Humanity space International almanac VOL. 3, No 4, 2014: 662-669
Two new Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) taxa from Russian Far East
M.L. Danilevsky
A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071 Russia
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, new taxa, new synonyms, new records, Russia, Japan, Korea.
Abstract: Two new taxa are described from the south of Primorsky Region. Stenostola ivanovi sp. n. (3 males are available) is close to Japanese S. nigerrima (Breuning, 1947). Exocentrus fasciolatus plavilstshikovi ssp. n. is described as a mainland subspecies of Japanese E. fasciolatus Bates, 1873. New synonyms are proposed: E. tsushimanus Hayashi, 1968 = E. conjugatofasciatus Tsherepanov, 1973, syn. nov. E. tsushimanus and E. fasciolatus were recorded before for Russia under one name: "E. conjugatofasciatus". The distinguishing characters of E. stierlini Ganglbauer, 1883 are discussed; the presence of the species all over Siberia and in Far East is proved.
The season 2014 was very successful for lucky Russian Far East collector Sergey Ivanov. He once more managed to discover two new Cerambycidae taxa in Ussuri Land. Both are described bellow.
Stenostola ivanovi sp. n.
Figs 1-3
Only 3 males available. Body totally black including legs and antennae; frons with big dense regular punctation and long erect setae; genae about 3 times shorter than lower eye lobes; eyes deeply emarginated with a few ommatidia in the narrowest point of the connecting arch; the area between upper eye lobes relatively flat; antennae a little longer than body; 3rd joint about as long as 4th and much longer than 1st , which about equal to 5 th; 6th joint is very short; prothorax about as long as basal width, evenly widened near middle, distinctly narrower anteriorly, than posteriorly; pronotum with numerous erect setae, sparsely punctated at middle with two slightly exposed hardly delimited smooth aeas; scutellum transverse, semicircular, with black recumbent setae; elytra parallelsided,
slightly narrowed near middle, about 3.3-3.4 times longer than basal width, with independently rounded apices, with small irregular dense punctation, which is not arranged longitudinally; humeral carinae obliterated, but sligtly visible behind middle; elytral pubescence consists of numerous short oblique setae, which became much longer anteriorly, and very short dense recumbent setae; all claws deeply bifid; abdomen with a few short oblique setae and dense, very short recumbent setae; pygidium moderately emarginated, last abdominal sternite rounded; body length: 9.5-10.0 mm, body width: 1.92.2 mm.
Materials. Holotype, male, Far East Russia, Primorsky Region, Oktyabrsky District, Chernyatino environs, Mt. Sinelovka, about 43°59'N, 131°29'E, 7.6.2014, S.Ivanov leg. - author's collection; 2 paratypes, males from about same locality, 24.5.2014 and 8.6.2014, S.Ivanov leg. - collection of S.Ivanov (Vladivostok). Remarks. The new species appears to be close to Stenostola nigerrima (Breuning, 1947: 21) described as Phytoecia (s. str.) from "Japon: île Hondo, Chiuzenji" on the base of a single female (8mm). The attribution of the species to Stenostola was proposed by K. Ohbayashi (1960) and accepted by Breuning (1966: 724) on the base of bifid claws of the holotype (private message by Breuning to K.Ohbayashi). The comparison of the new species with the holotype (female) can not be useful enough, as only males are available in the type series of S. ivanovi sp. n., and the differences between males and females in Stenostola could be considerable.
According to N. Ohbayashi (personal message, 02.06.2014 ): "Stenostola nigerrima is one of the phantasmal species of Japan". A single (up to now) male ("Mt. Tanzawa, Kanagawa Pref. on June 23, 1935" - Fig. 4) was identified (K. Ohbayashi, 1960) in Japan as S. nigerrima after the date of original description. The main reason for such identification was the absence of any other Stenostola in Japan.
Anyway all three males of S. ivanovi sp. n. differs considerably from Japanese male (as far as it can be seen in its photo kindly sent to me by Dr. N.Ohbayshi), which has a distinct furrow between upper eye lobes, 4th antennal joint is longer than 3rd, prothorax is not widened at middle and it is wider anteriorly, than posteriorly; pronotum with three hardly delimited smooth aeas - the third one is slightly pronounced near hind pronotal margin at middle;
humeral elytral carinae totally indistinct.
Males of Stenostola atra Gressitt, 1951 described from the south of Shensi prov. in China have antennae much longer than body (according to the original description), "subglabrous body above", and "elytra gradually becoming pitchi red posteriorly".
The new species is a little similar to another totally black Far East Saperdini - Eumecocera callosicollis (Breuning, 1943), but in Eumecocera tarsal claws never bifid (bifurcate), but each with a tooth-like appendix at base as in Phytoeciini; besides E. callosicollis with pale frons pubescence and long 3rd antennal joint, much longer than 4th.
Etymology. I am glad to dedicate one more new species to Sergey Ivanov, who is now the most active Coleoptera collector in the Russian Far East.
Exocentrus fasciolatus plavilstshikovi ssp. n.
Figs 5-6
Exocentrus curtipennis, Plavilstshikov, 1932: 194 - "Yu. Ussur." [South Ussuri-land].
Exocentrus conjugatofasciatus Tsherepanov, 1973: 138, part.; 1984: 146, part.; 1996: 125, part.
The new taxon is very close to the nominative subspecies from Japan. It differs from the first view by much darker general colour; besides lateral pronotal spines are usually shorter; central pronotal dark area less pronounced - it is usually devoid of pale recumbent setae in the nominative susbspecies; elytral punctation near scutellum distinctly larger; the sported elytral area before large dark transverse band can be indistinct because of strongly developed dense pale pubescence, or just contrary the spots can be distributed just to the suture, if pale elytral pubescence is reduced; elytral punctation is usually irregular, or sometimes longitudinally arranged; body length in males: 4.5-5.4 mm, width: 1.6-1.9 mm, body length in females: 5.2-6.3 mm, width: 1.9-2.4 mm.
Remarks. E. fasciolatus Bates, 1873 from Primorsky Region was mixed by Tsherepanov (1973, 1984, 1996) with his E. conjugatofasciatus Tsherepanov, 1973. That fact is quite clear after size data published for E. conjugatofasciatus [5-6mm] in the original
description, which is typical for E. fasciolatus, but too much for the species fitting to the original description and figured by Tsherepanov (1984). That species was described before as E. tsushimanus Hayashi, 1968 from Japan Tsushima Island (male and female from Tsushima are preserved in author's collection): E. tsushimanus Hayashi, 1968 = E. conjugatofasciatus Tsherepanov, 1973, syn. nov. The size of E. tsushimanus is much smaller, according to 31 specimens at my disposal: males: 3.2-4.4mm, females: 3.7-4.6mm. Besides E. fasciolatus differs from E. tsushimanus (Figs 7-8) by numerous setae spots which are usually distinct laterally before elytral dark band, but sometimes distributed to the suture; very rare all elytral spots fused and so indistinct. Scutellum in E. tsushimanus is usually strongly contrast because of rather pale pubescence that was published in the original description. Central elytral area in E. tsushimanus is usually devoid of pale setae and so looks dark (Fig. 7) that makes elytral design similar to E. testudineus Matsushita, 1931, and was specially mentioned by Tsherepanov (1973). Sometimes central dark area indistinct (Fig. 8). Lateral sides of prothorax in E. fasciolatus more converging anteriorly than in E. tsushimanus. E. tsushimanus must be distributed all over Korean Peninsula, as it is known from South Korea according to a photo by Seung Hwan Oh (personal message, 9.2.2012). The new subspecies undoubtedly penetrates to North East China. Tsherepanov (1984, 1996) recorded his "E. conjugatofasciatus" (E. fasciolatus plavilstshikovi ssp. n. + E. tsushimanus) as being connected with many different deciduous trees: Tilia, Ulmus, Pyrus, Viburnum, Lespedeza, Crataegus.
Continental E. fasciolatus could be also mixed with extremely rare (but widely distributed) E. stierlini Ganglbauer, 1883 (Figs 912) described from West Europe. The size of E. stierlini could be as big, as in E. fasciolatus, or as small as in E. tsushimanus. It never has elytral spots, neither a central elytral dark area. A good distinguishing character of E. stierlini is the presence of white pubescence at elytral apices, while dark apical elytral area in E. fasciolatus and E. tsushimanus always reaches hind elytral border. The shape of elytral dark band is rather constant in E. stierlini. The species is well represented in Plavilstshikov's collection in Zoological Museum of Moscow University by good series from West Europe, Ukraine, Central Russia, North-East Caucasus (Terek
River Valley), Barnaul, Chita and Ussuri Land. Tsherepanov (1984) recorded the species for South Urals (most probably Orenburg Region) and upper Ob River. One specimen from Staroaleiskoe (Altai Region just near Kazakhstan border) is preserved in P.Svacha (personal message, 2003) collection. So, undoubtedly, the species is distributed in North Kazakhstan. It was recorded for Ulianovsk region (Isaev, Ishutov, 2001). I don't see any differences between European, Siberian and Far East specimens. E. stierlini is known as monophagous on Salix all over its area.
E. curtipennis var. savioi Pic, 1925 described from "Chine, Zi-ka-Wei" [Shanghai] without size data is accepted now as a species (Hubweber et al., 2010) and seems to be not connected with E. fasciolatus because of rather short antennae "dépassant les élytres d'environs un article".
Materials. Holotype, male, Far East Russia, Primorsky Region, Chernigovka Distr., Merkushevka, 44°23'N, 132°47'E, 13-22.7.2014, S. Ivanov leg. - author's collection; 30 paratypes; 13 males and 14 females with same label - author's collection and collection of S.Ivanov (Vladivostok); 1 male from same locality, 30.7.2009, S. Ivanov leg. - author's collection; 1 female from same locality, 24.7.2009, S. Ivanov leg. - author's collection; 1 female from same locality, 13-22.7.2013, S. Ivanov leg. - collection of S.Ivanov (Vladivostok).
Exocentrus fasciolatus fascilatus: 3 males and 3 females, Japan, Kanagawa Pref., Miura-city, 10.6.1980, N.Ohbayashi leg. -author's collection; 1 male and 1 female, Japan, Tottori Pref., Mt. Takahashi, 26.7.1982, Y. Kuroda leg. - author's collection.
Exocentrus tsushimanus: 1 male and 1 female, Japan, Tsushima Is., near airport, 9-10.07.1983, A.Saito leg. - author's collection; 1 male and 3 females, Far East Russia, Sokolchi, under the bark of Ulmus, 2-11.7.1979, A.Kompantsev leg. - author's collection; 1 male and 1 female, Far East Russia, Khanka Lake, Novokachalinsk env., 4-5.7.2003, A.Napolov leg. - author's collection; 11 males and 12 females, Far East Russia, Chernigovka Distr., Merkushevka, 13-22.7. 2014, S. Ivanov leg. - author's collection and collection of S.Ivanov (Vladivostok). Etymology. The new taxon is dedicated to N.N. Plavilstshikov, who discovered the species in Russia and published it
(Plavilstshikov, 1932) as E. curtipennis Pic, 1918 using junior
Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Aleksey Gusakov (Zoological
Museum of Moscow University), Sergey Ivanov (Vladivostok), Alexander
Napolov (Riga) and Nobuo Ohbayashi (Miura City, Kanagawa) for
providing me with the specimens for study and special information.
Breuning E. 1947. Nouveaux Cérambycides paléarctiques (Col.) (3e note) (1).-Miscellanea Entomologica, 43 [1946]: 21-24.
Breuning S. 1966. Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde (Col., Céramb.). 9. Lieferung. Tutzing: Museums G. Frey, 1-48 pp.
Ganglbauer L. 1883. Ueber einige Bockkäfer.- Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 2: 298-300.
Gressitt J.L. 1951. Longicorn beetles of China.- In: Lepesme P.: Longicornia, études et notes sur les longicornes, Volume 2. Paris: Paul Lechevalier, 667 pp., 22 pls.
Hayashi M. 1968. Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its adjacent regions (Col.). XV.- The Entomological Review of Japan, 20: 20-28.
Hubweber L., Löbl I, Morati J. & Rapuzzi P., 2010. [Cerambycidae taxa from the People's Republic of China, Japan, and Taiwan].- In I. Löbl & A. Smetana (ed.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 6. Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 924pp.
Isaev A.Yu. & Ishutov A.L. 2001. Dopolneniya k faune zhukov-usachey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Ulyanovskoy oblasti.- Nauchnye trudy GPZ "Prisursky", v. 7. Cheboksary: Atrat: 86-91.
Ohbayashi K. 1960. Studies of Longicornia. (5).- The Entomological Review of Japan, 11: 7-8.
Pic M. 1925. Nouveaux Longicornes asiatiques (Col.).- Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 1925: 137-139.
Plavilstshikov N.N. 1932. Zhuki-drovoseki vrediteli drevesiny. Moskva-Leningrad. Gosudarstevennoe Lesnoe Tekhnicheskoe Izdatel'stvo. 200pp.
Tsherepanov A.I. 1973. Novye vidy zhukov-drovosekov roda Exocentrus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Pp. 138-139.- In: Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri, 7. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 148 pp.
Tsherepanov A.I. 1984. Usachi Severnoy Azii (Lamiinae: Pterycoptini -Agapanthini). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 241 pp.
Tsherepanov A. I. 1996. 104. Sem. Cerambycidae - Usachi ili drovoseki. P.56-140. In: Ler P.A. (ed.): Opredelitel nasekomykh Dalnego Vostoka Rossii. Vol.3. Zhestkokrylye, ili zhuki. Chast 3. Vladivostok: Dal'nauka, 556 pp. (the text was arranged by G.O. Krivolutzkaya and A.L. Lobanov on the base of the manuscript by Tsherepanov).
Figs 1-3. Stenostola ivanovi sp. n., males.
1 - holotype, Far East Russia, Primorsky Region, Chernyatino environs, Mt. Sinelovka, 7.6.2014, S.Ivanov leg.;
2 - paratype, same locality, 8.6.2014, S.Ivanov leg.;
3 - paratype, same locality, 24.5.2014, S.Ivanov leg.
Fig. 4. Stenostola nigerrima (Breuning, 1947), female, "Japon: île Hondo, Chiuzenji" (photo by N.Ohbayashi).
Figs. 5-6. Exocentrus fasciolatus plavilstshikovi, ssp. n.
5 - holotype, male, Far East Russia, Primorsky Region, Merkushevka, 1322.7.2014, S.Ivanov leg.;
6 - paratype, female with same label.
Figs 7-8. Exocentrus tsushimanus Hayashi, 1968.
7 - male, Far East Russia, Primorsky Region, Merkushevka, 13-22.7.2014, S.Ivanov leg.;
8 - female with same label.
Figs 9-12. Exocentrus stierlini Ganglbauer, 1883 (9-10: males, 11-12: females).
9 - male (5.3 mm), Primorsky Region, Khanka Lake, Kamen Rybolov, 6.IV. from A.Romanov;
10 - male (3.9 mm) with same label;
11 - female (4.8 mm), Primorsky Region, Osinovka, 3.6.1917, P.Elsky leg.;
12 - female (5.6 mm), Transbaykalia, Chita env., 24.6.1924, N.Seleznev leg.
Received: 22.10.2014 Accepted: 14.11.2014