УДК 378
Solnyshkova O.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), Head of Department of Surveying Engineering, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
Boyko E.N., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
E-LEARNING AS ONE OF THE FORMS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. In the paper the authors consider e-learning as one of the forms for supplementary vocational education. The researcher analyze the students' results of interviews in one of Novosibirsk universities concerning the application of this educational form to the electronic information educational environment. The article describes the specifics of using multimedia contents to obtain educational information in supplementary vocational education at the higher education institution. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce multimedia contents into the learning process of the higher education institution, when receiving supplementary vocational education through the electronic form of education to improve the efficiency of knowledge assimilation.
Key words: multimedia contents, supplementary vocational education, e-learning, electronic information education environment, electronic learning resources.
О.В. Солнышкова, канд. пед. наук, зав. каф. «Инженерная геодезия», Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет (НГАСУ), г. Новосибирск, Е-mail: [email protected]
Е.Н. Бойко, канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. иностранных языков, Сибирский институт управления, филиал РАНХиГС, г. Новосибирск, Е-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье рассматривается электронное обучение в качестве одной из форм для получения дополнительного послевузовского образования. Авторами сделан сравнительный анализ вузов Новосибирска на применение данной формы дополнительного образования в рамках электронной информационно-образовательный среды. Далее, в статье сделан акцент на мультимедиа контенте, который рассматривается как один из способов получения учебной информации при дополнительном образовании в вузе. Авторы приходят к выводу о необходимости введения мультимедиа контента в образовательный процесс вуза при получении дополнительного образования через электронную форму обучения.
Ключевые слова: мультимедиа контент, дополнительное образование, электронное обучение, электронная информационно-образовательная среда, электронные образовательные ресурсы.
At present time in Russian education policy the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education (further, FSES HE) which imposes new requirements to the structure, the results of the development and the conditions of the implementation of higher learning educational programs continues to be carried out in Russian. Short term training, large volume of out-of-class activities for students, project work, the implementation of academic mobility programs including international ones, also the creation of the electronic information educational environment in higher education institutions, the application of e-learning and online training are the main components of modern education.
Besides, special attention is paid to the formation of common cultural, all-professional and professional competences among which foreign language skills for joint project work, solving problems of interpersonal and cross-cultural interaction and also "the ability to carry out business communication and public statements, to conduct negotiations, meetings, to carry out business correspondence and to support electronic communications" are requirements to students [1; 2]. And one cannot say about further professional education that is necessary for the professional duties increasing, professional activity changing and career developments, all are getting in great request among students.
As far as the higher education development occurs due to the introduction of information technologies in the learning process, the future differently-skilled specialists have to be able to apply information and communications technologies in their professional activity.
The objective of the research.
Now information and communications technologies are developing rather rapidly and e-learning is now the most demanded and relevant in education system which is implemented in all higher education institutions. So article 16 paragraph 1 of the federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation" of 29.11.2012 No. 273-FZ states that e-learning is understood "as the organization of educational process with application of information which is contained in databases and used at the implementation of educational programs and information technologies providing its processing, technical means and also information and telecommunication networks providing transfer of the specified information on communication lines, interaction of students and pedagogical workers" [3].
Such authors' researchers as T.A. Yatsevich and D.S. Gnedykh consider the relevance of e-learning in higher education institutions
as the introduction of new standards assumes out-of-class activity for students. T.A. Yatsevich defines e-learning as "learning with electronic support used in various forms of education and providing high-quality functioning of all components of learning process and its results to which purposes, tasks, content, participants, methods, technologies, forms of learning organization and results can be referred" [4, page 10]. Also the author marks out the model of e-learning as a model of the e-learning organization. D.S. Gnedykh supposes that e-learn-ing is the "learning by means of computer and information technologies" [5, page 11] increasing motivation in training of students due to their out-of-class activities. Further the author states that the visualization has the dominant position because of the realization of the principle of presentation in class in higher education institution and allows understanding learning materials better. In T.A. Yatsevich and D.S. Gnedykh's opinion e-learning is quite a good motivator of students' training by means of their individual work or out-of-class activities.
Speaking about e-learning in higher education institution, one should be noted the creation of the electronic information-educational environment (further, EIEE) that is the main requirement of FSES HE. This requirement is stated in the federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation" of 29.11.2012 No. 273-FZ. So article 13 point 2 is devoted to the fact, that the educational programs implementation assumes the use of remote educational technologies and e-learning.
Therefore, at this stage of work it is necessary to consider the electronic information-educational environment of such higher education institutions as the Siberian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA (further, SIM RANEPA) and the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (further, NSUACE) as both educational institutions are skilled and experimental base of the authors' research work.
EIEE, from I.B. Gosudarev's position, is "the system of the electronic educational resources which provide an access to educational contents and also language and electronic information resources and the management of these resources" [6, page 125]. Moreover, EIEE assumes the development of an educational and methodical complex of discipline, a form of control (for example, an assignment for submission in a written form, an electronic seminar on discipline "Foreign language in the professional sphere"), communication (interaction), the electronic library environment, etc. as, for example, in SIM RANEPA where it is possible to accurately see and monitor the interaction
of tutors, lecturers and students of e-learning through means of Information technologies (webinars, chats, forums, e-mail, etc.), Internet services, portals (SDL Prometheus). Students have an access to curricula, electronic resources of higher education institution, library, etc. We consider EIEE within our research as an environment where students have the huge choice and an access of all necessary electronic resources for the creation of successful interaction.
E-learning of students at NSUACE also assumes independent study of the educational and methodical documents (lectures in the form of texts and presentations, document templates, examples of calculations, e-thesaurus, techniques and samples of documents) provided to the student after the execution of all contractual documents with NSUACE as a customer-organization. These materials often include lectures in a format of videoconferences (education material in a condensed form, interactions with teachers, consultations, answers to students' questions). Participants of educational process interact with each other by means of the Moodle learning environment where there is an opportunity not only to create and store the developed electronic learning materials, but also to use electronic resources of any format. And a series of levels is considered to be important for analyzing the quality of knowledge assimilation.
For better remote interaction of the education program participants (a lecture, tutorials) the interactive resource, the Videoconference module, is also organized and it allows giving lectures in on-line mode for a large number of conferees with simultaneous demonstration of methodical material and communication of conferees in a chat or in the videoconference mode.
Multimedia content posted in EIOS, which is considered to be one of the most appropriate ways to provide teaching information, is involved in all activities. This technology itself was introduced relatively a long time ago, but only ten or fifteen years ago began to be actively used. Moreover, multimedia content in supplementary vocational education is the most popular way of learning. The use of multimedia learning tools allows not only preparing a great specialist in many professional areas, but also allows you to save time spent in a direct contact with students. In this situation, increasing the hours for independent work and reducing the hours of a direct contact makes it possible for students to independently regulate the knowledge assimilation process according to their type of perception.
We believe that professional education is the process and result of an individual professional development, accompanied by the acquirement of particular knowledge, skills and pedagogical competences for specific specialties and professions. Based on the foregoing definition, one of the main objectives of multimedia content is to accelerate and facilitate the process of making a person as a specialist in a certain area.
Educational multimedia content can define several psychological advantages.
1. Visualization. Work with structured graphic information gives the opportunity to mobilize the resources of students' creative thinking, especially when dealing with complex subject material. Such a method of presenting education material is the most effective for students with a visual type of information perception.
2. Listening. Listening to the material provides improved and fast retention, especially in audials. In addition, listening is the most appropriate tool for learning foreign languages.
3. The ability to return to the intermediate stages of complex activities (using computer memory), to study the difficult places of the education material more slowly.
4. The possibility of simultaneous consideration of the same object from several points of view, comparison of several variants of object transformation. Also an excellent assistant to the student is the visualization of invisible processes (for example, nuclear synthesis)
5. The use of various simulation processes can produce virtual laboratory-based work without the laboratory equipment.
When using multimedia resources in supplementary vocational education a lecturer gets the opportunity to change the forms of educational interaction in accordance with the students' existing professional skills.
At the beginning of the learning process in the group of supplementary vocational education it is appropriate to offer a set of electronic multimedia tools to students not only for individual work or out-of-class activities, but also for self-control. At the same time, all multimedia tools should be structured and reflect the necessary parts of the education material. However, it is not enough to provide students with multimedia content for their individual work, it is necessary to fill such content with activity and simulation fragments that immerse the student in substantive work. Activity fragments should
be supported by theory and equipped with check units. The test tasks should be as close as possible to professional activities; they should be designed in the form of mini-case studies, professional projects or other creative tasks. Filling multimedia content with various tasks that simulate professional ones enhances the motivational component of the learning process.
All this multimedia material together with the additional video base and text materials should be made freely available on the Internet, which greatly facilitates and accelerates the learning process. It should be noted that the traditional way of teaching in vocational schools cannot be completely substituted for multimedia content, it comes as a necessary supplement, which should allocate more time than it is now, if we take the situation in Russia in general.
A huge number of publications of the research conducted results of leading scholars prove the importance and relevance of multimedia resources in supplementary vocational education. Based on these studies, one can be concluded that multimedia content simplifies the learning process, enhances motivation, positively affects the student's self-control, and helps to learn or restore the material without a lecturer. But it is also important to consider the opinion of supplementary vocational education students in this regard.
In recent years, there has been a statistical opportunity to assess the effectiveness of multimedia content used in supplementary vocational education and to see the degree of universities readiness for quality e-learning in the process of supplementary vocational education. It is important to consider the appropriateness of using multimedia content in supplementary vocational education from the student's point of view. Supplementary vocational education students usually have basic education and professional experience, as they work in a certain field, so their opinion is undoubtedly very important in the development of learning modules elements in the supplementary vocational education system. When developing multimedia content it is necessary to take into account the significant academic load of such students, so it is necessary to give practical and relevant material.
Interviewing at the institute of additional professional education in NSUACE was held among students with higher or advanced education and working in architecture and construction areas. The interviews of 18 respondents were looked through: 8 of them live and work in Novosibirsk, 10 - in other regions. In order to assess the effectiveness of the education material delivery, the following electronic learning resources were offered to the respondents: electronic lectures with multimedia support, electronic textbooks and methodical instructions, e-thesaurus, learning video materials, recordings of teachers ' lectures, scanned copies of paper editions of methodical textbooks and pieces of textbooks.
The interview included the following questions:
1) Do you pursue the profession after graduating from the university, college?
2) For what purpose do you get a supplementary vocational education?
3) What e-learning resources are the most convenient for you to use?
4) Do you believe that the university uses of all opportunities of supplementary vocational education fully?
The results of the research.
Here is a brief description of the given answers. On the first question all students answered that their activity was closely connected with the architectural and construction direction. Twelve respondents pursue the profession they got previously, others work in related areas. In the second question, the majority of respondents (16 people) said that they received supplementary vocational education to hold senior positions in accordance with the competence catalogue in architecture and construction. Other respondents receive supplementary vocational education in connection with the change of their professional activity. In the third question 11 respondents identified multimedia content electronic lectures from the given options as the most convenient for their learning; 5 respondents noted the most effective e-learning and teaching aids, 2 respondents noted the effectiveness of learning when using video workshops. The fourth question was divided among the respondents: 14 respondents said that NSUACE was fully prepared for high-quality supplementary vocational education, and 4 respondents indicated a number of their preferences that would help improve the day release learning process. Now we'll select the most significant questions:
1. Not all subjects are provided with good e-learning support services, a number of subjects have electronic lectures, typed in a text form and almost not equipped with illustrations.
2. I would like a more contactless way of learning material delivery, so that the theoretical course can be studied independently, and the practical or laboratory-based part of the course - with a lecturer.
3. With supplementary vocational education, the retention is faster and deeper, if the curriculum has master classes and educational films, I would like to fill all subjects with such education materials.
Through the analysis of the interviews we can conclude that students as well as teachers believe that learning material may be presented for students in any form and changed to fit any academic subject, but, of course, it should fully reflect all components of the curriculum and meet the course steering document. Supplementary vocational education students are ready to study without a direct
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contact with the lecturer, if they are provided with a sufficient number of high-quality electronic educational resources, by means of which the convenient degree of knowledge assimilation adjusted directly for each student is achieved; the student can adjust the degree and the rate of learning, without reducing the effectiveness. So it is necessary to present such an opportunity to students. Thus, it should be noted that, in the opinion of both teachers and students, e-learning contributes to the motivation and self-development of the supplementary vocational education students due to the large amount of individual work or out-of-class activities. The student can independently choose the learning path, and the teacher has more free time to improve curricula, develop new laboratory-based and practical works, filling educational materials with high-quality multimedia content.
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5. Гнедых Д.С. Эффективность усвоения учебной информации студентами в условиях электронного обучения. Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата психологических наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2015.
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1. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 38.03.04 Gosudarstvennoe i municipal'noe upravlenie (uroven' bakalavriata), 2015. Available at: http://www.osu.ru/docs/fgos/vo/bak_38.03.04.pdf
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Статья поступила в редакцию 16.02.18
УДК 371
Ayman Kashkush, postgraduate, Faculty of Education and Pedagogical Sciences, Novgorod State University n.a. Yaroslav the
Wise (Veliky Novgorod, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
THE SPECIFICITY OF FORMING SELF-ASSESSMENT IN ADOLESCENT AGE. Adolescence is one of the most important stages in the life of any person. The person's self-esteem is most actively formed during this period of adolescence in contact with parents and peers. The article discusses the most important factors and causes that affect changes in the adolescents' self-esteem: physiology, school, family and social system. The article reveals advantages of positive self-perception and the threat of negative self-perception. Adjusting for gender differences, the primary goal of adolescence is to assimilate the child with new social and personal skills designed to prepare for adulthood and social integration. The author considers the influence of the quality of relations of adolescents with their peers on their self-esteem, since this level directly depends on the acceptance and approval of the teenager by other children.
Key words: self-esteem, adolescence, self-perception, social system, social integration, social skills, physiological characteristics.
Айман Кашкуш, аспирант факультета «Образование и педагогические науки», Новгородский государственный
университет им. Ярослава Мудрого, г. Великий Новгород, E-mail: [email protected]
Подростковый возраст является одним из наиболее важных этапов в жизни любого человека. В том числе потому, что именно в этот период в контакте с родителями и сверстниками активнее всего формируется его самооценка. В статье обсуждаются наиболее важные факторы и причины, влияющие на изменения самооценки подростка: физиология, школа, семья и социальная система. В статье также приводятся преимущества положительного самовосприятия и угрозы отрицательного.