Научная статья на тему 'Digital competencies analysis as vector of higher school reforming'

Digital competencies analysis as vector of higher school reforming Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Borodkina I., Borodkin H.

The object of research is digital literacy. There are many methods for assessing the level of digital literacy in society. Particular attention is paid to the conceptual model of the formation and evaluation of the level of digital literacy, which involves identifying all areas of knowledge, skills and connections that should be considered for development of digital competence. One of the most problematic places is that full-scale implementation of digital competences, in accordance with the conceptual model, is significantly complicated in modern Ukrainian society. The structure of digital competencies for specialists from different fields is not harmonized, it does not take into account the special professional needs, which should focus on the formation of curricula and training materials designed to form the appropriate digital skills. The educational reform that is taking place in Ukraine is fundamentally changing approaches, methods and learning technologies. At the same time, decisive changes in the direction of digitization of education and the provision of skills to the relevant digital competences to different groups of the population can only be achieved if the state supports educational reforms. International standards for measuring global computer literacy in Ukraine are only beginning to be used, which does not allow Ukrainian citizens to fully realize their potential. During the research, the necessity of harmonious introduction of digital technologies in the educational process of universities was substantiated, the principles of Ukraine’s development in the digital community and the basis for the development of its digital economy were determined. The article proposes an author’s model for measuring the digital competence of students, which is the evolution of a pyramid model of digital literacy. This model links the components of digital literacy with the development processes from the general methods of using digital competences to the improvement of the digital skills needed by specialists of certain branches. It is very important that this model focuses on the need to change the digital competences depending on the context of professional activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Digital competencies analysis as vector of higher school reforming»


f- IIITUI 1т1ПЦ1П11и-ЛЫ IIU 11 Li Fl


UDC 371.2

DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2018.135429


Borodkin H.


Об'ектом досл1дження е цифрова грамоттсть. 1снуе багато метод1в оцтки р1вня цифровог грамотност1 сустльства. Особлива увага придшяеться концептуальны модел1 формування та ощнювання р1вня цифровог грамотност1, яка передбачае визначення вс1х областей знань, вмть та зв'язк1в, як1 сл1д розглянути для розвитку цифровог компетенцг.

Одним з найбыьш проблемних м1сць е те, що повномасштабна реал1зац1я цифрових компетенцш, вгдповгдно до концептуальног модел1, в сучасному украгнському сустльств1 суттево ускладнена. Структура цифрових компетенцш для фах1вц1в р1зних галузей не гармотзована, вона не враховуе особливих професшних потреб, на яких сл1д зосередити увагу при формувант навчальних програм та навчальних матер1ал1в, призначених для формування в1дпов1дних цифрових навичок. Осв1тня реформа, яка зараз вгд-буваеться в Украгт, принципово змтюе пгдходи, методи та технологи навчання. При цьому вир1шальн1 змти в напрямку цифров1заци осв1ти та наданняр1зним групам населення навичок володтня в1дпов1дними цифровими компетенщями можуть бути досягнут1 лише за умови державног тдтримки осв1ттхреформ. М1жнародн1 стандарти вим1рювання глобальног комп'ютерног грамотност1 в Украгт тшьки починають використовуватись, що не дозволяе громадянам Украгни повтстю реал1зовувати свш потенщал.

В ход1 дослгдження була обгрунтована необх1дтсть гармоншного впровадження цифрових технологш в навчальний процес утверситет1в, визначено принципи розвитку Украгни в цифровш стльнот1 та основи розвитку гг цифровог економши. В робот1 запропоновано авторську модель вим1рювання цифровог компетенцг студент1в, яка ерозвитком трам1дальног модел1 цифровог грамотност1. Ця модель зв'язуе складов1 цифровог грамотност1 з процесами розвитку вгд загальних метод1в використання цифрових компетенцш до вдосконалення цифрових навичок, необх1дних спецал1стам окремих галузей. Дуже важливо, що ця модель акцентуе увагу на необх1дност1 змти цифрових компетенцш залежно вгд контексту професшног д1яльност1.

Ключов1 слова: цифров1 компетенцг, посттдустр1альна осв1та, тформацшне сустльство, цифрова грамоттсть, мед1аграмотн1сть, тформацшна грамоттсть.

1. Introduction

Development of information technology, which has taken place over the past 50 years, has formed a fundamentally new world in which the use of external information resources is a natural consequence of globalization. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that devices connected to the Internet are used in all spheres of human life. Computers and the Internet penetrate all sectors of the economy. They create the preconditions for the formation and development of the digital economy. The introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of the economy significantly changed the style of our lives; working conditions and business.

All this means that mankind has reached a fundamentally new era of its existence - the era of post-industrial society, when the theoretical knowledge becomes decisive. This new era of human development is sometimes referred to as the «information society» or «society of knowledge» in view of the role of knowledge and information in the life of society. The main structure that produces and accumulates such knowledge is the university. The latter requires significant changes in the goals, content, forms, methods, tools and training organization as a whole.

The Europe 2020 strategy (EU agenda for growth and employment for the current decade) emphasizes smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way of overcoming the structural disadvantages of the European economy,

increasing its competitiveness and productivity, and supporting a sustainable social market economy [1]. Thanks to the strategy of a single digital market, it is essential to open up digital opportunities for people and businesses and to strengthen Europe's position as a world leader in the digital economy [2].

The European Commission aims to create a comprehensive digital society that benefits from a single digital market. Creating smarter cities, improving access to e-governance, and providing e-health services will truly create a digital European society. All this becomes possible in the presence of a certain level of digital skills in all strata of society. The European Commission is developing a policy aimed at training European citizens in digital skills with initiatives such as the European Skills Program. These measures will help Europe's ever greater growth in digital society [3].

Therefore, it is very important to study the digital competences of Ukrainian society and suggest some ways to increase their level in line with the Europe 2020 strategy, especially in higher education.

2. The object of research and its technological audit

The object of research is digital literacy There are many methods for assessing the level of digital literacy in society.

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Particular attention should be paid to the conceptual model of the formation and evaluation of the level of digital literacy.

The purpose of using this model is identification of all areas of knowledge, skills and connections that should be considered for the development of digital competence. The proposed structure is sufficiently flexible. It should be adapted to different target groups of students and digital users.

The main distinguishing features of this model are:

- The model is based on the structure of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), taking into account the needs of knowledge, skills and approaches.

- The model provides a wide range of knowledge and skills that will fully teach people the digital competencies needed in the 21st century.

- The model does not rely on special educational subjects. It can't be used directly in any curriculum. It should be considered as guidelines for more detailed development in the organization of a certain educational process.

- The model assumes the existence and expansion of interrelations and interdependencies between different thematic areas. This will allow to organize training in the most accessible form and taking into account the priority tasks. There are predefined requirements that establish the relationships between the skills and knowledge acquired. These requirements should be strictly observed.

- The model is structured in such a way that it can take into account the specific needs and levels of training of different target groups. It can be used to plan educational content (for example, which level of education should be provided by the government, employer or paid by student).

Full-scale implementation of digital competencies in all spheres of life of modern Ukrainian society, according to the model described above, has such disadvantages:

- The structure of digital competences for specialists from different fields is not harmonized, it does not take into account the special professional needs, which should focus on the formation of curricula and training materials designed to form the appropriate digital skills.

- Education of Ukraine is undergoing reform now: the approaches, methods and technologies of teaching are fundamentally changing. Significant changes in the digitization of education and the preparation of various groups of the population to the relevant digital competencies can only be achieved if the state supports the reforms aimed at digitizing Ukraine.

- The world-renowned digital certification system (ECDL certification) in Ukraine has not yet been widespread. This means that the standards of global computer literacy in Ukraine are not used, which does not allow Ukrainian citizens to fully realize their potential.

3. The aim and objectives of research

The aim of research is analysis of concepts such as «digital literacy», «digital competence» and «digital skills» as a way to overcome the structural disadvantages of Ukrainian education, increase its competitiveness and efficiency.

To achieve this aim, the following tasks need to be addressed:

1. To substantiate necessity of introduction of digital technologies in universities educational process.

2. To investigate ways and methods of digital technologies introduction into the system of Ukrainian education.

3. To identify the segments of the education system in which it is desirable to introduce digital technologies in the first place.

4. To substantiate the increase in the profitability of the education system through the introduction of digital technologies.

5. To develop the basic principles of the strategy of digital continuity in education.

4. Research of existing solutions of the problem

Digital technologies, services and systems today are extremely important for social development. They create new jobs and ensure the growth of all sectors of the economy, ranging from traditional enterprises to the most advanced high-tech enterprises. The data presented in [1, 4] indicate that the digital economy today is an area with a hidden potential both in the European Union and in Ukraine. Therefore, according to [2, 3], one of Europe's top priorities is to create a single digital market over the next few years. According to calculations [1-3], the implementation of this initiative could lead to a significant improvement in the economic performance of the EU countries, amounting to 14 trillion EUR or 415 billion EUR per year, as well as help to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs [4].

More and more digital technologies are used in all branches of the economy. The study of these technologies should be included at universities educational process [5-7]. Issues related to the acquisition and use of digital skills in the professional activities of specialists of various directions are considered in works [8-10].

The authors of works [11, 12] comprehensively explore such concepts as «digital skills», «digital literacy», determine their interrelation with computer literacy. In [13] the place of computer, information and digital literacy in the system of post-industrial education is investigated.

The paper [14] substantiates that the development of a digital education strategy requires the development of the information and education space, the creation of an information and educational environment to support the continuous development of digital competence of teachers and students. The authors and portal developers [15] have made an attempt to demonstrate that the acquisition of digital competences is an ongoing, multilateral process that covers all aspects of the modern educational environment.

International studies [16] suggest that Ukraine is significantly behind the developed countries in matters of digi-talization and informatization of society. Implementation of modern digital technologies takes place with considerable delay, there is no consolidated state strategy for the development of digital technologies in society. This slows the pace of creation and exchange of information, knowledge, experience and technology [17]. Digital education is one of the main factors of its reform, the main and priority task of the effective development of the information society in Ukraine [18].

The Incheon Declaration [19] was prepared and adopted by the World Education Forum, held in Incheon, the Korean



Republic, in May 2015. This forum confirmed the need to direct the world community to a single updated digital agenda in education. This declaration reflects the general idea of how the world education should develop in the next 15 years. The «Education 2030» concept, proposed by the forum participants, proclaimed the need to «Ensure inclusive and fair education and create opportunities for lifelong learning for all» [19, 20].

Ukrainian Digital Strategy «Digital Program 2020» [18] involves the transformation of the Ukrainian economy from analog to digital. This is a continuation of initiatives of the Digital Agenda for Europe program in Ukraine.

In the works [21, 22], it is substantiated that the specialists of all sectors of the country's economy must have sufficient digital skills. However, this paper does not fully disclose the ways and methods that will allow digital competencies to be acquired in the relevant fields.

The analysis made allows to conclude that the single digital market is, first and foremost, the free movement of people, services and finance. Participants in this market should be able to carry out continuous economic activity subject to the highest level of protection of personal and consumer data. And this should not depend on citizenship, nationality or place of residence. At the same time, the single digital market requires the following conditions [23]:

- simplified access to services and goods for both individuals and entrepreneurs;

- the presence of specialists capable of working in a single digital market, a high level of digital skills;

- uniform standards and rules for the provision of electronic and informational services;

- the only approaches to learning digital competence and the only techniques for measuring them.

5. Methods of research

In the study, the following scientific methods were used:

- The method of analysis - used to divide the general concept of «digital competence» into constituent elements with the allocation of certain features inherent in certain sectors of the economy.

- The method of synthesis - used for combining dissected and investigated in the process of analysis of parts, establishing links between them and defined of «digital competencies» as a whole.

- The method of induction - used in a generalized consideration of digital technology and digital competencies in order to determine their common features.

- The method of deduction - used when moving from the general perceptions of digital technology and digital competences to determining the properties and characteristics of individual competencies and skills.

- The method of abstraction - used in determining the features inherent in digital competences, and the essential links between them.

- The method of concretization - used in the study of specific features of individual digital competencies.

6. Research results

Dynamic changes in all spheres of the economy require Ukraine to use innovative strategies that will ensure the country's integration into the world economic space. In 2016, leading scientists in the field of information technology

developed the «Digital Agenda of Ukraine 2020» [18]. The document defines the principles of Ukraine's development in the digital area and the basis for developing the digital economy. At this stage, it includes 10 areas: public safety, health protection, e-government, e-democracy, ecology, smart grids, electronic payments and payments, social sphere, electronic customs, electronic commerce.

Digital literacy is a broad and holistic concept that encompasses much more than the functional digital skills that students must use in a digital society. Despite the fact that many students are highly skilled in using modern digital technologies, they often do not possess all the digital competences they need for successful training and placement when entering a higher education institution. Declaration emphasizes the key role of universities in providing students with a variety of general and specialized skills in digital literacy. Studying at universities should develop digital literacy skills both in time and in aspects related to professional development and acquiring hands-on professional experience. The pyramidal model of digital literacy, proposed in [24], demonstrates how such development process enhances the digital literacy of students. This model links digital literacy with developmental processes from general concepts and methods of using digital rights (General entitlement) to specialist enhancements. The development comes from providing functional access («I have ...»), through the development of skills (Skills development, «I can ...») and the acquisition of practical experience (Situated practices, «I do ...») to higher-level capabilities, personality development (Identity development, «I am ...»). It is very important that this model emphasize the necessity of changing digital literacy depending on the context of professional activity. This means that throughout the life people can be motivated to acquire new digital skills and practices depending on different situations.

According to [25], competence is a dyadic combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values. It determines the person ability successfully carry out a professional and further educational activities. The competence is the result of learning at a certain level of education. Then digital competence is the ability of the user to confidently, effectively and safely choose and apply information and communication technologies in various spheres of life, based on the continuous mastery of knowledge, skills, motivation and responsibility.

Under digital consumption, the use of digital competent within certain life situations is understood, which results in the use (consumption) of various digital resources and Internet services for work and life.

Digital security is a combination of tools, security measures and skills that users need to ensure their safety in the digital world [26-28].

Digital literacy includes a number of skills and abilities. They are group into seven elements:

- media literacy - the ability to critically perceive and creatively re-think academic and professional communications in various media;

- information literacy - the ability to find, interpret, evaluate, manage and share information;

- ICT literacy - the ability to adopt, adapt and use cipher devices, applications and services;

- communication and collaboration - the ability to use digital networks for learning and research;

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- digital scholarships - participation in new academic, professional and research-based practices based on digital systems;

- learning skills - the ability to learn and effectively learn in formal and informal environments rich in technologies;

- career and management style - the ability to manage digital reputation and identity on the Internet. The model of digital competence of students, developed as evolution of the pyramidal model and proposed by the authors, describes the components of the digital skills, which the modern student must possess. The model identifies five main areas of digital literacy that characterize different aspects of digital competence and can be measured by questionnaires and tests. Below is a description of this model in the form of a list of basic knowledge, skills and abilities. This model used by authors in assessing the level of digital competence of student.

1. Information management.

1.1. Search and view information - student determines the need for information and chooses methods for its search and viewing, uses alternative search techniques if necessary, justifies the advantage of the chosen method of information search, compares and creates effective methods of information seeking.

1.2. Assessment of information - student collects and processes digital information, allocates significant, critically analyzes and evaluates the adequacy, reliability and integrity of the information found, explains the general mechanisms of information processing.

1.3. Preservation and reproduction of information -student stores information on digital media, organizes and processes collected information, correctly sends and reproduces digital materials, based on the generally accepted practice of intellectual property protection and licensing conditions established by the author.

2. Communication in digital environments.

2.1. Communication through digital means - using digital media and Internet applications, student communicates on social networks, participates in discussions on the Internet forum, uses mailing lists, observes the established rules, is able to choose the appropriate format, medium and method of communication.

2.2. Distribution of information and content - student shares the location and content of the information found, uses the Internet environment for the publication of digital materials, compares the advantages and disadvantages of distributing digital materials, which analyzes the value and adequacy of distributed information. Its actions are in accordance with the generally accepted practice of protecting intellectual property.

2.3. Civic activity on the Internet - student purposefully uses the university electronic educational environment, uses electronic services, offered by local self-government bodies and the state, purposefully uses the possibilities of a digital environment for participation in civil society.

2.4. Collaboration with the support of digital technology - student uses digital communication tools for remote and team work.

2.5. Network etiquette - in the practice of digital communication, student applies common standards of conduct, takes into account cultural characteristics and societhnic diversity.

2.6. Administration of digital identity - student forms, administers and protects his digital identity, tracks its digital

«traces». Based on the context and purpose, student is able to express his identity and personality through digital means.

3. Content creativity.

3.1. Digital content creation - student independently creates, modifies and develops digital content in various formats, chooses appropriate software for collecting and processing data and presenting research results.

3.2. Creating new knowledge - in order to create new knowledge, student is able to modify and integrate existing digital materials, use a specific software solution.

3.3. Copyright and intellectual property protection - in the course of digital art and when using digital content created by others, student follows the license terms, copyright, and intellectual property rights protection.

3.4. Programming - student can apply programming languages and development environment to create programs of different levels of complexity.

4. Security.

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4.1. Equipment protection - student consciously uses digital technology that allows you to take into account possible risks, takes the necessary security measures.

4.2. Protection of personal data - in its digital activity, student takes into account the right of people to the confidentiality of information, protects personal information from fraud and other dangers on the Internet.

4.3. Medical education - a student can assess the health risks associated with the use of digital media, knowingly avoiding the health risks caused by the use of digital technology and digital information.

4.4. Environmental protection - student is aware of the positive and negative aspects of using digital technologies, their environmental impact.

5. Solving problems.

5.1. Solutions to technical problems - student is able to identify technical problems and find possible solutions to eliminate them.

5.2. Finding the needs and finding ways to solve them -student consciously chooses a digital solution, creatively and purposefully uses the possibilities of digital technology for solving life problems and improving the efficiency of own studies, evaluates technological capabilities and digital solutions that are combined with its needs.

5.3. Creative use of innovations and technologies - student purposefully uses digital means to present and solve problems, initiates cooperation for development of creative and innovative solutions, use digital means to solve the problems that arise in various spheres of everyday life.

5.4. Self-assessment of digital competence - student is able to assess the level of his/her own digital competence and opportunities for its development, is interested in new areas of digital technology development, systematically finds out and eliminates disadvantages in its digital competence, supports others in the development of digital competence.

7. SWOT analysis of research results

Strengths. The proposed principles of higher education reform will allow specialists to be trained in a post-industrial society. At the same time, the training of specialists will meet the requirements of the Europe 2020 strategy. The level of digital literacy of citizens will allow Ukraine to integrate with the European Union with minimal cost.

According to the Single Digital Market Strategy, the new principles of digital literacy open up digital opportunities



for Ukrainian people and business, as a part and European one, as a world leader in the digital economy. This level will fully meet the requirements of the Single Digital Market too.

Weaknesses. Such approach will require radical changes in modern methods and means of teaching in higher education. It will be necessary to make large financial investments in the system of training people with higher education. This is a very challenging task in today's economic and political environment.

Opportunities. Future studies on digital education in Ukraine may relate to methods and approaches to study not only technical disciplines but also all the sciences that form the basis of higher education. These studies will be interesting (taking into account cultural characteristics) and for all Eastern Europe countries.

Threats. The main threat is the lack of modern teaching requirements in high school. In this case, the training level of people with higher education will not allow Ukraine, as part of the European community, to be at the level of modern requirements in the field of digital business.

8. Conclusions

1. The necessity of introducing digital technologies into the educational process of universities is grounded. The principles of Ukraine's development in the digital sphere and the basis for the development of its digital economy are determined. Universities should play a key role in providing students with a variety of general and specialized digital literacy skills.

2. The ways and methods of introduction of digital technologies into the system of Ukrainian education are investigated. It is determined that in Ukrainian universities it is advisable to use the pyramidal model of digital literacy proposed in [24]. This model combines the components of digital literacy with the development processes of the general methods of using digital competences to improve the digital skills required by specialists in individual industries. The development is due to the provision of functional access, through the development of skills and the acquisition of practical experience. It is very important that this model focuses on the need to change digital literacy depending on the context of professional activity.

3. The segments of the education system are identified, in which it is desirable to introduce digital technologies in the first place. In [18], 10 areas in which digitaliza-tion should be carried out in the first place are defined. These are public safety, health, e-governance, e-democracy, ecology, smart grids, electronic payments, social affairs, e-customs, e-commerce.

4. The increase in the profitability of the education system is justified, with the introduction of digital technologies. Investing in the digital skills of students and employees of educational, research and management organizations brings personal and organizational benefits, among which the first priority is the provision of quality education in a flexible and innovative way. This approach meets the expectations and needs of students, improves job opportunities, creates the potential for maximizing the return on investment in learning technology.

5. The basic principles of the strategy of digital continuity in education are developed. These principles are based on the need to send the Ukrainian community to a single digital education program, emphasizing the need

for comprehensive and equitable education and the creation of opportunities for the education of all people throughout their lives. Implementation of these principles is possible subject to the following factors:

- conscious attitude of students towards learning;

- student activity;

- systematic and consistent, accessible learning process;

- unification of theory and practice;

- priorities of self-study;

- joint activities of students with classmates and teachers;

- use of existing experience and knowledge;

- correction of outdated personal experience;

- interference in the formation of new knowledge;

- individual approach to learning based on personal needs;

- rapid use of learning outcomes in practice.


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ISSN 222Б-3780









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27. Borodkina I. L., Borodkin G. O. The quality of education and its assessment at a higher school in the context of the implementation of the principles of the Bologna Declaration // Empirical studies for reforming education in Ukraine. 2017. P. 200-202.

2S. Borodkina I. L., Borodkin G. O. Statistical analysis of the results of testing in assessing the quality of education in higher education // Materials of the 1st International Scientific Conference «Ukraine-EU: Cross-cultural Comparisons in Educational Research». 2017. P. 17-22. URL: http://undip.org.ua/upload/ files/conference_proceedings_Kyiv_May%2022-23.pdf

Borodkina Iryna, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3667-3728

Borodkin Heorhii, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: https:// orcid.org/0000-0002-6488-6512

UDC 004.72:531.7.08 DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2018.135486


Об'ектом досл1дження е безпров1дна сенсорна мережа протоколу ZigBee, що в даному досл1дженш пропонуються для виконання функцг вим1рювання в1дстан1 м1ж об'ектами. Основш сфери застосуван-ня - це охоронн об'екти, так1 як склади, магазини, виставки та експозицг, де важливо контролювати перемщення щннихречей на обмеженш територи з великою концентращею людей. Сенсори, що виконат на гнучкш основ1, прикртлюються до щнних предмет1в та весь час передають м1ж собою тформащю про в1дстань вгдносно один одного. Одним з найбшьш проблемних м1сць е обмежена пропускна спроможтсть канал1в передач1 даних. Також, для описаних вище примщень характертр1зногороду перешкоди, як меха-н1чн1 (стти, перегородки, металев1 полиц тощо), так I радюперешкоди, наприклад, безпров1дн1 мережев1 ттерфейси телефотв покупцв та 1нш1.

В ход1 досл1дження використовувався метод шдвищення продуктивност1 безпров1дних сенсорних мереж, що перебувають у склад1 комп'ютеризованих систем вим1рювання в1дстан1, побудованих на основ1 декомпозицг нижтх р1вн1в еталонног модел1 OSI.

Отримано т1 ж сам1 показники пропускног спроможност1, що й у аналог1в, але навантаження, яке при цьому витримував мережевий вузол було у 2,5рази бшьшим. Це пов'язано з тим, що запропонований метод шдвищення продуктивност1 мае ряд особливостей, як1 покращують характеристики продуктивност1, зокрема в зонах невпевненого прийому майже в два рази.

Завдяки цьому забезпечуеться можлив1сть роботи мереж1 з максимальною швидтстю 32,5 Мб1т/с. У пор1внянн1 з аналогами, у яких максимальна швидк1сть становить 12,5 Мб1т/с, це забезпечуе бшьш точн1 результати вим1рювання в1дстан1. Також, завдяки цьому запасу швидкост1, забезпечуеться краща завадостшк1сть, а також можлив1сть розташування мережевих вузл1в на бшьших в1дстанях.

Ключов1 слова: сенсорна мережа, мехатчт величини, комп'ютеризована система вим1рювання, 1нфор-мацйно-вим1рювальна система.

1. Introduction

The timely determination of the position of an object included in the wireless sensor networks results in the generation of false information in a computerized system for measuring the distance between objects. Such a disadvantage, in turn, can lead, for example, to untimely detection of theft of valuable things, a source of ignition, etc.

Particularly favorable environment, for this kind of negative effects is a clogged environment [1]. Among the various classes of computer information systems and networks, a special place is occupied by systems and networks whose transport service is based on the use of radio ester as a data transmission medium for computerized distance measuring systems (wireless sensor networks) [2]. Therefore, when creating the scientific basis for the construction of

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