ДОСЛіДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ БіОЛОГіЧНОГО АКТИВУВАННЯ НА ВіТАМіННИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ЗЕРНА ЗЛАКОВИХ КУЛЬТУР Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Bazhay-Zhezherun S., Bereza-Kindzerska L., Togachynska O.

Запропоновано режим гідротермічного оброблення зерна злакових культур пшениці, голозерного вівса, тритикале, який сприяє підвищенню його харчової цінності, зокрема збільшення кількості вітамінів, шляхом біологічного активування. У процесі запропонованої підготовки зерна суттєво знижується вміст антимінеральної речовини фітину, значно зростає вміст вітамінів антиоксидантів, вітамінів групи В, інозиту

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Research of influence of biological activation on the vitamin complex of grain cereal cultures

The hydrothermal treatment of grain of cereal cultures wheat, bare grain oats, triticale, which promotes increase in its nutritional value, in particular increase in amount of vitamins, by biological activation is offered. In the course of the offered grain preparation contents of anti-mineral substance of phytin significantly decrease, the content of vitamins of antioxidants, vitamins of group B and inositol considerably grows


11. Guyot, Y. A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model of shear stress distribution during neotissue growth in a perfusion bioreactor [Text] / Y. Guyot, F. P. Luyten, J. Schrooten, I. Papantoniou, L. Geris // Biotechnology and Bioengineering. -2015. - Vol. 112, Issue 12. - P. 2591-2600. doi: 10.1002/bit.25672

12. Копиленко, А. В. Сучасна концепщя моделювання пдродинамжи в ролерному 6iopeaKTopi з поверхневим культивуванням клiтинних культур [Текст] / А. В. Копиленко, С. М. Семенюк, В. Ю. Шибецький, С. I. Костик // Науюж прaцi НУХТ. - 2017. - Т. 23, № 2. - C. 114-122.

13. Костик, С. I. Математичне моделювання пдродинамжи перемшуючого пристрою з магттним приводом [Текст] / С. I. Костик, Л. I. Ружинська, В. Ю. Шибецький, О. О. Ревтов // ScienceRise. - 2016. - T. 4, № 2 (21). - C. 27-31. doi: 10.15587/2313-8416.2016.67275

14. Gelbgras, V. Segregated Model of Adherent Cell Culture in a Fixed-Bed Bioreactor [Text] / V. Gelbgras, C. E. Wylock, J.-C. Drugmand, B. Haut // Chemical Product and Process Modeling. - 2011. - Vol. 6, Issue 1. doi: 10.2202/1934-2659.1522

Рекомендовано до публгкацИ д-р техн. наук Мельник В. М.

Дата надходження рукопису 23.05.2017

Шибецький Владислав Юршович, кандидат техтчних наук, старший викладач, кафедра бютехшки та iнжeнeрil, Нацюнальний техтчний ушверситет Украши «Кшвський полгтехшчний шститут iм. !горя Окорського», пр. Перемоги, 37, м. Ки1в, Украша, 03056

Семенюк Сергш Миколайович, кафедра бiотeхнiки та шженерп, Нaцiонaльний тeхнiчний унiвeрситeт Украши «Кшвський полгтехшчний iнститут iм. Iгоря Окорського», пр. Перемоги, 37, м. Кшв, Укра1на, 03056

E-mail: [email protected]

Костик Сергш 1горович, кандидат тeхнiчних наук, асистент, кафедра бютехшки та шженерп, Нацюнальний технчний унiвeрситeт Укра1ни «Кшвський полiтeхнiчний iнститут iм. !горя Сiкорського», пр. Перемоги, 37, м. Ки1в, Украша, 03056 E-mail: [email protected]

UDC: 664.1 - 663

DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2017.107207


© S. Bazhay-Zhezherun, L. Bereza-Kindzerska, O. Togachynska

Запропоновано режим ггдротермгчного оброблення зерна злакових культур - пшенищ, голозерного в1вса, тритикале, який сприяе пгдвищенню його харчовог цтностг, зокрема збшьшення к1лькост1 вгтамгтв, шляхом б1олог1чного активування. У процесi запропонованог пгдготовки зерна суттево знижуеться вмгст антимтеральног речовини фтину, значно зростае вмкт вiтамiнiв антиоксидантiв, втамШв групи В, iнозиту

Клю^о^^ слова: бiологiчне активування, пророщене зерно, вiтамiни, пшениця, голозерний овес, тритикале

1. Introduction

Sprouting grains, as a method for biological activation, used to increase the nutritional value of grain and other of raw materials.

Germinated grain of wheat that contains plant protein, it is recommend to include in a diet for the purpose of the general strengthening of an organism and, in particular, enhance or restore of sexual activity [1], reduction to risk of emergence and development of oncological diseases [2], enrichment of an organism of children of biologically active substances [3]. The consumption of sprouted grains improves reproductive function [4]. Important question is the research of influence of reasonable parameters of germination process on change of content of a vitamin complex of the main grain crops -wheat, oats, triticale.

2. Literature review

Germinated grain has high nutrition value. Scientists investigated that total content of antioxidants in germinated grain are higher at 3-10 times (depending on culture) compared with native grain. Regular consumption of germinated grain stimulates a metabolism, blood formation, increases immunity, compensates vitamin and mineral deficiency, normalizes acid-base balance, promotes cleaning of an organism of slags, effective digestion, raises a potentiality, slows down processes of aging [5].

In domestic and foreign scientific literature it is noted that the content of vitamins is increased during germination of grain [6]. Scientists note that the content of B group vitamins, in particular, Bj, B2, B5, B6 at 5-10 times higher in wheat sprouted grain than in mature. Also

during germination of grain wheat vitamin C is synthesized [7]. It is established that after biological activation of grain wheat during the 24 hours the content of vitamins B2 and B6 increases by 26 and 65 %, the content of vitamin E increased in 6,5 times, the amount of nicotinic acid (PP) increased by 1,3 times [8, 9]. Scientists noted that the maximum increase in contents of folic acid by 3,6 times in germinated grain of wheat and 1,7-3,8 times in rye is recorded for the fifth time of germination, the quantity of carotinoids is the highest for the seventh day of germination [10, 11]. During of germination of such valuable grain crops as triticale and oats authors did not investigate accumulation of vitamins.

It is known that a phytic acid forms insoluble calcium salts that are not digested by the digestive juice [12]. Therefore, the presence of phytin in foods is not desirable. The scientists developed methods of phytin selection from grain raw materials and waste of its redoing [13, 14]. However, the degree of hydrolysis of phytin in the course of biological activation of grain authors is not revealed. The accumulation of an inositol in the soaking and sprouting grains also not investigated.

Insufficient study of influence of biological activation at the concrete reasonable modes of grain of valuable cereal cultures of wheat, bare grain oats and triticale on change of content of all main vitamins and extent of hydrolysis of phytin proves need of carrying out researches for this direction.

3. Aim and problems of research

The aim of research is establishment the impact of the biological activation of grain cereal crops wheat, oats and triticale by hydrothermal processing of the change content of essential vitamins and degree of hydrolysis phytin.

For achievement of a goal the following tasks are solved:

- define indicators of the physiological values of grain: energy and the ability to germination, the viability of the grain and water sensitivity;

- investigate the degree of hydrolysis phytin and the accumulation of inositol in the process of the biological activation grain;

- investigate the influence of the biological activation of grain on change of content vitamins, which have an antioxidant properties - tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin P, vitamins of group B and niacin.

4. Materials and methods of research of biological activation influence of grain wheat, triticale and oats depending on change of content vitamins

Samples of grain wheat, triticale and bare grain oats, respectively, grades Myronivska 137, Alkid, Solomon were used for research.

Indicators of physiologic value of grain were defined according to techniques [15].

Phytin is determined by extraction it from grain 1-% solution of nitric acid and further sedimentation by 25-% solution of ammonia. The besieged phytin was filtered and dried up in a drying cabinet at 80 °C for 10 hours [13]. The inositol was determined by method of a highly effective liquid chromatography, which included

the freeze-drying and milling of the sample, extraction of 0,5 M hydrochloric acid, a decantation, filtering of a decantate under pressure and actually a chromatography on a chromatography of PERCIN ELMER. Definitions were carried out with use of the ultraviolet detector (X=325 nm).

Definition of vitamin C was carried out by a titration method [16]. From grain vitamin C was extracted 2-% HCl solution. Contents were maintained during 10 minutes and filtered. The received extracts titrated by solution of sodium 2,6-dichloropheno-lindophenolate to the appearance of weakly pink color. For definition of vitamin P to 1 g of a sample added 40 ml of 2 % KOH solution and heated on the boiling water bath with the return refrigerator of 15 minutes. The received extract was cooled and filtered. Optical density was measured of the solution on the photocolorimeter at a wavelength about 500 nm in cuvette with a layer thickness of 5 mm. Control solution was distilled water [16]. Definition of vitamin E is based on formation of quinone during oxidation of tocopherol molecules, extractable from studied sample, by chlorine iron. There is a recovery of chlorine iron to chlorous which quantity is defined behind intensity of a coloring during addition of orthophenanthroline [16].

For choline determination, sample was hydro-lyzed in the presence of 20 % HNO3 on the boiling water bath. To the filtrate, neutralized 33 % alkaline solution (pH 10), was added 2% solution of chromthiocyanate salt and left for 18 hours in the refrigerator. The formed precipitate was filtered, washed with n-propanol at 0 °C and was dissolved in acetone. The resulting solution is calo-rimetry on the FEC-56M, (1=510-540 nm). Control solution was acetone [16].

Vitamin Bi is determined fluorometrically [17]. The method is based on the oxidation of thiamine into red blood salt in alkaline in thiochrome, extraction of the latter in an organic solvent, measuring the fluorescence intensity at spectrofluorimeter (wavelength of excitation - 360 nm and absorption - 430 nm). Vitamin B2 was determined by the fluorescence method using riboflavin-connecting apoprotein. The fluorescence intensity measured on spectrofluorimeter (wavelength of excitation -465 nm and absorption - 525 nm) [18]. For determination of vitamin B6 the sample extracted in the presence 2 N the sulfuric acid in the boiling water bath for 15 minutes. A solution was cooled and then added 1 ml of 4 M sodium acetate and filtered. In test tubes was placed 0,1 ml of filtrate, add 4.9 ml of 0,2 N HCl and 0,4 ml of isopropanol. Then it was cooled, 0,8 ml potassium permanganate was added, and through 50 seconds 0,2 ml solution of hydrogen peroxide was added. The intensity of fluorescence was determined on spectrofluorometer (wavelength of excitation - 354 nm and absorption - 442 nm). Definition of vitamin PP is based on the reaction that occurs in two stages:

a) the interaction of pyridine ring of nicotinic acid with bromicrodan;

b) formation of the painted derivative glutaconic aldehyde.

The intensity of color compound that was formed directly proportional to the mass fraction of vitamin PP, which is determined calorimetric [16].

5. The research results of the content change of the main vitamins in the biological activation of grain wheat, triticale and bare grain oats

The hydrothermal treatment regime - cold conditioning of grain for temperatures 12-16 °C within 28-30 hours is proposed. Under these conditions, humidity of grain increases about 30-35 %, which leads to activation of the enzyme complex, lower grain density and increase its specific volume. As a result of the intensification of enzymatic processes is partial hydrolysis of carbohy-

The conducted researches show that these consignments of grain are excellent quality, because values of energy germination and ability of germination exceed 95 %; the viability of the embryo, the potential germination capacity of grain to not less than 90 %.

Researches of phytin hydrolysis were conducted at different temperatures: 16 and 22 °C. Change of phytin amount determined after soaking and sprouting grains for 30 hours (Table 2).

The conducted researches showed that during germination of grain is a significant phytin hydrolysis.

drates and proteins, change conformation of protein mac-romolecules, activation of the synthesis of vitamins and vitamin-like substances.

For efficiency of biological process of activation and creation of optimum conditions of its carrying out indicators of physiologic value of grain are important: energy and ability of germination, viability of grain and sensibility to water.

The indicators of the physiological value of each batch of grain are investigated (Table 1).

Table 1

And at the lower temperatures hydrolysis is more actively.

Inositol, vitamin-like substance B8, contained in plants in the form of isomers and their methylated derivatives, among which myo-inositol. At grain germination calcium-magnesium salt of inozytphosphoric acid - phytin - decomposes on an inositol and a free orthophosphor-ic acid. So the next step of research was to determine of change of quantity in the course of biological activation of grain of wheat, triticale and bare grain oats, results are shown in Table 3.

Table 2

Effect of grain germination on the degree of phytin hydrolysis

Indicator Grain of wheat Grain of triticale Grain of oats

Native Germinated at temperature Native Germinated at temperature Native Germinated at temperature

16 °С 22 °С 16 °С 22 °С 16 °С 22 °С

Dry substances (DS), % 86 63,5 61,8 88,31 65,18 64,0 85,64 60,12 58,6

Phytin, % to DS 0,856 0,31 0,36 0,84 0,40 0,45 0,91 0,395 0,44

Phytin, % of initial quantity 100 36,21 42,06 100 47.62 52,57 100 43,41 51,4

Sample Sample inositol content in the grain, mg %

Wheat Triticale Oats

Native grain 5,21 5,04 6,48

Germinated at a temperature of 16 °C 24,73 20,24 28,56

Germinated at a temperature of 22 °C 22,12 18,51 27,00

Indicators of physiological value of grain cereal cultures

Indicators Grain culture

Wheat Eare grain oats Triticale

Number of grains germinated in 3 days, pieces. 486 482 498

Energy of germination, % 97,2 96,4 99,6

Average square deviation 0,85 1,13 0,98

Coefficient of a variation, % 0,89 1,16 1,02

Amount of the grains which sprouted in the 5th days, pieces. 495 490 100

Ability of germination, % 99,0 98,0 100

Average square deviation 0,28 0,42 0,28

Coefficient of a variation, % 0,29 - 0,29

Viability, % 100,0 98,5 100

Average square deviation 0 2,12 0,71

Coefficient of a variation, % - 2,29 0,72

Table 3

Effect of temperature conditions for germination synthesis of inositol in grain

It was established that during germination is an active synthesis of an inositol, at the lowest temperature as a result of more active hydrolysis of phytin, the bigger quantity of an inositol is formed.

Important task of preparation of raw materials is preservation and the maximum increase in content of vitamins. The change of vitamins content was investigated in the process of biological activation of grain; vitamins exhibit antioxidant properties - tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin P (Table 4).

It is found that in biologically activated grain the amount of vitamin C increases in 2-3 times, a routine -2-2,5 times, significantly increases the content of to-copherols.

The complex of vitamins of group B is a valuable component of peripheral parts of grain. Changes of content of vitamins of group B and to a niacin in grain of wheat, triticale and bare grain oats in the course of a hydrothermal treatment are investigated (Table 5).

6. Discussion of research results of changes in the content of main vitamins in the biological activation of grain

The conducted researches showed that is a significant phytin hydrolysis is occurred during the biological activation of grain cereals , these results are consistent with practical data known from the work of G. Sripriya et al [19] with colleagues who say that soaking and sprouting help reduce anti-food substances in grains and seeds. But unlike existing data, researches show the degree of hydrolysis of phytin anti-mineral substances during germination grain of perspective cereal cultures of wheat, triticale and oats, which are important for increasing its nutritional value.

And it is investigated that at the lowest temperatures hydrolysis occurs more actively. Thus, germination temperature for 16 °C promoted reduce the number of phytin in wheat, triticale and oats, respectively 63,8 %, 52,4 % and 55,6 %, and at a temperature of 22 °C much less - respectively 58 %, 47,43 % and 48,6 %.

The obtained results correlate with theoretical data, known from works of scientists who say that under the action of the enzyme phytase, that is activated in germinating grain, inozytphosphoric acid contained in a grain in the form of phytin, decomposes into inositol and free orthophosphoric acid [13]. But, unlike existing data, which only note the inositol is formed of phytin at ger-

It is found that biologically activated grain number thiamine and riboflavin increases by 2-2,5 times, compared to native grain; content of nicotinic acid and choline increased by 1,5-2 times.

Table 4

The content of vitamins C, E, and P in grain

Grain culture Content of vitamin P, mg % Content of vitamin E, mg % Content of vitamin C, mg %

Native grain

Wheat 3,9±0,25 0,34±0,02 2,6±0,20

Oat 3,4±0,25 0,21 ±0,02 1,2±0,20

Triticale 4,5±0,25 1,00±0,02 2,3±0,20

Grain after hydrothermal treatment

Wheat 9,3±0,25 10,73±0,02 5,7±0,20

Oat 7,9±0,25 9,26±0,02 3,8±0,20

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Triticale 9,2±0,25 11,65±0,02 4,1±0,20

Table 5

mination of grain, results demonstrate increasing the nutritional value of grain raw material due to a significant increase of inositol, which is required for normal growth and development of young organism; helps prevent disease alopecia.

The results of research content in main vitamins in biologically activated grain of cereal cultures are important from the point of view of increase the nutritional value. These data are consistent with researches of a number of scientists [6, 10], but the value of results is due to the definition of a full complex of vitamins in wheat, triticale and oats for the concrete technological parameters of its processing that enables the development of perspective technology of preparation of grain.

7. Conclusions

1. The hydrothermal treatment regime - cold grain conditioning, which promotes the increase of its nutritional value, is proposed.

2. The proposed method of preparation of grain raw materials allows to minimize of anti-mineral substance of phytin.

3. Biological activation of grain crops of wheat, triticale, bare grain oats gives a raw material for producing health foods with a high content of B vitamins, nia-cin, and those that exhibit antioxidant properties E and C, substances with P-vitamin activity.

The content of vitamins of group B and niacin in grain

Grain culture Content of vitamin, mg %

В1 В2 РР В4 В6

Native grain

Wheat 0,22±0,01 0,12±0,02 3,67±0,12 92,0±0,20 0,51±0,02

Oat 0,20±0,01 0,13±0,02 3,45±0,12 98,0±0,20 0,44±0,02

Triticale 0,29±0,01 0,12±0,02 3,8±0,12 110,0±0,20 0,65±0,02

Grain after biological activation

Wheat 0,35±0,01 0,34±0,02 4,33±0,12 152,0±0,20 0,68±0,02

Oat 0,31±0,01 0,39±0,02 4,10±0,12 145,0±0,20 0,38±0,02

Triticale 0,89±0,01 0,16±0,02 4,5±0,12 175,0±0,20 0,57±0,02


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Рекомендовано до публгкацИ д-р техн. наук, професор Сгмахгна Г. О.

Дата надходження рукопису 26.05.2017

Svitlana Bazhay-Zhezherun, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Wellness Products Technology, National University of Food Technologies, Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 E-mail: [email protected]

Ludmyla Bereza-Kindzerska, PhD, Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Control, National University of Food Technologies, Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 E-mail: [email protected]

Olga Togachynska, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Control, National University of Food Technologies, Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 E-mail: [email protected]


DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2017.107557


p. 6-8

Marina Pominchuk, Assistant, Department of Architectural Fundamentals, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Sumska str., 40, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8659-8821

The article classifies the definitions of brand and lists its .structural components. Branding in architecture is considered in three aspects: in the field of commercial real estate, architect - brand, and city branding. Branding in the field of commercial real estate requires the most attentive attitude to the brand on the part of the architect. The phenomenon of "architect - brand" is interesting from a social point of view. City branding is seen in the European experience Keywords: brand, branding, architectural design, individualization, identity, brand conception, city branding, globalization


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DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2017.107537


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Yuliya Kovalenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Financial Markets, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Universytetska str., 31, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08201 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5678-3185

Tatiana Bilovus, Postgraduate student, Academy of Financial Management, Druzhby Narodiv blvd., 38, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01014 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2542-5614

The article investigates the world financial centers and rating of leaders among them. It is proved that an important component of the world financial centers is the developed securities markets, in particular the London, New York, and Tokio, which have a significant share of world capital. The current state, problems and tendencies of the securities market development in Ukraine are analyzed

Keywords: world financial center, market of securities, stock exchange, index


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DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2017.107108


p. 15-18

Olena Uhodnikova, PhD, senior lecturer, Departmentof Tourism and Hospitality business, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, M. Bazhanov str., 17, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2218-0041

Anna Ziglo, PhD, associate professor, Department of technologies of building production and building materials, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, M. Bazhanov str., 17, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5097-5285

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