Section 2. Other fields of Education
Shubayeva Galiya S., Department of Special and Social Pedagogy of Kazakh state women's teacher training university,
Almaty, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected] Baydosova Dinar K., Department of Special Education of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected]
Diagnosis of formation of health-competence in preschool children with intellectual disabilities
Abstract: This article is intended to study the level of development of the various components of health-competence in preschool children with intellectual disabilities. This article is intended to study the level of development of the various components of health-competence in preschool children with intellectual disabilities. For diagnostic were used special metodics and evaluation criteria.
Keywords: health-competence, preschool children with intellectual disabilities.
Saving children's health today is a priority direction To study the cognitive component of health-com-
of educational and social policies around the world, petence was used individual psycho-pedagogical experi-including in Kazakhstan. In this regard, the formation ment.
of health-competence in preschool children should be - 1nd task: determining the correct choice of means
one of the most important aspects of pre-school edu- of hygiene;
cational institutions. This is especially important for - 2nd task: determine the characteristics of concepts
children with intellectual disabilities, as they have sev- of the child about the meaning and importance of shown eral health indicators are below their peers, it is difficult hygiene practices.
to independently master the skills of a healthy lifestyle. 1nd task. On the table were laid out various items,
Health-competence — a child's readiness to meet the including personal hygiene. Children were asked to challenges associated with maintaining and strengthen- choose only the things intended for personal hygiene. ing health [1; 2; 3]. On the table was placed the following things: toothpaste,
The study involved 24 children 5-7 years: 9 boys and candy, soap, pen, handkerchief, book, towel, cookies, cell 15 girls, for all children with a diagnosis of mild mental phone, comb.
retardation, ICD-10 (international classification of dis- 2nd task. For determine the characteristics of con-
eases) F 70. cepts of the child about the meaning and importance
The following components of health-competence of shown hygiene practices, the children were shown were investigated [4; 5]: a series of pictures of scene. Children ask questions
- cognitive; about what a person does in the picture, what does it do,
- emotional; why is it important. With this setting, we tested how the
- subj ect-practical. children were formed idea about how to perform hygiene
Section 2. Other fields of Education
procedures, why should they have to carry out what benefit they bring to health.
Scene images:
1) the child washes;
2) the child is brushing his teeth,
3) the child is doing gymnastics.
To study the emotional component of health-competence, we watched the kids when they are in different hygiene procedures were performed during the day: washing hands before eating, when returning from the street, after
using the toilet. koa ^yy epe^eAepiH opbrngay cnnaTMH 6aK,MAaAbiK1. We paid attention to the following points: whether the hand washes without reminders, on their own, with pleasure, whether, if lazy forget at the same time immediately after the reminder is to wash their hands, or need to be repeated several times. Also take into account quality of hygienic skills, accuracy, haste carefully. All of this gives an idea of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child. Performing tasks was assessed according to the criteria and exhibited from 0 to 3 points (Table 1).
Table 1. - The level of formation of cognitive and emotional component of health-competence
Points Cognitive component Emotional component
1nd task 2nd task
0 3 (12%) 7 (29%) 2 (8%)
1 16 (67%) 14 (58%) 16 (67%)
2 5 (21%) 3 (13%) 6 (25%)
3 — — —
Average score 1,1 1,8 2,2
To study the subject-practical component of health-competence we observed the general features of a motility of children: during the free games, during physical training, during lessons, on a walk, while resting. During the observation, we relied on the techniques described in the literature [6; 7]. Control, with the following children motor skills, features tested: walking, running, jumping, movement in balance.
Performing tasks was assessed according to the criteria and exhibited from 0 to 6 points. The results of the survey were the quantitative and qualitative side. Given the characteristics of the individual components and the overall level of formation the health-competence children.
The results of the study of indicators of general motor skills of children is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. - Indicators of general motor skills of children
Points Indicators
Walking Running Jumping Movement in balance
0 - — — —
1 — — 3 (12,5%) 3 (12,5%)
2 - 3 (12,5%) 6 (25%) 6 (25%)
3 6 (25%) 6 (25%) 6 (25%) 3 (12,5%)
4 9 (37,5%) 9 (37,5%) 9 (37,5%) 9 (37,5%)
5 9 (37,5%) 3 (12,5%) — 3 (12,5%)
6 - 3 (12,5%) — —
Average score 4,12 3,87 2,87 3,12
The average score for all indicators 3,49
In the literature data [2], the average for this technique in children of preschool age through the development of research normal result of 5 points, the result for sertesa our mild mental retardation children of preschool age, motor side 3.49 score average.
All of the children surveyed most well formed walking skills, and the lowest levels observed in the skills of jumping. This is in order of skill formation in ontogenesis.
Thus, the results of ascertaining experiment showed thatindicators of formation of all components of health-competence in preschool children with intellectual disabilities were low, especially the cognitive component. Indicators on the emotional and subject-practical components, even though they were low, but the execution of tasks on their study did not cause difficulties. Apparently this is due to the age characteristics of the children surveyed.
The results showed that preschool children with in- Health-competencies required child in different
tellectual disabilities need to conduct additional cor- spheres of life. With their help, it is faster and easier to
rectional and developmental work. This will improve adapt to the environment, easier to learn other skills.
their health-competence, which will undoubtedly help Formed in the preschool skills will improve in the next
them in their daily lives for a successful socialization. phases, ie at school age.
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