Научная статья на тему 'Development of tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region'

Development of tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / tourist products / tourist resources / tourist complexes

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Marina V. Nuzhdina

In recent years, one of the most actively developing areas of activity has become the sphere of service and tourism. Consumption of services begins to prevail over the consumption of material goods. The sphere of service and tourism is a dynamically developing area of public relations and a significant branch of the modern economy. At present, tourism is the most promising branch of the world economy, an important area that has a certain impact on the development of the country's economy, including the development of economic activities: travel companies, trade, communications, collective accommodation facilities, souvenir production, food, agriculture, construction.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region»

International agricultural journal №2/2018


DOI: 10.24411/2588-0209-2018-10019

UDK 339.13

M. V. Nuzhdina

Abstract: In recent years, one of the most actively developing areas of activity has become the sphere of service and tourism. Consumption of services begins to prevail over the consumption of material goods. The sphere of service and tourism is a dynamically developing area of public relations and a significant branch of the modern economy. At present, tourism is the most promising branch of the world economy, an important area that has a certain impact on the development of the country's economy, including the development of economic activities: travel companies, trade, communications, collective accommodation facilities, souvenir production, food, agriculture, construction.

Key words: tourism, tourist products, tourist resources, tourist complexes.

To date, one of the main stages of development of a tourist enterprise is the promotion of a tourist product, which contributes to improving both the company itself and its position in the tourism market. A tourist product is a complex of goods and services that tourists need to meet the needs arising during the travel period. Currently, one of the most popular and popular types of tourism is cognitive tourism, which recently became increasingly referred to as sightseeing tourism.

Tourism is a catalyst for the socio-economic development of the regions, one of the most important areas of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the

needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. The problem of the development of tourism in Russia is its orientation on leaving. Outbound tourism leads to the export of capital from Russia, the creation of new jobs abroad and leads to the fact that tourism in the Russian regions is at a low level. Currently, in most countries tourism provides between 3 and 10% of GDP and up to 40% in especially unique ones. The share of tourism in Russia

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reaches just over 1%. At the same time, Russia has rich and diverse tourist resources, which are not fully used [1].

The Nizhny Novgorod region, according to international experts, is among the ten most promising subjects of the Russian Federation, in which tourism can become one of the budget-forming industries. This is due to the fact that the Nizhny Novgorod region is promising for a wide range of travels: cultural, cognitive, cruise, therapeutic and recreational, business and event, environmental and adventure, rural tourism and a system of private hotels, hunting and fishing. Analysis of statistical data on the development of the Nizhny Novgorod tourist excursion services market shows that the largest share in domestic tourism is occupied by medical-recreational, cultural-cognitive and cruise types of tourism.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a large number of display objects are presented to tourists, one of them is a new unique museum "Golden Khokhloma" in Semenov - a solid two-story building in the style of architecture of merchant cities of the XVIII-XIX centuries, which shows expositions devoted to the famous Semenov fields - gold Khokhloma and Semenovskaya nested dolls, a conference room for presentations, premises for master classes of matryoshka painting, and a cozy salon-shop.

In the ancient city of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gorodets a new museum and tourist complex "City of Masters" was built. It is an original museum of wooden architecture: wooden houses are created in the style of prince's houses with elements of urban architecture and ornaments in the form of various types of house carvings. The tourist complex shows the history, living crafts and handicrafts of the Gorodets land: ancient Gorodets gold embroidery, city paintings and carving, carving and pottery, baking honey gingerbread, etc. The museum and tourist complex is successfully located on the embankment and will be seen for all ships , passing along the Volga River, so tourists from the ship can visit the unique wonder-city.

Interesting for the development of inbound and domestic tourism are several other facilities of the Nizhny Novgorod region: the museum and tourist complex "Mininskaya Sloboda" in the homeland of the organizer of the people's militia of 1612 Kuzma Minin in the city of Balakhna. There are historical and local lore expositions and a salt barn with operating salt mines, also theatrical performances devoted to the Time of the Time of Troubles, glorious pages of the history of shipbuilding and the manufacture of famous tiles.

The Optical Theater is located in the village of Vladimirskoye Voskresensky district, famous for the lake Svetloyar - a unique monument of natural and historical and cultural heritage of federal importance, covered with the legend of the city of Kitezh. In the optical theater there are a number of light-optical performances devoted to the theme of Kitezh Rus and the very

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legend of the city of Kitezh, which hid under the waters of Svetloyar and became invisible, but the sound of the bells of which righteous people hear to this day.

Traditional tourism centers of the Nizhny Novgorod region are also known: the spiritual center of Diveevo, where the miraculous relics of the revered Russian saint Seraphim of Sarov rest in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery; Arzamas, known for his children's writer Arkady Gaidar and the founder of the first provincial school of painting, Alexander Stupin, who brought up a whole galaxy of talented artists. Also famous is the romantic Bolshoy Boldino, where for three short autumns Alexander Pushkin wrote more than 50 best works.

A popular route is a tour of restored manor complexes in the Gaginsky district, a visit to the manor of Baron Jomini and the Pashkov family estate in the village of Vetoshkino. For fans of extreme tourism, a visit to the Museum of Mining, Geology and Speleology, which is located at a level of 70 meters underground. Here you get acquainted with the history of mining in the Nizhny Novgorod region, unique collections of minerals, all surrounded by white sparkling gypsum and underground streams.

In order to support and develop the tourism industry, the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region approved the regional target program "Development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2012-2018", developed by the Ministry of support and development of small business, consumer market and services of the Nizhny Novgorod region in order to create in the region competitive tourism industry and development of tourist infrastructure [2].

The most important directions of this program are the improvement of the regulatory and legal framework of the "tourism" area, an active marketing policy for the promotion of the Nizhny Novgorod tourist product, financial and credit support for the industry, infrastructure development and improving the status of display facilities, and training. It is supposed to form such kinds of tourism as cultural-cognitive, ethnographic, cruise, medical-recreational, ecological and adventure, rural, religious, business and event, hunting and fishing.

The development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region is determined by a number of factors:

First, there is a large tourist potential in the direction of cruise, medical-recreational, business cultural-cognitive, ecological and rural tourism, fishing, hunting and the presence of world-famous centers such as Nizhny Novgorod, Diveevo, Bolshoe Boldino, Semyonov, Gorodets, Lake Svetloyar, Arzamas, Pavlovo, Kazakovo, Chkalovsk, Balakhna.

Secondly, the formation of inbound and domestic tourism is necessary due to the fact that the cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be included in the route "The Great Golden Ring

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of Russia". The route partially repeats the way of the movement of the Nizhny Novgorod militia in 1612.

Thirdly, the need for the Program is determined by global and all-Russian positive trends in the development of inbound and domestic tourism as one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and creating new jobs.

Fourth, the relevance of the development of inbound and domestic tourism is determined by competition from the Russian regions. The development of tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation has shown the effectiveness of funding programs, which led to an increase in budgets for their implementation of 10 or more times.

Objectives of the program:

- an increase in the tourist flow to the Nizhny Novgorod region;

- Attracting investments for the development of the material base of the tourism industry;

- Development of tourist centers in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the formation of a competitive tourism product.

It is supposed to improve the law of the Nizhny Novgorod region "On tourist activities in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region".

With a view to developing a competitive tourism product, a system of credit and financial assistance is being introduced to the enterprises of the tourism industry and business entities in the form of compensating part of the interest rate on loans from commercial banks sent to:

- purchase of vehicles and comfortable buses for transportation of tourists,

- the organization of a network of tourist service complexes, each of which will include: a cafe, souvenir shop, toilets, car service, parking, information service, in addition: hotel, auto parts store and related products, health complex.

It is assumed that the tourist service complexes will be located on the main tourist routes.

During the program, a large number of events for the development of domestic and incoming tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region. But at the end of 2016, according to the analytical agency TurStat Nizhny Novgorod region was not included in the rating of the most popular tourist regions of Russia. Pilgrim tourism remains the most developed type of tourism in the region, as evidenced by the rating of popular places and regions of Russia for pilgrimage. Also, the Nizhny Novgorod region takes the fifth place out of ten Russian cities, popular for travel on summer holidays. According to Turstat, river cruises are the most popular in Russia and the Nizhny Novgorod region is ranked third in the rating of fifteen cities popular for cruise tourism in Russia, second only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Thus, it can be concluded that during the "Development of domestic and incoming tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region" program, progress is being observed in the already popular tourist areas of the region.

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The sphere of tourism is a powerful indicator of the development of the economy. This sphere gives colossal income to the state budget. Along with the development of the sphere of service and tourism, infrastructure develops, foreign investment inflows increase, and development contributes to the emergence of a large number of jobs for the local population.

This is especially true for the regions of Russia. Nizhny Novgorod region has a huge number of attractions and unique in its kind of historical and cultural, natural places, therefore it is necessary to develop both inbound and domestic tourism.


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About the authors:

Marina V. Nuzhdina, art. Teacher of the "Service" department

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics (7 Mira, Nizhny Novgorod

region, p.Vorotynets 606260 Russia)

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