Qahhorov I.B. teacher
Termez State University Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya
Annotation. Since ancient times, people have shown great interest in plants that have healing properties in their composition, and they have been used on a large scale. Based on them, various complex preparations were prepared and used in the treatment of diseases.
In addition, their widespread use is of great importance even in modern times. In this article, among several other medicinal plants, a plant with ornamental and medicinal properties - Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea (l.) Moench) - medicinal properties, methods of use and information about its role as an ornamental plant. information is provided.
Key words: pharmaceutical industry, folk medicine, introduction, immunity, healthcare, decoction, gangrene, plantations, pain,, echinamune.
Today, the issue of determining the natural reserves of healing and medicinal plants, their adaptation to other climatic conditions, i.e. their introduction, and the organization of plantations of these plants in a cultivated state is considered one of the important issues studied by scientists around the world. Also, satisfying the need for raw materials of medicinal plants used for the development of medicinal products of the branches engaged in the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants is considered an urgent task. According to the World Health Organization, about 60% of the pharmaceutical drugs produced today are made from medicinal plants.
In recent years, a lot of scientific and practical research work has been carried out in our country to determine the natural reserves of medicinal plants, to establish cultural plantations, and to introduce other medicinal plants belonging to foreign flora to our soil and climate conditions.
In Appendix 2 of the Decision PQ-251 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 20, 2022 "On measures to organize cultivation and processing of medicinal plants in culture and their widespread use in the treatment of patients", "One district - in the list of districts specializing in the cultivation of medicinal plants based on the "one product" principle, a number of medicinal and nutritive plants, in particular Echinacea plant plantations, are organized in Tashkent, Fergana, Andijan, Namangan regions, as well as in all districts of our Republic. special attention was paid to the events. [1]
One of the most important medicinal properties of this plant is its immune-stimulating effect, which is considered the body's protective power. In addition, below we will get acquainted with some more features and its use.
Anti-cancer agent. Studies conducted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have published studies linking Echinacea to brain cancer. According to the research carried out by the researchers, the phytochemicals that make up the composition of this plant show that phytochemicals, which have not yet been found in other types of medicinal plants, can be a valuable tool in the fight against cancer.
Strengthens the immune system. Several studies conducted on echinacea showed that the use of tinctures or preparations made from this plant during colds reduced the total duration of colds by 1.5 days.
Relieves pain. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea L. Moench) is also important as a pain reliever. It is a particularly effective pain reliever for certain types of pain. These include pain in the intestines, pain associated with headaches, pain associated with HSV (herpes), pain associated with gonorrhea, pain associated with measles, include sore throat, abdominal pain, tonsillitis.
It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. As we all know, inflammation is the root cause of many diseases. Additionally, other factors, including stress, toxins in our food, and poor sleep, all contribute to this. Research conducted by the British University shows that regular consumption of this plant by people who struggle with chronic inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis has an effective effect in the treatment of this disease.
In official medicine, various medicinal preparations are prepared from the Echinacea plant. We can give an example of such preparations as "Echinamune" produced by the world-famous Herbanica company, "Echin-Defence" produced by the Pro-Bio Pharma company, "Immulant" produced by the Fauda Pharmacy company. In addition, the use of this plant in the preparation of various cosmetics is one of its valuable aspects.
One of the ways to effectively use medicinal Echinacea at home is to prepare a decoction from it. It is considered very useful especially for colds and flu, which often recur in spring and autumn. To prepare it, 10 grams of the dried upper part of the plant is taken, boiled slowly with 500 ml of water over low heat, left to rest in a hot place for three hours, and filtered through cheesecloth. Usually this tincture is taken after meals. But it is recommended to consult a doctor to take it before meals and then consume it.
Despite the fact that it contains medicinal properties, it is necessary to observe a number of rules when using this plant.
- when using its tincture, the duration of one-time reception is 10-14 days.
- then the duration of reception can be repeated after one week.
- it is not recommended to use this herbal tincture during pregnancy.
- it is not recommended to use the tincture for patients with various allergic diseases.
- it is recommended to start taking the tincture in small doses.
- while taking tincture of the medicinal plant Echinacea, it can have a harmful effect when taken together with drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, cola, black tea. This condition can also cause indigestion.
Conclusion: Medicinal plants are very common in the wild in nature. They are very valuable raw materials because they contain various bioactive substances
- vitamins, antioxidants, lipids, flavanoids, alkaloids and similar substances. In official medicine, substances found in the composition of medicinal plants are widely used during the production of medicinal products. Medicinal Echinacea is a medicinal plant that has its place in various parks with its beautiful flowers. Its large pink flowers are beautiful to look at and also have medicinal properties. The flowers and tops of this plant are mainly used as tinctures and decoctions. Many studies have been conducted and recommendations have been made regarding the preparation and use of this tincture. Its ability to influence the immune system is a very valuable resource. In general, this type of ornamental and medicinal plant is very convenient to grow and use as raw material.
1. Decision PQ-251 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 20, 2022.
2. Анищенко, Л. В. Шишлова Ж.Н. Интродукция эхинацеи пурпурной [Echinacea purpurea(L.)] Moench в Ботаническом саду ЮФУ. // Вестник ВГУ, серия: химия, биология, фармация. - 2009.
3. Foster, S. Echinacea: Nature's Immune Enhancer / S. Foster. - VT: Healing Arts Press, Rochester, 1991.
4. Kindscher, Kelly, ed. (30 September 2006). The Conservation Status of Echinacea Species (PDF). USDA.
5. Kindscher, Kelly, ed. (2016). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-319-18155-4.
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