Section 6. Economics of recreation and tourism
Aminov Farrukh Komiljon ugli, Teacher, of Karshi State University E-mail: [email protected] Sultonov Shukhrat Adhamovich, Senior Lecturer at Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute
Navotova Dilnoza Ibragimovna, Teacher, of Karshi State University
Abstract. The article provides information on tourism development in Kashkadarya region, current status analysis, factors influencing the development of the sector and ways to solve them. In the article, it is described the importance of tourism and this work briefly focuses more on figures in local tourism and their impact on the region's economy, as well as culture.
Keywords: Art monuments, heritage sites, infrastructure, investment, ecotourism, guides, recreational tourism, rural tourism, ethno tourism, gastronomic tourism, sports tourism.
There are a bunch of fields including sport, tour- al Database of Laws, 09/19/198/2728 dated
ism, art and music, intelligence that have an impact 08.03.2019) [3].
on development of any other countries. And the Further development of tourism potential of
tourism is considered the most influential one among Kashkadarya region, creation of favorable condi-
those sectors. For that reason, necessary measures tions for wide acquaintance of tourists with unique
are being taken in Uzbekistan to accelerate the eco- historical and cultural and architectural heritage,
nomic, organizational and legal development of the development of tourism infrastructure for provid-
tourism industry, to more effectively use the tour- ing targeted tourism services, increase of tourist flow
ism potential of the regions, and to radically improve to the region by turning the region into a center of
the management of the tourism industry. The land of cultural and entertainment activities and increasing
Kashkadarya plays a crucial role in the development the length of tourists' stay in the area, as well as in-
of the industry due to its rich history, ancient heri- creasing the number of local people engaged in en-
tage, monuments of past and unique nature. trepreneurial activities are carried out on the basis
In this regard, it is worth mentioning the Reso- of the priority directions specified by the Cabinet of
lution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan [3]. of Uzbekistan "On Effective Use of the Tourism In Kashkadarya region, 1,311 objects of cultural
Potential of the Kashkadarya Region" (Nation- heritage are registered, of which 1,041 are archeol-
Section 6. Economics of recreation and tourism
ogy, 200 are architecture, 43 are sculptures and 27 are tourist destinations.
While preserving these cultural heritage sites, it is important that they should be reconstructed and renovated. Especially in Kitab, Shakhrisabz, Yakka-bog, Guzar and Karshi districts, there are many examples of such national heritage. The dedication of about a dozen points of "Actions strategy" will further enhance our responsibility as stated in a video conference held by President Shavkat Mirziyoev on July 12, 2019 with members of the Parliament, the political parties and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. For example, the development of a new terminal of an international airport, the protection of life and health of tourists and guides while organizing of visits to tourism destinations and the development of eco-tourism can be implemented in many projects [4; 5].
In addition, there are 50 accommodation facilities in the region (2,682 seats), more than 100 national and European cuisine restaurants and national teahouses serving visitors to the area [1].
According to statistics, in the past year more than 1 million 450 thousand tourists have visited to the region, including 72,100 foreign tourists. The work on development of tourism infrastructure of the region in 2018 amounted to 90 billion soums and 49 projects were implemented. It is no exaggeration to say that the scope of such projects in 2019 has expanded. In particular, on September 26-30, 2019 in Varganza village of Kitab district together with the Tourism Development Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kashkadarya regional government held an international festival "Anor". The fact that there are 22 foreign visitors from different countries (as tourists) is a clear indication of the development of tourism in the region.
For the development of tourism potential and infrastructure of Kashkadarya region, for 2020 will be implemented 72 projects for the total amount of 299.3 billion soums (including 206.6 billion soums of own funds, the rest ofbank loans) and 944 new job
vacancies are being developed using the experience of developed countries. Including:
- At the expense of 148.5 billion soums 15 hotels, 40 guest houses, yurt and rest houses for 1.8 billion soums, and 4 recreational resorts for 72 billion soums will be built;
- It was planned to purchase seven types of tourism vehicles worth 3 billion soums to strengthen the transport infrastructure. In 2019, 4 of these 7 tourism vehisles were purchased;
- As a result ofdisbursement of22 billion soums, it was planned to build several roadside infrastructures such as a motel, parking and shopping mall. Of these, in 2019, 11.2 billion soums were fully disbursed.
The Kashkadarya regional administration together with the Ministry of Culture and the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan conserve cultural heritage in Shahrisabz and other regions, organize annual public, cultural and entertainment events like folklore bands, festivals of folklore-singer poets and craftsmen, national sports games. Now we can see the practical implementation of these terms.
From abovementioned data, we can conclude that the current tourism development indicators in the Kashkadarya region do not correspond to the existing capacity in the region. Further development of the industry, the solution of problems in the industry is a process that related to many other issues. First, it is worth noting that local governments are neither active nor initiative in the development of the tourism potential of the region. This results in problems in further improving the infrastructure and quality of services. The second is the seasonality of tourist networks. Third, the most drawback is the shortage of potential personnel in the field of tourism industry.
There are such problems in the industry that today we should focus on:
- the level of development of roadside infrastructure facilities and the lack of a favorable tourist information environment (tourist navigation of the signs) and modern information centers;
- condition of highways and plumbing in the area;
- expansion of attraction of investments (by state-owned investors) to the sector;
- development of such types of tourism as eco-tourism, ethno tourism, sports tourism, gastronomic tourism, astronomical tourism, rural tourism, recreational tourism;
- use international experience in improving the quality of hotel services (booking, room services);
- improvement of transport services (rental services);
- improving the quality of catering services;
- conducting mass, cultural and entertaining events (performances by folk groups ("Alla", "Kelin Salom", "National Games"), festivals of folklore-singer (bakhshi) poets and craftsmen, national sports games;
- improving the quality of motor roads;
(with a deep knowledge of Uzbek, foreign languages and history, with a culture of dressing and dressing);
- expansion of national souvenir production;
- creation of a single web portal with all the information about all tourist organizations, sights, shops, etc., available in the region [2];
- in order to eliminate the shortage of qualified personnel in the tourism sector, it is necessary to establish systematic work to improve the quality of personnel in higher and secondary special and vocational education institutions.
Implementation ofthese tasks will create favorable economic and organizational conditions for the accelerated development of tourism in the region, the full and effective use of the region's enormous tourism potential, radical improvement of tourism industry management, creation of national tourism products.
1. Economic Bulletin of Uzbekistan, 2019. - Issue 1.- P. 40-41.
2. Prospects for the development of tourism infrastructure // Electronic source // URL: http://www. (date of application dated 27.12.2019).
3. The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures for effective use of tourism potential of Kashkadarya region" (National database of legislation, from 08.03.2019, 09/19/198 / 2728) // Electronic source: URL: lact_id = 4231704/ (accessed 26.12.2019).
4. Tourism Capacity of the Kashkadarya Region: Achievements & Prospects // Electronic Source: URL: 16-082017/ (dated 25.12.2019).
5. Video conference ofthe President of the Republic ofUzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev with representatives of Chambers of Oliy Majlis, political parties and Ecological movement of Uzbekistan on July 12, 2019.