DRONE BROOD – AS A RAW MATERIAL FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICINES AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Sciences of Europe
Ключевые слова
drone brood / dietary supplement / beekeeping products / biological material.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Hroshovyi T., Dobrynchuk M., Pavliuk B., Chubka M.

Recently, great interest in the production of medicines is observed for natural substances that have a wide range of pharmacological action and are characterized by a high safety index. Such natural substances include bee products, one of which is drone homogenate, which is characterized by various types of pharmacological activity. The chemical composition of drone homogenate consists of about two hundred substances, in particular, representatives of amino acids, mono-, diand hydroxyl-carboxylic acids, vitamins C, E, A and group B; polyatomic alcohols, monoand disaccharides, and other substances that require additional identification. Drone brood helps to improve the antimicrobial, antioxidant, immune, androgenic, physical, and intellectual activity of the body, which is why it is a promising active pharmaceutical ingredient in pharmaceutical technology.

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Hroshovyi T.

'Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, DSc, Prof. Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine

Dobrynchuk M.

Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University MoH of Ukraine, Student of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Ternopil, Ukraine

Pavliuk B.

Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, PhD (Pharmacy), Assis. Prof. of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics

and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine Chubka M.

1Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof of the Department of Pharmacy, Ternopil, Ukraine


Recently, great interest in the production of medicines is observed for natural substances that have a wide range of pharmacological action and are characterized by a high safety index. Such natural substances include bee products, one of which is drone homogenate, which is characterized by various types of pharmacological activity. The chemical composition of drone homogenate consists of about two hundred substances, in particular, representatives of amino acids, mono-, di-and hydroxyl-carboxylic acids, vitamins C, E, A and group B; polyatomic alcohols, mono- and disaccharides, and other substances that require additional identification. Drone brood helps to improve the antimicrobial, antioxidant, immune, androgenic, physical, and intellectual activity of the body, which is why it is a promising active pharmaceutical ingredient in pharmaceutical technology.

Keywords: drone brood, dietary supplement, beekeeping products, biological material.

Introduction. Humans have long used bee products as a source of nutrients, as well as for medicinal purposes. Apitherapy was used in the treatment of viral and cold diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Most often used honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, bee larvae [1, 2].

Today, many leading scientists from different parts of the continent are thoroughly studying the medicinal and nutritional properties of bee products. This interest is not unfounded, because these natural products have great potential for use for therapeutic purposes. Another advantage in the use of such products is the virtually no toxic effects on the body, a simple method of obtaining and the general availability of substances [3].

Over the last 20 years, a non-traditional beekeeping product, the homogenate of drone brood, has been widely used in various countries around the world. Due to its high biological activity, the unique combination of components with different physiological properties, interest in the new product is observed also in our country.

Bee larvae are widely used as food in Asia, Africa and South America, and are used in confectionery in the United States and the European Union. Biological additives based on drone larvae are widely used in agriculture [1, 4].

The aim of the study. Summarize the data of literature sources on the prospects of using drone homog-enate for the development of drugs and dietary supplements based on it.

Materials and methods. Data from more than 60 sources were analyzed and summarized, 29 sources of modern foreign and domestic literature on the feasibility of using drone homogenate in medicine and pharmacy were used in this review. The study examines the scientific publications of the last decade, which are available on the Internet the key words were "drone brood", "drone larvae", "drone homogenate", "drone milk" and "bee brood". Patent studies of agents containing drone homogenate were searched at http://pa-tents.google.com.

Results and discussion. Homogenized larvae and pupae of honey bee drones intended for processing and use in the food industry are called drone brood homog-enates. The bee family is a complex, integrated biological and economic unit in which drones are temporary individuals due to their limited function (only mating with the uterus). Drones are usually bred in the spring or early summer. During the active period of the beekeeping season, all bee families have a certain amount of drone brood [5].

Native homogenate of drone brood, obtained from drone larvae, is unstable during storage and requires additional stabilization to maintain the biological activity of the active substances for a long time. Different methods are used to stabilize biologically active substances in preparations based on drone homogenate: mixing with honey in a clearly defined ratio, adsorption on the lactose-glucose mixture in different ratios, use of alcohol, freezing, but the most effective method of stabilization today is lyophilization which allows you to save

the active substances of the product for a long time [68].

In terms of the variety of vitamin composition, the homogenate ranks first among all beekeeping products, ahead of even royal jelly [9].

To obtain milk, take the larvae of drones on the tenth day after laying eggs or on the seventh day in the larval stage. At this time, the weight of the drone larva is approximately 250-300 mg and the larvae contain all the necessary substances and elements that are required for further development [10, 11]. Milk is a viscous yellowish liquid with a pleasant odor, which contains a large number of useful substances for the human body [10].

It is known from the literature that the chemical composition of the homogenate is very diverse; it contains proteins (10-20 %); carbohydrates (up to 5.0 %); fat (5.0-6.3 %); amino acids (11.4 %) [6].

The chemical composition of drone homogenate is characterized by the presence of proteins, amino acids (alanine, glycine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, serine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, gluta-mine, etc.), nucleic acids, protease, enzymes, and phos-pholipids. The complex of substances of the lipid fraction, mono-, di- and hydroxyl-carboxylic acids (lactic, succinic, malic, fumaric, decane, dodecanoic, octade-cenoic, octadecanoic, arachidonic acid, etc.), fatty acids, steroids, steroids, estradiol, progesterone, etc., carbohydrates (fructose, glucose and others), flavonoids, a wide range of micro- and macronutrients, water- and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, PP, C, group B and many other biologically active components [6, 12].

The complex of biologically active substances of drone brood determines the number of pharmacological characteristics of bee products, in particular, the presence of antioxidant, immunotropic, adaptogenic, anabolic action [6, 12].

Drone brood is characterized by the presence of enzymes with a large number of functional groups (in particular, sulfhydryl groups), as well as hormones. Due to this set of substances, drugs with drone homog-enate contribute to the accelerated recovery of biochemical and massometric characteristics of the testes and prostate [13].

The drone homogenate also contains natural hormones (phytosteroids), which do not cause hormonal disorders, but have a stimulating effect on the endocrine system and help restore the biochemical and morpho-functional characteristics of the testes, acting as a stimulator of the central mechanisms of regulation of androgen production. [6, 14, 15].

The presence of phytosterols (androgens) in the homogenate provides androgenic and anabolic activity, which is enhanced by the presence of amino acids, trace elements, vitamins A and B. In addition, a complex of amino acids (glycine, methionine, and glutamic acid) and hormones improves human brain activity.

A valuable component of drone homogenate is 10-oxy-decanoic acid, which is in first place among all decanoic fatty acids [16]. This fatty acid determines the specificity and naturalness of this product [10, 16], therefore drone homogenate can be widely used in the composition of drugs, dietary supplements, as well as

in cosmetology [18]. Drone homogenate contains a fatty acid of bee origin, characteristic of royal jelly - 10-oxy-2-decanoic acid, the presence of which provides antimicrobial properties of all bee products. This acid is found in larvae mainly in a bound state, in the form of esters with myristic, palmitic, stearic and sebacic acids [19-21].

Decanoic acid exhibits antioxidant properties, binding peroxide compounds formed during metabolism, which generally helps to cleanse the body, its rejuvenation. In combination with flavonoid compounds, decanoic acid exhibits actoprotective properties and has a positive effect on the body's performance. The percentage of decanoic acid depends on the stage of larval development. The activity of enzymes also changes during development [22-23].

Studies in mice show that decanoic acid significantly inhibits the growth of cancer cells, according to an article in Nature in May 1959. Researchers have found that decanoic acid inhibits the growth of cancer cells, as well as the formation of tumors in leukemia and breast tumors [24].

It is also known that decanoic acid has a pronounced antiviral and antiulcer effect, has a whitening effect on the skin, can be used to treat diabetes, hypertension and immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS) [13].

Drone brood homogenate is successfully used in cardiology in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. The homogenate is equally useful for children, adolescents, middle-aged and elderly people and has virtually no contraindications to use [1, 25].

Known about the significant content of antioxi-dants in the homogenate, the main of which are flavo-noids. Due to the presence of flavonoids, drone brood exhibits capillary-strengthening, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Flavonoids are also able to bind heavy metal ions, eliminating their catalytic action [1, 6, 26].

Currently, drugs based on drone brood are most widely represented in the pharmaceutical markets of Russia, Romania, China, Japan in the form of tinctures, tablets, creams [27].

The composition and properties of drugs based on drone brood are similar to drugs from royal jelly, for example, to the drug "Apilak". This drug is recommended for use in malnutrition and anorexia in children, adults - in hypotension, eating disorders, neurotic disorders, reduced lactation in the postpartum period and many other diseases. However, drone brood also has excellent properties, for example, differs in biological origin, composition of biologically active components, technology of raw materials [6, 28].

In 1980, the drug "Apilarnil" was patented in Romania (patent № 74872/1980), which includes drone brood and the content of honeycombs. This medicine is used for general physical fatigue, asthenia, metabolic disorders, in the period of convalescence, in the postoperative period, with sexual asthenia, mental fatigue [1, 12]. The drug "Apilarnil" is used as a stand-alone drug and as a basis for the production of a number of drugs: "Apilarnil-prop", "Apivitas-forte", "Nikotinos-top", "Hepatoapimel", "Spermatohenfaktor" and cosmetics. Also known other drugs based on drone brood:

"Hepatoapimel" - recommended for liver disease; "Apiforgum"- chewing gum that strengthens the gums; "Bilar" - controls the heart rate of young athletes; "Apilar" - has a pronounced anabolic and actoprotective effect [12].

Drone brood homogenate is part of the drug "Andromeda" (also contains testosterone, progesterone, estradiol and prolactin), which exhibits adaptogenic properties, in addition, optimizes myocardial metabolism, reduces heart pain, and increases efficiency [19].

The results of research show that the reception of the homogenate stimulates the functioning of the ovaries in women, helps to restore the hormonal background and reproductive function. An indispensable homogenate for adults with weakened immunity, and for children with physical, sexual, and mental retardation, and in gerontology - as a wonderful, stimulating, healing, and rejuvenating agent [21, 23].

Drone brood increases the level of metabolism during the period of active muscular activity, which increases physical endurance. Homogenate of drone larvae is characterized by a high content of steroid hormones [22, 24, 26].

In China and Japan, drone brood is used as a stimulant of children's development, as well as in the treatment of digestive diseases, mental disorders [29].

Russia has many patents for drone brood dietary supplements, but its prevalence is still limited in the EU. In order to more fully substantiate the feasibility and prospects for the use of drone homogenate requires more detailed and broader studies of its pharmacological activity [3, 6, 29].

Conclusions: Drone brood is a little-known product of beekeeping, which is rich in nutrients. It has long been used as a cheap, safe and effective natural remedy against various diseases. The homogenate is characterized by a different chemical composition, and therefore exhibits different types of pharmacological activity. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that the drone homogenate is a promising food product and active pharmaceutical ingredient in pharmaceutical technology.


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Blazhko I.

I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Student of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Ternopil, Ukraine

Hroshovyi T.

I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, DSc, Prof. Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine

Chubka M.

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof of the Department of Pharmacy, Ternopil, Ukraine

Pavliuk B.

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, PhD (Pharmacy), Assis. Prof. of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology,

Ternopil, Ukraine


As of December 2019, 133 gels were registered on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine._When analyzing the range of gels by composition, it was determined that monocomponent gels prevail over combined ones, the share of which is 60.2 %. It is determined that in the domestic pharmaceutical market the share of imported gels is higher (63.2 %) compared to the number of domestic gels (36.8 %). Gels for dermal use occupy 78.2 % of the pharmaceutical market of all semisolid medicines in the form of gels. In the analysis of excipients used in gel formulations, it was determined that their technology uses gelling agents, solvents, stabilizers, emulsifiers (such as o/w and w/o), pH regulators, solubilizers, preservatives, flavor and odor correctors.

Keywords^Soft dosage forms, gels, excipients, pharmaceutical market, range.

Semisolid medicines currently occupy a leading position among other forms of drug, which registered in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Gels, which occupy a central place in the arsenal of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases, and are widely used in cosmetic practice, are becoming increasingly popular among semisolid dosage forms (SDF) [1].

Today, gels are one of the most promising dosage forms for modern pharmacy. Gels - characterized by certain advantages over other SDF, namely this form contributes to the uniform distribution of active substances on the wound surface, mucous membranes and their release from the dosage form, penetration into the deepest tissues. This form is easy to use, safe for the skin, cost-effective and characterized by moisturizing, cooling and emollient effects. This dosage form may contain one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients, and are single-, two- or multiphase dispersion systems

with a liquid dispersion medium, the viscosity of which is due to the presence of gelling agents [2, 3].

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 20.07.2006 № 500 "On approval of lists of names of dosage forms and packaging for medicinal products" gels as a dosage form are used in various groups of drugs, in particular, gel for external use belong to the category of skin and transdermal drugs. Group of oromucosal agents' available gingival gels, gels for the oral cavity [4].

Depending on the nature of the dispersed medium, gels are classified into hydrogels, oleogels, also known as alcohols, benzogels and acetone gels. The most common in pharmacy are hydrogels and oleogels.

In hydrophilic gels, the base usually consists of water, glycerin or propylene glycol, as well as thickening agents such as carbomers, poloxamers, cellulose derivatives etc. Hydrogels are translucent gels that have

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