Original article
UDC 33S.23
doi: 10.18522/2687-0770-2022-2-120-128
Elena I. LazarevalK, Zhaug Xiao wen2
1,2 Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
1 [email protected] \ ORCID: 0000-0001-5S29-5372
2 [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-5135-9764
Abstract ТЪе relevance of the study is deteniuned by the growing global trends of transition from industrial to digital economy. The digital economy considers digital knowledge and information as a key factor of production, and the effective use of information and communication technologies as an important driver of fundamental changes in economic activity. Strategic policy in the field of digital transfbnuation plays a key role in the transition to quality innovation-oriented development of China's economy. The aim of the research is to analyze current (rends ш the integration of digital technology into the real economy and to propose strategic measures to promote the development of the digital economy of the People's Republic of China. An analysis of relevant scientific sources was conducted. On the basis of this analysis three stages of digitahzation of the Chinese economy were identified, the current trends of its digital transformation were investigated. A number of key problems in the formation of strategic policy in the field of digital transformation were identified. The principles of formation of the strategy to overcome the identified problems in the new economic environment have been proposed.
Keywords: digital transformation digital economy, information and communication technology, strategic pohcies, the innovation-oriented development of China's economy
For citation: Lazareva EJL, Xiaowen Z. Digital Transformation as the Source of Economic Development in China. Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasus Region. Social Science. 2022 ;(2): 120-128.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY4.0).
Научная статья УДК 33S.23
Елена И а си фавн а Лазарева113, Чжаш Сяовэнь 1
1,2 Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
1 elazareva@sfe du.ru31, ORCID: 0000-0001-5S29-5372
2 [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-5135-9764
Аннотация. Актуальность исследования определяется нарастающими в мире тенденциями перехода от индустриальной экономики к цифровой. Цифровая экономика рассматривает цифровые знания и информацию как ключевой фактор производства, а эффективное использование информа-цнонно-коммуннкацнонных технологий как важную движущую силу фундаментальных изменении в экономической деятельности. Стратегическая политика в сфере цифровой трансформации играет ключевую роль в переходе к качественному инновационно-ориентированному развитию экономики Китая. Цель исследования - проанализировать современные тенденции интеграции цифровых технологий в реальную экономику и предложить стратегические меры содействия развитию цифровой экономики Китайской Народной Республики. Проведен анализ актуальных научных источников, на
© Lazareva E.I., XIaowea Z2022
основе которого выделены три этапа цнфровнзацин китайской экономики исследованы современные тенденции ее цифровой трансформации. Выявлен ряд ключевых проблем формирования стратегической политики в сфере цифровой трансформации. Предложены принципы формирования стратегии преодоления выявленных проблем в новых экономических условиях.
Ключевые слова-, цифровая трансформация, цифровая экономика, ннформационно-коммуникационные технологии, стратегическая политика, инновационно-ориентированное развитие экономики Китая
Для цитирования: Lazaieva E.I.. Xiao wen Z. Digital Transformation as (he Source of Economic Development in СЬша // Известия вузов. Северо-Кавказский регион. Общественные науки. 2022. № 2. С. 120-128.
Статья апубаштаана на условиях тщании Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY4.0).
The effectiveness of economic actors' managerial decisions is especially important ш the context of global instability, increased competition and innovation-digital transformations. Communication technologies used in the decision-making process influence this effectiveness greatly. The development of digital networks and clusters in which efficiency increases as the number of users grows, ш combination with the institutional environment, has the most important manifestations in creating new models of managerial decision-making by rapidly developing economic subjects, which improve the organization of interaction of participants [1, 2].
In the 21st century, China's digital economy, based on Internet information technology, has achieved rapid growth, making it an important driving force of the economic system. According to the calculation of the task group of the China information society, since 2008, the scale of China's digital economy has grown from S69Q billion to $3 .8 trillion, with an average growth rate of more than 10% ш the past five years, and its contribution to GDP keeps rising [3]. In 2016, the contribution of the digital economy to China's GDP is as high as 30%. In 2017, China's total digital economy reached 27.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 32.9% of GDP [4] (Figure). The development of digital economy is an inevitable path to promote economic transformation and upgrading, and also an important part of the implementation of the network power strategy.
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2016 2017
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2018 «Процент от ВВП
The growth of the digital economy in the PRC, 2016-2018 [5] / Рост цифровой экономики в КНР. 2016—2018 тт. [5]
The development of cloud computmg, big data, Internet of things, mobile Internet, artificial intelligence and other new generation information technologies is accelerating the deepening of global industrial division and economic restructuring, and reshaping the global economic competition pattern. China should sei2e the opportunity of a new round of differentiation and reorganization of global in-
formation technology and industry, make every effort to build core technology industry ecology, further promote the breakthrough of cutting-edge technology, realize the coordinated development of industrial chain, value chain and innovation chain, and promote the development of China's digital economy to a new level.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the new economic situation have made adjustments to the strategic plans for implementing the digital economy strategy for China.
The purpose of this article is to determine whether the continuation of the chosen digital economy strategy in conditions of instability is effective, based on the analysis of problems of formation of strategic policy in this area and the justification of the principles of formation of the strategy to overcome the identified problems in the context of new global challenges.
Materials and Methods
The main objective m this study is China's digital economy strategy. C hina's digital economy policies can be traced back to 19S0's. The relevant strategies and policies have moved from information development to the digital transformation driven by big data artificial intelligence. China's development history of digital economy strategies makes itself representative.
This article analyzes the trends and new opportunities for development of China's digital economy by using the methods of literature analysis.
The digital transformation process of China's economy can be roughly divided into three stages: the first stage is the information development stage driven by computer and information communication technology. Since the 1980s and 1990s, the technology of computer and large-scale integrated circuit has been introduced mto China. The electronic and information industry has been deternuned as a national strategy. Integrated circuit, computer, communication and software have become an important development field, promoting the wide application of electronic information technology. Ma Xiaobai et al. put forward the development strategy of digital services based on the operation status of the three major operators in China and the overall development environment of mobile Internet, big platform development strategy and big data development strategy are the three best strategic choices for operators to maintain sustainable development m the future [6] However, the macro environment of national development and the operation status of the three major operators have changed greatly, as the rapid development of communication technology, and the three strategies proposed by them are not enough to adapt to the development of current technology and economic environment. Du Yajie et al. proposed that in the face of the current situation of saturated user market and stagnant development of voice message business, operators need to strengthen channel construction, form a modern marketing service channel strategic system with electronic channels as the main channel, physical channels as the auxiliary, owned channels and social channels combined, and 020 joint operation, so as to maximize channel benefits [7]. All of these clearly reflect the indestructibility of digital transformation in the initial stage m the battle against the survival of traditional market.
The second stage is the Internet driven digital transformation stage. After 2000, the Internet has been popularized and applied m the fields of business, government affairs and personal life. After 200S, with the rise and development of mobile Internet, mobile Internet once again promotes a new round of digital transformation and upgrading in many fields. Wu Suyan pointed out that the emergence of the concept of virtual strategy and its successful practice in various fields pose a strong challenge to the traditional economic theory, business philosophy and technological development methods [S] Li Shaobo said "as the product of deep integration of industrial system and Internet system, industrial Internet is the key support for the transformation of manufacturing industry and other real economic fields to digitahzation, networking and intelligence, and it is to promote the supply side structural reform of China to speed up the effective transfer of new and old driving forces is an important basis for achieving a country's high-quality economic development and improving people's livelihood" [9]. In 2017, for the first time, China put "digital economy'' into the government's work report, which clearly stated that "in 2017, we should take greater steps to speed up the network and reduce the fees '. In 2017, all domestic long-distance and roaming fees for mobile phones will be cancelled, the Internet access fees for small and medium-sized enterprises will be greatly reduced, the international longdistance telephone fees will be reduced, the in-depth development of "Internet +" will be promoted,
and the growth of digital economy will be accelerated to benefit enterprises and the masses [10]. Obviously, it has become the key strategy of national development to fully support the development of emerging industries and promote the transformation of traditional industrial production, management and marketing mode with new technology, new formats and new models.
The third stage is the digital transformation stage driven by big data artificial intelligence. In [11] Chen Yubo. director of the Internet development and governance research center of Tsinghua University of Economics and Management, points out that since March 2017, China has entered the stage of digital economic transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, for reason the widespread application of the Internet the data shows explosive growth, big data, cloud computing, Internet of tilings and other new generation of information technology have made great breakthroughs and progress, a large number of artificial intelligence application scenarios have been developed and mined, laying a good foundation for the development and application of artificial intelligence, and the digital transformation of China's economy is entering a new stage. In [12] Zhang Lili, an economic figure of the year in China's information industry m 2016, wrote: "in the new era represented by big data and the Internet, plus mobile and software definition, and plus ecology and artificial intelligence, with the transformation of economic growth pattern and the accumulation of information-based data, we should take big data application as the core, and on the way of enterprise Internet and intelligent management, it is the only way for manufacturing, operation and maintenance management in the future to use Internet artificial intelligence and other technologies for management". Similarly, Google's chief executive, Sandar-Pichay said: "In the long run. our computing world is evolving from 'mobile first' to 'artificial intelligence first". Deloitte says the age of cognitive technology is coming. According to McKinsey Global Research Institute, artificial intelligence is promoting social transformation which is "10 times faster, 300 times larger and almost 300Ü times more influential" than the industrial revolution [13].
Similar to the development of electronic information technology and the Internet in the previous two stages, a significant feature of big data AI driven digital transformation is the gradual penetration of digital process from the demand side to the supply side. China's Internet giants, led by Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu and Jingdong, have accumulated massive user behavior data from hundreds of dimensions such as consumption, social networking, travel, communication and payment, and developed core products to promote the application of Internet, big data and artificial intelligence m consumer goods, life services and other aspects. At present, the digital transformation of the demand side has a good foundation of expanding replication in the industry, and is gradually realizing the integration of cross industry and cross region development. Compared with the demand side, the digital transformation of the supply side is still in its infancy, especially the digital transformation of traditional industries such as industry, manufacturing, medical treatment, etc., which still has great potential and value.
Results nnd Discussion
Infbnuation technology has become the core force to promote the global industrial change, and constantly gather innovative resources and elements, interact and integrate with new business forms and new business models, and rapidly promote the transformation, upgrading and transformation of agriculture, industry and service industries. A new industrial economic development model is coming. The industrial information security development research center and social sciences literature press jointly published The blue book of industry and information technology: the world information development report (2016-2017)" [14] and '"The Research Report on the current situation and trend of C hina's digital talents (2017)" [15] which point out that the development trend of informatization in the future maiiily includes the construction of information infrastructure, the integration of informatization and industry, the promotion of government service innovation and smart city construction by informatization, cyberspace security and governance, etc. It can be roughly analyzed from the following aspects.
First, global information technology innovation is accelerating day by day. The new generation of information technology represented by cloud computing, the Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence and block chain is booming, and innovation in advanced computing, high-speed Internet, intelligent perception and other technology fields is on the rise, while brain like computing, deep learning, machine vision, virtual/augmented reality and even unmanned driving, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent medical and other technology and application innovation are emerging m an endless
stream; facing the future. The establishment of new technology system is speeding up, and the focus of competition has changed from smgle product to technology product system and ecosystem. With the development of network, integration and systematization, the technology and product form in the information field in the global scope are constandy innovating and developing, and the evolution of technology and industry in the new stage is increasingly clear, and new platforms and models are constantly emerging.
Second, the global information technology industry pattern has entered a period of deep adjustment. The scale, frequency and scope of M & A integration of global information technology industry have reached new highs. Semiconductor industry giants have invested heavily to vertically integrate the scarce resources and key elements in the industrial ecological chain, and strive to build their own competitive advantages in industry and technology; Google, Apple, Facebook and other companies continue to acquire a large number of At, intelligent hardware, application development, platform services and other companies, and traditional equipment and software giants integrate cloud computmg, big data and Internet of things resources, seizing the development opportunities of new generation information technology such as artificial intelligence.
The third is the turning point of Internet popularization. At present, the global Internet popularization process is gradually slowing down, and this trend is expected to continue to be strengthened in the next few years. In [IS] it is pointed out that information infrastructure has become a key carrier of economic and social development. With the continuous strengthening of comprehensive integration and seamless connection between the Internet of things, communication network and the Internet, people, people and things, things and things will achieve a more thorough perception, more extensive connectivity, more m-depth intelligence, and broad prospects for the transformation of infra structure to intelligence. With the development of wearable devices, smart home. Internet of vehicles, smart city and other products and services, the number of devices connected to the network is increasing year by year. The change of access subject will have a profound impact on the technological innovation, application form and service ability of the network.
Fourth, the Internet is deeply integrated into urban informatization. Internet has gradually become a basic living space for people's social interaction, self- presentation, access to information, purchase of products and services. Internet of things plays a role in urban monitoring, intelligent transportation, environmental protection, resource management, public security, industrial monitoring, social services, smart home and other fields, and promotes the change of people's production, life and consumption patterns. Informatization promotes the intelligent management of the city. Intelligent resource management will make the management of basic resources such as water, electricity and coal more dynamic and intelligent. It is also mentioned in accelerating the popularization and deepening the application of intelligent integration - the new trend of global information development that "in the next few years, cities in major countries and regions in the world will further strengthen the information construction, intensively integrate and integrate all urban infr a structure by intelligent means, and create a more convenient and comfortable environment for citizens' clothing, food, housing, travel, travel and purchase" [16]. In [14] it rs also pointed out that virtual reality technology will play a very important role in urban construction, for example, providing smart business solutions for urban pipeline construction, and seamlessly connecting with smart education.
After decades of development, China has made great progress in the basic software and hardware technologies and industries on which to develop the digital economy, and has initially formed a relatively complete industrial chain. In the next 10 years, thanks to the dividend effect of China's policy planning, the industrial structure upgrading effect driven by the new generation of information technology, the data resource endowment effect, and the international diffusion effect of China's model, China's digital economy will also usher in rapid development.
One is the upgrading effect of industrial structure driven by the new generation of information technology. At present, information technology has become the platform and hub for the integrated development of China's primary, secondary and tertiary industries. In the field of industrial production, information technology promotes the development of production iin the direction of CO assimilation and mtellectualization, and the comprehensive upgrading of design, process, equipment, management and sen-ice Flexible ruanufacUiriug, network manufacturing, green manufacturing and intelligent
manufacturing contmue to develop. Accurate prediction, lean production, fine management and precise marketing based on big data technology are fully developed, and production efficiency, product quality and economy are fully developed. In the field of service consumption, platform economy, sharing economy and experience economy are developing rapidly. Modern logistics, online financial services, data resource support and other supporting e-commerce elements continue to improve, and business model innovation based on new means of communication such as self-Media, online live broadcast, social network, micro video and so on continues to emerge. The development of digital economy ushers m a rare historical opportunity.
Second - data resource endowment effect. Data resources are the main driving force for the development of digital economy, and also the key factor to improve the intelligence level and operation efficiency of information society. They are regarded as strategic assets that determine the future competitiveness. China has a large market advantage with a large number of Internet users, excellent operation ability of network enterprises, rapid development of local Internet enterprises, high level of digitahzation in the fields of netwoik media, e-government, online banking, medical information, etc. These resources endowments give China unique advantages in data acquisition, data accumulation and data development.
Third - the international diffusion effect of the Chinese model. C hina's world economy one belt, one road, is still in the deep adjustment period after the financial crisis. China has relatively complete information industry chain and higher production capacity. With the deepening of information construction along the "one belt and one road", China's Internet credit enterprises will face a rare growth opportunity.
Although facing the lifetime opportunity to develop the digital economy, we still need to see that there are still many problems in China, such as the information industry ecology has not yet formed, the core technology breakthrough is seriously restricted, and the lack of high-end talents, among which the further development and breakthrough of the core technology has been forced to eyebrow. We should start from the following aspects to further promote the development of China's digital economy.
First, strengthen the ecological construction of basic software and hardware industry. The basic software and hardware industry is the foundation of the healthy development of the digital economy. To develop basic hardware and software technology and industry, we need to focus on strengthening the construction of ecosystem, developing platform level products to build "micro-ecology", promoting application demonstration m key areas to build "meso-ecology", and guiding the development of basic hardware and software industry to build "macro-ecology".
To develop "micro-ecology", we need to build a relatively independent vertical ecology based on platform level products, through the connection between the underlying software and hardware and the upper application, such as big data platform, big computing platform, deep learning platform, etc., in the construction of "meso-ecology", we need to further actively expand the alternative application of the basic software and hardware equipment of important industry information systems. In some relatively closed environments, a "meso-ecology" of basic software and hardware technology and industrial development will be formed; m terms of industrial development, further efforts should be made to promote the development of leading enterprises and small, medium and micro enterprises in the information field, which is not only the requirement of building a "macro-ecology", but also the internal driving force for the healthy development of the digital economy.
Second, it is suggested to continuously promote the research and development of cutting-edge technology in the information field. At present, a variety of computing paradigms in the field of information are gradually converging, and the development of information technology continues to expand, extend and evolve iteratively from the two dimensions of technology and service. After the development of single core, isomorphic multi-core and other different periods, the core chip is moving towards heterogeneous multi-core and brain like perception; the development of operating system is entering the third stage represented by cloud computing operating system, and accelerating to network, platform, integration and service-oriented; the database technology and system has also experienced the stages of relational database and distributed database, and is moving forward Cloud database and new database development. At present, major foreign Internet giants are speeding up the layout of new generation information technology and cutting-edge technology, trying to create a new ecosystem from the bottom to the application based on new chips, new operating systems, new databases, new networks, etc. in the near future, so as to rapidly open up new application fields and form new barriers to competition. In order to develop the
digital economy, China needs to make further efforts to develop core technology and equipment, promote as a whole, and do a good job in prospective technology research and development.
Third, further promote the coordination and cooperation of industrial chain, value chain, innovation chain and other links. The development of digital economy runs through the industrial chain, value chain, innovation chain and other links, involving scientific research institutes, enterprises, financial institutions, markets, governments and other multiple participating forces. In order to further promote the rapid development of the digital economy, all sectors need to find their own positions and strengthen coordination and cooperation. Give full play to the role of regional complementary elements, deepening division of labor and mutual aid of industrial chain and value chain; all links need to follow the market law, establish appropriate business model, actively participate m global innovation, exchange and cooperation, seize the opportunity of industrial development in the post mobile Internet era, solve the weak links and highlight the weaknesses in the development of China's digital economy; further cultivate We will strengthen the ranks of new entrepreneurs, carry forward the spirit of innovation,. and promote the standardization, internationalization and industrialization of China's mdependent innovation achievements in information technology. We will further improve the construction of key information infrastructure, improve the network governance system, and maintain the leading edge. We will adhere to the problem-based approach, innovate the system and mechanism, and maximize the release of'"digital dividends" so that the masses of the people can enjoy a digital presence There rs a substantial sense of gain in the process of economic development.
The development of information technology can promote economic and social development. It speeds up the process of economic and social informatization, that gives full play to the important role of informatization in promoting the adjustment of industrial structure, improving the utilization efficiency of production factors, accelerating the R&D and application of high and new technology, innovating management methods and concepts, improving the quality of workers, etc., cultivates new economic energy, and promotes new economic development.
The development of information technology can promote the adjustment of industrial structure. The information technology industry is a series of technology clusters including information technology research and development, production, storage, application and so on. It should be increased investment, strengthen the construction of information infrastructure, promoted the deep integration of the Internet and the real economy, speed up the digitalization and mtellectuahzation of traditional industries. expanded and strengthen the digital economy, optimized the industrial strucutre, and expanded new space for economic development.
The development of information technology is conducive to the innovation of management methods and concepts. The development of information technology has opened up working ideas, which can promote the innovation of working methods and the promotion of working efficiency. Relying on big data, cloud services and other technical means, the office is more intelligent and convenient, daily management and emergency command are more effective and convenient, and the level of governance and service can be greatly improved.
The development of information technology can better meet people's growing needs for a better life. The development of information technology can display the latest achievements in the development of China's e-government and digital economy, exchange experiences and views on the construction of Digital China, and further build consensus. It will certainly stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all sectors of the society in Building Digital China, promote information technology to better benefit the society and the people, and promote social progress and meet the growing beauty of the people Life needs play an increasingly important role.
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Список источников
1. Лазарева Е.И. Модели стратегического менеджмента траекторий прнращення ангропозкологического капитала в контексте инновационно-цифровой трансформации экономики // Друкеровскнн вестник. 2019. № 3 (30) С 5-12.
2. Lazareva E.I., Karaycheva О. V., Karaycbev G. V., Frolova I. V. The Innovative Blockchain Technology Introduction into the Sharing Economy Subjects' Decision-making // Impact of Disruptive Technologies on the Sharing Economy. IGI Global 2021 P 129-150.
3. Digital economy: towards a new phase from quantitative to qualitative change. ChinalnfolOO Research Group. Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 2018. URL:} mckinsey > China (дата обращения: 23.04.2022).
4. Xu 7. Analysis on the Strategic Advantages of China's Information Economy Development // ГГ Manager World. 2015 № 20. P. 15-21.
5. China's Digital Economy 2019. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). URL: http://www. kxyj/ qwfb.bp5. 201904 P020190417344468720243.pdf (дата обращения: 19.04.2022).
6. Xiaobai M., Xuesi S., Chao J. Research on Development Strategy of China's C ommunication Operators under the Impact of Mobile Internet И Management Modernization. 2015. № 35 (5). P. 11-1S.
7. Yajie D., Gorigzhi L. How to Expand Profit Growth in Digital Age // Communications Enterprise Management 2017 № 7 P. 32-38.
8. Sm>an W. A New Technology and Economic Form - Virtual Strategy' in Information Age H Economic Issues. 2001. № 3 P. 9-15.
9. Shaobo L. Industrial Internet: Key Support for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry' ii Industry Observation. 2018 № 1 P. 13-24.
10 Ruosm Y., Xiang\>mg Q. Strategic Analysis on the Digital Transformation of Chinese Telecom Operators in the Era of Digital Economy It Chinese Soft Science. 2018. № 4 P.16-21.
11. Yubo C. Digital Transformation of China's Economy Driven by Artificial Intelligence - Research Report on Social Cognition and Application Needs of China's Artificial Intelligence. Chinese Publishing House. 2018. URL: (дата обращения: 23.04.2022).
12. Lth Z. Big data, artificial intelligence to promote industrial transformation and upgrading revolutionary significance // Retail Today. 2016. № 2. P. 21-26.
13. Guilong C. New Trends in World Informatization // Application: Frontier of Innovation 2017. № 4. P. 29-36.
14. Libo Y. Blue Book on Industry' and Informatization: Annual Report on World Informatization (20162017). Industrial Information Security Development Research Centre, 2017. URL: ht1ps:// (дата обращения: 19.04.2022).
15. Yuba С., Yefeng M. Research Report on the Present Situation and Trend of Digital Talents in China. Tsinghua University of Economics and Management, 2017. URL:> (дата обращения: 19 04.2022).
16. Jin L., Lijun IF. Accelerating the popularization and deepening the application of intelligent integration -the new trend of global information development ii Versea View. 2020. Jfa 12. P. 27-33.
Information about the authors
E.I. Lazareva - Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation and International Management.
Zhang Xiaowen - Postgraduate, Department of Innovation and International Management.
Информация об aemopax
EH. Лазарева - доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой инновационного к международного менеджмента.
Чжан Сяовэнъ - аспирант, кафедра инновационного и международного менеджмента.
Стагм поступила в редакцию 26.05.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 17.06.20(22: принята к публикации 22.06.2022. ТЪе article was submitted 26.05.2022; approved afler reviewing 17.06.2022; accepted for publication 22.06.2022.