Jalpa M Ramavat, Dr Kajal S Patel RT&A, No 4(80) OPTIMIZED CONTAINER PLACEMENT IN DOCKER SWARM_V°lume 19 Decemta, 2024
Jalpa M Ramavat1, Dr Kajal S Patel2
Research Scholar, Gujarat Technological University1 [email protected] Associate Professor, VGEC, Chandkheda2 [email protected]
The use of Docker containers and their orchestration tools is rapidly improving as Web application deployment shifts from a server- or VM-based approach to a container-based approach. Docker Swarm is a flexible and simple container orchestration tool. it is widely used by application developers for the deployment of their applications in a containerized environment. Docker Swarm uses the default spread strategy for placing new containers on cluster nodes. This strategy distributes containers evenly on all nodes of the cluster, but it will not consider the current resource utilization of nodes or heterogeneous resource availability on cluster nodes. Again, all task containers are treated similarly, irrespective of their specific resource-oriented nature. This paper proposes the weighted resource optimization algorithm for calculating the weighted score of each node. Score depends on CPU and memory weight for a given task and the availability of that resource on the node. The task container is placed on the node with the highest score. This approach improves CPU and memory load balancing in a Docker cluster and also improves the completion time of the task container as compared to the spread strategy.
Keywords: Cloud, VM, Containers, Docker Swarm, Orchestration
I. Introduction
Virtual machines (VMs) are widely utilized in organizations, even for running minor applications, leading to system inefficiencies. There's a growing demand for lightweight application deployment to enhance efficiency. Docker containers have emerged as a solution, offering lightweight virtualization [2].
As the demand for containers grows, efficient scheduling and orchestration mechanisms are paramount for distributing container executions across numerous nodes in cloud clusters. Consequently, various container scheduling tools have emerged, including Docker Swarm from Docker, Mesos from Apache, and Kubernetes from Google [10].
Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool developed by Docker [11]. The Docker Swarm cluster has two types of nodes: masters and workers. Any node can leave the cluster at any time. Again, a new node can be added to the cluster by using tokens generated [12]. A Docker Swarm cluster has components like tasks, services, Raft Consensus Groups, internal distributed state stores, managers, and worker nodes [13]. A task is a combination of a container and a command to run it, and a service is represented by a single task or replicas of a task [13]. Manager nodes handle API requests, orchestration, allocation of IP addresses, scheduling, and control over worker nodes [11].
Worker nodes receive task containers and execute them [11]. Raft Consensus Groups are for handling fault tolerance by selecting a new leader if the current one becomes unavailable [14]. Docker Swarm integrates seamlessly with the Docker environment, simplifying container deployment and management. It allows decentralized design, declarative model, scaling, error correction, networking, load balancing, security, and version updates with restore points [15]. External load balancing and graphical interface for management were added after May 2019 [1].
Docker Swarm is commonly implemented without prior information about the workload or the specific resource requirements of containers. Consequently, it exclusively utilizes a single scheduling strategy referred to as "Spread" [10].
This policy aims to ensure that the workload is evenly distributed. It tries maintain equal number of running containers on each node within the cluster. If sufficient resources are available on a node having least number of running containers than new container will be placed on that node irrespective of resource utilization of that node by currently running containers. So, it tries to spread container equally among all Docker cluster nodes.
The spread strategy will not consider current resource utilization of node before placing containers. There might be load imbalance when containers are specific resource oriented i.e. CPU bound, Memory bound etc.
Over the past years, container scheduling has garnered considerable research attention. The author [7] introduces an Availability-Based Prioritization (ABP) scheduler to enhance service availability and scheduling efficiency within Docker Swarm. It begins by detailing a Service Availability Model. This model calculates service availability based on task distribution across nodes and considers mean time between failures (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR). This model defines availability as the valid probability of nodes hosting service replicas, with replica requirements determined by node validity. The Modules Design section outlines the functionality of various components within Docker Swarm, with the Spread strategy serving as the default scheduling mechanism. The heart of the paper lies in the Scheduling Strategy of the ABP Scheduler. The periodic decisions are made to scale services based on task requirements and current distributions. These decisions prioritize tasks and nodes based on replica gaps, image layer coincidence, and dominant shares, ensuring efficient resource utilization. The Scale-Out and Scale-In decisions sections elaborate on how the ABP scheduler handles service scaling. Overall, the ABP scheduler presents a promising approach to dynamically adjusting service replicas to meet availability targets while optimizing resource allocation within Docker Swarm.
Mao et al. [4] analyzed two cloud platforms, Docker and Kubernetes for finding how well resource management is done on both of these domains. Author created a container monitoring system using Prometheus and Grafana which continuously monitor how much resource usage is done by each job on the worker nodes. Results show that by altering the default configurations on Docker and Kubernetes, the completion times were lowered by up to 79.4% and 69.4%.
The paper introduces ECSched [8], a container scheduling solution for heterogeneous clusters. This approach overcomes limitations of traditional queue-based schedulers by leveraging a graph-based approach and modeling scheduling as a Minimum Cost Flow Problem (MCFP). While ECSched demonstrates superior performance in terms of container completion time and resource utilization compared to baseline schedulers. But it introduces increased complexity in algorithm runtime, particularly noticeable when processing large numbers of concurrent container requests. This heightened computational demand could potentially pose challenges in highly dynamic or resource-constrained environments which is limiting the scalability of ECSched in certain scenarios. For container deployment of application tasks Wu and Xia [5] proposed a model for deploying containers at lowest possible deployment cost. They also proposed an improved PSO, known as the CD-PSO algorithm, to offer the best solution for application task loading
The adCFS [9] (Adaptive CPU Fair Sharing) policy aims to dynamically adjust CPU resource
allocation in containerized workflow systems based on workload characteristics, such as task runtime, CPU usage, and number of tasks. It utilizes a CPU State Predictor (CSP) to forecast CPU usage states and a Container's CPU Weight Scaler to redistribute CPU resources among containers accordingly. Two variations of the policy, soft (L1) and force (L2), are implemented based on CPU contention levels (cautious and severe states). L2 is enforcing strict CPU allocation based on estimated weights. This adaptive approach aims to improve fairness and efficiency in CPU sharing for scientific workflow processing. Experimental findings demonstrate a 12% improvement in container response time when compared to the default CFS policy.
Guanqaun Wu [6] proposed an improved ant colony algorithm to optimize Docker swarm cluster resource allocation. To reduce the start time of search they initialized pheromone by using scheduling algorithm minimum task first completion. Then they used balance factor to guide local and global pheromone updates for next iteration. For improving global search ability of algorithm, they use volatilization coefficient adjustment mechanism. The results show improvement of overall performance of cluster.
II. Methods
I. Docker Swarm Default strategy.
Docker swarm is a popular orchestration tool for containerized cloud environment. It has default scheduling strategy known as spread strategy. As its name suggest this strategy spread the container across all nodes in cluster equally. It tries to balance number of running containers on each node. However, it will not consider resource utilization of a node. This may lead to resource cluster node load unbalance and increasing execution time of service task container.
II. Proposed strategy.
To consider the resource availability and current resource utilization, this paper proposes a strategy which can be merge with existing docker swarm spread strategy to improve overall performance of the Service.
The proposed strategy will not only consider the resource of node but also focus on task type. Different Services require different resources. Services can be categorized depending on the intensity of resource they used. User has to specify the weight of resources i.e. CPU, Memory. If Service is CPU intensive than weight of CPU is higher and if Service is memory oriented then the weight of memory is higher. Weight can be given between 0 to 1.
Let N be the number of nodes in Docker cluster.
Let WCPU and WMEM be the weight assigned to CPU and Memory resources.
Let UCi is CPU usage of ith node and UMi is the memory usage of ith node in percentage.
The score Si for a node i is calculated as follows:
Si= WCPU x (100- UCi)+ WMEM x(100- UMi)
The node selection process involves computing the score S for each node and selecting the node with the highest score:
So, Selected node is having score:
Smax=max (S1, S2, ..., SN) Where N is total number of Nodes.
III. Proposed Algorithm (Weighted Resource Optimization):
Step 1. Start the Docker Swarm Cluster
Step 2: Input WCPU and WMEM
Step 3: For each service in the list do step 3 to 7
Step 4: For each node i in cluster
Step 5: Find score using
Si= WCPU x(100- UCi)+ WMEM x(100- UMi) Step 6: Selected node is having score Smax=max (S1, S2, ..., SN) Step 7: Create service for image and place its container on selected node
III. Results and Discussion
I. Experiment Setup
Three virtual machines were created using VirtualBox version 6.1.36. Manager virtual machine was allocated 2 CPU cores, 4 GB of RAM, and 40 GB of storage. Worker1 virtual machine was allocated 2 CPU cores, 3 GB of RAM, and 24 GB of storage. Worker2 virtual machine was allocated 2 CPU cores, 3 GB of RAM, and 26 GB of storage. Ubuntu 20.04 was installed on each virtual machine following the standard installation process.
Docker Engine version 24.0.2 was installed on each Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine using the official Docker installation script provided by Docker. The Docker Python API (version 6.0.1) was utilized to programmatically interact with the Docker Swarm cluster for dynamic container placement. Python scripts were developed to leverage the Docker API for tasks such as creating Docker services, removing services, calculating Completion time etc.
Swarmprom[3] is a comprehensive toolkit designed for monitoring Docker Swarm environments. It includes essential monitoring components such as Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter, Alert Manager, and Unsee, providing a complete solution for monitoring and managing Docker Swarm clusters.
Despite deploying all Swarmprom services, the focus of the experiment was primarily on utilizing Prometheus for metric collection and Grafana for visualization.
While Prometheus and Grafana were utilized for the experiment, it's noted that the Node Exporter, cAdvisor, and Docker Exporter containers were deployed on the worker nodes. These components contribute to comprehensive monitoring by collecting system and container metrics from the worker nodes.
II. Implementation and Results
Initially the status of three nodes is as shown in Figure 1 with containers for swarmprom are running in all the three nodes. It is shown that Manager node is having total 8 running containers. Worker1 and Worker2 nodes are having 3 running containers.
R № ihitDmanager - Q = - O X
:»f7alf8e!e2 KH_íisee.l.»B0lvjqfb7lblpvid45bil}4(i 8.88« 7.361MB / 3.82CÍ8 8.191 271kB / 23.6k! 9.B5NB 188 !
>d7968256ea9 non_node-exporter.yeu9drydeonae6z4q«z9kla5a.d99p9fljl5Ssha»da73unclu6 8.06% 18.91MB / 128MÍB 8.S2« 71.4kB / 1.86MÍ 4.87MB 188 9
I246a9fcc8c9 i»njrafana.l.hvSy¡ib9y9wWíth7b324ydvt 8.8» 28.S2H1B / 128MÍB 22.28« 156k8 / 117kB 8.2MB / 1.32HB 11
I5cd2984f5b6 non_d«: ke r d-expor ter.yeu9dr ydeono66 i4qez9klaSa.ntlwjBkxpkyrziuq9c94g2kïii 8.8» 5.379MB /128MÍB 4.28« 183kB / 61.2k! 2.39MB 188 18
labtelias «ouaddy. 1.7n3¡la«d(|wmtiHeij8ai4n 8.08X 10.7MIB1128MB 8.36« 126kB / 92.6kB 6.37MB / 85 9
Iei78148i)4fi BonjroFKtheus. 1. xlcrivc75vfkxf7hel SbhxteS 8.2(1 281.4MB / 2GÍB 13.74« 12.6MB / 942kB 138MB / 512k8 11
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m workerl^workerl: -
fb7169bc6e94 rrancadvlsor .uS69cul8rtdzuvp24ruwls8ul.6dvyldttfkb9evlbawsdzf2n8 12.49* 73. S9MLB / 128MIB s7.se* 97.3kB / 1.16MB 23.1MB / 06 IS
Se9e78d226lf nondockerd-exporter ,u869cjLBrtdzuvp24njwls8ul.qruezrfnBp2xdb6e64ri7naqSo 0.06* 3.62MIB / 128MIB 2.36* 163kB / 28.6kB ll.SMB / 0B 9
121636332279 non node-exporter.u869cui8rtdzuvp24ruwls8ul.zoeokdz6njusefbtbfcUduSS 0.06* 8.348MIB / 128M1B 6.52* 89.8kB / 47lkB 13.8MB / 06 8
PI woí4ttipworktr£- Q i •
coht/unei 10 ■ME cpu « MIM usa« / limit n» t net 1/0 ilo« 1/0 pios
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76648de43852 no6_nod«-exporter. td6i73ymgiqi48)4dhz6]lat.kbu»liitifyi}i2r«6)bn6âivli t.m S.17SM18 1 128MIB 4.28t 4.1648 / 18.948 68 / 68 8
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Figure 1 Initial Docker Swarm Cluster Node -Manager, Worker1 and Worker2 with Swarmprom stack
Initially, created images for the service of finding factorial of 500k ,300k and 100k. As factorial service requires more calculations, they are CPU intensive. Same way the images for creating and manipulating 4k by 4k and 5k by 5k arrays are also created and pushed in Docker hub. As storing 4K by 4K and 5K by 5K matrix required more memory, these are categorized under Memory intensive tasks.
After that to see the behavior of default spread strategy, five Nginx service containers are created and placed on Worker1 node by using docker placement constraint. The placement of these service containers will be as shown in Figure 2.
* r
8 swarmprom Containers
* i
3 swarmprom Containers 5Nginx service containers
i t
3 swarmprom Containers
Figure 2 Initial stat of Nodes after Swarmprom and Nginx container placement
Now all services for images fact_500k, mem_5k, fact_300k, mem_4k and fact_100k are created and placed by default placement strategy. As spread distributes equal number of containers to all nodes the placement was seen in Figure 3. As manager is having 8 containers of swarmprom, worker1 is having 3 containers of swarmprom plus 5 containers of Nginx and worker2 is having least number of 3 containers of swarmprom stack so new created 5 service containers are placed on worker2 by Spread Strategy.
Figure 3 Factorial and matrix manipulation task container placement (By Default Spread Strategy) Table 1 CPU Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Spread Strategy)
Time(in Seconds) 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900
CPU Manager 12.1 8.94 8.961 13.98 10.09 12.94 9.03 11.95 25 25.8 24.89
(in %) Workerl 14.7 15.09 15.78 19.44 16.08 14.96 14.7 14.5 16.24 15.23 14.96
Worker2 93.43 99.9 95.23 98.76 97 94.75 96.83 99.66 97.43 99.9 98
Table 2 Memory Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Spread Strategy)
Time(in Seconds) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Manager 61.61 62.47 62.76 61.89 57.64 57.67 57.77 58.84 59.30 59.10 58.33
Usage (in Worker1 33.58 33.65 33.65 33.61 33.58 33.58 33.65 33.92 33.85 33.82 33.68
Worker2 68.48 59.41 60.99 60.86 59.44 67.97 51.01 55.33 64.57 58.46 57.01
Figure 4 Docker Swarm Cluster CPU Utilization after container placement by Default Spread Strategy
Figure 5 Docker Swarm Cluster Memory Utilization after container placement by Default Spread Strategy
The CPU and Memory utilization of all cluster nodes are taken from Prometheus and Graphana as shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Now the readings are plotted as displayed in Figure 4 and 5. It is clear that the CPU load distribution is totally not even because number of containers in Worker1 and Manager node are more, all new created task containers are placed on Worker2 node by Spread Strategy without considering the resource utilization of all cluster nodes. Similarly, the memory usage is also not evenly distributed.
To avoid this unbalanced load distribution, the same containers are placed by using proposed strategy. First the results are taking using WCPU =0.7 and WMEM = 0.3. The task containers placement is shown in Figure 6.
< r
* r
8 swarmprom Containers
mem 4k
3 swarmprom
5 Nginx
fact 300k
3 swarmprom Containers fact_500k, fact 100k
Figure 6 Factorial and matrix manipulation task container placement (By Proposed Strategy: WCPU >Wmem)
The CPU utilization of all three cluster nodes is as shown in Table 3 and plotted in Figure 7. The Memory utilization of all three cluster nodes is as shown in Table 4 and plotted in Figure 8.
Table 3 CPU Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Proposed Strategy: WCPU > WMEM)
Time(in Seconds) 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900
CPU Manager 37.53 50.40 42.46 44.45 31.57 34.56 32.44 33.23 33.00 49.81 34.26
Usage Workerl 76.50 71.77 77.53 76.11 73.94 75.57 84.43 77.37 83.28 77.36 79.77
(in %)
Worker2 60.43 65.83 72.80 68.23 48.31 68.67 69.23 57.33 68.33 69.17 65.30
Table 4 Memory Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Proposed Strategy: WCPU > WMEM)
Time (in Seconds) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Memory Manager 53.86 53.37 53.50 59.25 53.25 56.24 53.32 53.73 53.20 68.48 62.81
Usage (in Workerl 51.18 65.75 62.88 64.30 62.91 61.77 62.41 61.46 64.67 61.83 63.65
%) Worker2 32.97 33.34 33.61 33.88 33.88 34.36 34.29 34.52 34.12 34.39 34.19
Figure 7 Docker Swarm Cluster CPU Utilization after container placement by Proposed Strategy
Figure 8 Docker Swarm Cluster Memory Utilization after container placement by Proposed Strategy (WCPU >
As shown in above Figure 7 the CPU utilization of node is much balanced than as in spread technology shown in Figure 4. As shown in Figure 8 the memory Utilization of worker2 node is less as both are CPU oriented tasks are running on it.
Now the results are taken by using Proposed approach with Wcpu=0.3 and Wmem-0.7. The new service containers are distributed as shown in Figure 9.
8 swarmprom Containers
mem 4k
i r
3 swarmprom
5 Nginx
fact 100k
i r
3 swarmprom Containers mem_5k, fact 300k
Figure 9 Factorial and matrix manipulation task container placement (By Proposed Strategy: WCPU <
Table 5 CPU Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Proposed Strategy: WCPU < WMEM)
Time (in Seconds) 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900
CPU Manager 47.53 28.79 32.96 26.42 33.19 31.66 42.73 37.88 36.66 36.68 37.20
Usage Workerl 78.53 20.50 66.80 59.57 70.05 57.35 60.23 63.43 51.16 69.87 63.73
(in %) Worker2 69.96 55.43 65.57 72.07 65.23 47.63 60.40 56.23 72.72 68.48 60.98
Table 6 Memory Utilization of Docker Swarm Cluster Nodes (Proposed Strategy: WCPU < WMEM)
Time(in Seconds) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Manager 38.60 50.46 53.67 38.94 42.95 51.67 44.27 43.70 44.03 53.66 43.39
Memory Workerl 66.49 56.91 36.61 44.17 68.71 53.64 65.00 62.10 71.44 41.03 40.93
Usage (in %) Worker2 57.26 57.52 67.26 57.26 57.31 57.95 51.39 57.03 60.57 57.57 54.16
Figure 10 Docker Swarm Cluster CPU Utilization after container placement by Proposed Strategy (WCPU <
Memory Usage
100 50 0
_ r_ ^ __. [ a -- Workerl Worker2
0) 60 to t/l p
r 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 Manager
s Oi s Time
Figure 11 Docker Swarm Cluster Memory Utilization after container placement by Proposed Strategy
Table 5 and Table 6 shows the CPU and Memory utilization of nodes by placing container using proposed algorithm by taking memory-oriented weight. As shown in Figure 11the memory load distribution is done more evenly. Also, CPU utilization is balanced as shown in Figure 10.
Now the completion time of containers of all services are calculated as shown in Table 7 and plotted in Figure 12. These readings are taken for 10 containers of each service and as factorial of 500k takes more time so 7 containers of it are taken. It can be seen from Figure 12 that the noticeable completion time reduction is achieved by using proposed approach.
Table 7 Completion ^ Time of task containers for^Spread, Proposed (WCPU < WMEM, WCPU > WMEM)
ontainerl ontainer2 ontainer3 ontainer4 ontainer5 ontainer6 ontainer7 ontainer8 ontainer9 ontainer10 Avg
S J fact_500k 124.65 166.55 139.70 135.67 116.23 115.80 116.90 130.79
fact_100k 10.49 11.58 19.10 21.44 16.20 10.58 13.76 18.81 13.47 15.64 15.11
e £ fact_300k 49.83 51.26 45.23 46.85 43.98 44.74 47.44 44.90 44.54 46.49 46.53
-d e m o a Mem_4k 7.95 8.68 8.80 7.86 8.02 7.76 9.58 7.97 8.15 8.23 8.23
O £ Mem_5k 14.13 16.86 14.93 17.42 18.03 11.20 10.37 10.32 12.28 11.97 13.75
fact_500k 121.12 126.29 125.52 123.28 119.64 123.60 123.73 - - - 123.28
j V fact_100k 10.68 11.52 12.68 10.73 12.57 11.62 28.95 28.87 25.30 25.30 17.82
£ -d e s o a O £ fact_300k 43.33 43.36 40.63 39.58 42.76 41.54 41.21 43.07 43.44 38.75 41.77
Mem_4k 8.10 7.81 8.40 8.46 8.28 8.15 7.94 8.56 8.11 8.04 8.18
Mem_5k 12.43 10.15 9.91 9.76 11.17 12.84 10.81 10.27 11.42 9.27 10.80
fact_500k 234.44 230.93 251.08 246.21 227.47 277.72 233.15 - - - 243.00
fact_100k 19.54 19.04 25.75 16.45 17.37 17.20 16.98 19.41 19.30 17.47 18.85
Spread fact_300k 90.72 94.23 82.33 88.72 81.10 86.17 83.51 91.76 82.94 83.31 86.48
Mem_4k 16.31 24.48 22.00 22.57 16.31 20.22 19.02 19.29 17.52 16.57 19.43
Mem_5k 23.88 17.84 22.80 23.95 19.56 16.61 20.12 21.68 15.89 15.77 19.81
Figure 12 Completion Time of task containers for Spread, Proposed (WCPU < WMEM, WCPU > WMEM)
For visualizing the difference in completion time, the average completion time for the same services is calculated as displayed in Table 8 and plotted in Figure 13. It is shown that Proposed Weight resource Optimization approach is having almost same average completion time in both case (WCPU>WMEM and WCPU < WMEM), Whereas default Spread strategy is having higher average completion time for all services.
Table 8 Average Completion Time of task containers for Spread, Proposed (WCPU < WMEM, WCPU > WMEM)
Proposed Wcpu
Proposed Wcpu
<Wmem 123.3108 17.8223 41.76793 8.184008 10.8016
Spread_ 243.0003_18.84889_86.47988_19.43128_19.80899
Figure 13 Average Completion Time of task containers for Spread, Proposed (WCPU < WMEM, WCPU >
IV. Conclusion
This paper proposes a weighted resource optimization approach for finding a weighted score by using the available resources of nodes and the weight assigned to each resource. Resources currently considered are memory and CPU. Docker Swarm Cluster uses the default spread strategy for placing new containers on cluster nodes. This strategy tries to manage an equal number of containers on all nodes. but the spread strategy places the container without considering the resource requirements of task containers and the currently available resources of nodes. The proposed approach considers both conditions for calculating the score and places the container on the node with the highest score. The paper shows the improvement in load balancing among cluster nodes, and the completion time of task containers is also decreased. So overall performance is increased by the proposed approach.
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