6. Серикова Л.В. Портрет персонажа в прозе В.М. Шукшина: системное лексико-семантическое моделирование: дисс. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01 / Л.В. Серикова. - Барнаул, 2004. - 146 с.
7. Словарь современного русского литературного языка: в 17 т. - М.: Изд-во Акад. наук СССР, 1950-1965.
8. Bradbury R. Tyrannosaurus Rex / R. Bradbury // The Blue Bottle. - М.: Менеджер, 2001. - С. 45-62.
© Шишова Е.В.*
Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань
The experience of studying interdisciplinary linguopolitical subject matter gives a reason for developing the idea of introduction of a new term -dysphemistic image-making. It stands for practically well-grounded and scientifically corroborated argument that politicians' dysphemistic usages are not mere slips of the tongue, but a considered decision to express his view in that bright way, such frank and persistent manner of speaking works at shaping a desirable impression, appreciation of that is pronounced, and an opinion, in general.
Key words: Dysphemism, dysphemistic image-making, euphemism, nonstandard unit, low colloquialism, social dialectism (jargon and dialect), vulgarism.
The deep insight and study of the linguistic phenomenon such as dysphemism, which approves in context, lead us to the idea of necessary adoption of the term 'image-making' and its introduction into linguistic theory. Image-making, denoting the ability of image creation, participates in the formation of desirable reputation of the subject, who undertakes some activity to influence public conscience and develop indispensable social outlook. Dysphemisation, as the chosen direct manner of speaking, is charged with the manipulative force of image-making, that is why the usage of dysphemistic units is a tactical behavioral technique of the subject.
The power of word imparts energy to the power of world. It has always been accounted throughout the history that only an eloquent speaker can gain public attention to his personality, that the word rules the world. Politicians managed to
* Соискатель кафедры Английской филологии К(П)ФУ, переводчик технической литературы НУ «Научно-технический центр проблем динамики и прочности КГТУ», магистр филологии.
realize the secret of effective counsel on the political arena, consisting in the production of influential speeches. Each leader gives an account of his main principles, trying to achieve their correspondence to common people's expectations. It pushes politicians to be deliberate in their speech, treating it as if it was a masterpiece. In one situation they behave in a tough way speaking directly and using caustic remarks, at another time politeness brings them success. In linguistics these two contrastive tactics have got the names - 'euphemisation' in the first case, and 'dysphemisation', in the second. Within the framework of the present article we will pay attention only to dysphemisms, found in the speech of chief Russian politicians, which made quite many statements of these political leaders sound aphoristic.
The primary goal of politicians, who, as trainers, conduct their commands forward to victory, in the fullness of time to find the main words for this victory. Sometimes these words appear not only necessary or main, but also aphoristic. Modern analysts even have included such concepts, as 'bushisms', 'medved-isms', 'obamisms' and 'putinisms' in reply to the extending tendency of political leaders to express their opinions neatly and colourfully. We managed to make a list of dysphemistic putinisms and medvedisms by matching several informational sources and identifying dysphemisms in that scope.
The examples for practical demonstration of livability of dysphemistic image-makers are contained in the corpuses, available on Internet websites: of putinisms - http://old.polit.ru/documents/193488.html, http://manve-rnd.livejournal. com/1745510.html, http://traditio.ru/wiki/ nymHH3Mbi, http://www.anticompro-mat.org/putin/putinizmy.html, http://www.rian.ru/politics/20080507/106744531. html, http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/nyTHHH3MM, http://mr-moriarty.livejournal. com/3051.html, http://feelovblog.ru/ 2008/12/31/medvedizmy-i-putinizmy-2008-go-da, http://ru.wikiquote.org/wiki/BflagHMHp_BnagHMHpoBHH_nyTHH, http://www.ap-horism.ru/author/a7216.shtml, http://citaty.info/page.php?id=425, http://www.ri-an.ru/politics/20100507/231433982.html, http://www.compromat.ru/page_14838. htm, http://lurkmore.ru/nyTHH, http://v-v-putin.ru/citations.html, http://old.polit. ru/documents/ 193488.html, http://www.radiozelenograd.ru/citations/ [1-17]; of medvedisms - http://www.gazeta.ru/comments/2010/10/06_a_3426156.shtml, http://www.aphorisme.ru/by-authors/medvedev/?q=886, http://aphorism-citati-on.ru/ index/0-519, http://www.radiozelenograd.ru/citations/, http://www.d-a-medvedev.ru/citations.html, http://ru.wikiquote.org/wiki/flMHTpHH_AHaTogbe-BHH_MegBegeB [18-23]. This material was processed by singling out dysphemis-tic statements pronounced by V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev in the period since the end of 1999 till the middle of 2011. Thus, contextual analysis was undertaken.
Our plan calling for selection of dysphemisms in the speech of Russian political leaders is realized backed on the general comprehension of the term 'dys-phemism', brightly presented by Joel Feinberg in the Offense to Others ("When we use cacophemisms, ... we do not necessarily speak ill of anything. Cacophemis-
tic language is a rough and raw, blunt and vulgar way of saying anything - good, evil, or neutral - of a thing. Not all of it is obscene by any means..." [24, p. 254]) and by Keith Allan and Kate Burridge in the Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language ("Speakers resort to dysphemism to talk about people and things that frustrate and annoy them, that they disapprove and wish to disparage, humiliate and degrade. Dysphemistic expressions include curses, name-calling and any sort of derogatory comment directed towards others in order to insult or to wound them. Dysphemism is also a way to let off steam; for example, when exclamatory swear words alleviate frustration or anger. a dysphemism is a word or phrase with connotations that are offensive either about the denotatum and / or to people addressed or overhearing the utterance. ... Like euphemism, dysphemism interacts with style and has the potential to produce stylistic discord." [25, p. 31, 51]).
However, we also need to carry out some structurization of dysphemistic stock and reveal qualitative properties of every unit, so that we could evaluate the grade of dysphemistic contribution in the creation of images of VV Putin and D.A. Medvedev. Thus, dysphemistic putinisms and medvedisms will be allocated in groups.
Dysphemism, sprung from such linguistic phenomena as taboo and euphemism in the course of history, may be classified in the same way to its opposite. The compilers of the Russian linguistic terminographic dictionaries F.P. Filin and Yu.N. Karaulov discriminate two types of euphemistic units - stable substitutions of tabooed entities and occasional individual contextual uses, possessing different destination [26, p. 402; 27, p. 636]. The units of the first group of euphemisms, known among people and easily identifiable in the current speech, are fixed in some dictionaries and are marked with the specific stylistic label. Other units may be attached to euphemisms in terms of their possession of euphemistic properties, inferred from the overall comprehension of the essence of the present linguistic phenomenon. As a consequence, the same stratification of euphemisms may be laid over dysphemisms. The first group of dysphemisms will be lexicographic revealing stylistically marked, connotative emotively pejorative and negatively estimated words and phrases, particularly slang comprising all nonstandard or unpleasant word or phrase - colloquialisms, social dialectisms (jargon and dialect), and vulgar words [28, p. vii]. So, as for the criteria to classify putinisms and medvedisms, we were guided by the stylistic labels of D.I. Kveselevich in the Russian-English phraseological dictionary and Modern Russian-English dictionary of nonstandard lexicon, S.I. Lubenskaya in the Big Russian-English phraseological dictionary, and of S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova in the Russian explanatory dictionary [29-32]. Dysphemisms of the second group are found in context, representing the units which are accounted as such because they possess specific dysphemistic characteristics, deduced from the definition of the linguistic term.
In the course of our research of putinisms, we came up with VV Putin's statements, referring to all categories of fixed dysphemisms, but the majority of
lexical, cliched and phraseological units in the list have the dictionary label 'low colloquialism' (пахать, утащить, мазурик, сортир, идиот, придурки, краснобай, крутой, подтухлый, полудохлый, компанейщина, физиономия, записной, тьфу, шуровать, туды-сюды, болтовня, совать свой нос, нахимичить, обещалкин, вонючий, хрущевка, разбюрократить, шлюха, нынче, слопать, огреть, финтиклюшки; сапоги всмятку, в штаны наложить, сопли жевать, совать свой нос, все кому не лень, опускать руки, нашли дураков, выкрутить руки, ни фига, без галстуков, в цене, не ровен час, в носу ковыряться, подняться с колен, как следует, видавшие виды, разбор полетов, выгнать поганой метлой, распинаться на тему, and others). Some expressions are of special interest in view of the following circumstances: 1) eclectisism of V V Putin's phrases, that is they can be the contamination of several nonstandard phraseological units ('пускать сопли и слюни' from 'пускать слюни' and 'пускать сопли'), or phraseological unit and colloquial word ('снять шелуху и пену' от 'снять пенки' и 'шелуха'), or the expressions, one part of which is the element of phraseological unit, and another part softens prospectively rough sense: 'Вы что, хотите, чтобы я землю ел из горшка с цветами? И клялся на крови?'; 2) the use of recently borrowed foreign lexical elements (пардон, окэшил-ся) or translated foreign proverbs (сжечь дом, чтобы приготовить яичницу); 3) intentionally admitted phonetic errors (че, ни-з-з-зя); 4) folklore phrases, often repeated or forgotten, being a concentration of popular wisdom and emotions (Пусть жену свою учат щи варить!; Где деньги, Зин?; котлеты отдельно, мухи отдельно; кто не спрятался, я не виноват; от мертвого осла уши; кто так обзывается, так и называется; откроешь окно - шумно, закроешь -душно; из желудка все достану и раздам бедным); 5) author's lexical neologisms which, becoming aphoristic, have been applied to the low colloquial speech of the population but which have not been brought yet to the dictionaries (хотел-ки; обрастать всякими рыбами-прилипалами; война войной, а обед должен быть по расписанию; a number of bright comparisons: как швейцарские часы, молотить; уничтожать как крыс; мотыжить, как святой Франциск, свой участок, бум-бум, ежедневно; как таракан в бронированной банке; rhymed phrases where rhyme, giving a humourous shade of meaning, changes the stylistic level of the phrase to low colloquial: товарищ волк знает кого кушает. Кушает - и никого не слушает; бойцы вспоминали минувшие дни, и битвы, что вместе продули они; national colourful realias in Russia which are ridiculed by people though being sad: шастать по ларькам и набивать карманы мелкими купюрами и бутылками; задирать нос и дремать на своих природных ресурсах; оголить спину армии; из старой заплесневелой булки таскать изюминки для себя, а всю плесень оставить какой-то одной стороне; с каким-то гриппозным носом и со своими эротическими фантазиями лезет в чужую жизнь). Putin's expression 'раздувать жабры' is also innovative. In some expression Putin compares, how 'делать по Чубайсу' and as 'делать по уму'.
Social dialects are also brightly presented in VV Putin's speeches: jargons (зачистить, замочить, копыта, тырить, въезжать, жирный кот, шака-лить, розовая, голубой), special lexicon, which belongs to this or that social group (шашка, кругляш), and slang (запудрить мозги). The only vulgarism, used by VV Putin is 'яйца\
The analysis of Putin phrases was made also by the scientists of Moscow State University. Vladimir Slavkin accounts that all metaphors used by the President of the Russian Federation have doubtful character [33]. It is absolutely impossible to establish the origin of the major part of phrases ('шило в стенку - и на боковую залечь', 'землю есть из горшка с цветами'), except for the combined metaphors 'пахать, как раб на галерах'.
"The saying 'шило в стену' is not commonly used, and obviously belongs to the professional speech of sewers or shoemakers. Anyway, here we explore such a phenomenon as contamination, - conscious mixture of different expressions", -as explained by the senior research assistant of the Department of Russian speech culture at the Institute of Russian language named after Vinogradov, Elena La-zutkina [33]. As for the expression 'мотыжить, как святой Франциск, свой участок', it is a typical example of free interpretation of quite widespread expression 'копать свою грядку, свой огород'. Here the lexicon, simplying the sense, is meaningly used: not 'возделывать', but 'мотыжить'. The expression 'из носа выковыряно' is rather widespread though it appeared not so long ago, most likely, in the second half or at the end of the XX-th century", - says professor Vladimir Anikin [33].
Natalia Klushina believes that low colloquial words and phrases are used intentionally by the President to show the affinity to the population. She assumes that Putin "has picked up" such expressions, being the student or during his service in KGB [33].
Giving general characteristic of putinisms, we would like to cite Michele A. Berdy (The Moscow Times), who calls putinisms "a blend of folksy and foul" [34] on the ground that the President prefers to use rude words and obsolete proverbs. So his speech contains some modern lexical components which bear pejorative shade of meaning, though his set expressions also reflect popular wisdom. Among putinisms the statements, comprising various jargons, or eclectic phrases, occupy special place, we can hardly find such set expressions in the dictionaries. Putinisms cause the feeling of solidarity between the President and citizens, since Putin speaks their language.
Putin VV passed the palm of dysphemistic mouthpiece to his successor, Medvedev D.A., who adopted it with great pleasure. Medvedev's D.A. speech can be characterised as a mixture of nonstandard style with politically appropriate literary expressions. It is not already the one of an intelligent president, addressing to reasonable audience, but it creates the impression of a "cool boy", equal with the rest part of the society. He adjusts his language to the President's manner and expresses unceremoniously.
Commenting on the distribution of medvedisms we should mention that D.A. Medvedev's speech does not possess even a shade of vulgar colouring: he has no quotations with vulgarisms. Consequently all dysphemized units, used by D.A. Medvedev, are divided between two other groups - low colloquialisms and slang. Among low colloquialisms, firstly, we find those simply having special stylistic labels - разг., прост., coll., or substandard, depending on the dictionary (припереться, наплевать, шайтан, тряхнуть мошной, вкалывать, травить, гадить, ввязываться, хватка, держать за горло, плодить, набить оскомину, прятаться в кусты, гайки закрутить, негоже, губы надувать, борзеть). Such low colloquialisms do not demand excessive commentary. Secondly, such phrases like 'ковырять' and 'штопать дыры' stand out against a background of previously mentioned low colloquialisms, since only their variants can be found in the dictionaries ('разг. ковыряться' and 'прост. затыкать дыры' in D.I. Kvesele-vich's "Russian-English phraseological dictionary"). The words 'интернетчики ', or 'кошмарить бизнес', are dysphemistic neologisms, coined with the help of word-building means. 'Бумажка', 'аккуратненько', 'подзапустил' make up a group of words which can be affirmed low colloquialisms, because they are also coined using specifically nonstandard affixes. Such a word as 'свалиться' possesses no connotation, it is neutral, when having traditional interpretation. Dictionaries do not imply the meaning which it obtains in D.A. Medvedev's statement -'свалились [в какие-либо внутренние разборки]'. Dictionaries either do not have such an expression as 'завязываться на что-либо', though people can feel the lowered style of Medvedev's 'завязывались на какие-то иностранные программы'. 'Медом ... ничего не намазано'and 'пряники сверху не падают' are accounted dysphemistic phraseological units in the present work, as they are contextual transformations, or derivatives of other lowered expressions. Thus, in the Russian language we have folklore wisdom "просто так сверху ничего не падает" and such a proverb as"летяг как мухи на мед", which, by D.A. Medvedev's sounding, are converted into metaphors. We categorize the phrase 'давать по голове' a low colloquialism because of its increased figurativeness.
Another class to comment on is a group of slang. Defined as "jargonisms" in the dictionaries, they are attributed to this classificational position (отмазываться, жулики, разборки, мульки, подсесть на иглу as well as its antonym слезть с иглы). 'Разбираться' being a derivative of a mentioned word 'разборка' possesses a stylistically lowered meaning, coming from its usage by a certain social strata. As well, we can name the following examples - 'отгребать' and 'отдыхай' - referred to social dialectisms on the ground of their specific semantic pattern. The expression 'крышу снесло', similar to the equivalent idiom 'башню снесло' in respect that their key components have the same meaning, belongs to the youth slang. A bit different social dialectisms are 'мигалки' and 'галочки\ as their dictionary entries hold not only the label "разг.", but also "спец.".
Thus, examining dysphemistic statements pronounced by modern Russian political leaders, we conclude that VV Putin contributes extraordinary wit to his
speeches, sounding as if he was a folk hero. He can make people subdue his orders, brightly directing public attention to the essence of the phenomena. Dis-phemised components in putinisms come from figurative phrases, covering secrets of national Russian character. Putin VV penetrates into the depths of national consciousness and expresses an idea by local wisdom, and D.A. Medvedev also turns to folklore, but to its modern variant.
On the ground of analysis of the bright dysphemistic usages, we assert a possible application of a new term 'dysphemistic image-making', as far as these colourful wisdoms brought honour of national protectors and sureties of Constitutional rights.
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