УДК 004
2rd year student of magistracy Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
E-mail: [email protected]
An online store containing a list of products, a choice of product categories, a basket, a registration form, payment through payment systems, as well as management and a change of the list of products by the store administrator was developed. Also, an order-processing program was developed to distribute them among free store employees for the subsequent assembly and delivery of orders to customers. To accelerate customer service and optimize work, a mobile application for employees has been developed. The result of the work was the website of the online store.
IT, online trading, internet, online store, online shops, internet trading, delivery service, automation, web
technologies, information system, administration
The Internet is developing and becoming an active medium for communication of people, including companies with consumers. The Internet becomes a convenient and cheap trading platform.
The most popular type of virtual trading is the online store. The online store usually contains an intuitive catalog of products, with their detailed description and price indication, which makes it possible to interest a potential buyer, help him make a choice for making a purchase.
At the same time, order processing technologies are improving, which makes it possible to build fast and quality processing systems to optimize the work of employees in various business areas, including employees of online stores that assemble and deliver products to customers.
To the advantages and reasons why it is preferable to use virtual stores as usual, include:
1. Saving time;
2. Round-the-clock work;
3. Saving money (profitable shares are often provided);
5. Choose the method of payment (bank transfer, credit card payment, transfer of electronic money, cash payment on delivery).
Material and methods
Currently, a large number of online stores have been developed, but to optimize the work, you need to use an order processing system that will distribute orders between unoccupied employees. A mobile application should also be used, which notifies employees in real time about the order received and about the start of work on the order. After the assembly, the order is transferred to the unoccupied employees of the transportation service to deliver the products to the client.
Web interfaces are implemented by ready-made templates (such as Wordpress, etc.), or manually.
The choice of an approach for creating an online store is estimated by two main parameters: cost and development time.
Using templates saves time and money, but to be able to later change to needs, it's preferable to use your own solution. At the initial stage this will increase the development time, but in the future, it will pay off the flexibility of the system.
To build the server part of the online store uses ASP.NET MVC 5.
An online catalog of products has been created that users can browse by categories and pages, a shopping cart where users can add and remove items, and a form of payment where users can enter information related to delivery. An administrative area has been created that includes the means of creating, reading, updating and deleting
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to manage the product catalog.
To implement the Web application, the C # language was used with ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, JQuery, Bootstrap. Database of SQL Server data.
The structure of the online store consists of the following functional parts:
1. the catalog of the products;
2. user's shopping cart;
3. registration form;
The product catalog is a multi-level data structure, the sections can contain subsections or links to a particular product. This ordering is simply necessary for convenient and quick search and ordering of products.
A user's shopping cart is an array of data that serves to store selected products, with the ability to delete products.
The registration form serves for entering personal data of users. This information can be stored both on the server side and on the client side. Conclusion
In the process of doing this work, a web application for the online store of MVC computers was developed. In the future, the application can be made commercially viable.
Work is underway to expand the functionality of the application.
In the near future, you will be able to pay for purchases through payment systems, as well as the admin panel to provide the site administrator with a way to process orders and manage the products catalog. Also, a program will be added to process orders, transfer them to store employees for assembly and delivery. A mobile application will be developed for the employees of the online store to speed up work and monitor the performance of work. References
1. Автоматизированные информационные технологии в экономике: Учебник / Под ред. проф. Г.А. Титоренко. М.: Компьютер, ЮНИТИ, 1998.
2. Антонов, И. А., Обзор CMS для создания интернет-магазинов // Журнал «Системный администратор» №5 (138) 2014г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http://samag.ru/archive/article/2696. (дата обращения: 10.12.2017).
3. Карапетян Г. Выбираем нишу для интернет-магазина. - http://oborot.ru/article/647/2 (дата обращения 12.12.2017).
4. Рыбалко М. Ю., Седова Н. В., Солопов Е. В. Информационные ресурсы как средство представления организации в сети Интернет // Гаудеамус. Актуальные проблемы информатики и информационных технологий: мат-лы XIV Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Тамбов, 2010. № 2 (16). С. 274-275.
©Tataurov N.Y., 2018
УДК 331.45:669.1
магистрант М.К.Имангазин
к.т.н., профессор Казахско-Русский Международный Университет г.Актобе, Республика Казахстан
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