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Oriental Journal of Philology
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Ключевые слова
Communicative approach / foreign language / educational process / secondary schools. / Коммуникатив ёндашув / чет тили / таълим жараёни / умумтаълим мактаблари.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gafur Allamuradov

Communicative-oriented teaching of foreign languages is based on the application of a communicative approach. Different methodological sources give different terms: communicative approach to teaching a foreign language, communicative technology of teaching a foreign language, communicative teaching a foreign language, communicative method of teaching a foreign language. In essence, these terms are synonymous.

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Чет тилларни коммуникатив йўналтирилган ўқитиш коммуникатив ёндашувни қўллашга асосланган. Турли методик манбаларда турлича атамалар берилган: чет тилини ўқитишнинг коммуникатив ёндашуви, чет тилини ўқитишнинг коммуникатив технологияси, чет тилини коммуникатив ўргатиш, чет тилини ўқитишнинг коммуникатив усули. Аслини олганда, бу атамалар синонимдир.


Oriental Journal of Philology


journal homepage: http://www.supportscience.uz/index.php/oip/about


Gafur Allamuradov


Tashkent State Pedagogical University Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Key words: Communicative approach, foreign language, educational process, secondary schools.

Received: 27.08.22 Accepted: 29.08.22 Published: 31.08.22

Abstract: Communicative-oriented teaching of foreign languages is based on the application of a communicative approach. Different methodological sources give different terms: communicative approach to teaching a foreign language, communicative technology of teaching a foreign language, communicative teaching a foreign language, communicative method of teaching a foreign language. In essence, these terms are synonymous._


Fофур Алламурадов


Тошкент давлат педагогика университети Тошкент, Узбекистон


Калит сузлар: Коммуникатив Аннотация: Чет тилларни

ёндашув, чет тили, таълим жараёни, коммуникатив йуналтирилган укитиш умумтаълим мактаблари. коммуникатив ёндашувни куллашга

асосланган. Турли методик манбаларда турлича атамалар берилган: чет тилини укитишнинг коммуникатив ёндашуви, чет тилини укитишнинг коммуникатив технологияси, чет тилини коммуникатив ургатиш, чет тилини укитишнинг коммуникатив усули. Аслини олганда, бу _атамалар синонимдир._



Гафур Алламурадов

преподавател ь

Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет Ташкент, Узбекистан


Ключевые слова: Коммуникативный подход, иностранный язык,

образовательный процесс,

общеобразовательная школа.

Аннотация: Коммуникативно-

ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам основано на применении коммуникативного подхода. В разных методических источниках даны разные термины: коммуникативный подход к обучению иностранному языку, коммуникативная технология обучения иностранному языку, коммуникативное обучение иностранному языку,

коммуникативный метод обучения иностранному языку. По сути, эти термины являются синонимами.


The communicative approach in teaching a foreign language was formed on the basis of the idea that one of the most important functions of the language is the function of communication, or the communicative function. Some scientists consider this function to be fundamental, since language arose due to the need of a person to exchange information with other people, that is, in the process of human communication. For example, N.D. Arutyunova argues that "language is a naturally occurring in human society and a developing system of sign units clothed in a sound form, capable of expressing the entire set of concepts and thoughts of a person and intended primarily for the purposes of communication" [1]. Due to the fact that communicative learning is based on the idea of language features that are taken into account in the process of teaching it, we can conclude that communicative learning is a special approach to teaching a foreign language at school. Such an interpretation of communicative teaching of a foreign language is noted in many foreign sources of methodological literature [2]. In the domestic methodology of teaching a foreign language, the basic principles of communicative learning were formulated by E.I.Passov. In his opinion, "communicativeness presupposes the speech orientation of the educational process, which consists not so much in the fact that a practical speech goal is pursued (in fact, all areas of the past and present set such a goal), but in the fact that the path to this goal is the practical use of language. Practical speech orientation is not only a goal, but also a means, where both are dialectically interdependent" [3]. In other words, in the communicative approach of teaching a

foreign language, the practical use of the language is not only the goal, but also the main means of achieving this goal. At the same time, teaching a foreign language is based on certain principles:

1) Communicative learning. The focus of learning is the practical use of the language, while vocabulary and grammar are considered only as aspects of the language being studied that help students solve specific practical speech problems.

2) The principle of active learning. Communication involves the use of language in speech, and speech, in turn, is a special kind of activity. Mastering a foreign language occurs when students master skills in four types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing.

3) The principle of situationality. Any lesson in a foreign language is based on and with the help of situations. According to I.V.Naumenko, the situation is "such a dynamic system of relationships between those who communicate, which, due to its reflection in the mind, generates a personal need for purposeful activity"[4]. In other words, the situation should be as close as possible to real communication, and also encourage students to speak in a foreign language.


Communicative teaching of a foreign language is implemented with the help of learning technologies, and also involves the use of various methods and teaching aids, which will be discussed below.

Before proceeding to the consideration of such technologies and methods, it is necessary to understand the essence of the concepts of "pedagogical technology" and "teaching method".

At present, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. However, there are major discrepancies in its understanding and use. In the work of T.L.Chshiev, N.V.Timoshkin and others, the definition of pedagogical technology is based on the dictionary interpretation of the term "technology":

Pedagogical technology is "a set of methods and techniques, forms of interrelated activities of a teacher and a student, ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of the pedagogical system and the achievement of the pedagogical goals" [5].

B.T. Likhachev defines the concept of pedagogical technology as follows:

"Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process" [6; p.167].

The concept of "pedagogical technology" can be represented by three aspects:

1) scientific: pedagogical technologies - a part of pedagogical science that studies and develops the goals, content and methods of teaching and designs pedagogical processes;

2) procedural and descriptive: a description (algorithm) of the process, a set of goals, content, methods and means to achieve the planned learning outcomes;

3) procedurally effective: the implementation of the technological (pedagogical) process, the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological pedagogical means.

Thus, pedagogical technology functions both as a science that studies the most rational ways of learning, and as a system of methods, principles and regulations used in learning, and as a real learning process.

The structure of pedagogical technology includes:

a) conceptual framework;

b) the content of the training, which includes the learning objectives (general and specific); content of educational material;

c) procedural part - a technological process, which is the unity of the organization of the educational process, methods and forms of educational activities of schoolchildren, methods and forms of the teacher's work, the teacher's activities in managing the process of mastering the material and diagnosing the educational process [8].

Close to the concept of "learning technology" is the concept of "teaching method" in a foreign language. In didactics, there are various definitions of teaching methods. In this work, the method is understood as a system of purposeful actions of the teacher, organizing the cognitive and practical activities of students, ensuring their assimilation of the content of education. The teaching method involves the interaction of a teacher and a student, as a result of which the process of mastering the content of education by the student is realized [8].

Of the variety of classifications of teaching methods that exist in modern didactics, the specifics of the subject "foreign language" are most consistent with the one that comes from the level of assimilation of the material, on the one hand, and the ways students work with this material, on the other.

Currently, the following main methods and methodological techniques of teaching a foreign language are used:

1) explanatory and illustrative;

2) training for the formation of automated phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills for speaking;

3) training for the formation of automated phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills, for understanding speech by ear and reading;

4 practice in the use of linguistic (phonetic, grammatical, lexical) material for speaking in similar conditions;

5) practice in recognizing language material for understanding speech by ear and reading in new conditions;

6) search speech activity in speaking, i.e., practice in expressing one's thoughts in a new situation;

7) search speech activity in listening and reading, i.e. independent listening and reading unfamiliar texts [8].

An analysis of the presented methods and techniques shows that they differ in content: the process of mastering various skills of speech activity goes from familiarization with linguistic (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) material, through training (by analogy with the given one) to the practice of independent use in a slightly changed situation and , finally, as a result of abundant and properly organized practice, to mastering speaking, understanding speech by ear and reading. All of these methods reflect different types of activity, i.e. they are aimed either at generating speech or at its recognition.

An analysis of pedagogical technologies and methods of teaching a foreign language made it possible to single out those that are aimed at the formation of foreign language communicative competence in secondary school students.

One of the pedagogical technologies that implement communicative-oriented teaching of foreign languages is the technology of interactive learning or the technology of learning in cooperation. As N.G. Nikitin, almost 100% of students in the direction of "Pedagogical education" who have not completed courses in the theory and methods of teaching, when pronouncing the phrase "interactive technologies, methods and techniques of teaching", there is an association with the use of an interactive whiteboard. About 80% of teachers with different work experience at school believe that interactive technologies are nothing more than the use of technical teaching aids in foreign language lessons [9]. However, we agree with the author that these associations are misleading, since the interactivity of learning existed long before the advent of modern technical means of equipping the lesson.

The word interactivity comes from the English interaction, which means "interaction". From this it follows that interactive learning should be understood as learning in which there is a close communicative interaction between the teacher and students, as well as between the students themselves. In modern methodological literature, interactivity is the most important principle of teaching a foreign language, which involves "combining, coordinating and complementing the efforts of the communicative goal and the result by speech means" [10]. Interactive teaching of a foreign language involves active interaction between all participants in the learning process, the implementation of active cognitive activity among students and the presence of feedback. Interactive learning implies a logic of the educational process that is different from the usual one: the experience and knowledge of the participants in the educational process serve as a source of their mutual learning and mutual enrichment.

Based on the identification of the principle of interactivity as fundamental for the entire learning process in pedagogy and teaching methods, a new learning technology has emerged -interactive, or learning technology in collaboration. At the present stage of development of interactive learning as an innovative pedagogical technology, preference is given to such methods and techniques for organizing joint activities of the teacher and students, in which the teacher performs the function of the organizer of the educational process, and the students are its interested and active participants. This is learning, which is carried out during the exchange of information, discussion, search for solutions to problems, in the process of which not only students improve, but also the teacher himself [11].

Thus, interactive learning implies a logic of the educational process that is different from the usual one: the experience and knowledge of the participants in the educational process serve as a source of their mutual learning and mutual enrichment. Interactive learning is built on group interaction, collaboration and joint activities. The meaning of group work is that the experience acquired in specially created conditions can be transferred to the real language environment and successfully used by the student.

Let's consider some teaching methods that can be used within the framework of communicative and interactive technologies for teaching a foreign language. One such method is role-playing.

A role-playing game is a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people, creates conditions for real communication. As A.D. Mukhatova, "Role-playing is not an episodic technique that a teacher resorts to from time to time, but the main form of organizing the educational process, covering all stages of working on educational material: introduction, training and practice in communication" [12]. The effectiveness of training here is primarily due to an increase in motivation and interest in the subject [13].

In modern pedagogical science, there are many options for classifying role-playing games. In accordance with the content, business and role-playing games are divided into social and professional. According to the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students, games can be divided into 4 groups: controlled by the teacher; moderately controlled by the teacher; games carried out according to a pre-prepared scenario; free games (only the game situation is set). By duration, business and role-playing games can be long or short-term [14].

When preparing a role-playing game, the teacher should be guided by the following principles:

1) Use of pair or group work. This means that the teacher must think about how to divide the class into pairs or groups so that the work on mastering the necessary skills in the game is most effective.

2) Accounting for the level of language training of students. The game should not use complex language material. The meanings of unfamiliar words should be intuitive from the context.

3) Taking into account the interests of students. The game should arouse maximum interest among students, contribute to their formation of motivation for activities in a foreign language.

4) Availability of source material for the game. Students must have the original factual information that they will use during the game. An example of such information would be a train schedule, a program guide, or some basic text around which the game is built.

5) Involvement in the language situation. Before the game, it is necessary to discuss the game situation with the students, to present all the facts that the participants of the game need to build it correctly.

6) Preparation of each role. The teacher should describe the roles of students so that they do not present ready-made remarks in the dialogue. It is best if the role contains some instructions for actions using verbs: ask, answer, propose, etc.

7) The spontaneity of the game. Usually some time is allotted for the preparation of the participants of the game. However, students should not be allowed to memorize their role. Their speech should be as spontaneous as possible in a particular learning situation [15].

Thus, the organization and conduct of role-playing games has a number of its own features, the consideration of which can effectively influence the process of teaching English at school.

Another interesting method that has a communicative and interactive focus is the storytelling method. In the domestic methodology of teaching a foreign language, there is no precise definition of storytelling as a pedagogical technology, since this technology is the property of foreign methods of teaching a foreign language, and in Russian schools it is just beginning to spread.

According to L. Cameron, "storytelling is an oral activity, where a story or a story is aimed at arousing interest in the listener and active mental activity in the narrator" [16]. In addition, a magazine article titled "The Definition of Storytelling" defines it as follows: storytelling is "the interactive art of using word and action to highlight the most important elements of a story and convey the character of its characters, encouraging the listener's imagination" [17]. Thus, it can be concluded that storytelling is understood in foreign methods of teaching a foreign language as learning through the use of various stories, and the use of this technique actualizes the activity of two parties in the lesson: listeners and storytellers. To do this, students use various means and ways to attract the attention of listeners in the narrative: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, songs, poems, etc.

Domestic researcher in the field of pedagogy and psychology E.V. Neborsky, considering pedagogical innovations in modern Russian education, defines storytelling as "a way of the

learning process in the form of history." At the same time, according to the scientist, various computer programs can be used to achieve the set goals, and online correspondence, comics, SMS texts, etc. can serve as material for building the educational process. The main condition for organizing storytelling at school is logical structuring and effective presentation of the plot. [18].

When analyzing foreign and domestic literature on the use of storytelling in the process of teaching a foreign language, we came to the conclusion that in the foreign tradition, storytelling is considered as one of the main technologies for teaching a foreign language, while in domestic literature, storytelling is considered as a pedagogical innovation, then there is something new, like a breakthrough in pedagogy and teaching methods. According to many foreign researchers, teaching children using storytelling is carried out at an early stage, when parents, grandparents and other relatives tell them fairy tales, myths, legends, etc. In the process of his speech development in his native language, the child first learns to retell the stories he has heard before, and then invent his own. Thus, storytelling is based on a long-established tradition of teaching and raising children and is currently only transformed in accordance with the methodological goals and objectives of foreign language education.

Also, many researchers in the field of foreign language teaching methodology point to the high potential of storytelling in the development of students' speaking skills and creative abilities.

Another important issue in considering the features of storytelling as one of the methods of teaching a foreign language at school is the designation of criteria for selecting texts that can serve as material for organizing storytelling. After analyzing the methodological experience of teachers and teachers of English in the use of storytelling, we were able to identify the following criteria:

1) Material for storytelling should correspond to the age characteristics of students, their cognitive needs and interests;

2) Storytelling material should be written in simple, natural and memorable language;

3) Material for storytelling must meet the requirements of the work program in the subject "Foreign Language";

4) The lexical and grammatical material used in the story or story for storytelling must correspond to the language preparation of students;

5) New lexical and grammatical material should be presented in such a way that its meaning could be guessed from the context, they could be presented as auxiliary visual aids;

6) Storytelling material should contain dialogues with short remarks to promote the speech activity of students;

7) Storytelling material should contain some real descriptions of the life of the English people and their culture.

Thus, from the foregoing, we can conclude that storytelling in the foreign tradition of foreign language teaching methods is considered as the main learning technology, while in Russian schools this method belongs to pedagogical innovations. Storytelling is a special lesson format where a story or a story is used as an organizational element, which the teacher himself can tell, or students can take part in the story. The degree of participation of the teacher in the latter case can vary: he can act as a mentor, or an observer with little intervention in the activities of students in order to direct their work in the right direction. To organize storytelling in English lessons, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles and criteria for selecting materials. The fulfillment of these conditions will help promote the effective use of storytelling to achieve the set methodological goals and objectives.

Considering communicative and interactive methods of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to pay attention to such a learning tool as authentic texts.

Translated from English, "authentic" means "natural". Currently, there are several approaches to determining the essence of authentic texts. Authentic is considered to be those materials that are used in the real life of those countries where they speak this foreign language. In the sources on the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the authenticity of the text is defined as a property of the text, which determines the connection of this text with the natural language environment and the situation of communication. Questionnaires, advertisements, restaurant menus, street signs, letters, texts of e-mail messages, artistic texts, texts of newspaper articles, etc. have a high potential in the formation of communicative competence among students among authentic texts. Recordings of dialogues from films can be attributed to authentic audio and video recordings. , fragments of feature and documentary films, recordings of songs in the language being studied and clips for these songs. In grade 5, the most appropriate is the use of poems and songs. Consider the basic principles of working with such authentic materials in foreign language lessons.

Songs are one of the most effective means of teaching a foreign language. The use of any technique in an English lesson always pursues a specific goal. The main purpose of using songs in English lessons is to influence students in such a way as to achieve the formation and development of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities at the proper level for them to implement foreign language communication, and also to evoke positive motivation in students to study the topic of the lesson and a foreign language. generally.

Based on the study of the experience of foreign language teachers working at the school, as well as on the basis of their own experience of internship in a secondary school, a number of methodological tasks can be identified that help to solve the use of songs in English lessons:

1) Successful and deep formation of language skills (phonetic, grammatical and lexical) and development of speech skills (listening, speaking);

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2) Development of creative abilities;

3) Development of a general outlook, as well as ideas about the country, culture and people of the language being studied;

4) Education of self-consciousness;

5) Development of aesthetic perception of the world;

6) Emotional relief and mood enhancement;

7) Increasing the level of motivation for further study of the English language[12].

Songs can be used at all stages of work on language material: at the stage of introducing new vocabulary (grammatical structures), at the stage of repetition, and also at the stage of consolidating previously studied material.

In order for the use of songs in an English lesson to be a truly successful teaching tool, several criteria for selecting song material must be observed:

1) The language material present in the song must correspond to the level of knowledge, skills and abilities already formed by the students. When introducing new lexical (grammatical) material, the latter should immediately attract the attention of students;

2) The semantic content of the song must correspond to the level of psychological and age development of students;

3) The text of the song should be interesting for students, attract their attention;

4) The rhythm of the song also plays a big role. Younger students, as a rule, better remember the language material contained in more rhythmic songs;

5) The song must have a high educational potential, that is, it must contain the language material necessary for students at this stage of learning (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, speech constructions);

6) When selecting songs for an English lesson, the teacher must take into account the principle of authenticity, that is, the song must be created in a natural English-speaking environment [16].

Songs in English lessons can be used in combination with a role-playing game or a dramatization technique [17].


Thus, we can conclude that the song material plays a big role in the formation of foreign language communicative competence in foreign language lessons. However, the use of songs in English lessons must be carefully thought out and organized.

The concepts of "pedagogical technology" and "teaching method" have the same frequency of use in the field of foreign language education. However, the concept of "pedagogical technology" is much broader than the concept of "teaching method". Pedagogical technology includes both methods and techniques and teaching methods, psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine the choice of certain methods, techniques and teaching methods.


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