DOI: 10.18522/2070-1403-2020-79-2-284-293
(специальность: 13.00.08)
УДК 37
Irina V. Batunova, Ekaterina I. Lobyneva, Albina Yu. Nikolaeva
Siberian federal university Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation familiya_irina@mail .ru
[И.В. Батунова, Е.И. Лобынева, А.Ю. Николаева Дополнительные подходы обучения иностранному языку в техническом вузе как средство подготовки англоговорящих волонтеров]
One of the most important sport events took place in Krasnoyarsk - Winter Student Games held in 2019. For the success of such large events hundreds of volunteers should be recruited and trained, including volunteers living and studying in the city. According to experts the level of training of a significant part of the volunteers is not sufficient enough to carry out their activities effectively. The purpose of this article is to analyze and reveal the most effective methods of preparing students of non-linguistic specialties of the Siberian Federal University for volunteering and improving their communication skills in terms of higher education. The results of the study indicate the importance for young people to master linguistic competence in sports events. The article discusses the used techniques and methods of pedagogical impact for better preparation of students for volunteering during sports events.
Key words: educational environment, intercultural foreign language professional communicative competence, productive-learning-activity approach, volunteer activity, Winter Student Games 2019.
Nowadays the term "volunteering" is one of the most important elements of country's successful social development, as well as an increase in motivating for learning foreign language and history of both foreign and native countries. It is one of the techniques in cultural and educational activities with young people for improving linguistic skills and historic heritage of the Krasnoyarsk region. Siberian Federal University became a prize-winner for linguistic support of XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 and rendered services in oral and written translation of all activities within preparation and implementation of Students' Games in Krasnoyarsk.
Preparing students of Siberian Federal University for participatingin the Students' Winter Games had begun in advance. It was done in different ways but we focus on volunteers, whose preparing was realized by English Department for Engineering of Philology and Language Communication Institute. Involving students in social and public activities affects on developing a number of personal and professional qualities, as well as it has a positive impact on cognitive and emotional development , which it its turn, provides achievement of higher education objectives. World practice shows that volunteeringis very popular with students. The fundamental basis of voluntary works was started up by T. More, J. Dunant, et al Contemporary study of voluntary movement is invented by M. Bostandzhoglo, R. Kolosova, M. Furlan etc. Preparing volunteers of the technical schools for maintaining different sporting events was conducted in three ways: translating, psycho-pedagogical and managerialones. This enables to develop knowledge, abilities and skills required for voluntary works.
It is necessary to consider translating direction which involves issues of comprehensive development of volunteers' foreign language preparation, cross-culture interaction within tolerance and humanism, applied translation of sporting vocabulary. The directions concerning overcoming psychological barriers in cross-cultural communication, as well as selecting linguistic materials for comprehensive foreign language preparation are topical and debatable. All applicants passed comprehensive tests for mastering English and competences. The latter examined volunteer's resistance to stress, his ability to work in a team, readiness to multitasking and other qualities. As far as technical school students study English for Specific Purpose deeply, then training volunteers should be prepared with elementary learning or increasing a level of everyday English.
Before starting the volunteers' preparation the participants were offered to pass a test for determining language skills. Then all participants were divided into learning groups according to their level of language knowledge, so each student could receive training in individual educational programme taking into account his level of language knowledge. Tests took place every month which enabled teachers to analyze and record outcomes of each student. It was important for Winter Universiade 2019 volunteers to communicate, therefore they must know foreign language.
Voluntary projects are different and they include various types of activity. Recruitment students for voluntary work in Winter Universiade 2019 began in 2017,
fist, only residents of the Krasnoyarsk Region were involved in it. But in the late 2017 this process covered other regions of the Russian Federation. Not only students of Siberian Federal University could become volunteers, any person of the full legal age could apply for it. There are four types of volunteers with different orientations are involved in participating in Winter Universiade:
• volunteers without any preparation. They need only instructions. For instance, such type of volunteers direct visitors, meet delegations, etc.
• volunteers with basic skills. They are medical staff, press center employees, translators, accompanying persons for delegations. These people know English proficiently.
• sport volunteers, who are engaged in sport venues. They are the people who know the peculiarities of the definite kind of sport.
• city volunteers, who are engaged in the city, outside the sport venues. Their aim is to help visitors, tourists, journalists to move in the city.
Each group of volunteers had to master minimum of vocabulary in English (therefore FISU has declared only one official foreign language - English).
Our task was to prepare students of technical schools to work during the Winter Universiade, in such a way that each volunteer had basic knowledge of English and could communicate in a foreign language. Preparation began a year before the Universiade. During the year students had to study comprehensive program and pass total inner test for mastering English.
One of the most debatable aspects of volunteers' activities on sport events is translating method. To be a volunteer with English knowledge means not only having qualitative foreign skills and ability to translate accurately but having the other skills and amities. Having studied some approaches to description of translating method in professional and voluntary works which are found in the works of A.A. Verbitskiy, N.A. Goncharova, G.L. Drandrov, E.Yu. Novikova, A.N. Panova, etc., we arrive at a conclusion that comprehensive foreign preparation of the students-volunteers should include:
1. ability to choose and use vocabulary to suit the situation,
2. possibility to make a thematic monologue (put his or her idea down consequently, describe events, make reports and unfold the topic completely),
3. readiness to communicate (ceremony, question impetus and negotiation dialogues) about special or everyday topics in different situations,
4. vocabulary possession for describing historical and cultural heritage of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, their geographical features,
5. possession of special terms needed for characterizing sport events,
6. vocabulary knowledge for qualitative communication in spheres of transport and tourism to solve the problems about transporting, accommodating and catering officials and guests,
7. vocabulary knowledge connecting with professional (sport) sphere to provide comprehensive communication for arranging, conducting and participating in all activities.
The initial stage of foreign preparation of volunteers working in the Winter Universiade began a year ahead before the beginning of the official competition. On this stage the aims and objectives of volunteers' foreign preparation were determined, as well as the terms were stipulated and the outcome was predicted. According to this we define the aim of the preparation to develop and introduce on the basis of the total activities for students of technical schools to master translating approach. In order to realize the program successfully the following resources were used:
• optional course program "English for passing international exams" within National Project 5-100,
• program on retraining students "Translator in the sphere of special professional communication". This program enables not only to improve English proficiency but to master professional translation techniques for acquiring essential theoretical and practical skills for translating and oral and spoken practicing, [6]
• preparing universal glossary for volunteers,
• arranging applicants' selection among students in response to voluntary work with English testing.
Having worked on developing translating approach step-by-step we have taken into consideration successful samples of teaching materials which had been prepared by different authors for major sport events, e.g. XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi (2014), XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan (2013), XXI World Football Championship in Central Russia (2018), etc.
Having selected and prepared teaching materials we avoid using a lot of grammar materials focusing the patterns for everyday English. However, we en-
deavor to use communicative teaching approach, which unites four types of foreign activities (listening, writing, speaking and reading). Thus, the communica -tive approach enables students to develop the most widespread words, phrases and patterns used native speakers. We try to introduce drilling exercises for developing oral and written speech, as well as use translating exercises by means of interesting and problematic authentic texts [4].
We have had a series of practical classes based on the workbook developed by our department. We prepared entrance and final tests on the base of the communicative approach. Having based on formal recommendations of FISU we selected 28 volunteers out of 70 students of technical schools after written and oral tests. Two specialists of our department found that 15 volunteers had Upper-Intermediate level, 13 volunteers had Intermediate level. Assessing levels specialists used evaluating criteria invented by Preliminary (PET) and First (FCE) founders. It is important to notice that according to the aim of volunteers' comprehensive foreign training and because of time, budget and human resources restriction there is no difference between control and experimental groups.
According to statements noted in the works by Bespalko V.P [1] and Fomichev R.S. [10], we believe that implementation efficiency for volunteers' comprehensive foreign training can be assessed by means of following criteria:
a) reflection integrity in teaching objective content,
b) information value of the teaching materials, visualization support and training simplicity,
c) variety of using techniques and diversity of teaching approaches,
d) tutorial versatility and convenience,
e) creating 'situation for success' during collaboration between students and a teacher after realizing comprehensive foreign training,
f) integral interconnection of comprehensive foreign training elements,
g) noticeable changes in students' motivation, knowledge, emotions, etc. after realizing comprehensive foreign training [7].
At first, there was a written entrance test for determining a level of foreign language mastering. The results of the written entrance test were presented in Diagram 1.
Diagram 1
Results of the written entrance test of the technical school students
low level (41-60 points) medium level (61-80 high level
As we can see there were no students who wrote the test on low level, 10 students achieved medium level and 18 students achieved high level. The results of the oral entrance test were presented in Diagram 2.
Diagram 2
Results of the oral entrance test of the technical school students
Difference in the results between written and oral entrance tests can be explained as students' excitement, time limit and grammar approach in teaching.
Having conducted 30 practical classes, each lasting 3 class periods in interactive mode in a week, we achieved considerable efficiency according to the following criteria: information value of the teaching materials, visualization support and training simplicity, variety of using techniques and diversity of teaching approach-
es, tutorial versatility and convenience based on smart-learning principles, creating 'situation for success' during collaboration between students and a teacher after realizing comprehensive foreign training. During the preparation to the potential work volunteers attended English classes according to the institute curriculum.
The training outcomes were afinal test and an oral conversation in order to determine qualitative changes in volunteers' preparation. These outcomes you can see in Diagrams 3 and 4.
Diagram 3
The outcomes of an exit written test
Diagram 4
The outcomes of an exit oral conversation
According to Diagram 3 the number of volunteers with Upper-Intermediate level has increased by 18%. Entrance and final oral tests showed the number of volunteers with Upper-Intermediate level has increased by 21% (Diagram 4). According to the diagram data the volunteers' comprehensive foreign training led to the considerable changes in their knowledge, skills both of written and oral speeches.
To sum up it is necessary to note that voluntary activities during the international sport events required that the technical school students are ready to use foreign language rather than native one in different social situations, to adapt to changing conditions, to use their knowledge and skills for task solution quickly and imaginatively. After XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 the volunteers' comprehensive foreign training proved to have led to forming essential translating approach. Experts and observers of voluntary movement, officials of national teams and international observers including the observers from FISU noticed the content aspect of volunteers' comprehensive foreign training in SFU was complied in a proper way during the sports events in Krasnoyarsk.
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_10 марта 2020 г.