EACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG PEOPLE THROUGH GAMES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Doman technique / Pictionary / bingo cards / team work / game modepreschoolers

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makhmudova Dilyorakhon

In recent years, the attention to learning and teaching foreign languages is increasing significantly. This requires making foreign language lessons, especially English, interesting, that is, using various innovative methods, technical tools, interactive games that attract different students. The use of such games during the lesson increases the student's enthusiasm for learning science. this article covers learning through games.

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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260


Makhmudova Dilyorakhon

Student of Chirchik state Pedagogical university e-mail: [email protected]


In recent years, the attention to learning and teaching foreign languages is increasing significantly. This requires making foreign language lessons, especially English, interesting, that is, using various innovative methods, technical tools, interactive games that attract different students. The use of such games during the lesson increases the student's enthusiasm for learning science. this article covers learning through games.

Keywords: Doman technique, Pictionary, bingo cards, team work, game modepreschoolers


In recent years, the attention to learning and teaching foreign languages is increasing significantly. This requires making foreign language lessons, especially English, interesting, that is, using various innovative methods, technical tools, interactive games that attract different students. The use of such games during the lesson increases the student's enthusiasm for learning science. This article describes the methods of learning English through games.T he role of teaching English through various games is incomparable. Playing various games during the lesson increases the enthusiasm for learning science in the classroom, encourages passive students to better participate in the lessons, and creates an environment of competition and teamwork among students in the classroom. It also increases students' respect for their teachers. Below are games that serve to increase the effectiveness of teaching during English lessons. Of the many methods offered by modern pedagogy, experienced teachers recommend choosing 1-3 and replacing them in the classroom. It is difficult to say which method is more effective; it all depends on the child's individual ways of perceiving and remembering information.

It is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children in educational games. The tempo and rhythm of the game play a big role in the game, a very slow and even tempo makes the child wait a lot, and a very fast

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260

tempo excites the children and leads to various arguments. Correct assessment of game participants by adults is important.

There are the following types of educational games: a) played with objects and toys; b) table-printing; d) verbal word games. Games with objects and toys are a type of game played from the first age of the child until reaching school age. Children's imagination and attention form the basis of the game. They develop a general understanding of the surrounding things and objects, their quality, and useful aspects. Each item or toy used in the game should have its own appearance, allowing to distinguish the main sign of the thing. Such games expand children's knowledge about the shape, size, sign, and quality of things. Board-printed games are a game method that allows children to identify, organize, and describe their thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc.) This type of game includes a) lotto; b) pair of pictures; d) dominoes; e) enters the labyrinth.

Types of educational games that help to enrich vocabulary. Educational games. Didactic games, as an educational game, are among the games that match the age characteristics of children. An important feature of a didactic game is the presence of rules in it. In the game, there is an integral connection between the intention of the game, the rules of the game, and the actions of the game. The intention of the game determines the nature of the game actions. The rules of the game help to solve the actions and tasks of the game and to carry out the movement in the game. Children are given new knowledge and concepts through didactic games. In these games, the child's all-round development, cognitive process, sensory culture, speech activity, and mental abilities are improved. Adhering to the rules of the game and following them will enrich the content of the game. Didactic games widely use natural objects and objects. Time and space for didactic games should be allocated in the child's agenda. Such games are played in groups or individually during training and outside the game. The content and result of the game are carefully determined.

The following rules should be followed in didactic games:

1. Exposure in turn.

2. Respond when asked.

3. Being able to listen to the opinions of comrades.

4. Do not disturb others during the game.

5. Complying with the rules of the game.

6. Admit your mistake.

It is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260

children in didactic games. The pace and rhythm of the game plays a big role in the game, a very slow and even pace makes the child wait a lot, and a very fast pace excites the child and leads to various arguments. Correct assessment of game participants by adults is important.

Educational games with visual materials. There are the following types of didactic games:

a) played with objects and toys;

b) table-printing;

d) verbal puns. Games with objects and toys are a type of game played from the first age of the child until reaching school age. Children's imagination and attention form the basis of the game. They develop a general understanding of the surrounding things and objects, their quality, and useful aspects. Each item or toy used in the game should have its own appearance, and should give an opportunity to distinguish the main sign of the thing. Such games expand children's knowledge about the shape, size, sign, and quality of things. Board-printing games allow children to identify, organize, and develop their thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, description) of their surroundings. is the way the game is played. This type of game includes a) lotto; b) pair of pictures; d) dominoes; e) enters the labyrinth. Verbal word games are held with children of preschool age. They teach the child to be able to hear, to find an answer immediately, to express his thoughts quickly and clearly. According to researchers, such games are of great importance in the mental development of a child. The presence of didactic goals and game materials is of great importance in the above-mentioned types of games. The basis of rule-based games is the system of actions aimed at the physical development of the child. Mainly, actions such as walking, running, jumping, crawling, throwing, and crawling determine the content of the game.

According to the origin of action games:

a) national games of the people;

b) authorship is divided into game types.

In both types of games, the main criterion is the rules of the game. Active games educate children with such noble qualities as precision, expressiveness of movements, quickness, dexterity, courage. Most action games are suitable for team play, which builds the ability to move in an organized manner. Correctly assigning roles to children, monitoring the game process, leading it, encouraging good actions at the right time increases the prestige of the game. A cheerful mood and positive

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260

emotions arise during the game. The plot of the game for younger children will have an open character. For example, "Chase the ball!", "Catch the ball!". For older children, the goal of the game, the rules and the organization of the game become more complicated. Rules-based games are first learned in physical education training. Then it should be replayed in other processes. The "Bolajon" program includes series of national action games held by different age groups.

Doman technique Although the Glenn Doman method can be used from infancy, learning English with it is especially effective from the age of. Special information cards are used, the content of which is shown to the child and spoken aloud at the same time. At first, the lessons are very short—one or two minutes—but the material is repeated many times until the information is firmly established. This method can be called "imprinting." When the child grows up, you can introduce the elements of the game with cards, then you can show presentations and videos.

Game mode

Perfect for preschoolers, while it can be adapted for any age. In games, you can also learn grammar and phonetics as well as practice communication skills. The essence of the technique is clear from the name: all training takes place in the course of a natural game. Featured Games:

Role (situational). In these games, scenes are played—models of real-life situations. They are divided into two categories: reproductive, that is, repetitive, and improvisational. In the first case, children represent a typical situation and the dialogue in it, and in the second case, they use a creative approach, thinking of their own scenarios.

The competition is "who is better?" based on the principle Who can solve the crossword faster? Who writes the most interesting story? Who will do all the commands correctly? Encouraging competition helps children learn the material faster and make more efforts in mastering grammar rules and speech practice.

Creative. This type of activity develops not only language skills but also artistic inclinations. There are several types of creative games:

Word games: writing poems, songs, and stories;

Dramatic: staging first small scenes, then performances;

Visual—coloring, drawing, graphic dictations.

Musical. Learning songs and dances The use of musical accompaniment helps correct the rhythm of speech and hear its tone, and the possibility of physical activity and communication diversifies the learning process

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260

Last Man Standing

This game is a quick game. But it gives readers some time to think. This game encourages cooperative learning, that is, while other students are talking, the rest of the students are thinking of words themselves. You need a ball to play the game. And all students should stand in a circle. You need to choose a topic. For example: Things found in a kitchen, food, profession, etc.

The game starts by throwing the ball to a student. That student says an English word about the topic and throws the ball to the next student. Each student who receives the ball will have to say something about this topic. If they repeat the words they were told or can't find the words within a few seconds, they leave the game and watch the game sitting down. Don't worry, they will still be learning.

You can change this game a little differently. Instead of talking about a topic, each student can talk about a different topic to the next student. For example, you can start the game by saying "say something red". The first student who catches the ball can say "strawberry" and choose a topic to throw the ball to another. This makes the game a bit more complicated, because before the student can think of a word, he must know what subject word he should think of.


Most English speakers are familiar with Pictionary, a drawing game.

For the purpose of drawing, you can use a regular whiteboard or a white magnetic board. Divide the class into 2 groups and draw a chart on one side of the board for each team. You will enter the scores of the teams here. One person from team A comes out. And he chooses one of many upside down words and draws this word on the board. And others will have to find it. The team that found the word correctly first will be awarded a point. The team with 10 points is the winner. Taboo words helps students use synonyms and word charts. The class is divided into two groups and the teams sit facing each other. Each team chooses one person from their team to sit on the chair opposite them. The teacher stands behind the students and holds a word written on a large piece of paper. The students sitting in the seats should not be able to see this word.

The member of the team sitting in the seat will have 3 minutes to say the word you are holding. The main thing is that they should not use this word at all.

Advice for playing in large classes. If there are more than 12 students in your class, it can be a bit noisy and chaotic during the game. In this case, you can divide everyone into small groups of 5-6 and participate only when it's their turn.

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-255-260

Letter Scramble letter scramble game.

Make a list of the last words your students have learned. And write a word on the board by confusing the letters. Give your students some time to find the word with the letters in the correct order. The student who finds the word first is the winner.

What Am I Thinking Of? (What am I thinking about?)

Divide students into pairs. Each student should write 5-10 words describing an object on a piece of paper. When time is up, students switch sheets and try to find what their partner has described. The first team to find the words correctly wins.

This game requires some preparation to play, but it's worth it. Make 4x4 bingo cards and write words in each box. Distribute these to the students (each must be unique) and have the students mark the words as you read the words. The first student to mark the words on the entire page is the winner. There are several types of bingo game.

Picture Bingo: Use pictures on a bingo card and read the words associated with those pictures.

Synonym Bingo: Get your students thinking by saying the synonyms on the bingo card.

Antonym Bingo: Like synonyms, only students will have to look for words that have opposite meanings, not synonyms.

Try these games in your class and be sure to write down how each of them turned out. Your opinion is important for our further research. If you also know an interesting game or method, write it down. Share your experience with others!



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3. https:/interesting-games-in-english-classes/

4.https: educational games in pre-school educational facilities

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