DIGITAL MARKETING TOOLS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITIZATION PROCESSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
marketing / digital marketing / internet marketing / traditional marketing / advertising / digital channels.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Yurchuk N.

The article considers the essence of the concept of digital marketing, its structure and features in modern business conditions, compares digital and traditional marketing. The main tools of digital marketing are studied, it is noted that there are no universal solutions for the selection of tools, they must be selected for a specific company. Among the trends of recent years are such tools as online video, native advertising, personalized content, smart advertising with big data, community development. The advantages of digital marketing and the algorithm of development and implementation of digital marketing strategy by domestic enterprises are given. The main problems faced by digital marketing, which are closely related to technological progress, as well as for companies moving to digital marketing, a significant problem in the use of digital marketing is the process of identifying the most valuable information and obtaining it.

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компянй' I Шляхи тдвищення ефективносп бyдiв-ництвa в yмовax формyвaння ринкових вiдносин: зб. нayк. npa^.-Km^: КНУБА, 2019.- Вип. 39 y двоx чaстинax. Чaстинa 2. Теxнiчний. - С. 24-34. ISBN 978-617-7748-27-3

6. Григоровський П.£. Зaстосyвaння мониторингу теxнiчного стaнy бyдiвель i споруд для ви-вчення геодинaмiчниx тa теxногенниx процесiв ïx

бyдiвництвa i експлyaтaцiï I П.£. Григоровський, I.B. Тревого, Н.П. Чyкaновa II Геоiнформaцiйний монiторинг нявколишнього середовищa : GNSS i GIS-теxнологiï : мaтерiaли XXVIII Мiжнaр. гаук.-теxн. симп. 10-15 вересня 2013 р. Алyштa, 2013. -с. 136-143.


Yurchuk N.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of computer science and economic



The article considers the essence of the concept of digital marketing, its structure and features in modern business conditions, compares digital and traditional marketing. The main tools of digital marketing are studied, it is noted that there are no universal solutions for the selection of tools, they must be selected for a specific company. Among the trends of recent years are such tools as online video, native advertising, personalized content, smart advertising with big data, community development. The advantages of digital marketing and the algorithm of development and implementation of digital marketing strategy by domestic enterprises are given. The main problems faced by digital marketing, which are closely related to technological progress, as well as for companies moving to digital marketing, a significant problem in the use of digital marketing is the process of identifying the most valuable information and obtaining it.

Keywords: marketing, digital marketing, internet marketing, traditional marketing, advertising, digital channels.

Problem statement. The need to ensure the proper implementation of economic activity by enterprises and organizations determines the inevitability of the formation of the marketing system as one of the components that determine the effectiveness of the enterprise. However, a prerequisite for the effective operation of the enterprise in market conditions characterized by the transition to a digital economy, Industry 4.0, is the digitalization of economic activity, one of the components of which is an optimized marketing system - digital marketing. This type of marketing not only reduces advertising costs, but also provides ample opportunities to promote a product or service: a variety of formats, the ability to clearly target, the ability to analyze detailed advertising campaign, speed of change, start and stop advertising campaigns, huge variability of tests, personalized appeals, feedback from users, work with thoughts on the Internet, the possibility of remarketing, work with lost customers. All these provisions are undeniable advantages and determine the relevance of the use of digital marketing in today's economy.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Such scientists as Venher YE.I., Vinnikova I.I., Holovchuk YU.O., Hrebn'ov H.M., Ivashova N.V., Ko-zub M.V., Marchuk O.O., Mel'nyk YU.V., Oklander M.A., Ponomarenko I.V., Romanenko O.O., Ruban V.V., Khalilov D, Yatsyuk D.V. and other made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of digital marketing of enterprises.

Despite the huge number of scientific and practical achievements in the theory and practice of digital marketing, there are still no common research methods

in this area. The diversity of researchers' views is due to the many tools of digital marketing and the identification of digital and Internet marketing. This increases the need for in-depth study of the features of the use of digital marketing in the enterprise.

Goals setting. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and practical provisions of the use of digital marketing, as well as to determine the feasibility of using methods and tools of digital marketing.

Presentation of the main material of the research. In today's world, the ways of influencing a potential consumer are rapidly changing. One of the most popular in recent years has been Digital Marketing, which can not only collect accurate and objective information about the target audience, but also track the results of brand or product promotion. An integrated approach allows you to use the most effective promotion channels.

According to Ruban V.V. digital marketing is a modern means of communication between an enterprise and the market through digital channels of product (enterprise) promotion in order to effectively interact with potential or real consumers in virtual and real environments [1].

Venher YE.I. treats digital marketing as a set of digital technologies used to promote the company and attract consumers. This type of marketing is used on radio, mobile technology, television, the Internet, and other types of digital offline media. The author distinguishes between the concepts of digital and Internet marketing [2].

Similarly, Yatsyuk D.V. in his works he notes that digital and Internet marketing are closely intertwined

due to a common channel of communication (Internet), but the author notes that for digital marketing this channel is not the only one, unlike Internet marketing. In view of this, Yatsyuk DV understands digital marketing as a broader concept than Internet marketing [3].

Marchuk O.O. generalizes digital marketing as a general term for marketing goods and services that uses digital channels to attract and retain customers. The author also distinguishes between the concepts of digital and Internet marketing, digital marketing includes Internet marketing, but is not limited to the Internet. Internet marketing includes SEO-site promotion, context, webinars, etc., all channels that are available to the user only on the Internet. Digital marketing includes all of the above and advertising and promotion on any digital media offline. That is, it involves digital communication, which takes place both online and offline [4].

According to M.A. Oklander, O.O. Romanenko digital marketing is a type of marketing activity that through digital channels by digital methods allows targeted interaction with target market segments in virtual

and real environments. Digital marketing is the whole set of marketing activities in today's world. That is, it is modern marketing, which is characterized by duality due to its hybrid nature: some functions are performed online, and some - in an offline environment [5].

Thus, based on the study of the essence of the concept of digital marketing, we give our own definition of this category. Digital marketing - a set of tools and methods of integrated impact on the consumer (its involvement and retention), through the use of information and electronic channels, such as television, Internet, radio, using the media of these channels - computers, smartphones and etc. In addition to digital and electronic channels, digital marketing also covers offline channels - links to sites, electronic resources, barcodes.

The structure of digital marketing contains approximately all elements of Internet marketing and those that use digital communication (Fig. 1).

Digital Marketing

Internet Marketing

Digital Television

Mobile Communication

Internet marketing research

Marketing communications on Sales of products via the

the Internet Internet

Fig. 1. The structure

Source: [6]

In addition to digital marketing, there is, as we have already mentioned, traditional marketing, which is not a digital way of promoting the goods and services of businesses to consumers, but is nevertheless the most recognizable form of marketing. Let's determine by comparing these types of marketing whether there is something in common between these two concepts; which prevails: digital or still traditional marketing (Table 1).

Comparing the above concepts, we can say that digital marketing is a sub-branch of the traditional, which enhances its effectiveness, using modern and available to most methods of dissemination of information about the product.

of digital marketing

Analyzing the table. 1, we can highlight the main advantages of digital marketing over traditional:

1) Simplicity and speed of marketing information - it is vital that the modern marketer has a way to track the success of their marketing campaigns. It helps to see what works and what doesn't when it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing strategy. With this information, companies can not only more accurately measure their return on investment, but can also identify areas for improvement and build more successful companies based on the results. Digital marketing makes these tasks easier.

Table 1

Comparison of digital and traditional marketing

Traditional marketing Digital marketing

Includes printing, broadcasting, direct mail and telephone Includes online advertising, emails, social networks, text messaging, partnerships, search engine optimization

No interaction with the audience There is interaction with the audience

The results are easy to measure The results are largely easy to measure

Advertising campaigns are planned for a long period of time Advertising campaigns are planned for a short period of time

Expensive and time consuming process Quite a cheap and fast way to promote

Limiting the reach of the consumer audience due to limited opportunities Wider access to the audience through the use of various technologies and opportunities

Position 24/7 is not possible Position 24/7 is possible

The connection is one-way The connection is two-way

Answers can only be received while working The answer or feedback can appear at any time

Source: [7].

2) Reducing marketing costs - digital marketing reduces the company's costs, as the channels used by marketers when developing and applying Internet marketing (contextual advertising, e-mail, social networks, website) are more profitable than traditional communication channels (television, radio, printed materials).

3) Personalize advertising appeals - digital marketing channels also allow companies to provide a more personalized experience through interactive banners and individual product recommendations.

4) The ability to quickly adjust the strategy - to develop, implement traditional marketing strategies takes time, Internet marketing allows you to do it faster. Because digital marketing provides real-time data, a company has the ability to observe and adapt to trends.

5) Improving customer relations (Digital-branding) - Another reason why Internet marketing is a prerequisite for most modern brands is that it allows companies to improve customer relations.

While most traditional marketing approaches provide one-way communication with the consumer, digital marketing allows two-way communication in real time. This simplifies the process of solving the problems and problems of its consumers.

6) Increase coverage - thanks to internet marketing you can reach more target consumers.

Akulych M. identifies the following principles of digital marketing:

- The principle of mixing. Digital marketers need to be able to mix in the right proportions what can be done by technology and people.

- The principle of integration. Digital marketing integrates a large number of different technologies, which are mobile, social, CRM-technologies, Internet technologies, etc. The principle also applies to the integration of digital marketing with business components such as sales and customer service based on the study of user and customer data, which allows you to build good mutually beneficial relationships with customers.

- The principle of the crucial role of technology in the success of the company. This principle is related to the concept of "technological Darwinism", according to which the very presence and application of advanced technologies can lead to success. Companies in all in-

dustries need to change according to changes in technology. If a company is not able to keep up with the times, it risks becoming irrelevant to the market by producing and offering outdated services and products to customers. To pass this principle, companies are recommended to have transformational leaders who help to master new technologies, move to the next levels of development. Only strong leaders can make a company successful in a rapidly changing market. Such a leader must have foresight, and he must have an understanding of changes in technology and their use in the future. He must feel which of the technologies you need to pay attention to today, so as not to be behind competitor's tomorrow. This leader must have the ability to analyze trends, experiment wisely, to predict future changes and trends.

- The principle of maintaining the right balance in the combination of technology and human resources. Using only human resources leads to unpredictable results, and ultimately - to the deterioration of customer relations. Each company in this matter should be determined independently, taking into account their own capabilities and needs, as well as customer characteristics.

- The principle of humanism, humanity and ethics. No technology or marketing tool should be harmful in terms of humanism, humanity and ethics [8].

Vertaym K. identifies twelve rules of digital marketing [9]:

The first rule of digital marketing: consumers and customers should be actively involved as participants -creators, distributors and commentators, and not be seen as passive viewers or just the target audience. Given that the role of consumers as participants is growing, it is necessary to shift the focus from creating the impression of creating a permanent involvement. Now the winners are those companies that have the best customer relationships.

The second rule of digital marketing: it is necessary to reconsider the attitude to traditional indicators of coverage and frequency. The success of digital marketing is that it involves the constant involvement of people in the communication process.

The transition from language media to address channels requires a radical change of thinking, which

primarily involves the perception of the audience as a set of individuals. Digital media is targeted, which means that even if millions of people own the same type of digital device, we can still interact with each one individually.

The third rule of digital marketing: you need to determine which set of channels achieves the best results. For many years, most of the content created in the field of digital marketing was reduced mainly to advertising.

The fourth rule of digital marketing: content will be increasingly independent of the specific distribution methods and restrictions associated with the types of devices supported. Relevant, high-quality content is needed to ensure the constant interest of consumers.

The fifth rule of digital marketing: much of the content will be created by consumers themselves. The role of marketers will be to stimulate and encourage the creation of content by consumers in accordance with the general brand policy.

Consumers are generally not interested in getting information they did not order. They are also not interested in building unilateral relations that leave no choice. When using digital channels, consumers require a subscription to confirm in advance that they give permission to contact them. This can be seen as another demonstration of the growing power of consumers, and now marketers need to build relationships with consumers, given their strong influence. Advertisers need to move from push marketing to using techniques to meet the needs of digital media market participants.

The sixth rule of digital marketing: correspondence with participants should be conducted only with their permission and based on the stated benefits of each. Companies will seek greater benefits from the information that consumers want to share on social networks and with each other to form an optimal media plan.

Traditional media planning must become multidimensional. The media plan today should include initiating a direct response and activating consumer actions, not just creating an image. In addition, the plan should reflect the interaction of media and technical devices, such as electronic billboards and mobile phones. Realtime data is also an important component. You need to link the paid advertising time to the physical location of the media and the advertising object.

Due to the fact that content has now become mobile and looks like a "virus", its distribution strategies should be aimed at bringing to the market information that consumers themselves would like to send to each other as opposed to paid advertising. In the age of digital technology, it makes no sense to separate media and creativity. In digital channels, they are inextricably linked. One of the main trends is to attract consumers through search. The new media plans should have a serious search component. By searching, marketers can learn more about the interests and intentions of the consumer. Thus, when planning, you need to think about how to transform consumer information into a constant dialogue.

The seventh rule of digital marketing: marketers will need to understand the meaning of a large set of options for new media, many of which involve a system

of indicators, which is based on the principle of payment for the result.

The transition to digital format affects all aspects of marketing, including image management. Gone are the days when marketers could control a company's image. And just as traditional media is giving way to new media, so companies need to move from managed PR to digital influence. Digital channels change the understanding of what is considered reliable information. Historically, companies have built trust in their brands with the help of agents of influence - famous people, whose role was to confirm the accuracy of the information disseminated about the brand. But now consumers are no longer so willing to follow this kind of agents of influence. They listen to what the same ordinary consumers as they say about the brand in order to get an independent assessment. This can be verified by visiting the site, where there are reviews and consumer reviews about cars or restaurants, etc.

The eighth rule of digital marketing: in the digital world, where consumers act faster than companies, it is impossible to manage news. Instead, marketers will have to change their approach and become a key component of participants' communication, using all possible digital technologies and tools available to them, but not to impose their will, but to defend their point of view.

The transition to digital channels will allow marketers to increase their efficiency for one simple reason: targeted media provide the opportunity to obtain data about each consumer. With consolidated marketing, consumer information is constantly accumulated, and aggregated consumer knowledge is immediately redistributed, coming into contact with all points of digital media. Address channels allow you to automatically scan the consumer's preferences each time you interact with him. Therefore, marketers need to get much closer to the needs of each consumer, developing more individual proposals and messages for each of them.

The ninth rule of digital marketing: current approaches to the integration of marketing communications in general and in general can be considered insufficient, as the focus will shift from the integration of marketing communications to the consolidation of work with each consumer. Using the data of each individual consumer will allow you to have a constant dialogue with him.

The main problem for companies moving to digital marketing will be the process of identifying the most valuable information and obtaining it. Marketers need to structure their marketing materials - websites, games, mobile companies, etc. - so that they generate and collect the most valuable information.

When a consumer uses digital media, he leaves his mark on the Internet, and this is the key to knowing about his preferences and interests. New media can be used to find out what each consumer really wants by analyzing his actions. The ultimate goal is to create a closed cycle of consumer study.

Of course, we can find out what consumers want by simply asking them themselves. This does not mean that we should immediately ask them for the data we

need, as is usually the case with many online registration resources. A better strategy is to ask the consumer to share information about themselves with us throughout the process of building a relationship and find a way to encourage him to do so.

The tenth rule of digital marketing: data will become the "circulatory system" of marketing. Marketers will use them to describe psychographics and consumer behavior in more detail. The tenth rule is also related to data and reflects the need for a more dynamic brand management process.

Marketers who want to keep up with the times and needs of the market must forget about the old methods of measurement, analysis and start using advanced technologies that work in real time. In traditional marketing, most of the information is statistical. The future media audience is predicted based on the analysis of the characteristics of the previous audience. Post-campaign research shows that the campaign has had an impact in the past. And reports of competitors show what competitors have already done.

Due to the fact that the traditional media had a very large time lag between the display of advertising and consumer feedback, marketers have used the study of the past. In digital media, everything happens online. The gap between demonstration and consumer feedback has narrowed, so the need for real-time data is becoming more urgent. Some statistics from a development perspective will always be useful, but the speed of market development and the ability of competitors to change quickly mean that marketers should reduce response time.

The eleventh rule of digital marketing: a marketing approach based on decision-making based primarily on statistical information does not meet the requirements of the time. Marketers need to use real-time data analysis to make rapid, informed changes to their actions in digital marketing.

There is a saying in the advertising business that is attributed to John Wanamaker, it goes like this: "I know that half of my advertising is useless. I just don't know which one. " And this attitude has long been the norm among marketers has remained the norm. However, digital marketing can change that.

The twelfth rule of digital marketing: the use of address channels requires optimization of the marketing mix to ensure continuous improvement of interaction with the consumer.

Marketers are now paying more and more attention to methods of measuring return on investment. Due to the use of address channels, all actions within digital marketing, of course, are measurable [9].

Digital marketing is divided into:

1. Pull-form (extraction): the consumer independently chooses the information (content) necessary for him and addresses to a brand. In this case, the audience enjoys what is offered to them.

2. Push-form (push): the consumer, regardless of his desire, receives information (sms-mailing, spam, etc.). This form has a significant disadvantage - the information obtained in this way is often not given enough attention, and therefore, such efforts are sometimes futile [1].

Today, digital marketing uses five digital channels


1) the Internet and devices that provide access to it (computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.);

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2) mobile devices;

3) local networks (Extranet, Intranet);

4) digital television;

5) interactive screens, POS-terminals.

Analyzing the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of digital marketing, we have proposed an algorithm for developing and implementing an effective digital marketing strategy, which is shown in Fig. 2.

Algorithm for developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy


Defining goals

2. Defining the target audience

3. Assessment of the competitive environment

5. Analysis of technologies and tools

6. Execution and management

7. Achieving the result

i- 8. Analysis and adjustment

Fig. 2. The mechanism of development and implementation of digital marketing strategy

Source: developed by the author.

We describe each of the stages of the algorithm for developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy by Ukrainian enterprises.

1. Defining goals:

Formulation of the goal of the digital strategy taking into account the business goals of the whole organization.

1) Attracting a new audience to the consumption of brand products.

2) Increase the frequency of consumption and use of goods.

3) Increase product loyalty among consumers.

4) Increase the frequency of trial purchases.

2. Defining the target audience:

To develop a strategy will require knowledge of the following parameters of the target audience of the brand:

1) demographic characteristics;

2) geographical characteristics;

3) psychographic parameters (social class, values, culture, personality, character traits).

Understanding the role of individuals is important for understanding whether a purchase will be made online or offline. Where will the product be used, in a digital environment or offline?

The target audience can also be divided into end consumers, business customers and resellers.

3. Assessment of the competitive environment:

Need to understand who consumers consider your

competitor? What creative strategies do competitors

use? It is necessary to clearly understand what market situation is formed by marketing communications of competitors.

4. Development of content plan and creative:

Content strategies should be given special attention, the tone, audience, method and time of content delivery should be determined. The goal is to communicate with the consumer appropriately and effectively.

5. Analysis of technologies and tools:

It is necessary to analyze the external and internal digital tools and channels available to the company, as well as to evaluate the available but not yet used ones. Formulate goals, objectives and main challenges for each channel (site, social networks, mobile devices, CRM, etc.)

6. Execution and management

Companies should prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance, as well as timing, budget, and other available resources. Tasks should be distributed among performers and performance audits should be developed by setting KPIs.

7. Achieving the result.

It is necessary to decide how the company will check and evaluate the results of each step and the overall success of the project.

8. Analysis and adjustment

It is necessary to analyze each action, to find "bottlenecks" and to make changes in processes to increase efficiency.

Digital marketing tools include all the ways,

means and activities to alert people, attract potential customers to a company, brand, service or product. Most often, several tools are used simultaneously, which allows you to reach the maximum target audience and achieve high efficiency of promotion. The list of tools used depends on the goals of the marketing campaign, the stage of its implementation, the characteristics of the target audience, the promotion, etc.

The main tools of digital marketing are the following (Fig. 3):

1. Contextual advertising. It consists of placing advertisements (text, graphic and / or in the form of links) on thematic sites.

2. SEO promotion. Its purpose is to raise the site of the advertiser in the issue of thematic queries, for which search engine optimization is performed, etc.

3. SMM is a social media marketing, which consists in conducting a set of events on other people's Internet sites (forums, blogs, websites, chats, news resources, etc.) in order to promote goods, services, advertising services and coverage of events. mailings in social networks and messengers can sometimes replace the standard SMS-mailings.

4. SERM - managing the company's reputation by creating a positive image on the sites with feedback.

5. Media (banner) advertising. Media (banner) advertising on the World Wide Web is presented in the following formats: banners and teasers - static or sometimes interactive images with or without text; video advertising; mobile advertising. Media advertising can be placed both on thematic sites and on popular portals used daily by hundreds of thousands and millions of people [10].

6. Advertising windows. This is a method of

Source: summarized by the author.

Not all companies can afford all the tools at once, as a rule, it is not effective. The choice depends on the goals and capabilities of the business. Companies can turn to digital agencies that ensure the presence and promotion of the brand in the digital environment. The team may include: marketer, SEO specialist, analyst,

online advertising, which involves displaying pop-up advertising windows on thematic platforms.

7. Television advertising. It is significantly more expensive compared to online advertising, but allows you to reach the maximum audience of different age groups.

8. Radio advertising. This is also a very expensive but effective way to convey your offer to a wide audience.

9. Native advertising. It consists in the publication on third-party resources of "natural" materials (reviews, expert opinions, etc.) that encourage the purchase of goods / services. This is an advertisement that does not catch the eye when it appears on the site or blog, as it corresponds to the content of the topic under discussion, and the advertised product is part of the content.

10. SMS-mailings. Advertising messages with the advertiser's offer are sent to subscribers of cellular operators.

11. QR codes offline. This method is often practiced to motivate to install applications, use other digital products or services.

12. Viral advertising. It involves the creation of content (usually multimedia) with provocative content, so that users themselves will distribute it online.

13. Targeted advertising - advertising aimed at a specific audience of target consumers. Targeting as an advertising mechanism allows you to select from the entire available audience is the part of consumers of the novelty (target audience), which is waiting for this novelty and which can meet expectations through a mechanism of thoughtful advertising using the Internet. Targeted advertising allows you to purposefully influence certain groups of consumers [10]._


Targeted advertising

project manager, designer, layout designer, programmer, content manager, copywriter. For part-time jobs, agencies can hire freelancers, such as videographers or photographers.

Among the tools of digital marketing that will be relevant in the next few years, experts highlight:

1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is already difficult to overestimate the role of artificial intelligence in marketing and business. Artificial intelligence helps to analyze the data and interests of consumers, offer them targeted advertising, track sales, improve communication with customers and predict their behavior. The role of machine learning, which is used in the analysis of texts, images and audio, and also valuable for the development of another trend - personalization, is growing.

2. Chat bots. Artificial intelligence and machine learning also help chatbots function. consumers like the ability to instantly resolve issues and receive feedback from the company or seller 24/7. Artificial intelligence chatbots, capable of deep learning, can develop dialogue, take into account past customer requests, collect data and analyze consumer needs and issues, naturally interact with a person, establishing his connection with the company or brand.

3. Voice search. Voice search is a technology that allows you to search the Internet by making a request orally. For consumers, this method of search has ceased to be just fun - people get used to it and increasingly use it in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to consider its benefits and optimize content not only for text but also for voice search.

4. Personalization. Most companies already want to show ads to the most interested users, and people want to see recommendations that suit their interests, and are less concerned that their smartphone "follows them." While some experts say that personalization is a perfect necessity, others warn that it prevents finding and attracting a new, not yet interested audience.

5. Native advertising on social networks. Native advertising is no longer just partner materials or sponsorship posts - native advertising is actively developing and offers new ways to engage users. Among the interesting formats - funny masks and filters on Instagram, branded stickers, native advertising in TikTok, which is becoming an increasingly effective platform. Simple, interesting and most importantly useful content in popular and close social networks helps to increase brand awareness, trust and consumer loyalty.

6. Content with the possibility of purchases or shoppable-content. This tool instantly creates a link between engaging content and sales. Such content is often used by clothing brands, such as Sezane. H&M on In-stagram.

7. Marketing through video and visual storytelling. People love to watch videos, so it is necessary to use the media potential in order to effectively convey information through stories and examples.

8. Audio advertising and podcasts. Audiences are also an important part of the audience. You can promote products through podcasts or audio ads.

9. Marketing in messengers. One of the important tasks of digital marketing is to make communication between consumers and the brand as simple, accessible and convenient as possible. An important tool for this is messengers, which allow companies to find customers, stay in touch with them, inform about news and promotions, get feedback. Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger are gradually being transformed

from applications for communicating with friends into communication channels between brands and audiences.

10. AR and VR.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies open up completely new opportunities for audience interaction and consumer engagement. For digital marketing purposes, you can use QR-tags, AR-games, special applications, digital animations, virtual reality glasses. The use of such technologies demonstrates that the brand can be considered advanced and able to offer the customer an interesting and memorable experience.

11. Protection of personal data. One of the key themes of today is reflected in digital marketing. People are increasingly worried about their safety on the Internet, worried about personal data and not so easy to share information. Therefore, it is important to do everything possible to protect privacy, raise public awareness of the company's methods of collecting and using personal data and look for ways to increase customer trust.

12. Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is the concept of connecting physical objects with the help of built-in Internet technologies. For marketers, IoT will improve interaction with the audience, track customer needs and instantly offer them optimal solutions. Among the advantages - a modern and innovative approach, maximum interactivity and audience engagement, obtaining more data.

13. The importance of customer experience. Modern people have the opportunity to choose. A large number of brands, products and companies in almost any field allows consumers to look for options that best meet their needs. Therefore, it is important to look at the company "through the eyes of customers" and create a positive customer experience that will make the audience stay with you and make it easier for people to choose. It is necessary to build relationships with consumers, take into account their needs and clearly convey the company's values, as well as make interaction with the brand as simple, convenient and meet the expectations of the audience.

14. Advertising programmer. Advertising programmer, created to automate the purchase and sale of advertising in real time, which eliminates the long and burdensome process of the usual search for advertising resources and platforms. Automated systems work quickly and show information to the most interested users. The advertising programmer uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to quickly analyze huge amounts of data and find the best options for brand promotion.

15. Discussion marketing. One way to get people interested in a product and to think about it is to engage them in a discussion by asking questions or offering a discussion. It is important for many people today to be heard. By inviting consumers to express their opinion, you can get feedback and collect useful data. Comments on the site, discussion on social networks, reviews on the Internet - all this is a valuable source of information and an opportunity to interest a new audience.

16. Instant marketing. It is equally important to communicate with the client one on one to emphasize its importance and increase loyalty. To do this, you can use chat bots, messengers, social networks and other channels to answer consumer questions, send individual suggestions and keep in touch.

17. Interactive content. Placing interactive elements on the site or in social networks is a good way to increase the interest of visitors, encourage them to interact with the brand and learn more about customers. Polls, quizzes, games, contests - all this attracts the audience. Even a simple mortgage calculator on the website of a bank or construction company allows you to keep a person on the site longer and learn useful information about him.

18. Omni channel marketing. Omni channel involves interaction with the audience through several interconnected channels that offer the client a single experience. Switching between different devices and platforms should be easy and comfortable for the consumer. Integration of several channels provides continuous communication with the client, promotes its involvement, helps to keep attention and creates a positive customer experience.

20. Ephemeral content. Ephemeral content is a type of visual content that is available for a limited time (usually 24 hours). Such photos, videos or live broadcasts are very popular on social networks Facebook, In-stagram, Snapchat. This type of content is associated with the need for immediate response and encourages consumers to make purchasing decisions faster.

21. Content marketing. Content marketing is still one of the most important trends. It is worth considering all the above tools and technologies to create truly useful, interesting and "addictive" content that can captivate an audience that is increasingly difficult to surprise [11].

Based on a detailed analysis of the concept of digital marketing, its main tools and comparison with Internet marketing and traditional marketing, we can identify the advantages inherent in this type of marketing:

1) The first and foremost advantage of digital marketing is the ability to reach not only online users but also offline consumers, ie expanding the target audience, not limited to the Internet.

2) Ability to collect clear and detailed data. Virtually all user actions in the digital environment are recorded by analytical systems. This allows you to make accurate conclusions about the effectiveness of different channels of promotion, as well as to make an accurate portrait of the buyer.

3) Flexible approach to attracting consumers - digital marketing allows you to attract offline buyers to the online market, and vice versa. For example, using a QR code on a postcard, you can direct the user to the site. At the same time, thanks to the e-mail, you can invite subscribers to a seminar or other offline event.

Successful digital marketing requires a close look at what really works in today's dynamic environment and what doesn't. Today, there are many tools that contribute to the successful implementation of digital marketing strategy. Research indicates that the mobile

phone is one of the most popular gadgets among Internet users, which significantly influences the choice of methods and channels for digital marketing and many other industries. Among the trends in digital marketing is the success of artificial intelligence, which today occupies a leading position among the innovations of informatization and automation of society. But, of course, trends need to be backed up by numbers to become truly worthy of public attention [12].

The main problems facing digital marketing are closely linked to technological advances, and over time they will only become more relevant, driven by innovation and increased power and availability of computers. All players in almost all markets understand that ignoring or resisting rapid change around the world is a disaster for business.

An equally important issue for companies moving to digital marketing is the process of identifying and obtaining the most valuable information. Marketers need to structure their marketing materials - websites, games, mobile campaigns - so that they generate and collect the most valuable information. The consumer, when using digital media, leaves its mark on the Internet, and this is the key to knowledge about its benefits and interests. New media can be used to find out what each consumer really wants by analyzing his actions.

Conclusions. The study allows us to say that digital marketing is closely intertwined with Internet marketing, but it uses a number of tools to reach the target audience even in an offline environment (use of applications in phones, sms / mms, advertising displays on the streets, etc.).

Today, digital marketing uses traditional types of advertising only in order to attract the attention of the audience and transport it to the virtual world (QR-codes in advertising posters and magazines). Digital marketing uses both the classic schemes of business development of Internet resources and standard channels of promotion, as well as the latest technologies that allow you to interact effectively with customers.

When using digital marketing tools, it is necessary to take into account its main features, such as: high interactivity, which is manifested in simple and quick feedback to the audience; measurability of any user actions; the ability to individualize and advertising messages and products for individual segments of the target audience.

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Prospects for further research on the application of digital marketing technologies should be aimed at expanding and deepening the analytical capabilities of the study of adaptation of world best practices in digital marketing to the realities of the Ukrainian economic system to optimize the activities of national companies.


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