Distinctive features of technical training of football players of leading european clubs
UDC 613.71:796.332
Postgraduate student A.A. Volokhovich1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.G. Shilko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 03.06.2024
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the main aspects of the technical training of football players from leading European clubs.
Methods and structure of the study. In the process of studying and analyzing the training process of two famous European clubs, FC Barcelona and FC Liverpool, the experience of technical training of football players, implemented in the structure of advanced sports technologies, was analyzed.
Results and conclusions. The use of advanced sports technologies by European clubs, the structure of which provides for a special section of training work, focused on the constant and targeted improvement of the technical readiness of players, taking into account their individual characteristics, allows, ultimately, to educate outstanding football players who occupy leading positions in European and world football.
Keywords: technical training of football players, European clubs, sports technologies, training process, individual characteristics of players, advanced positions in football.
Introduction. In modern football, the technical training of players is aimed at achieving a high level of performance of fast and unexpected technical techniques, skill in handling the ball, speed of movement, effective interactions with teammates and conducting single combats with opponents on the field, quick thinking in decision making, etc. . These qualities become determining factors in the success of a football team [1].
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the main aspects of the technical training of football players from leading European clubs.
Methods and structure of the study. The experience of technical training of football players in two famous European clubs FC Barcelona and FC Liverpool is analyzed. The research materials will allow us to evaluate the importance of technical training in football and apply it in practice.
Results of the study and discussion. Technical training in football plays an important role in the formation of playing skills, which includes a set of train-
ing sessions, control games, various types of testing, which will improve the quality of technical elements, such as individual actions with the ball, the accuracy of short and long passes to a partner and indirectly increase the effectiveness of the team's tactical decisions in game situations in general [2]. High technical preparedness of football players determines the success of the team's game, and also increases the effectiveness of individual and collective actions of the players and the team as a whole.
As the analysis shows, the technical preparedness of FC Barcelona football players differs from players of other teams in their unique style of play, based on high technical performance and positional attacking play, since the technical training of players in FC Barcelona is based on the principles:
• positional ball handling: technical training includes improving the technical execution of passes and the ability to create a positional advantage through highly technical ball handling. On the field,
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I September I № 9 2024
football players learn to act coherently, which corresponds to the team's philosophy, where every movement and pass is aimed at creating playing opportunities for partners;
• dribbling and individual skill: FC Barcelona pays great attention to improving the individual technical skills of each player, such as dribbling, beating the opponent and finding innovative and effective solutions in different game situations that contribute to increasing skill and creativity in the game;
• development of strategic thinking: in addition to technical aspects, FC Barcelona pays attention to improving tactical thinking in game situations that require making the only correct decision among possible options [2].
The English football club is focused on the constant introduction of modern technologies into the training process that help improve the technical preparedness of football players. The most important areas used in the practical activities of Liverpool FC include:
• analysis of statistical data to study and develop the individual strengths of players, through the development and implementation of personalized training programs for football players in the training process;
• active use of information technologies, through which the results of virtual analysis of game situations are introduced into the training process, providing players with the opportunity to make highly effective decisions;
• individual approach to training and improvement: each player pays great attention to the development of his technical skills in accordance with his playing role - this helps to maximize his individual potential, and in total ensures a high level of performance and technical readiness of athletes to effectively perform their playing functions [ 2].
FC Barcelona and FC Liverpool use a variety of exercises in the training process to develop the technical skills of players, which are included in the training programs:
1. «Ronaldinho» exercise - dribbling the ball through a series of obstacles (for example, cones), while maintaining constant control of the ball. Main goal: improving the technique of dribbling the ball, coordination of movements and the speed of making adequate decisions depending on game situations that arise on the field.
2. Exercise «Messi with a partner» is a combined attacking training, during which the players, alternately performing a series of passes to each other, complete the attack with a shot at the goal. The main goal of the exercise is to improve the accuracy of passes,
correctly comprehend game situations and effectively complete attacks.
Liverpool FC, more often than others, use team ball control training (3 on 3 under pressure) - players move in a limited space, control the ball and make accurate passes in the face of constant opposition from the opponent. The main goal of the exercise is to improve the technique of dribbling the ball, dribbling the opponent, passing accuracy, making effective decisions to continue the attack under pressure from the opponent.
3. Exercise «Shooting for accuracy» During its implementation, football players improve the technique of delivering accurate and strong shots on goal, after combining passes and movements in the end-of-game zone.
The main purpose of the exercise is to train the accuracy and power of strikes when completing attacks.
The examples of exercises given above are just a small part of them, used in the training process of football clubs in Spain and England to improve technical skills [2].
Conclusions. Over the past few decades, European and world football in general has changed quite a lot. This happened largely thanks to serious work aimed at improving the technique of ball handling, taking into account the individual characteristics of the players, since the high level of technical preparedness of the players is decisive in achieving success. Football clubs in Spain and England pay serious attention to this aspect of the training process, who are constantly working to improve the individual skills of football players, paying close attention to replenishing their technical arsenal with new elements that allow them to occupy leading positions in European football for several decades.
Thus, the use by European clubs of advanced sports technologies, the structure of which provides for a special section of training work, focused on the constant and targeted improvement of the technical readiness of players, taking into account their individual characteristics, allows, ultimately, to educate outstanding football players who occupy leading positions in the European and world football.
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2. Guba V.P., Antipov A.V., Shagin N.I. Podgotovka futbolistov v vedushchikh klubakh Yevropy. Monograph. 2nd ed., rev., sup. Moscow: Sport publ., 2021.328 p.