International Scientific and Practical Conference "WORLD SCIENCE" ISSN 2413-1032
Professor Kleyberg Yu. A.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Moscow State Regional University, Russia
Abstract. The article States that the functioning of society as a mega-system occurs through physical, biological and social components, the unity of the processes of conservation and change. Deviant behavior, deviancies in General, serve as an integral mechanism of change, modification of social systems. Youth has always been, and now is facing a total crisis in conditions of social turbulence, and this aspect of deviance of youth in recent years is subjected to attempts of typology. The author offers a contemporary typology of deviant behavior of youth, where lies the specificity of the combination and dynamics of parameters of deviations from the norm in human behavior in conditions of social turbulence.
Keywords: deviant behavior, youth, social turbulence, a typology of deviant behavior.
Deviant behavior is characteristic of the species Homo sapiens. It as a specific way of self-identity through social transformation is present in the sociogenesis since prehistoric times and is characterized by diversity of manifestations and the breadth of distribution in various systems.
The existence of each system (physical, biological, social) is a dynamic state, the unity of the processes of conservation and change. The deviations to serve as a mechanism for social transformation (modification, variation) and, consequently, the existence and development of each system. The lack of deviations, it is non-existence, regression and death.
The higher the level of organization of the system, the more dynamic its existence and the growing importance of transformation as a mechanism of preservation. Disequilibrium, instability becomes a source of order. Therefore, for biological and social systems is characterized by a transition from homeostasis (maintenance of conservation, stable state) to homages (keeping changes, a stable stream) [1].
Society or the state determines that at this time are invalid; violate moral or legal norms [2].
As for the personal-psychological aspect of this phenomenon, this aspect is related to the understanding of the serious problems of the person and their external manifestations. Usually behavioral deviance is understood as a pronounced deviation in the level of spirituality and action (deeds) of the individual, her disadaptation violated important social taboos of society resulting from the «failures» in socialization and circumstances. However, personal-psychological aspect of deviance is manifested in various strategies of young people in the face of total crisis, transformation and social turbulence, and this aspect of deviance of youth in recent years is subjected to attempts of typology.
Typology of deviant behavior, in my opinion, the specificity of the combination of dynamics parameters of abnormalities in human behavior. The main parameters, which can typologisierung deviant behavior, as follows: (a) length of time; (b) level of motivation; (c) the formation of goals; (d) the number of participants; (e) situational; (g) degree of awareness; (h) the presence of psychological and forensic studies, etc. the Structure of each form of deviant behavior young person is determined by the individual relationship of these characteristics.
The author developed a typology of deviant behavior of modern youth in the conditions of social turbulence only one of the most important parameters - the level of motivation, motivational sources of deviant behavior.
This typology contains three types of deviant behavior, the types and motives of deviant behavior:
1. Personality type. The basis of a personal model of deviant behavior of today's youth based on a synthesis of the three modalities of the person: activity, socialization, integration, that is, based on the principle of analyzing the personality through its life, through the way of organizing her life, through the ability to resolve psychological inconsistencies.
The motives of committing deviant acts by young people have a close relationship with the emotions experienced by the subject behaviors: (a). Latent. Motive - impressive management to be attractive to other people, get them on Board, sympathy and love); concealment of deformed personal qualities, the destructive qualities of the personality; (b). Symptomatic. Motive - public demonstration
4 № 8(12), Vol.3, August 2016
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International Scientific and Practical Conference "WORLD SCIENCE'
ISSN 2413-1032
of belonging to a deviant subculture, behavior, lifestyle; (c). Stately. The motive is the acquisition of profit; (d). Aggressive. Motive of destruction, aggression, self-aggression; destructive motive; (e). Tactical. The motive is the achievement of personal goals; (g). Existential. The motive of self-assertion; (h). Protester. The motive - power, outrageous, opposition; (z). Hedonistic. Motive is pleasure; the narcissistic). (f). Curious. Motive - knowledge; interest.
2. Environmental type. Youth social environment consists of either a set of social conditions of human life, affecting his mind and behavior, or as a set of objective factors influencing the formation and behavior of the individual. In the youth social environment forms the background of deviant behavior, plays usually an active role. Surrounding social and psychological environment affects the personality of a young person with deviant behavior through public opinion, law, political structures, other social groups, etc., as well as social norms and sanctions, values, principles, morals, rights and duties, etc.
The motive for committing deviant behavior of young people formed on the basis of incentives (provocations) social environment and is externally deterministic:): (a).Conformal. The motive of belonging to a deviant subculture, the criminal group; (b). Uncomfortable. The motive associated with the inconvenience of the social environment, discomfort, subjective ergonomics); (c). Caused by depression, boredom. Motive entertainment, distraction; (d). The opposition is demonstrative. Motive - a challenge to the micro-social environment in General, the opposition social environment, conflict with it.
3. Situational type. In the basis of deviant behavior of youth on the situational level is the development of contradictions within the framework of a particular turbulent situation. As criteria of the model of deviant behavior of modern youth can offer a variety of situations corresponding to: (a) their degree of stability (stable-unstable; ordinary, regular, or standard-non-standard, unusual, extreme; problem-conflict); b) temporal characteristics (continuous current, average, short); c) spatial parameters (country, Republic, region, etc.); d) subject of activity; d) with the object (economic, political, social, etc.); e) control factors (controllable and uncontrollable, spontaneous and planned); g) the complexity of the operation (latent).
Analysis of deviant behavior of modern youth in the conditions of social turbulence shows that it can be five main factors: a) social status of the person; b) its role as a subject of activity; c) nature of work; g) value criteria; d) the dominant motivation.
For situational type is characterized by the following types:
Social status of interaction. Motive - desire to achieve status; maintenance status at a certain level; of self-assertion.
Role relationships. The motive is to be the first; leadership.
Relationships in joint activities. Motive is a friendly competition; rivalry; work, but can escalate to hostile competition and confrontation, until the social conflicts and deviant (criminal) behavior.
Value relationship. The motive of belonging to a subculture (criminal, ethnic, religious, etc.); self-improvement; self-realization; self-knowledge; value the experience of social reality; the awareness of themselves as active subject of social environment.
Shocking. Motive - it is based on the dominant motive (usually motive of achievement); startling emotion.
The proposed typology, of course, does not claim to methodological perfection, and especially on the ultimate truth, but a creative approach can be updated and modified by the innovations of the researcher. In any case, it may be useful to use it as a starting point for analysis and other psycho-deviantological and psycho-criminological phenomena, provoking and accompanying deviant behavior of the personality of a young person in different social contexts, including crisis, turbulent. In this sense, this typology is open to evolutionary and «revolutionary» changes of paradigms, new discoveries.
Thus, deviant behavior in conditions of social turbulence is a modification or change in the shape or structure, the way of life of persons United in social risk and adhere to certain laws and traditions and having certain characteristics.
However, do not rule out that this is a form of psychological protection, which superseded the negative traits and attitudes of human consciousness can become positive.
1. See: Towards a theoretical biology: 1. Prolegomena. Moscow, 1970.
2. Gilinskiy Ya.I. Criminology: Theory, history, empirical basis, social control. St. Petersburg, 2002.
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№ 8(12), Vol.3, August 2016 5