Научная статья на тему 'Differences of teaching territorial administration for foreign students'

Differences of teaching territorial administration for foreign students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sobolev V.

The article is devoted to the actual problems of teaching the discipline "Territorial administration" to foreign students who study at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics in English. Considered organizational and methodical features of lecture, practical and seminar classes, the importance of independent self-directed work of students is substantiated. Analyzed problems of adaptation of foreign students to studying at higher educational institutions of Ukraine on the example of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and the ways of its solution. Discipline "Territorial administration" in the system of master degree program specialty 281 "Public Management and Administration" specialization "Public Administration" has significant meaning and studied by students of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics in form of lectures and practical classes, independent self-education work. Theoretical analysis and practical experience of working with foreign students allowed highlighting major cultural, social, religious, national characteristics and the need for its consideration at teaching disciplines. The use of active forms of conducting training sessions, the proximity of their content to the socio-political realities of the present day contributes to a deeper learning of foreign students of educational material, activates educational and cognitive activity, and promotes the formation of a stable interest in academic disciplines.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Differences of teaching territorial administration for foreign students»



Соболев В.Г.

Харювський нацюнальний ckohomíhhuü утверситет шет Семена Кузнеця, Харюв DIFFERENCES OF TEACHING TERRITORIAL ADMINISTRATION FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS

Sobolev V.

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv


Стаття присвячена актуальним проблемам викладання дисциплши «Територiальне управлшня» шо-земним студентам, як1 навчаються в Харшвському нацiональному економiчному унiверситетi ÍMern Симона Кузнеця англiйською мовою. Враховуючи органiзацiйно-методичнi особливостi лекцiйних, практи-чних та семiнарських занять, обгрунтовуеться важливiсть самостiйноï роботи студентiв. Проаналiзовано проблеми адаптацiï iноземних студентiв до навчання у вищих навчальних закладах Украши на прикладi Харкiвського нацюнального економiчного унiверситету iменi Симона Кузнеця та шляхи ïx вирiшення.

Дисциплша "Територiальне управлшня" в системi мапстерсько1' програми спецiальностi 281 " Публь чне управлiння та адмшютрування" освггня програма "Публiчне адмшютрування" мае суттеве значения i вивчаеться студентами Харшвського нацiонального економiчного унiверситету iменi Семена Кузнеця у формi лекцiй та практичних занять та самостiйноï робота студенпв.

Теоретичний аналiз та практичний досввд роботи з iноземними студентами дозволили видшити осно-внi культурш, соцiальнi, релiгiйнi, нацiональнi особливостi та необхщшсть ïx врахування у навчальних дисциплшах. Використання активних форм проведення навчальних занять, близьк1сть 1'х змюту до суст-льно-полiтичниx реалiй сучасносл сприяе бiльш глибокому засвоенню шоземними студентами навчаль-ного матерiалу, активiзуе навчально-пiзнавальну дiяльнiсть, сприяе формуванню стшко1' iнтерес до навчальних дисциплш.


The article is devoted to the actual problems of teaching the discipline "Territorial administration" to foreign students who study at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics in English. Considered organizational and methodical features of lecture, practical and seminar classes, the importance of independent self-directed work of students is substantiated. Analyzed problems of adaptation of foreign students to studying at higher educational institutions of Ukraine on the example of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and the ways of its solution.

Discipline "Territorial administration" in the system of master degree program specialty 281 "Public Management and Administration" specialization "Public Administration" has significant meaning and studied by students of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics in form of lectures and practical classes, independent self-education work.

Theoretical analysis and practical experience of working with foreign students allowed highlighting major cultural, social, religious, national characteristics and the need for its consideration at teaching disciplines. The use of active forms of conducting training sessions, the proximity of their content to the socio-political realities of the present day contributes to a deeper learning of foreign students of educational material, activates educational and cognitive activity, and promotes the formation of a stable interest in academic disciplines.

Ключовi слова: територiальне управлшня, шоземт студенти, лекцп, практики, семшари, самостшна робота, адаптащя.

Keywords: territorial administration, foreign students, lectures, practical and seminar classes, self-educational work, adaptation.

Formulation of the problem

In the modern conditions of Ukraine's integration into the world of information and education space, the training of foreign students is important in the system of higher education. It significantly influences the increase of the level and promotes the formation of a positive image of the country in the international market of educational services. According to the data of the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions of Ukraine, in recent years there has been an increase in the attractiveness of Ukrainian educational institutions for foreigners, as evidenced by an increase in the number of students in higher educational institutions. Their number in Ukraine in last years was more than 3% of the total

number of students. The vast majority of foreign students are citizens of Asian and African countries. Representatives of European countries are only a few dozen [1]

The integration of Ukraine into the world economic space has led to the dynamic development of higher education. Adaptation of the educational process of Ukraine to European standards requires the solving of tasks related to educational integration, preparation of teachers for work in the conditions of reforming educational processes, increasing the competence of future graduates, introduction of modern teaching methods and continuous updating of the curriculum in the educational process.

One of these tasks is to improve the quality of teaching for foreign students. Taking into account the current number of foreign students in Ukraine and the financial flows flowing into the state budget due to incoming mobility, foreign students can be considered as a significant factor in the further development of the higher education system of Ukraine. According to an analysis conducted by the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions of Ukraine, in recent years, the number of foreign students enrolled in higher education in Ukraine is growing and constitutes more than 63,000 people. The largest percentage of foreign students -Asian citizens, whose share in foreign students is 63%, the percentage of students from Africa is about 10%. The percentage of students from the European Union countries is a very small percentage, and the total number of them does not exceed 50 persons [2].

The growing number of foreign students, most of whom are representatives of entirely different cultures, poses to us issues related to the goals and methods that can be used in teaching such students. Consequently, the training of foreign students in higher education institutions in Ukraine is becoming urgent and requires special attention.

Problems of the quality of training and adaptation of foreign students belong to the main tasks of any educational institution and its structural divisions - faculties and departments. Of particular importance are the issues raised for those faculties and departments where foreign students study. Foreign students are important source of information about the department, faculty and university in their country. And it is from their positive impressions, qualitative professional training and skillful adaptation to the educational process in many respects the number of foreign students in one or another department depends in the near future.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The questions of adaptation of students to study at universities are considered in the researches of domestic and foreign scientists, in particular, Belozertsev E. [3], Borisenko T. [4], Dubovitskaya T. [5], Ivanonkov O. [6], Ishchenko O. [7], Khvalina E. [8], Chernopyska O. [9, 10], Sladkikh I. [11, 12] and others.

Separation of previously unresolved parts of a common problem

The analysis of scientific literature on the problems of preparing foreign students showed that, despite the large number of comprehensive studies, problems and features of teaching humanities for foreign students in the current conditions of the socio-economic and socio-political situation in Ukraine remain little explored. This emphasizes the relevance of the topic and requires additional scientific research taking into account the current social realities, the search for the most effective methods and forms of learning.

Purpose of the article

The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the problems of adaptation of foreign students to adapt foreign students to study at Ukrainian universities, the main features, forms, pedagogical methods and technologies of teaching the discipline"Territorial administration" at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been formed:

to consider the peculiarities of the teaching of the discipline "Territorial Administration" by foreign students of educational level "Master" of specialty 281 "Public Administration and Administration" of the specialization "Public Administration" is of considerable importance, studied by students of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics;

to analyze the problems of adaptation of foreign students to study at higher educational institutions of Ukraine on the example of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and to determine the ways of their solution.

Statement of the main material

Discipline "Territorial administration" is a normative discipline in the curriculum of students of the 1-st year of studying for the educational program of the master's degree of the Faculty of Economy and Law of the educational program "Public Administration". Analysis of the teaching of this discipline in recent years in both foreign and Ukrainian language allows us to generalize and highlight the experience of the Department of Public Administration and Regional Economy, formulate some recommendations for students and teachers who are aimed at continuous improvement of their activities.

According to the curriculum for teaching the discipline "Territorial Department" there are 5 credits, which are 150 hours, including 40 class hours, including 16 hours of lectures and 24 hours of practical and seminar classes. For preparation for practical and seminar classes, a large amount of self-education independent work of the student is given - 110 hours.

A leading form of study and mastering of material in higher education institutions is for lectures for foreign students. Didactic Lectures aim is to form the basis for self-oriented processing and formation of professional competencies outlined in the work plan and the technological map discipline "territorial control". The main task of the teacher during the lecture occupation -notification of new knowledge in concise a systematic form and explanation on the course, which raised questions of foreign students in mastering the material for self-education work. Topics of lectures on "territorial control" is divided into 2 Content module consists of six topics: 1. The territorial organization of power in Ukraine and territorial management; 2. State regional policy in Ukraine; 3. The essence and main directions of the reform of the administrative-territorial system in Ukraine; 4. Formation and development of the system of local self-government; 5. Territorial management in the conditions of change; 6. Effectiveness and efficiency of public administration and local self-government.

Traditionally, lectures are a monologue form of lessons, during which the activity is mostly manifested by the teacher. As the Teaching curriculum "Territorial administration" is one for students of Ukrainian and foreign students, the role of lecturer during lectures is increasing. If Ukrainian students have basic training

and knowledge about the organization of power and regional policy in Ukraine, then foreign students do not have information about the territorial administration in general in Ukraine, or this information is limited. Therefore, for the better assimilation of material during lecture sessions, it is possible to use the methods of comparing the peculiarities of territorial management in Ukraine and in the countries of origin of foreign students.

Lecturing English-speaking students is difficult, since foreign students have a different level of English proficiency. For one part of the group, the English language is native; they fluent in the language and can take the lecture as an opportunity to discuss with the lecturer. The rest of the group does not speak English sufficiently and they are advised to use more visual information and a detailed and systematic presentation of information. In this case, the main task of the teacher is to adapt the students to the summary of the main material, while not forgetting to interrupt the presentation of the text to hold discussions, give examples and ask questions. In order to solve language problems, it is imperative to use multimedia equipment for presenting lecture material in a concise form in charts and tables. Such lectures are readily and readily perceived by students.

Instead, practical and seminar sessions involve the active participation of students in the discussion of the educational material. The thematic plan of practical and seminars for the discipline "Territorial administration" repeats the lecture.

The structure of the practical and seminary classes includes the primary control of the formation of professional competencies of students through testing; the formulation of the general problem and its consideration by the students; solving practical tasks; solving of control tasks with their subsequent verification and evaluation.

The main task of practical and seminars is to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained during lectures and extra-curricular independent work of students. In addition, the preparation of individual messages and their presentation on the lesson deepens students' knowledge of discipline - develops the ability to independently search and retrieve information, stimulate analytical intellectual activity and critical thinking. During classroom work, the teacher during a conversation with the students clarifies some unclear moments, complements, deeper reveals the material.

One of the tasks of practical classes is to get acquainted with the methods of studying the territorial organization of power and the level of development of territories. The following techniques are used in the classroom: S.W.O.T.-analysis, P.E.S.T.-analysis and T.E.M.P.L.E.S-analysis as a tool of territorial management, solving cases on justification of the directions of reforming the administrative-territorial system, and others.

When developing the methodology of practical and seminars, it is important to take into account the interconnection between their basic principles and the lectures and independent work of students, but lessons should not be interdependent.

Independent work is an important form of mastering the discipline "Territorial management". The goals of independent work - supplement, generalization and systematization of lecture material, development of skills for working out methodological materials, stimulation of cognitive activity and creative study of students.

The control of knowledge on the topics is conducted in accordance with the established procedure and criteria for assessing the knowledge, which are indicated in the technological map of the discipline. When assessing the mastering of each topic of the seminar, after testing the theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the student is exposed. It takes into account all kinds of works provided for a technological card for the study of the topic of the seminar, as for the implementation of practical classes, presentations, writing essays, and for performing tasks for independent work. An assessment is defined as the sum of evaluations of the current learning activity.

A small amount of study time allocated to the study of discipline complicates the realization of educational goals. Another problem of teaching is that teachers are forced to take into account the specifics of the training of their own foreign students. Among the range of problems faced by foreign students, the following are highlighted: ethno and cultural issues of everyday communication with local residents and group members; linguistic - problems of different levels of language proficiency in teaching discipline; financial and others. Solving these problems will accelerate the adaptation of foreign students to study in higher education institutions of Ukraine and mastering the professional competencies of the discipline.

Foreign students studying in higher education institutions are experiencing ethno-cultural and linguistic problems, are heavily burdened by the peculiarities of microsocial, linguistic, psychological and religious adaptation. Especially problematic are the first years of studying at the university, in particular because of so-cio-psychological unwillingness to change the environment, insufficient level of preparation for studying and knowledge of the English language, in which learning takes place [13].

Every foreign student coming to higher education institutions of Ukraine to study is a representative of a particular country with a special mentality, psychological state, peculiar perception of the world and a new socio-cultural environment. This should be taken into account for the successful management of the educational process of foreign students in the teaching of territorial administration. Since joining Ukrainian universities, they find themselves in an extremely unusual and unfamiliar language, social and national environment to which they need to adapt. After all, foreigners coming to study in Ukraine must adapt not only to the conditions of study at the university, but also to live in a foreign country with a non-native language environment. Very often these conditions become extreme for them.

The process of adaptation of foreign students is carried out throughout the period of study at a higher school, therefore, the study of the process of adaptation,

organization of its success contributes to the faster inclusion of foreign students in the student environment, facilitates the process of their education and upbringing.

There may be certain barriers in the educational work with foreign students. So, the humanities rarely use universal notions that have similar sounding in different languages. Therefore, when they are studied, students encounter a large number of new terms that are not always presented in their linguistic experience, which may become an obstacle to the understanding of the educational material. At the same time, the possible influence of cultural and historical factors on the perception of new information. For example, many surnames of domestic scientists and concepts that have become stronger in our culture in everyday consciousness, many foreign students are unknown and incomprehensible.

A prerequisite for a qualitative assimilation of knowledge in the teaching of territorial management by representatives from different regions of the world is the consideration of mentality,psychological state and other peculiarities of their national consciousness. because of typical difficulties, except for substantive subjects, linguistic, methodological, organizational, and psychological. Taking into account, forecasting and designing these problems allowobjectively formulating, varying the educational goals and developing a strategy for their solution.

Another problem is the lack of clear feedback. Quite often, the teacher is not able to correctly interpret the students' silence: it is not known whether the complexity of the material prevents them from active or insufficient knowledge of the language of instruction. Therefore, the content of lectures and seminars, as already mentioned, should be as clear as possible in order to provide the clarity of the necessary information for all students.

The last group of problems faced by foreign students when studying at higher education institutions in Ukraine is financial - the problems associated with a general lack of money for living during study, technical problems of contract tuition fees, etc.

In order for the cooperation with foreign students to be successful, the teacher needs not only certain knowledge and skills, education and erudition, the possession of communicative and organizational skills, tact, the ability to identify the most optimal and most effective methods and means of training, but also the ability to cover the educational material as closely as possible ensuring its maximum assimilation by students, their ability to motivate them for independent extra-curricular work.

In general, it can be noted that the teacher's desire to improve the methodological level and the efficiency of occupations requires a constant analysis of the relevant pedagogical experience of other teachers, the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, and self-analysis of the exercises. An essential complement to finding the best methods and techniques for conducting classes with foreign students is individual interviews with them directly after classes or during consultations on the understanding of the educational material

and their wishes regarding the coverage of additional issues in the discipline.

Conclusions and offers

Discipline "Territorial administration" in the system of the program of training students of the educational level "Master" specialty 281 "Public administration" of the specialization "Public administration" is of great importance, studied by students of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics on lectures and practical classes, during independent extra-curricular work.

Theoretical analysis and practical experience of working with foreign students allowed to distinguish the main cultural, social, religious, national peculiarities and the necessity of their consideration during the teaching of academic disciplines. The use of active forms of conducting training sessions, the proximity of their content to the socio-political realities of the present day of Ukraine and the world contributes to a deeper learning of foreign students of educational material, activates educational and cognitive activity, and promotes the formation of a stable interest in academic disciplines.

The experience of teaching to foreign students cannot have the nature of generalized conclusions. An important requirement in the educational process for the effective solution of pedagogical tasks is the clarity, comprehensiveness and logic in all types and forms of work of the teacher with the students. The introduction of new approaches to the methodological provision of the educational process, the final goal of which is to formulate a conscious motivation to study as a program material in lecture and seminar lessons, and additional, instills a steady interest in the disciplines.


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Таранова Т.Н.

Доктор педагогических наук, Профессор кафедры Педагогики и образовательных технологий Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, г. Ставрополь


Taranova T.

Doctor of Sciences, Professor of Pedagogy Department of Pedagogy and educational technologies North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol


Статья посвящена анализу патриотического воспитания школьников в современных условиях средствами виртуального музея.


The article is devoted to the analysis of patriotic education of schoolchildren in modern conditions by means of a virtual museum.

Ключевые слова: виртуальный музей, патриотическое воспитание, виртуально-образовательная среда, школьный виртуальный музей, музейное образовательное пространство.

Keywords: virtual museum, patriotic education, virtual educational conditions, school virtual museum, museum educational area.

Современная система образования активно разрабатывает инновационные методы и технологии патриотического воспитания школьников. Такой научный поиск определяется социально-культурными изменениями развития отечественного образования и новыми открытиями, которые сделаны в последние десятилетия в педагогике и психологии. Актуальным является применение современных технологий в патриотическом воспитании школьников, к которым относится и виртуальный музей. Целью является определить научно-методические подходы к применению технологии виртуального музея в воспитательном процессе общеобразовательной школы.

Это касается уточнения понятия «патриотическое воспитание», которое является одним из фундаментальных научных определений системы воспитания. Ведущую роль патриотическому воспитанию в России отдавали выдающиеся мыслители и педагоги на протяжении всей истории страны: К.Д. Ушинский, В.П. Вахтеров, А.В. Водовозов, И.А. Ильин, П.Ф. Каптерев, Л.Ф. Лесгафт, Н.И. Пирогов, В.Н. Татищев, Л.Н. Толстой. Они рассматривали патриотическое воспитание как базовый фундамент воспитания, определяющий консолидацию всех слоев общества родного отечества. Воспитание патриотических качеств личности ребенка они

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