Научная статья на тему 'Development of tourism is in the epoch of economically-politically reforms and war in Ukraine'

Development of tourism is in the epoch of economically-politically reforms and war in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
domestic and international tourism / Ukraine / development / внутрішній та міжнародний туризм / Україна / туристична галузь

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Lesia V. Kovalska, Halyna P. Shchuka, Anzhella R. Mikhailuk, Raisa P. Zagnibida, Tetiana I. Tkachenko

Today, Ukraine is at the center of the world community, politics and the European market, in light of changes in the political, economic and military spheres. Undoubtedly, all this influenced the development of the country’s economy and policy towards the countries of the near and far abroad, including the development of the tourism industry. To characterize the current state of development of domestic and international tourism in Ukraine and served as the main purpose of writing an article. The research of the current state of tourism development in Ukraine was based on the application of a systematic approach using comparative, statistical, analytical methods, etc. The relevance of this study is determined by the clarification of the further direction of tourism development in connection with the deprivation of tourism industry as a priority in 2019, although it is one of the significant sources of filling the state treasury, as well as the impact on the tourist image of Ukraine, an aggressor country during the period of change of power and incomplete reforms. It is established that the tourist image of Ukraine is restored from 2016 due to the victorious participation of Ukrainians in international events, in particular, Eurovision-2017, but it should be noted that the main donor countries are the countries of close foreign countries. Visa tourism has been intensified with Ukraine through visa-free travel and pricing policies for tourist services. For example, when comparing prices with the tourist complex «Bukovel» or «Shayan» cheaper to rest in Poland or Hungary. One of the reasons was revealed: the population’s low awareness of the tourist potential of the country; unreliability of domestic subjects of tourism activity; the lack of security in the places of rest, as well as the war in the east of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. It was found that the length of stay of Ukrainians abroad depended on the location of the country. The farther the longer, which is associated with the cost of time and money. Also, you should not neglect tourist logistics. After all, almost all flights from Ukraine abroad are sent in the morning. Arriving in the evening, a tourist-Ukrainian is forced to seek a lodging for himself. While in Ukraine, on the contrary, tourists mostly come in the morning or in the afternoon. It should also be noted that the marked decrease in trips abroad is due to the poverty of the Ukrainian population. The main purpose of travel – rest on the warm seas of the seas for the best price and high quality of service for tourists. It is statistically reported that the geography of recipient countries is predominantly close to a foreign country, mainly the CIS countries, while, for example, most of Belarus comes to the EU. The development of domestic tourism, which tends to grow, is estimated. The main factors of its development are the desire of Ukrainians to travel even with a minimal budget. However, it should be noted the predominance of self-organized tourism. The main tourist areas with the predominance of a certain type of tourism were identified, for example Lviv – cultural-cognitive, IvanoFrankivsk and Transcarpathian – active and eventful, Odessa – recreational types of tourism. The tendency of the steady development of tourism in Ukraine due to the development of transport infrastructure, information and communication environment, the election of the European development vector is revealed. In the near future it is expedient: to adjust the Law «On Tourism» in accordance with the EU directives in the tourism sector, as well as to direct the direction for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Ukraine.

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Розвиток туризму в епоху політико-економічних реформ та війни в Україні

Зважаючи на зміни у політичній, економічній та військовій площинах, сьогодні Україна знаходиться у центрі світової спільноти, політики та європейського ринку. Безперечно, все це вплинуло й на розвиток туристичної галузі. Констатовано, що туристичний імідж Україна втратила після анексії Криму та війни на сході держави. Відновлення його наступило завдяки переможній участі у міжнародних заходах та проведення останніх в Україні, наприклад, «Євробачення-2017 р.». Авторами з’ясовано, що основними країнами донорами туристів є країни близького зарубіжжя. Це зумовлено входженням України в трійку найдешевших країн світу й покращення туристичної логістики. Сьогодні Україна починає відновлюватися на міжнародному туристичному ринку, хоч приймає у 10 разів менше туристів ніж сусідні держави, наприклад, Білорусь. Основними видами туризму в Україні є активний та культурно-пізнавальний туризм. Виявлено, що тривалість перебування українців за кордоном залежала від розташування країни. Чим дальше тим довше, що пов’язано з затратами часу та грошей. Цьому сприяла також туристична логістика. Статистично представлено, що географія країн-реципієнтів представлена близьким зарубіжжям. Оцінено розвиток внутрішнього туризму, який має тенденцію до зростання. Виявлено, що українці подорожують навіть з мінімальним бюджетом, з переважанням самоорганізованого туризму. У порівнянні з Білорусь кількістю внутрішніх туристів в Україні у двічі менша, незважаючи на більшу кількість населення. Це зумовлено щорічним зростанням заробітних плат, малим відсотком інфляції та стійким курсом валют в сусідній державі. Виявлено тенденцію поступального розвитку туризму в Україні завдяки: покращення транспортної інфраструктури, інформаційно-комунікаційного середовища, обрання європейського вектора розвитку. У найближчий час доцільно: постійно отримувати фінансову підтримку з боку держави, надавати юридичну допомогу суб’єктам туристичної діяльності, а також розвивати внутрішній та в’їзнмй туризм.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of tourism is in the epoch of economically-politically reforms and war in Ukraine»

Journal of geology/, Geography And Geoecologi

Journ al home page z geology-dnucdp.ua

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)


Geology, 29(1), 94-101. doi: 10.15421/112009

Development of tourism is in the epoch of economically-politically reforms and war in Ukraine

Lesia V. Kovalska1, Halyna P. Shchuka2, Anzhella R. Mikhailuk1, Raisa P. Zagnibida1, Tetiana I. Tkachenko3

1 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, [email protected] 2Transcarpathian Hungarian Institution named after Ferenc Rakoki II, Berehove, Ukraine, [email protected] 3 Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]

Received: 27.06.2019 Abstract. Today, Ukraine is at the center of the world community, politics and the Euro-

Received in revisedform: 22.11.2019 pean market, in light of changes in the political, economic and military spheres. Undoubt-Accepted: 13.01.2020 edly, all this influenced the development of the country's economy and policy towards the

countries of the near and far abroad, including the development of the tourism industry. To characterize the current state of development of domestic and international tourism in Ukraine and served as the main purpose of writing an article. The research of the current state of tourism development in Ukraine was based on the application of a systematic approach using comparative, statistical, analytical methods, etc. The relevance of this study is determined by the clarification of the further direction of tourism development in connection with the deprivation of tourism industry as a priority in 2019, although it is one of the significant sources of filling the state treasury, as well as the impact on the tourist image of Ukraine, an aggressor country during the period of change of power and incomplete reforms. It is established that the tourist image of Ukraine is restored from 2016 due to the victorious participation of Ukrainians in international events, in particular, Eurovision-2017, but it should be noted that the main donor countries are the countries of close foreign countries. Visa tourism has been intensified with Ukraine through visa-free travel and pricing policies for tourist services. For example, when comparing prices with the tourist complex «Bukovel» or «Shayan» cheaper to rest in Poland or Hungary. One of the reasons was revealed: the population's low awareness of the tourist potential of the country; unreliability of domestic subjects of tourism activity; the lack of security in the places of rest, as well as the war in the east of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. It was found that the length of stay of Ukrainians abroad depended on the location of the country. The farther the longer, which is associated with the cost of time and money. Also, you should not neglect tourist logistics. After all, almost all flights from Ukraine abroad are sent in the morning. Arriving in the evening, a tourist-Ukrainian is forced to seek a lodging for himself. While in Ukraine, on the contrary, tourists mostly come in the morning or in the afternoon. It should also be noted that the marked decrease in trips abroad is due to the poverty of the Ukrainian population. The main purpose of travel - rest on the warm seas of the seas for the best price and high quality of service for tourists. It is statistically reported that the geography of recipient countries is predominantly close to a foreign country, mainly the CIS countries, while, for example, most of Belarus comes to the EU. The development of domestic tourism, which tends to grow, is estimated. The main factors of its development are the desire of Ukrainians to travel even with a minimal budget. However, it should be noted the predominance of self-organized tourism. The main tourist areas with the predominance of a certain type of tourism were identified, for example Lviv - cultural-cognitive, Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian - active and eventful, Odessa - recreational types of tourism. The tendency of the steady development of tourism in Ukraine due to the development of transport infrastructure, information and communication environment, the election of the European development vector is revealed. In the near future it is expedient: to adjust the Law «On Tourism» in accordance with the EU directives in the tourism sector, as well as to direct the direction for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Ukraine.

Key words: domestic and international tourism, Ukraine, development.

Розвиток туризму в епоху полггико-економ1чних реформ та вшни в УкраТш

Л. В. Ковальська1, Г. П. Щука2, А. Р. Михайлюк1, Р. П. Загнибща1, Т. 1.Ткаченко3

ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський нацюнальний унгверситет 1мет Василя Стефаника», м. 1вано-Франювськ, Украша, gnatuk_L@ukr. net

2 Закарпатський угорський тститут 1мен1 Ференца Ракоц II, м. Берегово, Украша, [email protected]

3 Кшвський нацгональний унгверситет культури i мистецтв, м. Кигв, Украша, [email protected]

Анотащя. Зважаючи на змши у полгшчнш, еконмчнш та вшськовш площинах, сьогодт Украша знаходиться у цен^ свггово! спшьноти, полижи та европейського ринку. Безперечно, все це вплинуло й на розвиток туристично! галузг Констатовано, що туристичний iмiдж Украша втратила тсля анекси Криму та вшни на сходi держави. Вдаовлення його

наступило завдяки переможнш участ у м1жнародних заходах та проведення останшх в Украш, наприклад, «£вробачення-2017 р.». Авторами з'ясовано, що основними крашами донорами туристш е краши близького заруб1жжя. Це зумовлено входженням Украши в тршку найдешевших кра!н свпу й покращення туристично! лопстики. Сьогодт Укра!на починае вщновлюватися на м1жнародному туристичному ринку, хоч приймае у 10 раз1в менше туриста шж суидш держави, наприклад, Бшорусь. Основними видами туризму в Украш е активний та культурно-тзнавальний туризм. Виявлено, що тривалгсть перебування укра!н-щв за кордоном залежала вщ розташування кра!ни. Чим дальше тим довше, що пов'язано з затратами часу та грошей. Цьому сприяла також туристична лопстика. Статистично представлено, що географ1я краш-рецитенпв представлена близьким заруб1жжям. Оцшено розвиток внутршнього туризму, який мае тенденщю до зростання. Виявлено, що украшщ подорожують навпъ з мшмальним бюджетом, з переважанням самооргашзованого туризму. У поршнянш з Бшорусь кшьюстю внутршшх туриста в Украш у дич1 менша, незважаючи на бшьшу кшьюсть населення. Це зумовлено щор1чним зростанням заробггних плат, малим вщсотком шфляци та стшким курсом валют в суаднш держава Виявлено тенденщю поступального розвитку туризму в УкраМ завдяки: покращення транспортно! шфраструктури, шформацшно-комушкацшного середовища, обрання европейського вектора розвитку. У найближчий час доцшьно: постшно отримувати фшансову тдтримку з боку держави, надавати юридичну допомогу суб'ектам туристично! д1яльност1, а також розвивати внутр1шн1й та в'!знмй туризм.

Ключовi слова: внутрштй та мiжнародний туризм, Украта, туристична галузь.

Introduction. The role and importance of the tourism industry in the development of the country's economy are rethinking and changing in the process of globalization of society. The tourist industry forms a peculiar (on the intersection of multicultural, multiconfessional, polyglot, communication-information, logistic, etc.) environment, which develops under the influence of external and internal factors. The influence of the latter is significant, in particular during the period of economic-political-military transformation in the state and in the world. Ukraine is now at the epicenter of all of the above-mentioned changes over the course of 5 years, which greatly influences the development of the country's economy, including the tourism industry.

In particular, the influence of an external factor manifests itself in the destabilization of security inside the country through the Ukrainian-Russian war in the east of the state and the annexed territories of the Crimean peninsula by Russia. Equally important are internal factors, in particular, investment climate, hryvnia inflation, exchange rate, economic crisis, social and religious conflicts, etc. Therefore, the development of the tourism industry in such conditions is dependent from the realities of the present, which determine the change in the domestic and international tourist markets. A similar picture of the events took place in Egypt in the first decade of the XXI century. In the course of the 2011 revolution and the political upheaval in 2013, tourism development in Egypt declined compared to 2010, falling by two-thirds in 2013. The economy of the country and the tourism industry were transformed (Springborg, Robert, 2017). For eight years from the start of the events, Egypt restores the image of a "safe country" and in the coming years it may "drag" the lion's share of tourists from Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.

The development of tourism in Ukraine can also develop under the Egyptian model. However, the

return of the tourism industry to the previous status quo and its potential development is not encouraging. Doubts lie in: 1. the external factor - it is difficult to predict the reaction of an aggressor country during the period of change of power in Ukraine and incomplete reforms; 2. The internal factor is the development of corruption and the unfavorable investment climate. Purpose of research - the monitoring of the tourism market will determine and identify the main trends of tourism development in the country, based on the analysis of tourist services markets of recipient countries, to determine the ways of resuscitation of the tourism industry.

The tourist image of Ukraine Tourism during 2018 and with the beginning of 2019 only begins to reborn. The works of domestic authors are devoted to the study of certain aspects of tourism development during the last five years (Sichka, 2016; Orlenko, 2016; Kalutsky, Kovalska, 2016). Materials and methods of research In the third millennium, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the development of tourism in Ukraine only begins with separate branches of the economy, unlike foreign countries, where tourism becomes a powerful branch of the economy. However, the formation, development and enrichment of the theoretical foundations of the development of domestic tourism can solve the problems associated with research and the formation of their own practical experience. The intellectual nuclei of tourism development are classical universities led by such figures as: O. Lyubitseva, M. Malskaya and others. Among contemporary domestic and foreign researchers who consider the importance of innovation and modeling the development of tourism (Koval, et al., 2010; Bogdan, 2014; Viyikis., Yakutis, 2014). and others are to be mentioned. Research results. The research of the current stateof tourism development in Ukraine was based on the application of a systematic approach using comparative,

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■ Number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents

Fig. 1 Tourist flows, persons. Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine

statistical, analytical methods, etc. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions and factors of tourism development in the country in comparison with the recipient countries of the near abroad on the basis of statistical indicators and determine the prospects for the development of the national tourism market. Results and their analysis. State of state development determines the level of economic development. In Ukraine, given the destabilizing factors: political, military and economic, in particular: the war in the east of Ukraine, the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the impoverishment of the population, inflation of the hryvnia, bankruptcy of tourist firms, etc., the tourist industry was in a state of stagnation. Tourism development has almost stopped since 2014 (Fig. 1). Since the competitiveness of the tourism industry depends on the state policy, it should be aimed at the organization and regulation of financial and legal support for tourism. However, unlike in 2018, in 2019, the tourism industry is not mentioned in the priority of economic sectors, although it is one of the most significant sources of filling the state treasury. Namely, the gross domestic product from the provision of services for the temporary placement and organization of food in 2017 amounted to 18.1 billion UAH, while in the category "art, sports, entertainment and recreation" - 16.5 billion UAH, which in total is 34, UAH 6 bln.

According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2018) for four years from 2014 to 2017, the number of visits by Ukraine to foreigners has a tendency to increase, although in small numbers - from 12.7 in 2014 to 14.2 million people. This was facilitated by mass international events and the victorious participation of Ukrainians in them, in particular, the song contest "Eurovision-2017"; the phobia of Ukraine as a "hot spot" by foreigners;

development of domestic tourism. The donor countries of the people traveling to Ukraine are the Republic of Moldova, Belarus, Poland, the Russian Federation and Hungary. Analyzing the geography of incoming foreign citizens in Ukraine, it was found out that visitors from the near abroad are dominant (Fig. 2). In this proportion (only 14.2 million people in 2017), of course, there are workers, as well as transit tourists.

Leading countries include Israel, Germany, Turkey, Austria, Belarus and the Russian Federation. These countries were formed due to the recognition of Ukraine on the international scene as a country with a strong recreational and tourist potential, participation in international events, revival of national values. According epravda the news (2018) the increase in the number of foreign nationals has contributed to the entry of Ukraine into the three most poorest countries in the world, as well as improvement of tourist logistics (opening of new airlines: Lowcost, RyanAir, trains "Night Express", transformer cars, updated a fleet of passenger cars, etc.) and the development of infrastructure as a whole (laying roads, building accommodation and catering, etc.).

If we analyze the number of foreign citizens entering for the purpose of the trip - tourism - by 2017 compared with 2014, then it decreased by almost 3.8 times and amounted to 0.27%.

In comparison with Belarus, the number of tourists in 2015, which entered the country amounted to 300 thousand, which is 7.7 times more than in Ukraine. Among the leaders of the countries that visit Belarus should be distinguished: Germany, China, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Estonia. Consequently, the geography of countries prevails both close and far abroad. In Byelorussia as of 2017, for the purpose of "tourism", the country

Fig. 2 Entry of foreign citizens to Ukraine by countries from which they arrived. Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine

visited about 0.34%. According to the State Official statistics Belarus 67.7% of tourists from Russia came to in Belarus 9.3% from Lithuania, 8.0% from Poland, 2.3% of tourists from Latvia, etc. Outbound tourism from Ukraine intensified during the conduct of hostilities in the east of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. This was also facilitated

Hungary, apartments (2 adults for 1 night) at BudaFlats Apartments II at a price of 1640 UAH, compared to Bukovel (Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region), the cost of a similar night stay at the Hotel Stara Pravda in a suite - 2700 UAH. Thus, an adequate ratio of the price and quality of tourist services, a significant tourist opportunity of European countries and attracts

Fig. 3. Departure of foreign tourists to Ukraine by countries from which they arrived Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine

by: 1. Visa-free regime from June 2017. As reported golovni-novyni.112.ua. now Ukrainians have a visafree regime with 118 countries. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2018), during this time, 400 thousand people used it. The most popular destinations for traveling from Ukraine in 2017 were Belarus, Moldova, and Poland (Fig. 4). 2. Price policy for tourist services. When comparing prices in Ukraine and neighboring countries, it should be noted that they are different. The price in some tourist complexes in Ukraine is high, so it is cheaper to rest in Poland or in Hungary. For example, in the capital of

a significant number of tourists from Ukraine with different levels of income.

The average length of stay in each of the countries definitely depends on their location. Travels in distant foreign countries (Turkey, Spain, Germany, etc.) lasted longer than in neighboring countries. This is primarily due to the duration of travel and the cost of travel. In 2017, the number of nights spent bytourists in hotels in the EU has reached more than 3.2 billion, an increase of 5.1% compared with 2016. According to Eurostat (2017), Spain (471 million nights, + 3.6% vs. 2016) retains leading positions ahead of France

Fig. 4. The departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad. Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine

(431 million, + 6.6%), Italy (425 million, + 5.4%) and Germany (400 million, + 2.7%).

However, tourist logistics should not be overlooked. The vast majority of tourists choose aviation or rail modes of direct-dialing. Most flights from Ukraine arrive in the evening. Therefore, Ukrainian tourist is forced to search for a lodging for himself. For example, flight Boeing 737-800 Kiev Borispol (Ukraine) - Warsaw Frederic Chopin (Poland) arrives at 20:30, train 705 K Kiev Passenger

One of the reasons for the departure of Ukrainians abroad is: 1. The population's awareness of the country's tourism potential was low. On the basis of the survey, it was found that 11 out of 12 people from the eastern and north-eastern regions have virtually no knowledge of the tourist potential of the western and north-western regions. Except for some tourist or sanatorium-resort complexes, for example, Bukovel, Morshyn, Shayan, etc. 2. Lack of security in places of rest. During the meteorological winter of

Fig. 5. The departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad for tourist purposes. Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine.

(departure time 06:50) - Przemysl (arrival time - 14: 58 years).

Compared to all trips abroad, a relatively small percentage leave the tourist destination. In addition, it has almost doubled in comparison with 2014. This can be explained by the poverty of the Ukrainian population. Geography of recipient countries is mostly close to foreign countries, mainly the CIS countries (Belarus, Moldova, Russia).

2018-2019 in the Carpathians there were fatal cases among tourists. In particular, on February 22, 2019 - two tourists were killed at the summit of Pip Ivan. May 06, 2019 - three tourists from Belarus as a result of a truck crash from a height of 40 m in the Black Cheremosh river, etc. According to the State Official statistics Belarus in 2015 the number of tourists leaving Belorussia was 533.8 thousand people (in the comparison, 4.4 times more than from Ukraine),

Fig. 6. Development of domestic tourism in Ukraine. Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Ukraine.

most of them (87.6%), left countries not CIS. Among them: Greece, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Turkey and others. In 2017, from Belarus, 19.3% went to Turkey, 17.0% to Egypt, 12.5% to Ukraine, 8.6% to Bulgaria. The main purpose of travel - rest on the warm seas of the seas for the best price and high quality of service for tourists. Given the geography of donor countries and the purpose of staying tourists in Belarus, business and recreational tourism prevails in Belarus, unlikein Ukraine, it is active and culturally-cognitive.

As for the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine, it tends to grow. This is facilitated by the desire of Ukrainians to travel. As for their financial situation, this question is trivial. On the one hand, there was an increase in wages, an increase in the number of employees receiving salaries in the segment from 5 to 10, and more than 10 thousand hryvnias. The number of employees receiving less than UAH 3,200 has been reduced to a maximum. However, according to wages of workers of European countries, it is 10 and> times, the CIS countries are 5 and> less. For example, in Belarus, although the tendency towards wage reduction as of February 2019 is set at $ 465, and in Ukraine in April 2019, taking into account the increase, it is $ 382. According to the State Association of Ukraine hospitality industry, with a minimal budget, Ukrainians want to travel, but it should be noted - with the predominance of self-organized tourism, since today the average Ukrainian tourist for a day is ready to spend no more than 500 UAH.

The activity of domestic tourism development can be explained by the gradual growth (after 2016) of wages, a low percentage of inflation and a steady exchange rate. The development of domestic tourism is also affected by logistics. Amongdomestic passenger traffic, tourists choose rail and motor transport. The railroad prevails in the interregional,

and the automobile - is transported locally. However, it should be noted that the maximum number of tourists, for example, in the western region of Ukraine comes from cities with direct access (Kiev, Zhytomyr, Odessa, Nikolaev, etc.). After all, tourists choose a variant of travel without transfers. Tourists from such administrative areas as: Sumy, Poltava, Chernihiv, Zaporozhye and others. taking into account the absence of direct communication with Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian, Ternopil and others are frequent guests.

Whereas annexed Crimea, the fighting near the Azov coast of the Black Sea waters Activity (Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson region) and Ukrainian Carpathians remain key tourist attractive area for domestic tourists. In the priority they are for the population from industrial centers: Dnipro, Kropivnitsky, Mariupol, and others. The opening of new directions in the railroad map will increase the convenience and speed of travel and reduce the cost of travel, which in turn will lead to the activity of domestic tourism.

In the domestic tourism, Lviv, as a cultural, Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian regions became popular among tourists - as centers of active and inclusive, Odessa region - recreational tourism. However, in comparison with Belarus, the number of domestic tourists in Ukraine is twice less, despite a larger number of the population.

The trend of steady development of tourism in Ukraine is accompanied by a number of subjective factors, in particular:

- the development of transport infrastructure (repair major highways, modernization of railway transport mode by domestic production and purchases from abroad, reanimuvannya air mode of transport (increase in passenger traffic, opening new airlines), attempts to offset the significant disparity of transport

(road transport occupy 80% of all traffic etc).

- in Ukraine, the tourism industry, in general, does not impede infrastructure flaws, and the lack of state financial support for this and other industries. For example, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian and others. The western, north-western regions of the country lack direct communication (air, rail) with the main centers of demand for tourist services (Kirovograd, Dnipropetrovsk, and other areas with a significant population). Government grants and grants from the Ministry of Infrastructure will facilitate the development and development of a transport network, including tourist logistics. While the actual state of the road network reflects the level of socio-economic development of the country as a whole, and not the tourism industry.

- the development of the information and communication environment (connecting tourists traveling in Europe through the Orange SIM card with the Mundo 2018 tariff). Its benefits are uninterrupted, high-speed Internet at a moderate price, for example, the cost of traffic per month: 10 euros for 2 GB, and at The condition of an early purchase for 10 euros will connect the 4 GB.International information support can also be tourist information centers, or individual elements of its infrastructure - tourist information kiosks that will allow you to booking rooms in accommodation establishments, reserve tables at catering establishments, view virtual tours, audio excursion, etc.

- poly-industry, scale and significant tourism underlines its belonging to the priority sectors of the national economy. The development of an innovative investment model for tourism development will enhance the attractiveness of this industry. The main direction of tourism development should be domestic and inward.

- by choosing the European vector of development, it is expedient for Ukraine to adjust the Law on Tourism in line with the EU directives in the tourism sector. In particular, pay attention to the EU Directive of June 13, 1990, № 90/314 of the EU on integrated tourism, recreation and tours.

Conclusions. Analyzing the conditions and fac- tors of tourism development in the country, it can be stated that the main donor countries of tourists in Ukraine are neighboring countries, and the recipient countries - tourist countries of the Front Asia. The entry and exit mobility to / from the country should be linked to the era of political and economic reforms in the country. Ukraine is one of the outsider of the tourism market in comparison with the CIScountries, including Belarus. Today, tourism is a multifunctional

industry and its development will continue to depend on tourism logistics, the development of the information and communication sphere, the innovation and investment climate that wants to be better, but first of all from financial support and legal support of the state. The prospects of the national tourism market are seen in the development of integrated domestic and inbound tourism, recreation and tours.


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