ECOLOGIC PROBLEMS BY WASTE WATERS 1 2 Aminov B.B. , Khaitmuratov A.O. (Republic of Uzbekistan)
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Abstract: there is a link between events and processes in nature. Salinity of soils can affect even human health. However, this effect is directly influenced by drinking water and farming products. Continuous exploitation of salt, saline water, and airborne respiratory tract pollutants reduce immunity and cause various diseases, especially anemia. When looking for solutions to such geo-ecological problems, many factors must be considered. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the relief. This article deals with the problems related to such events.
Keywords: nature, waste water, ecology, rivers, mountains.
ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД 12 Аминов Б.Б. , Хаитмуратов А.О. (Республика Узбекистан)
1Аминов Бехзод Бахром угли - студент кафедра геодезии, картографии, кадастра и географии, факультет естественных наук, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч; 2Хаитмуратов Алиджон Олимджон угли - студент, кафедра географии и природных ресурсов, факультет естественных наук, Национальный университет Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: существует связь между событиями и процессами в природе. Засоленность почв может повлиять даже на здоровье человека. Однако на этот эффект напрямую влияют питьевая вода и сельскохозяйственные продукты. Постоянная эксплуатация соли, соленой воды и загрязненного воздуха для дыхательных путей снижает иммунитет и вызывает различные заболевания, особенно анемию. При поиске решений таких геоэкологических проблем необходимо учитывать множество факторов. Прежде всего, необходимо учитывать рельеф. В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с такими событиями. Ключевые слова: природа, сточные воды, экология, реки, горы.
Nature and the environment are interconnected with one another. Human beings have been exposed to the environment for centuries and their relationships are steadily increasing.
When designing anti-reclamation measures, it is necessary to take into account that territorial link in the oasis. The relief factor causes the collection of certain substances, some of which may be reduced. For example, molten material at the top of the river valley is accumulated in the lower parts.
Waste water is divided into categories, depending on the marks.
1. There are the following types of wastewater on the nature of the water:
- Wastewater caused by the use of drinking water;
- Wastewater, generated by extraction of underground waters for industrial process in industrial enterprises;
- Wastewater caused by precipitation in the fields.
2. Waste water is divided into the following types depending on the area of water generation:
- industrial, household and farm irrigation water;
- water on the people's settlements.
3. Water quality is divided into the following types depending on pollution levels:
- industrial waters;
- household and agricultural water;
- the pollution of rainwater.
4.According to the level of water pollution:
- conditionally clean;
- polluted;
- poisoned;
-contaminated water by infectious disease distributors.
Household waste sewage is resulted from houses, administrative and industrial buildings. These waters are mainly physiologically separated and polluted with economic waste, but may also contain bacteria that distribute the disease. Water in this category includes waste water from ventilators, baths, and toilets. Industrial wastewater is a waste water that has been used for various technological processes in the manufacturing industry: cooling machine equipment, painting dyes, washing up and so on.
Rainfalls caused by rain, snow, and melting of ice are other types of waste water. The polluting properties of household waste water are largely unchanged: their concept depends on one person's daily water consumption.
Industrial waste water pollution. The technological process at the plant is dependent on the product, for example: organic matters, plastics, paper, etc. In synthetic fibers in the waste water from mineral industries, chemical plants and other enterprises, there are toxic and significant bacterial contaminants. In waste water, which is contaminated by various types of organic and mineral substances, the substances may be dissolved, colloidal or suspended.
Rainwater wastewater is mainly polluted with mineral substances and with a small amount of organic matter. The amount of rainfall may be 50-150 times higher than that of household waste water in the urban area. Rainfall on industrial sites can be hazardous to industrial enterprises.
At the moment, wastewater from household and industrial enterprises is cleaned at specific facilities and re-watered into the roof. At the same time, it contaminates water basins. In recent years, a number of decisions have been made by the government aimed at improving the sanitary condition of the reservoirs. These decisions are intended to identify and implement a set of measures. There is a high demand for the level of purification of treated effluents into the water basins. For this purpose, the following measures will be taken to improve the sanitary condition of the reservoirs:
- accelerate the construction of sewerage facilities;
- deeper wastewater treatment and their quality improvement;
- transition to recycling or multiple use of purified water from industrial enterprises for the technological process of industrial enterprises;
- non-infiltration of waste water into the reservoirs by transferring water enterprises in industrial enterprises to a fully integrated approach;
- use of treated waste water for irrigation taking into account the sanitary condition;
- transfer of technological processes of industrial enterprises to non-water operations.
In summary, people's need for water is rising, water plays an important role in these processes. The rapid development of industrial and agricultural enterprises contributes to pollution of wastewater in the reservoirs. In addition to lowering the flow of rivers into large quantities of water bodies, preserving their purity is one of the most important tasks in the national economy. Therefore, by choosing the method of wastewater treatment, it is possible to ensure that the discharges of water fully comply with the sanitary standards.
References / Список литературы
1. Tilley E., Ulrich L., Luthi C., Reymond Ph., Zurbrugg C., 2014. Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies - (2nd Revised Edition). Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Duebendorf, Switzerland. p. 175. ISBN 9783-906484-57-0. Archived from the original on 8 April, 2016.
2. World Health Organization, 2006. Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and greywater. World Health Organization. Р. 31. ISBN.