Цифровизация как фактор повышения эффективности предприятий строительства объектов ТЭК
Кошельков Алексей Юрьевич
аспирант Российского университета дружбы народов, А[email protected]
Увеличение степени неопределенности и волатильности протекания экономических процессов в современных условиях и изучение характера воздействия внешних экономических шоков, позволяет утверждать о высокой степени актуальности оценки, обеспечения и повышения экономической эффективности деятельности промышленных предприятий в условиях цифровой трансформации. Особенность деятельности предприятий промышленности в области топливоснабжения накладывают существенные ограничения на их экономическую эффективность на требуемом уровне с целью повышения конкурентоспособности. При этом, мерами по повышению эффективности деятельности предприятия топливоснабжения, без ущерба для потребителей, могут осуществляться за счет внедрения современных цифровых технологий. Данное научное исследование будет посвящено поиску решений обозначенных проблем, в чем также заключается его актуальность. Эффективный и действенный ответ вызовам, существующим в топливоснабжении России, возможен при повышении экономической эффективности его хозяйствующих субъектов посредством разработки и внедрения современных цифровых решений, учитывающих общие и специфические особенности предприятий промышленности. Логистический план строительства позволяет сформировать лучшую логистическую стратегию закупок, перемещений, движения согласно британской практике по использованию логистического плана в строительстве. Такой план должен разрабатываться главным подрядчиком в начале строительства, и он предоставляет возможность не только определить оптимальные затраты, но и учесть и уменьшить экологическую составляющую транспортных последствий от строительной техники.
Ключевые слова: цифровые технологии, BIM технологии, логистический менеджмент, большие данные, виртуальная реальность, эффективность.
The introduction of BIM technologies in the context of integrated logistics support of the facility during construction work during the construction of new company facilities requires an analysis of the problems of the selected area. The main works on the construction of facilities are carried out by construction companies, while they do not put their facilities into operation on time. Violations during the delivery of a construction object are the result of the absence of violations of the time for approval at different levels of the construction project [1].
In addition, the untimeness can be significantly affected by such a reason as incorrectly planned schedules for the supply of materials, or the hiring of necessary construction crews, or an incorrectly calculated amount of necessary material or construction crews that need to be involved for the timely completion of construction. Also, incorrectly planned delivery schedules of construction machinery for the corresponding stages of construction may affect [2].
Also, one of the reasons why integrated logistical support of the construction process is necessary for the implementation of fuel and energy facilities is the increase in costs, which, accordingly, are associated with the desire to still achieve timely completion by increasing construction crews or additional construction machinery
The increase in costs may also be affected by the costs associated with the downtime of leased equipment, for example, due to the lack of construction materials for some reason on the construction site according to the construction schedule, or for the same reasons, payment for downtime to hired construction crews
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Integrated logistics support for a construction project should be not only at the production stage, but also at the operational stage. Consequently, the lack of access to detailed information about all the networks and features of the construction of the facility after the commissioning of the next organization does not allow you to make correct schedules regarding maintenance plans, renovation or modernization of facilities, which also leads to unnecessary costs and the inability to properly assess the situation and the necessary resources [5].
Let's imagine the reasons described above in the form of components that encourage the use of integrated logistics support for the life cycle of construction facilities in the construction and further functioning of construction facilities [6].
So, the causal relationships between the causes and the need to support the integrated logistics support of the life cycle of a construction object from the moment of design to the moment of major repairs are traced [7].
Figure 1 identifies four enlarged main causes (problems). At the same time, it should be noted that these reasons can also influence each other. For example, if we talk about the deadlines for putting construction projects into operation, it should be noted that their shift from the planned ones is often accompanied by an increase in construction costs, as well as with inefficient use of labor resources, since for some time there is a staff downtime due to a violation of the deadlines for the object.
Figure 1. Integrated logistics support for the life cycle of construction projects
Accordingly, further, for each enlarged group of problems, several main reasons, in our opinion, were added. At the same time, we want to note that most of these reasons are also interrelated, that is, each of them leads not only to the problem to which we attributed it, but also to some related problems or their causes [8].
This also confirms that it is necessary to save the situation during the management of the life cycle of a construction object at the level of integrated logistical support for its functioning.
To begin with, let's consider the integrated logistics support of the facility, its functioning.
Logistics management in construction includes strategic planning of storage, processing, transportation and distribution of resources, as well as planning of the layout of the construction site and active management of its development as the necessary construction processes are deployed. For the smooth operation of the construction site, especially with respect to the flow of materials and equipment, care should be taken to resolve conflicts in space and time regarding the movement and storage of resources according to the construction processes that are being carried out. The manufacture and installation of permanent building elements must take into account the size of the vehicle and the ways of moving materials necessary for the construction of the facility. This should be consistent with the location, shape and size of stationary and temporary structures during each phase of construction on the site [9].
To effectively manage the movement of materials to and around construction sites, a number of methods are available that can be used [10].
Logistics management should be carried out taking into account the following logistics controls.
1) Supply Chain Management (SCM) is an important platform for managing assets coming to the site and allows contractors and managers to establish a clear understanding of planned and actual construction supplies. Supply chain management is, as a rule, a software planning system that is used to efficiently organize and manage all deliveries to the construction site.
An effective SCM will allow logistics managers to reduce the amount of double processing of materials, excessive movement of materials and excessive storage of materials on the construction site by means of acute control over all assets arriving at the construction site.
2) Just-in-time Deliveries (JIT) is a well-known and generally accepted procedure for managing construction logistics. The JIT
provides for the delivery of materials or equipment manufactured as close as possible to the time when they are needed for use on the construction site. This allows you to perform tasks without delay, significantly reducing the requirements for storing materials on site. The benefits of JIT delivery include reducing the risk of damage and loss of construction materials and equipment, as well as reducing the risk of personnel overload and safety.
3) The consolidation center for construction should be properly located at a distribution facility where multiple shipments of bulk materials are stored and transported to construction sites. Such a consolidation center represents a single point of storage and administration of all supplies arriving at the construction site. In large cities, this leads to a significant reduction in the volume of daily deliveries to the construction site and allows you to reduce cargo transportation to the facility by up to 70%. Additional potential benefits of consolidation centers include a 6% increase in labor productivity (approximately 30 minutes per day) and a 7-15% reduction in total waste.
4) The team (group) for the distribution of materials. To achieve an even greater effect from the use of the construction consolidation center (however, it can be introduced without a consolidation center) is the introduction of a team for the distribution of materials assigned to the corresponding construction site.
5) Identification and tracking. Information and communication technology (ICT) identification and tracking systems in logistics are common, such systems in the construction business provide an opportunity to track materials and components from production, through distribution, to use in construction and further maintenance during the operation of a construction facility.
6) Application of BIM tools for construction logistics management. BIM software can be applied to construction logistics in various ways. 3D platforms allow you to quickly and clearly exchange complex logistics strategies (Figure 2).
• General requirements for the designed
• External conditions
• Information about engineerir
• Additional information
► Design solutions »Expected operational quality »Working documentation »Ordering of products and
»Ordering equipment »Organization of construction »Operation management
► Reconstruction management
Figure 2. Enlarged scheme of BIM information links
Adding time data in the form of 4D BIM allows you to effectively manage and manipulate the available space in order to determine the movement and storage of materials, as well as coordinate the installation and removal of construction equipment.
7) Construction Supply Chain Management (CSCM) requires tracking the supply of material and technical resources and construction activities, an integrated platform and certain coordination mechanisms between CSCM participants.
8) It is important to use technology that will allow processing large amounts of information at extremely high speed, because the construction process forms a significant amount of information. Now Artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligent) and Machine Learning (Machine Learning) can be used for this, which can replace a person by creating conventional algorithms for data processing and perform these data analysis tasks many times faster than personnel.
9) Also, Big Data technology allows you to monitor the project in real time to improve planning, reduce construction time and
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optimize the budget. Connecting to big data BIM models allows you to enter cost information directly into the project to see the cost of various parts of the building and find ways to save.
10) Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality, VR) and Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality, AR) are used in construction to improve design, because no matter how accurate visualization is, there will be nothing better for understanding the appearance of the project than its detailed viewing with virtual reality technology.
So, a well-designed logistics plan for construction and further operation will not only benefit the local environment, but also reduce costs by using effective working practices and reducing delivery time. The logistics plan will clearly demonstrate the limitations of the site, identify opportunities for improving logistics efficiency and determine the overall logistics approach for any development of events. It is gradually being developed as the project planning process moves forward and becomes a central document that is used to define logistics management techniques in construction at any stage of project development and further during the operation of facilities. Here is a brief view of the content of such a logistics plan:
1) Project overview. A brief description of the construction and the general location of the site.
2) Introduction to supply chains. A brief description of the primary products needed for construction and their source, as well as the method by which they will be transported. A brief study of the expected material waste, its removal and reuse.
3) Supply chain planning. This section includes policies and procedures to be applied by contractors and suppliers to reduce traffic before and during the construction process. Some variants of such logistics plans for construction include:
- materials - the introduction of all materials that are supposed to be delivered and removed from the site, as well as the type of transport for their transportation;
- consolidation centers (warehouses) and pre-production sites (i.e. off-site) are determined in this division;
- integration with neighboring construction sites;
- route planning - specific routes along which vehicles will arrive and leave.
4) Activities at the construction site, including a logistics plan and a site plan that have drawings of the layout of the site and where the locations of various unloading points, construction equipment, transport and pedestrian routes, staff accommodation points are described.
Figure 3. Roadmap of logistics support for the functioning of construction facilities.
So, the prepared logistics plan for construction and operation will allow for competent logistics management, which should be applied to projects, and will be a key tool for the logistics manager to coordinate the movement of assets to and around the facility, procurement in optimal sizes, and the like. The specifics of the logistics strategy will be constantly reviewed and refined to ensure optimal efficiency of managing the movement of tangible assets and assets.
Taking into account the above, Figure 3 shows the roadmap of the logistics support system for the functioning of construction facilities, which will include three main stages: the design of the construction facility, the construction process of the facility and the operation of the construction facility.
At the operational stage, in accordance with the documentation for the maintenance of the constructed facility, logistical support is provided by planning the procurement of necessary materials and resources, delivery of necessary maintenance equipment and personnel, as well as operational management of the delivery of necessary resources to the facility, after which, at the time of the maintenance process, these materials, tools and equipment are provided.
Thus, the analysis of various software products, the costs of their implementation, the calculation of the implementation of the selected software project with the support of VIM technologies during the construction of fuel and energy facilities showed not only its economic feasibility, but also demonstrated benefits for the company, reducing the company's costs for the construction and operation of the facility throughout the entire period of its life cycle. It can be concluded that the proposed measures for the introduction of digital technologies in the construction of fuel and energy facilities at enterprises have proved to be really effective.
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10. Андреева Ю.Н. Внедрение технологий цифровой подстанции на существующие объекты энергетики. Инновационные процессы в науке и технике XXI века. материалы XIX Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов, ученых, педагогических работников и специалистов-практиков, посвященной 40-летнему юбилею Нижневартовского филиала ТИУ. Тюмень, 2021. С. 316-318.
Digitalization as a factor of increasing the efficiency of enterprises for the construction of fuel and energy facilities
Koshelkov A.Yu.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
JEL classification: D20, E22, E44, L10, L13, L16, L19, M20, O11, O12, Q10,
Q16, R10, R38, R40, Z21, Z32_
The increase in the degree of uncertainty and volatility of economic processes in modern conditions and the study of the nature of the impact of external economic shocks, allows us to assert a high degree of relevance of assessing, ensuring and improving the economic efficiency of industrial enterprises in the conditions of digital transformation. The specifics of the activities of industrial enterprises in the field of fuel supply impose significant restrictions on their economic efficiency at the required level in order to increase competitiveness. At the same time, measures to improve the efficiency of the fuel supply company, without prejudice to consumers, can be implemented through the introduction of modern digital technologies. This scientific research will be devoted to the search for solutions to the identified problems, which is also its relevance. An effective and efficient response to the challenges existing in the fuel supply of Russia is possible with an increase in economic efficiency. The logistics plan of construction allows you to form the best logistics strategy for purchases, movements, movements according to the British practice of using a logistics plan in construction. Such a plan should be developed by the main contractor at the beginning of construction, and it provides an opportunity not only to determine the optimal costs, but also to take into account and reduce the environmental component of transport consequences from construction equipment.
Keywords: digital technologies, BIM technologies, logistics management, big data, virtual reality, efficiency.
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