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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nastenko Olga, Chornyi Igor, Khanykina Nataliia

The topical issue of distance learning in the process of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been considered in the academic paper. The concept of distance education has been defined. The formation of the terminological system of methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been analyzed. The main ways of implementing the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language within the methodological base of the educational process have been described. The main tendencies of developing the methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language have been established. The role of distance education in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been determined. The basic forms of learning, used in distance learning, have been described. The most common web resources have been analyzed, which significantly facilitate the organizational aspects during the preparation of the teacher for educational activities. The essence of the concept of “interactive learning” and the features of using its technology in the study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language has been revealed. The role of mobile applications in learning Ukrainian as a foreign language has been indicated.

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36 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021

УДК 811.161.2743:378.147

Настенко Ольга ВШаливна


Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет Чорний 1гор Вiталiйович Доктор фшологгчних наук, професор Харювський нацгональний унгверситет внутргшнгх справ Ханикта Наталiя Валентишвна Старший науковий ствробтник, кандидат фшологгчних наук Кшвський унгверситет шет Бориса Гртченка


Настенко Ольга Витальевна


Буковинский государственный медицинский университет

Черный Игорь Витальевич Доктор филологических наук, профессор Харьковский национальный университет внутренних дел

Ханыкина Наталия Валентиновна

Старший научный сотрудник, кандидат филологических наук Киевский университет имени Бориса Гринченко


Nastenko Olga


Bukovinian State Medical University 0000-0001-8381-9078 Chornyi Igor Doctor of Philology, Professor Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 0000-0001-6079-1746 Khanykina Nataliia Senior Researcher, Candidate of Philology Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University 0000-0002-5920-9779


Анотащя. У статп розглядаеться актуальне питання дистанцшного навчання в процеа викладання укра!нсько! мови як шоземно!. Визначено поняття дистанцшно! освгга. Проанатзоване становления термшосестеми методики викладання укра!нсько! мови як шоземно!. Описаш основш шляхи реалiзацii методики викладання украшсько! мови як шоземно! в рамках методолопчно! бази освггаього процесу. Установлен основш тенденци розвитку методики викладання украшсько! мови як шоземно!. Визначено роль дистанцшно! освгга у викладанш украшсько! мови як шоземно!. Описаш основш форми навчання, яш використовуються при дистанцшному викладанш Проаналiзованi найбшьш розповсюдженi веб-ресурси, яш значно полегшують органiзацiйнi моменти шд час пiдготовки викладача до навчально! дiяльностi. Розкрито суть поняття «штерактивного навчання» та особливiсть використання його технологi! шд час вивчення укра!нсько! мови як iноземноi. Ззначена роль мобшьних додатк1в пiд час вивчення укра!нсько! мови як шоземно!.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается актуальный вопрос дистанционного обучения в процессе преподавания украинского языка как иностранного. Определено понятие дистанционного образования. Описаны основные пути реализации методики преподавания украинского языка как иностранного в рамках методологической базы образовательного процесса. Установлены основные тенденции развития методики преподавания украинского языка как иностранного. Определена роль дистанционного образования в преподавании украинского языка как иностранного. Описаны основные формы обучения, используемых при дистанционном преподавании. Проанализированы наиболее распространенные веб-ресурсы, которые значительно облегчают организационные моменты при подготовке преподавателя к


~East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 37 учебной деятельности. Раскрыта суть понятия «интерактивного обучения» и особенность использования его технологии при изучении украинского языка как иностранного. Из значений роль мобильных приложений при изучении украинского языка как иностранного.

Abstract. The topical issue of distance learning in the process of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been considered in the academic paper. The concept of distance education has been defined. The formation of the terminological system of methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been analyzed. The main ways of implementing the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language within the methodological base of the educational process have been described. The main tendencies of developing the methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language have been established. The role of distance education in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been determined. The basic forms of learning, used in distance learning, have been described. The most common web resources have been analyzed, which significantly facilitate the organizational aspects during the preparation of the teacher for educational activities. The essence of the concept of "interactive learning" and the features of using its technology in the study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language has been revealed. The role of mobile applications in learning Ukrainian as a foreign language has been indicated.

Ключовi слова: тоземна мова; укра'шська мова; методика викладання; дистанцшне навчання; ттерактивна освта; мобшьт додатки.

Key words: foreign language; Ukrainian language; teaching methods; Distance Learning; interactive education; mobile applications.

Problem Statement

The relevance of distance learning has become a red hot issue in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It should be noted that distance learning is not something new at the moment, however, with the introduction of quarantine security measures and recommendations for distance communication, competition in the field of distance education has increased, which certainly contributed to the development of distance teaching forms in philology.

In our viewpoint, the popularity of using various interactive methods in the teaching process is quite a logical development. Despite the rapid development of information technology, the development of software that facilitates the teaching process, the quality of educational services, due to the overload of proposals, is at a low level. Thus, we have conducted the research in which we tried to identify the most productive methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language using interactive methods through distance learning.

Literature Review

From the scientific point of view, distance learning as one of the ways to organize the educational process has been studied in the works of Hrytsenko V., Dmytrenko P., Kudriavtseva S., Kozlakova H, Maliarchuk O., Smulson M., Yurchak H. Along with this, Antoniv L., Matsiuk Z., Mazuryk D., Palamar L., Seliverstova L., Skab M., Sokil B., Stankevych N. et al. have been engaged in researches of methodical teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. The foreign scholars who studied the method of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language were as follows: Khraniuk A., Baranivska O., Zinkevych-Tomanek Z. and others.

The purpose of our research is to study and generalize the basic methods of distance learning and the use of interactive methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.

Presentation of the basic material

In the study of Turkevich O. (2013), on the formation of the terminology system for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, the scientist has come

to the conclusion that "Given that, at first there has been a pattern that scientific information affects the formation of the terminology of science, the next step will be the reverse process; that is, unified methodological terms will contribute to the accuracy of professional language teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, and, therefore, greater scientific practice of both: creating textbooks in Ukrainian as a foreign language and other scientific works. The urgent task is to create a special comprehensive methodological manual on methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, which will summarize all the basic principles of the Ukrainian language teaching system" [1].

Actual objectives, predicted in the scientific research of Turkevych O., have got a place in modern science by developing Methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Consequently, the developed method of teaching a foreign language (including Ukrainian as a foreign language) at each lesson provides for the implementation of four types of educational activities, namely: listening, reading, writing, speaking. However, the ratio of these types of work in different classes may vary depending on the topic, purpose of the lesson, the communicative needs of students, etc. Scholars, based on their own teaching experience, have drawn attention to a wide variety of activities in the classroom that the teacher can use, taking advantage of his own creative possibilities [2].

Tsurkan M., studying the main trends in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, has come to the conclusion that in the modern scientific paradigm there is a tendency to converge and combine teaching methods depending on the purpose, specific goals and learning conditions. The configuration of such teaching methods integrates knowledge and the latest developments in linguistics, psychology, pedagogy and computerization of the educational process. In the course of M. Tsupkan's research, an increase in the share of linguo-didactic developments on the problems of formation of professionally oriented speech of a foreign student, local lore and linguo-cultural

38 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 competence on the basis of immersion in the social-cultural space of native speakers has been revealed. Thus, the basic trends in the development of methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language are as follows:

• standardization of requirements regarding levels of proficiency in the Ukrainian language;

• conceptualization of principles and approaches to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language;

• integration of knowledge from the fields of intercultural communication and psycholinguistics;

• tendency to dominance of competence-based, culturological and communicative-activity approaches in teaching the discipline;

• computerization of the educational process (creation of electronic textbooks, lexical minimums);

• standardization and systematization of the terminological system of methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language [3].

According to the investigation of Morozova L. and Morozova M., it has been determined that "The following forms of interaction between students, teachers and the administration of the educational institution are used in distance learning systems, namely: traditional and e-mail, fax, computer technology, video conferencing by using one of the forms of broadcasting, audio conferencing and video conferencing based on telephone technology, intranet systems and the latest Internet technologies" [4].

Thus, a significant number of scholars have concluded that when teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, computer technology is a leading trend in the organization of the educational process. The tendencies of computerization of teaching language disciplines is not only a promising direction of development, but also the one that can facilitate the teaching process while concentrating a large amount of information and the ability to control the educational process and, as a conclusion, determine the effectiveness of teaching.

Denysov D. defines that distance education is actually that form of education, the development prospects of which are directed towards the future; herewith, it is devoid of numerous conventions of the modern world - in general, it does not depend on either the financial situation, or the place of residence, or the state of health of the student [5]. Consequently, among the significant number of definitions of "distance learning" concept, we are close to the form of the concept described above.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in connection with the transition of many educational institutions to distance learning mode, has posted on its official page "Methodical recommendations for organizing distance learning at school", which describes in detail the forms of distance learning and the means by which one can implement the learning process [6]. In our viewpoint, these forms are also relevant in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish the following forms of distance learning, namely:



- video conference. Videoconferencing should be conducted online so that students can ask questions and discuss issues;

- forum. A forum in the learning process means that all students are engaged in discussing a specific topic. The teacher is the moderator in this type of communication. Forums will be quite effective in small groups where students can hone their language skills, both lexical and grammatical;

- chat. The main ways to communicate in chats are as follows: text, voice and video chat. The text chat is the most popular type at the moment. For educational purposes, it will be quite effective to organize chats with native speakers;

- blog. In this case, the peculiarity of the blog is that the right to publish belongs to one person, in particular, less often to a group of people. The author posts certain information in his blog and other participants of the learning process have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the posted material, which, when learning a foreign language, promotes the development of speech skills;

- E-mail. E-mail has probably become a fairly standard way of file sharing in both open and encrypted form;

- questionnaire. In particular, this method is used to control the acquired knowledge. After all, the questionnaire during distance learning is the simplest and most convenient way to test the knowledge acquired. In particular, there are separate questionnaire programs that not only allow students to take online surveys, but also automatically review the results of the questionnaire, summarize the results, create a graph of success, learning shortcomings, etc.;

- messengers (viber, telegram, WhatsApp). In particular, social networks, exchange services, during distance learning, should serve for personal communication of group members on extracurricular topics, or discussion of organizational issues.

Along with distance learning tools, there are also web resources that greatly facilitate organizational aspects in preparing the teacher for learning activities. Thus, there are web portals that combine various forms of remote interaction of students. Such platforms are as follows:

Moodle platform (https://moodle.org/) - a free open distance learning management system. This platform makes it possible to use a wide range of tools for educational interaction of teachers, students and the administration of the educational institution, namely:

- it provides an opportunity to submit educational material in various formats (text, presentation, video, web page;

- a lesson as a set of web pages with possible intermediate performance of test tasks);

- it provides conducting testing and interrogation of students by applying questions of the closed (multiple choice of the correct answer and comparison) and open types;

- students can perform tasks with the ability to send relevant files.



In addition, the system has a wide range of tools for monitoring the learning activities of course participants, for instance: the total working time, relevant topics or components of the training material, the overall success in the test tasks, etc.


(https://classroom.google.com) is a service that connects Google Docs, Google Drive and Gmail and makes it possible to organize online learning by using video, text and graphics information.

The teacher has the opportunity to test, monitor, systematize, evaluate activities, review the results of exercises, apply various forms of assessment, comment and organize effective communication with students in real time.

Zoom (zoom.us/download) is a service for video conferencing and online meetings. In order to work on this platform, one should create an account. The free version of the program allows holding a video conference lasting 40 minutes, but for the period of the pandemic, the service has removed this restriction. Zoom is suitable for individual and group classes. Users can use the application on a computer as well as on a tablet or smartphone. Any user can join the video conference by following the link or conference ID. Classes can be scheduled in advance, as well as links for regular meetings should be created at a specific time. The platform has a built-in interactive whiteboard that can be shown to students. In addition, it is possible to easily and quickly switch from screen demonstration to interactive whiteboard.

Classtime (https://www.classtime.com/uk/) is a platform for creating interactive learning applications that allows analyzing the learning process and implementing strategies for an individual approach. There is a library of resources, as well as the ability to create questions. The working principle is as follows: the teacher develops interactive educational material on a certain topic, students get access to educational material and start working, the teacher monitors the progress of each student in real time.

LearningApps.org (LearningApps.org) is an online service that allows creating interactive exercises. They can be used to work with an interactive whiteboard or they can be applied as individual exercises for students. This service allows creating different types of exercises on different topics. This service is a Web 2.0 application for supporting educational processes. LearningApps Designer. org is designed to develop, store and use interactive tasks in various subjects. Here one can create exercises for use with an interactive whiteboard [6].

Thus, there are a large number of Internet programs that simplify the implementation of the learning process remotely, however, they are likely to be just a means of communication between a teacher and a student. Interactive learning corresponds to the content of the parties' interaction in the educational process.

Tsyrkal A. defines the term "interactive learning" as the interaction of a teacher and a student in the process of communication and learning in order to

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 39 solve linguistic and communicative problems. Interactive activities include the organization and development of dialogic speech aimed at interaction, mutual understanding, solving problems important to each of the participants in the learning process [8]. This statement seems to us the most accurate and complete in the framework of its use in the curriculum of studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language.

Google Meet has become another online platform, through which distance learning is implemented [7]. Google developers have decided to improve the video communication and video conferencing system in order to make the learning process more convenient.

The program was first created in 2017; in particular, there was a program for working in remote access. However, since March 2020, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the developers have met the needs of consumers and provided free access to the program, which could be downloaded as an application from the Internet and used both on a computer, phone or even from a conference room. For free use of Google Meet, the free session time is 60 minutes.

The principle of working with the Google Meet application is quite similar to other programs that specialize in video conferencing. The entrance is carried out according to two options: creating your own video meeting and for invited people. It is quite convenient in the application to work with the calendar and the schedule of video conferencing.

People with disabilities can participate in Google Meet video calls with accessibility features in Meet, Chrome browser, and Google Chat Room equipment.

Such special opportunities include:

- live subtitles - they help participants with hearing impairments to follow the speaker's words during video meetings. Subtitles are not recorded with video calls and cannot be played back.

- screen and magnifier readers - visually impaired users are offered a built-in screen reader, full-page zoom, enhanced color contrast, and enhanced accessibility features in Chrome.

- key board combinations - users can control the camera and microphone and activate special features from the keyboard.

- Google equipment for meeting rooms - users with hearing and vision impairments during meetings will be helped by voice prompts and live subtitles. They are available on Google Meet equipment, as well as on Chromebox and Chromebase devices [7].

In our opinion, such concern of Google Meet for people with disabilities allows anyone to receive distance learning without restrictions, which could not be implemented without an application and which would require additional funds.

Google Meet program is quite effective when conducting online classes for learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, forasmuch as training can take place in a mixed form, both collectively and individually, due to the presence of separate virtual rooms.

The most common methods of interactive learning are as follows: presentation, role-playing games, heuristic conversations, discussions, "brainstorming",

40 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 competitions with practical tasks and their further discussion, design of business plans, projects, creative activities, use of multimedia computer software and involvement of English-speaking specialists [8].

Tsyrkal A., in her study on using forms of interactive learning in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, has come to the conclusion that the use of interactive forms and methods in the implementation of personal-oriented approach in teaching a foreign language can increase the number of conversational practice in the classroom; it can help assimilate the material and use it in further classes, perform didactic and various developmental functions. Thus, the teacher becomes a mentor of independent educational and cognitive and creative activities of students. Having many advantages, one should also keep in mind the following disadvantages: with frequent use, the perception of interactive games becomes mechanical; it loses creative interest. Consequently, it is necessary to diversify games and combine interactive teaching methods with traditional ones [8].

One of the forms of combining distance learning and methods of interactive learning, in our opinion, is the creation of special applications that would facilitate the independent learning Ukrainian as a foreign language with partial control by the teacher. Most applications, aimed to learn Ukrainian as a foreign language, work on the principle of learning any foreign language, that is, starting from the emphasis on the spoken language and words which are simple lexically and grammatically (applications "Learn vocabulary", "FunEasyLearn", "Learn and play", "Simply Learn Ukrainian", etc.). In fact, they are distinguished only by design and graphic execution. Also, one can check words by ear in applications; this improves their comprehension.


Thus, the system of distance learning over the past year has taken a very important place in the field of education, in particular in the study of Ukrainian as a foreign language. Trends in the development of computer and Internet technologies in the modern world make it possible to productively conduct the process of teaching the Ukrainian language through various kinds of video conferences, chats, forums, communication with native speakers without crossing borders. Interactive technologies in the studying the Ukrainian language provide an opportunity for foreigners through the game to learn interesting lexical and grammatical features of the language. With the help of mobile applications for learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, many teachers have the opportunity to master the skills of the Ukrainian language with minimal interference in the process by combining distance learning and interactive teaching methods. Thus, in our opinion, it is mobile applications in the modern world that are the most effective tools when teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.


1. Turkevych O. Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language: the main



trends in the formation of the terminology system during the 1990s of XX century / Oksana Turkevych // Studia Ukrainika Posnaniensia. - Vol. I. - 2013. - P. 231-235. [Turkevych O. Metodyka vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi: osnovni tendentsii stanovlennia terminosystemy protiahom 90-kh rokiv XX stolittia / Oksana Turkevych // Studia Ukrainika Posnaniensia. - Vol. I. - 2013. - P. 231-235. (in Ukr.).] https://core.ac.uk/reader/194764260

2. Baran N. Certain aspects of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language / Baran N. A. // Current issues of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference as of April 19. Bila Tserkva NAU, 2019. P. 3-6. [Baran N. Okremi aspekty vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi / Baran N. A. // Aktualni problemy vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi: Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii 19 kvitnia. Bilotserkivskyi NAU, 2019. P. 3-6. (in Ukr.).] https://science.btsau.edu.ua/sites/default/files/tezy/zbir nik_tez_aktual_problem_viklad_ukr_movi_uak_inoze m.pdf

3. Tsurkan N. Methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language at the synchronous section of XXI century: development trends / M. Tsurkan // New pedagogical thought №1 (97), - 2019 - P. 97-102 [Tsurkan M. Metodyka vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi na synkhronnomu zrizi XXI stolittia: tendentsii rozvytku / M. Tsurkan // Nova pedahohichna dumka №1 (97), - 2019 - P. 97-102 (in Ukr.).]

4. Morozova L, Morozova O. Distance learning at the present stage, the latest technologies for teaching language and natural sciences at universities / L. Morozova, O. Morozova // Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. - 2014. -Issue 10. - P. 52-59 [Morozova L, Morozova O. Dystantsiine navchannia na suchasnomu etapi, novitni tekhnolohii vykladannia movnykh ta pryrodnychykh dystsyplin u vyshakh / L. Morozova, O. Morozova // Teoriia i praktyka vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi. - 2014. - Vyp. 10. - P. 52-59 (in Ukr.).] http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Timvum_2014_10_9

6. Organization of distance learning at school Methodical recommendations [Electronic resource]. -Access mode: https://mon.gov.ua/storage/app/media/zagalna%20sere dnya/metodichni%20recomendazii/2020/metodichni% 20recomendazii-dustanciyna%20osvita-2020.pdf [Orhanizatsiia dystantsiinoho navchannia v shkoli Metodychni rekomendatsii (Elektronnyi resurs) (in Ukr.).]

7. Google Meet Premium video meetings. Free access for everyone [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://meet.google.com

8. Tsyrkal A.Yu. An overview of the most interesting interactive methods in English classes / A.Yu. Tsyrkal // Modern methods of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes at higher educational institutions: a collection of scientific articles. - K.: NTUU "KPI", 2013. - P. 350 - 360. [Tsyrkal A.Yu. Ohliad naibilsh tsikavykh

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interaktyvnykh metodiv na zaniattiakh z anhliiskoii movy, Suchasni metody vykladannia inozemnoi movy profesiinoho spriamuvannia u vyshchii shkoli, 2013, P.

УДК 378.14

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 41 350 - 360 (in Ukr.).]


Pavlyshynets K. Yu.

physical education teacher Uzhhorod specialized school I-III degrees №5 with in-depth learning foreign languages - Uzhhorod, Ukraine


Павлишинець К. Ю.

вчитель фьзичног культури Ужгородська cne^ani3oeana школа I-III ступетв №5 з поглибленим вивченням тоземних мов - Ужгород, Украта


Summary. The article considers the problem of reforming higher education in the context of the adaptation of future physical education teachers to professional activity in the process of pedagogical practice. Theoretical bases of adaptation of future teachers of physical culture to professional activity and specifics of process of formation of readiness of future teachers to professional activity are analyzed. It was found that the professional activity of future physical education teachers on the basis of the competence approach is aimed at developing physical and mental characteristics of the student, education of values, involvement in a healthy and active lifestyle, formation of universal values and principles. The peculiarities of adaptation of future physical education teachers to professional activity on the basis of the competence approach are substantiated and revealed. Further work is needed to study the pedagogical conditions of adaptation of future physical education teachers to professional activities in the process of pedagogical practice.

Анотащя. У статп розглянуто проблему реформування вищо! освгги в контекст проблематики адаптаци майбутшх учителiв фiзичноi культури до професшно! дшльносп у процеа педагопчно! практики. Проаналiзовано теоретичш засади адаптаци майбутшх учителiв фiзичноi' культури до професшно! дшльносп та специфщу процесу формування готовности майбутшх учителiв до професшно! дшльносп. З'ясовано, що професшна дiяльнiсть майбутшх учителiв фiзичноi культури на засадах компетентшсного пiдходу спрямована на розвиток фiзичних та психiчних характеристик особистостi школяра, виховання цшшсних орieнтацiй, прилучення до здорового та активного способу життя, формування загальнолюдських цiнностей та принципiв. Обгрунтовано та виявлено особливостi адаптацй' майбутнiх учителiв фiзичноi культури до професiйноi дiяльностi на засадах компетентнiсного пiдходу. Подальшого напрацювання потребуе дослiдження педагогiчних умов адаптацй' майбутшх учителiв фiзичноi культури до професiйноi дiяльностi у процеа педaгогiчноi практики.

Keywords: pedagogical education, physical culture, adaptation to professional activity, competence approach, professional training of future physical education teachers.

Ключовi слова: nедaгогiчнa освiтa, фiзичнa культура, aдaптaцiя до професшноi дiяльностi, компетенттсних nidxid, професшна пiдготовкa майбутшх учителiв фiзкультури.

Постановка проблеми. Модершзащя вищо! педагопчно! освгги зумовлюе необхвдтстъ змiн у пiдготовцi майбутшх учителiв до професiйноi дiяльностi, це ввдображуеться в змiстi нового освггаього стандарту, освiтнiх програмах, навчальних планах, робочих програмах. Сьогодт перед закладами вищоi' освiти постае завдання шдготовки квалiфiкованих та

конкурентоспроможних кадрiв, ввдкритих до сприйняття нового досвiду, цшсних та вiдкритих iндивiдуальностей здатних до професшного розвитку, творчого оволодiння професшних надбань та фахово! майстерностi.

Професшна готовшсть мaйбутнiх учителiв фiзичноi культури, особистюне становлення здобувaчiв освiти, розвиток загально1' та фахово1' педaгогiчноi культури, формування компетенцш й компетентностей, адаптащя мaйбутнiх учителiв фiзичноi культури до професшно1' дiяльностi на засадах компетентшсного шдходу виступають передумовою ефективно1' майбутньо1' професшно1' дiяльностi.

Аналiз останшх дослвджень i публiкацiй.

Теоретичнi основи та специфжа процесу формування готовностi майбутшх учителiв до професшно!' дiяльностi вщображеш в працях

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