing fatigue. In our studies, in both groups, along with good health and high spirits revealed reduced activity.

Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by increased excitability, emotional instability and anxiety (GY Eysenck, 1999).

Estimation of the average group level of neuroticism among students regardless of their nationality and course indicates the average level of neuroticism. However, the assessment of individual values showed that the percentage of people with high levels of neuroticism among the indigenous population is higher than that of the newcomers. In both national groups observed decrease in neuroticism levels of the 4th course. High levels of neuroticism, regardless of nationality, observed in students of 1 course.

Share emotionally unstable persons among the students of the indigenous nationality was - 40%, and the girls arrived population - 37%.

Thus, students of both nationalities prevails average neuroticism. It speaks a moderate psychosocial adaptation, no more tension. A relatively high incidence of neuroticism in persons of I group is perhaps the manifestation of adaptive response in a continental climate with contrasting change of summer and winter temperatures (VI Kononets, 1997). It is known that individuals with high levels of neuroticism observed smaller violations of the heat balance in the conditions of the environment gipertermnoy (AT Mar-janovic et al., 1989) [7].

An important and influencing the process of adaptation are the personality types as the introversion-extroversion. Each individual characteristic features as extraverted and introverted types. The difference between people is in the ratio of these traits: extrovert prevail in one, while the introvert - other (EP Ilyin, 2009). Extroverts compared with introverts inherent sociability, flexibility, behavior, adaptation. Individual character traits are formed (change in the positive or negative side) during the entire life. It depends on the human temperament, as well as the environment in which he lives (LK Budukool, 2010).

According to the survey it was found significant differences in the 1-D and 2 courses between national groups on the level of extra-, introversion. In both national groups mean group values correspond ambiversii. Ambivertam characteristic features as extroverts and introverts.

Analysis of individual values showed that a 1-4 courses is amplified degree of introversion. However, among the students of the alien population extroverts almost twice as much in comparison with students of the indigenous population.

Thus, in both national groups more than individuals with ambiversiey, although students of I group the percentage of people with introversion longer 2 times than that of

girls Group II and vice versa the share of persons with extraversion is presented in 2 times less than in group II. A large percentage of introvertok trained in pedagogical high school, were noted in other studies (VP Maltsev, 2011). However VI studies Kononets (1997) conducted on the students of the two ethnic groups, noted the prevalence rate among Kazakhs of extraversion in comparison with Russian, explaining it as a feature of the national temperament and character (sociability, openness, desire to support a large number of friendly relations, good-natured). Especially in the largely ethnic differences were expressed in males and absent in females, linking it with the dominant role of men in the system of industrial relations.

Analyzing the data, the distribution of personality types with the identification vertirovannosti and the level of neuroticism in healthy individuals revealed a predominance ambivertov and the intermediate group on Neuroticism in both national groups. This, according to VI Ko-nonets (1997), testifies to their selective advantage in the course of centuries of selection [8].

Identified in the study, especially the psycho-physiological status of native and alien population of North Kazakhstan broaden representation on the specifics of long-term adaptation of representatives of different ethnic groups to the complex of climatic factors and conditions of the educational environment.

The contents of the next section of the elective course (variable components), must take into account the professional orientation of students, and may vary depending on the requirements of the major field of study. Variability of component contributes to the formation of an ecological approach in solving professional problems.

The content of variable component is inextricably linked with the future profession and aims at developing practical skills of the student in the relevant field of knowledge (humanitarian, natural science fundamental or technical). In this connection it is necessary to identify the

professional tasks, the solution of which depends on the level of environmental knowledge, it must be clear what the students of a specialty necessary ecological knowledge. To open a trained social significance of their future profession in addressing environmental problems, it is necessary to build on the variable components of specific examples relating to this profession.

In addition to the theoretical knowledge of the laws governing the development of the natural environment of the course the student gets acquainted with the ecology of modern methods and means of the planned warning and neutralize the negative anthropogenic changes in the environment. The student should be able: to restrict production, household and other activities for the preservation of nature; Professional forecast the impact on the environment and human society, and to manage them, to carry out competent analysis of the environmental situation, to make informed decisions on environmental security. Know the practical approaches to solving the problems of sustainable development. An example is the participation of students in the development of eco-design training facilities such as classrooms in botany and recreation for creative work and relaxation (Figure 1.2.). Anthropogenic changes are offset in the formation of student environmental conditions is achieved by the implementation of projects, dissertations and term papers in "Phytodesign", "Decorative flower." These activities are aimed at instilling in students a sense of a small country, altruism, respect for nature (Figure 3,4,5).

To assess the effectiveness of the introduction of a special course students were asked to perform the tests. We tested the students' specialty "Finance" on topics of general ecology to study elective course.

Based on test data calculated the quality of training and the level of student performance according to

the formulas 1, 2, [3]:

1. The quality of teaching Number = "5" + the number "4" x 100% Number of students who wrote the work

2. Achievement level = number of positive ratings x100% Number of students who wrote the work

After studying a special course, we had a re-testing of students on topics of general ecology, knowledge of the students have improved significantly (Table 1).

Table 1

A comparative analysis of the quality of teaching and level of student performance in "Finance" be-

Training period The quality of training (%) Progress rate (%)

Before special course 35,29 85, 29

After a special course 88,23 100

Thus, prior to the introduction of a special course of training quality was 35.29% and 88.23% after, performance level also increased.

We compared the quality of training and the level of achievement of students specialties "Finance" and

"Ecology" at the rate of general ecology. At the same time students of the specialty "Ecology" in contrast to the "Finance" elective course "Greening and Environmental Education" have not studied. The data presented in Table 2.

Table 2

A comparative analysis of the quality of training and the level of student performance in "Finance" and

Group "Finance" Group "Ecology"

The quality of education Achievement level The quality of education Achievement level

88,23% 100% 88,88% 100%

From Table 2, it is clear that the quality of training and the level of student performance in "Finance" and "Ecology" are similar. Thus it is necessary to take into account that the test items included questions on general ecology, and not applied questions which mainly dealt with in a special course "Greening and environmental education."

The results show that it is likely, based on the practical aspects, students are better able to absorb the fundamental questions of ecology. Thus, the introduction of the elective course, greatly increases the level of environmental education as a whole.

Planting zones for relaxation.


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