Научная статья на тему 'Development of the construction of three cities-capitals Kazakhstan of the XX century'

Development of the construction of three cities-capitals Kazakhstan of the XX century Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Donchenko Semen Aleksandrovich, Samoylov Konstantin Ivanovich

The article describes the main, iconic examples of urban development, compares architectural objects in 3 different cities, showing the development of domestic architecture, the relationship of time and metamorphosis that occurs during the transition from one style to another.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of the construction of three cities-capitals Kazakhstan of the XX century»




1 2 Donchenko S.A. , Samoilov K.I.

1Donchenko Semen Aleksandrovich - Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), Postgraduate Student;


Abstract: the article describes the main, iconic examples of urban development, compares architectural objects in 3 different cities, showing the development of domestic architecture, the relationship of time and metamorphosis that occurs during the transition from one style to another.

Keywords: cultural center, domestic urban planning practice, urban fabric, exploited roofing, Constructivism style, city-forming axis.

The frequency of development of any city begins with an understanding of how this city should look like, its structure, and the main purpose of this city. In the history of urban planning in Central Asia, there are many examples of the emergence and growth of large cities, when in one period of history they were the capitals of large states, but even after the loss of such status for some reason they continued to play the role of a cultural and shopping center, such as the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara , Khiva, Kokand, etc.

In domestic urban planning practice, the cities of Kyzylorda, Almaty, and Nur-Sultan represent the largest example in this case. Each of these cities has its own unique atmosphere, which is revealed in particular in the features of urban development. The master plan in this case is a structured project, according to which a general view and stylistic orientation of the urban fabric development is created. From the understanding of the spatial planning structure of the city appears new buildings, streets, avenues, squares of cities. Architectural styles also seek to express the reflection of their era, the emotional perception by architects of the era, the spirit of the time, reflected on the facades of buildings, their decorative design.

The development of the city of Kzylorda is characterized by the desire to create the image of a large city that performs metropolitan functions, and is, as it were, the forerunner of the future large construction of the new capital city of Almaty.

In terms of the city of Kzylorda, he initially represented a city built in the so-called "Red-brick style", and represented mainly low-rise buildings. With the development of a new city plan carried out by engineer I.V. Ryangin, the number of mid-rise buildings increased, and a "radial" system of street planning of the city appeared, diverging from the center, an old fortress located on the banks of the Syr Darya River. In this case, the buildings of the Agricultural Bank of 1927 (architect N. Lvov), the club building of 1926 (architect S. Andrievsky), as well as the complex of residential buildings of 1925 (architect S. Andrievsky) are of interest [1] , residential buildings of arch. S. Andrievsky, which are grouped buildings, mainly one-story, reflecting the traditions of residential buildings of the east, one-story with flat roofs, built from clay clay bricks, a distinctive feature of the type of this building is the cool atmosphere in the summer and the warm atmosphere in the cold season. In a sense, the architect S. Andrievsky designed a complex of residential buildings according to the type of "town houses", where the main role is played by the bulk of the buildings located along the street, where the main role is played by the main facade of the building, which is part of the general building, going into perspective [1].

New experience in the practice of urban planning was presented by the experiences of constructive architects, and almost all the 1920s this direction in architecture dictated the style of construction of many structures. On the example of Kzylorda, this is a club building, where the

exploited roof is characteristic, which is the second floor of the building. In general, in the work of arch. S. Andrievsky emphasizes the constructivism style accents, and at the same time it is an experience of combining the traditional styles of the Central Asian architectural tradition and the styles of the new time, designed not only to correspond to the fashion of the time, but also to represent new styles that allow you to quickly build the necessary buildings, and qualitatively replaced architectural styles that exist before that.

The construction of new government and public buildings after the transfer of the capital to Almaty (Alma-Ata) became a new page in the urban planning practice of Kazakhstan. Here the largest construction unfolded, and many of the objects built were already a transitional type in terms of style - constructivism was gradually giving way to the classical features that were starting to gain strength, even if they were used a little exaggerated. Examples include the building of the House of Ministries and the main building of the TURKSIBA Road Administration. This is especially clearly seen on the facade of the TURKSIBA building, which combines classic profiled pilasters dividing the plane of the facade on each floor, and cornices dividing floors, also an innovation here is to increase the number of storeys of the building — here it is 3 floors, while in the building of the ministry's house it is 2 floors, but visually it seems to be higher, since the building stands on a high basement, which is also a full floor, despite the intended role of the stylobate. A particular example is the building of the government house, arch. Ginzburg [2], where the forms of constructivism are clearly expressed, also especially in the projected use of the exploited roof, which makes this building related to the objects built in Kzylorda. Constructivism also includes the building of the main directorate (commissariat) of the NKVD, the building of the KGB club, now the Uyghur Theater, the building was rebuilt, and the building of the central Main Post Office and telegraph [2]. With regard to the transformation of residential buildings, a special place is occupied by "houses of specialists" [7], located earlier at the intersection of Abylay-Khan and ul. Shevchenko, but not preserved to date. The peculiarity of these houses was the location strictly following the wind rose, and the characteristic balconies-verandas, as well as the characteristic feature of many apartment buildings in Almaty at that time, were stairwells with forward windows that illuminated the stairwell.

In the future, the transition to classicism took shape with the appearance of a number of buildings, both residential and public, and in particular, such as: the building of the conservatory on Abylai-Khan Avenue, erected in clear classical proportions, and marked by two risalits from two flanks, residential complex No. 1 on the street Nazarbayev - combining post-constructivist elements and at the same time being a transitional model, residential buildings on the street. Nazarbayev (Furmanov) st. Kabanbay-Batyr, built in the late 1930s, is an example of the classical style, which is the forerunner of the so-called "Stalin Empire", a fashionable style in the late 1940s and until the mid-1950s.

In the future, the development of styles in the USSR directly influenced the architecture of Kazakhstan, in particular after the publication of the law of November 4, 1955 N 1871 "ABOUT ELIMINATION OF EXCESSIONS IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION "[6], the buildings began to be decorated in a new style, which became widely known, Modernism and functionalism, it was in these two styles that many buildings were built in Almaty and Kazakhstan in the 1960-1970s. For Almaty, these are such landmark buildings as the Palace of the Republic (formerly the palace of V.I. Lenin), the building of the central republican library, the building of the Kazgor Institute on Abylai-Khan Avenue, the ensemble of Republic Square on Satpayev Ave, the building of the Kazakhstan Hotel on Dostyk Ave., the building of the former house of political education, bath complex "Arasan", residential buildings in the microdistrict. Taraz city, and microdistrict. Samal-1 in Almaty [7, p. 535].

By the end of the 1980s, there was a general pissimism in architecture, the old styles were no longer satisfying, and with the transfer of the capital to Nur-Sultan (formerly Tselinograd, Akmolinsk, Astana), a new era began in construction and stylist The new capital is being built according to the general plan drawn up by the Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa [5], where the main axis is the avenue, which closes the residence of the president of Ak-Orda. On this axis is the Baiterek monument, which is, as it were, the central part of this axis. One of the landmark sights of the capital is the central Hazret Sultan mosque, which is a monumental building that combines traditional oriental styles, such as the Ottoman

style, and the style of Central Asia and Iran, this is especially noticeable in the monumental entrance portal at the main entrance to the mosque.

One of the largest administrative buildings of the capital is the "House of Ministries", located on MaHgilik El Avenue.

In general, the development of buildings in the architecture of Kazakhstan is characterized by a phased transition from low-rise buildings to medium-story buildings, and subsequently to high-rise buildings, examples of which are such objects as: Hotel Kazakhstan -1974, arch. A group of architects, civil engineers, builders - Y. Ratushny, L. Ukhobotov, A. Deev, N. Matviyets, A. Tatygulov, M. Abduldinova, V. Krasnyansky, office and hotel complex "Essentai Tower" - 168 m at pr Al-Farabi in Almaty, the constructed complex of buildings "Abu Dhabi" Plaza in the city of Nur-Sultan, whose height should be 388 m, the complex "Almaty-Towers" built in the mid-2000s, etc. [4].

Thus, each of the historical eras left its mark on the general stylistic and architectural heritage of the architecture of Kazakhstan, and the process of formation, elevation of development took place somewhere more slowly, and somewhere it was gaining ever greater momentum, and by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, most buildings had become erected in relation to the typology of the number of storeys - high storey, but there are also buildings of medium and less often small floors, attributable mainly to private buildings.

In the architecture of the cities of the capitals, the development of the architectural concept and construction school of Kazakhstan is clearly traced, especially on the example of the cities of Almaty and Nur-Sultan. The data obtained are used to build new objects, and it is likely that these objects will be built taking into account early examples, in the process of searching for new solutions in architecture.


1. Donchenko S.A., Samoilov K.I. THE ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFIC OF KYZYLORDA CITY IN THE CAPITAL OF KAZAKHSTAN STATUS (1925-1929). [Electronic resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka. ru/article/n/the -architectural-specific- of-kzylorda-city-in-the -capital-of-kazakhstan-status-1925-1929 / viewer (date of access: 06.16.2020).

2. Donchenko S.A., Samoilov K.I. INNOVATIVE STYLE FORTHE NEW CAPITAL CITY: THE CONSTRUCTIVISM OF 1930S IN ALMATY. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://national-science.ru/innovative-style-for-the-new-capital- city-the-constructivism-of-1930s-in-almaty-9-11/ (date of access: 06.16.2020).

3. Donchenko S.A., Samoilov K.I. FEATURES OF FORMING FIRST CAPITAL ENSEMBLES OF THE CITY NUR-SULTAN, VII Global Science and Innovation 2019: Central Asia-International Scientific and Practical Journal, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, CHIEF EDITOR: B.E.Kumekov, academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Philosophy; Maslov H.B., PhD (date of access: 06.16.2020). Assistant editors: E. Yeshim, E. Abiyev (Kazakhstan), Liu Daming (China), E.L.Stycheva, T.G. Borisov (Russia) (date of access: 06.16.2020).

4. Pritchin Pavel. Top 15 tallest buildings in Kazakhstan (photo). [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.nur.kz/276821-top-15-samyh-vysokih-zdanij-kazahstana-foto.html/ (date of access: 06/16/2020)

5. Meirambek Baygarin. Kisho Kurokawa-symbiotic architecture and futuristic design for Astana, ASTANA-KAZINFORM. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.inform.kz/ru/kise-kurokava-simbioticheskaya-arhitektura-i-futuristicheskiy- dizayn-dlya-astany_a3304816 #:/ (date of access: 06.16.2020).

6. Library of normative legal acts of the USSR. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.libussr.ru/doc_ussr/ussr_5043.htm/ (date of access: 06.16.2020)

7. Samoilov K.I. Architecture of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century (Development of architectural and artistic forms), "M-ARi" Moscow-Almaty 2004ic orientation in the architecture of Kazakhstan.

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