DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRODUCTION OF TEXTILE AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khalikov T.L.

The current state of meeting the needs of the population for cotton textile products, the dominance of imported products in the domestic market, when the necessary conditions for the development of this industry are present, puts forward the problem of using promising strategies for its development.

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Khalikov T.L. assistant

«Other in networks Bugalteriya account and audit» department

Samarkand economy and service Institute



Abstract. The current state of meeting the needs of the population for cotton textile products, the dominance of imported products in the domestic market, when the necessary conditions for the development of this industry are present, puts forward the problem of using promising strategies for its development.

Key words: textile production, investments, state support, incentives, action strategy.

Different models of economic growth are known, two of which are the most popular: the domestic demand-oriented strategy and the export-oriented strategy. Proponents of the import substitution strategy believe that it is necessary to establish local production to replace imported products, which can be achieved by setting high tariffs and import quotas. Export strategists cite the benefits of free trade and competition in terms of productivity and economic growth.

Using these promising strategies and ensuring economic growth is a priority for Uzbekistan, which is the only source of raw materials for the cotton and textile industry. There are enterprises for the production and processing of cotton fiber and the production of finished products. However, there is no systematic and comprehensive approach to the economic mechanism of economic management to increase the competitiveness of cotton and textile products.

It is necessary to implement a number of state measures to support local producers, to prevent their subsequent displacement from the national market, and to improve the situation of supplying the domestic market with textile products.

State measures to create conditions for the formation of a competitive environment can be implemented in different ways: fiscal, protectionist, balancing and non-tariff. Currently, non-tariff methods of state regulation are most widely used, which include direct import and export restrictions and technical barriers.

In this regard, it is important and urgent to form competitive advantages of ensuring the economic development and economic growth of the textile industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the purpose, the following tasks are defined in the


- to study the main theoretical and methodological approaches and concepts of economic growth, to determine the laws and trends of its development in the world economy;

- study the characteristics of economic growth models in transitional economic systems and determine the most promising model suitable for Uzbekistan;

- conducting a comparative analysis of economic growth models based on import substitution and export orientation in countries with a market economy;

- cotton-textile industry work release potential evaluation and export and import trends analysis to do

- textiles _ industry structural change and modernization of doing priority directions set;

- economic growth conditions textile industry work release efficiency increase ways work exit _

Research object - Uzbekistan Republic cotton and textile industry enterprises.

The proposals and recommendations arising from the results of the study are aimed at filling the market of local products, as a result of which the population will be provided with the goods of the textile industry to a large extent. Recommendations for the organization of cotton clusters serve to process cotton raw materials and turn them into finished industrial products. Such an event allows to increase the employment of the population, to increase the volume of production of finished textile products, as well as to increase the profitability of the industry several times. Work materials can be used in the educational process of teaching economic subjects.

Economic growth and improving the quality of life of the population is the main goal of any state's economic policy. Economic growth is a multifaceted, ever-complicating macroeconomic process, which depends not only on economic activity within the country, but also on external factors of an economic and political nature.

When choosing economic growth models and factors for Uzbekistan, it is important to take into account the experience of foreign countries and, at the same time, the features of the republic's socio-economic development, as well as its advantages and unresolved problems.

Analyzing the economic growth theories according to their content, we come to the conclusion that in the theories developed in the early periods, special attention was paid to the circular circulation of products and incomes, which led to economic growth. It is also worth noting that the postulates of the Keynesian theory of economic growth still dominate, the essence of which is that state regulation affects the economic development of countries.

Currently, the most urgent problem of the development of the cotton and textile industry in Uzbekistan is the implementation of an export-oriented policy. The experience of newly industrialized countries shows that a long-term focus on the policy of import substitution leads to negative consequences, in particular, the role of competition and lowering the quality of products, increasing costs, creating conditions for the emergence of monopoly in the domestic market, etc.

Problems of import substitution are closely related to economic growth, because the consumption of imported products by the population leads to large-scale growth of this industry in importing countries. Export orientation and the competitiveness of the national economy as a category of the world economy are interrelated. Studying international experience is of particular importance in order to increase the competitiveness of export-oriented productions, because foreign trade has become one of the main factors of economic growth in many countries of the world.

The modern cotton and textile industry is a technically complex and specialized branch of the republic's light industry. In addition, the cotton textile industry is divided into several sub-sectors, each of which consists of the same enterprises with a number of similar characteristics: processed raw materials or semi-finished products, installed equipment, production technology. The products of the enterprises have different fields of application. A large part of it, including consumer goods, is sold through trade, and the second part goes to various branches of material production. At the same time, the cotton and textile industry is the main consumer of agricultural raw materials, engineering products, chemicals, and energy.

One of the priority tasks of the economic policy is to solve the problem of forming the raw material base of the cotton-textile potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, because it is of great social, economic and political importance.

In the transitional economic systems of the formation of the market economy, the main attention was paid to the development of exports, which helped to increase the competitiveness of production and influenced the rapid resolution of important social problems.

The strategy of export orientation is used for the republic, taking into account the needs of specific consumer markets, and not the whole world. Since the world trade market is already divided to a certain extent among the producing countries, and to change the existing situation, a person must have highly competitive products or even be the sole owner of them. As the experience of Uzbekistan shows, the economy is about to survive if the situation in the world market changes, that is, the demand for these goods. At the same time, in modern conditions, the focus of the republic's economy on raw materials not only does not decrease, but has a tendency to increase.

Economic in industrial sectors with high added value for systematic economic growth, characterized by significant quality content and which can

lead to significant economic development of any country, including the Republic of Uzbekistan, and a sharp increase in the standard of living of the population. growth is ensured. not focused on raw materials, but on the production of final products. In addition, the sectors that have become a kind of "locomotive" of the economy, where the economic growth of the economy can lead to chain economic growth in other sectors, are of great importance.

One of the important sectors that meet the above requirements is the cotton and textile industry. Its development, firstly, can lead to the development of other sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, machine building (equipment production), and secondly, it allows to eliminate the focus on raw materials in cotton production and reduce dependence on exports. Thus, the economic growth in the cotton and textile industry indicates not only the physical growth of the production volume, but also the systematic and qualitative development of a number of related industries, the creation of jobs, and the increase in the competitiveness of the economy.


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