Научная статья на тему 'Development of technologizing of industrial complex of Russia'

Development of technologizing of industrial complex of Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Miller‌ A.

The development of the global economic system leads to the fact that modern production is becoming more technological and capital intensive, requires highly skilled labor and cannot provide work places for a large number of low-skilled workers. In addition, each high-tech work place creates several additional work places in other industries. Many technologies that were first used in industrial production were later used in other industries, increasing their efficiency and competitiveness and thus ensuring the overall economic development. Scientific research and development for the industry are becoming more transdisciplinary; hybrid research areas as well as cross-disciplinary technologies appear.All this happens under the formation of the sixth technological structure in the world economic system. It is characterized by the development of nanotechnology, IT-technologies, a sharp decline in energy and materials production. This is the reason why the world's hi-tech-trends, such as software engineering, additive production, robotics, development of new materials for a specific product, which gives it unique properties, appear. The main problem is that the Russian industrial complex is not ready for unconditional acceptance of these global technological challenges for the most part organizationally, not economically. We need a simple and well-defined organizational and economic mechanism of technologizing of domestic production. Despite the current economic difficulties, there are enough sources of such technological transition funding. They are: entry into the large-scale investment and infrastructure projects on a national scale; participation in projects of field development of the leading oil and gas companies; the programmes of innovative development and R&D programmes of state companies, industrial state programmes; subsidies and grants of development institutions; private funds of enterprises, etc.This issue is extremely important and urgent but the Russian scientific community, by all accounts, currently is only moving from the generalization of the problems of the domestic industry technological backwardness to the development of the methodological basis of the Russian industry technological transition in the framework of clearly marked in recent years, promising areas and the availability of internal challenges and obstacles. It is important to emphasize that for some countries the current global trend is technologization but for Russia this trend can be classified as catching-up technologization that determines various subtleties of its scientific results.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of technologizing of industrial complex of Russia»

y^K 338-2


A. Miller

Omsk Stars Ur.iwsity named after jr. M. Dostoevsky, Omsk, Russia

Ab\irnii — Tlie iIhv plii|iiriHiii nf ilif glnb.il «•roiiiimir syxlfin lends In llif f;irl lli:il irmtlein (is a ill iac~l io la is becoming more technological and capital intensive, requires highly skilled labor and cannot provide work places for a large number of low-skilled workers. In addition, each high-tech work place creates several additional work places in other industries Many technologies that were first used in industrial production were later used in other industries, increasing their efficiency and competitiveness and thus ensuring the overall economic development. Scientific research and development for the industry are becoming more transdisciplinary; hybrid research areas as well as cross-disciplinary technologies appenr.All this happens under the formation of the sixth lei liiii.lii^ir.il Nlmrinre in I lit» umlil primmim system. fl is rli:n-Ht lHii/eil l»y llit* ileiflupirieiil of iriiinlprlniiilugy, IT-techuologies. a sharp decline in energy and materials production. This is the reason why the world's hi-tech-trends, such as software engineering, additive production, robotics, development of new materials for a specific product, which gives it unique properties, appear. The main problem is that the Russian industrial complex is nul ready fur uncunditiunal acceptance uf the** global technological challenges fur ihe xnu>i pari organizationally, not economically. We need a simple and well-defined organizational and economic mechanism of teclinologizing of domestic production. Despite the current economic difficulties, there are enough sources of such technological transition funding. They are: entry into the large-scale investment and infrastructure projects •ju a natiunal stale; participation in projects uf field development uf ihe leading nil and «a* cuinpauie». (he programmes of innovative development and K&D programmes of state companies, industrial state programmes; subsidies and grants of development institutions; private funds of enteiprises, etc.Tbis issue is extremely important and uigent but the Russian scientific community, by all accounts, currently is only moving from the generalization of the problems of the domestic industry technological backwardness to the development of the methodological basis of the Russian industry technological transition in the framework of clcarlv marked in recent years, promising areas and the availability of internal challenges and obstacles. It is important to emphasize thai fur suine cuuiitries ihe current glubal trend is (eclinulugizaiiun but fur Russia tlu^> trend can be classified as catchiug-up technologization that determines various subtleties of its scientific results.

Key nerds: technologization, industrial complex, technological structure, technological transition, innu\aliuns.


A holistic vision of the problem of technclogization of the industrial complex of Russia iu the innovative transformation of the Russian economy.

i'echnologizatian of the industrial complex of Russia takes place in the framework of development in the global economic system of the sixth technological stage, characterized by the development of nanotechnologies. IT-.eclinolugies. a shaip decline in cneigy and inateiials production. This is ilic leasun why the vvoilc's lii-lech-ticuds, such as software engineering, additive production, robotics, development of new materials for a specific product, which gives it unique properties, appear.

The randomness of the selection of the above mentioned global technological trends in industrial production is continued b> the foiecasts Thus, the softvvaic inaikel fui toiupiUn eugiueciiiig. accoiding to e.tpeils. will inaeasc by

% per year; global sales of industrial robots will grow at least 3 % n year; the growth rate of additive manufacturing exceeds 25 %. About 80 % of innovations in leading incustnes and sectors of the economy are based on the introduction of new materials and production technologies (Russian Federation 2315...).

Russia is far behind in these areas. Thus, the average global density of industrial robots equals 62 robots to 10 thousand people working m the industrial sector. In comparison. m Russia 2 robots account for the same number of people employed in the industrial sector. Russia's share in the total number of operating in die wcrld additive inanufac lining system* is only 1.4% (Russian Fcdaaliun ... 2015). Scientific and technological achievements die a bit better in computer programming and engineering as well as in tbe creation of new materials; but still the level of Russia in these areas is not comparable with die world one. Moreover, there is no critical necessity for the development of internal need riiat is understood as the need of national organizations indiese developments.


Scientific background to the study of technologization of the industrial complex of Russia

The foundations of modem understanding of technologization were laid by Th. Schuinpeter. In the book' Theory of economic development" be shows its key role in the economic development of society, lie believes that

Irr1nit>1tigi/.aliiiii slintilcl lie uiulnsloixl as mwivaliim 111 intiiLiirlitm Mini utm-pi<>:1ik lion sphnr of IrrJninlagU'al, organizational and economic nature. (Schumpeter. 1982).

There exist two approaches which consider a specific mechanism of primary catch-up technologizatio.x

The first approach is presented in the study of G Mcnsch and A. Kleinknecht who believe that the deterioration of the enterprise condition creates incentives for the development of new technologies. On the contrary, when on enterprise prospers there is no need to change anything seriously in already-established production G. Measeh indicates that the end of prosperity- of old industries increases the tendency cf capital owners to invest ir. new products and technologies. Jcspitc the tact that "iic profit in the depression phase is small, the owners sec less risk in investment of capital in changes then in investment of capital in old products and technologies cr debt obligations (Mcnsch. 1979). A Kleinknecht stresses {Kleinknecht. 1987) that during the prolonged economic crises the transition of an industrial enterprise ¿torn the strategy of profit maximization (winch it adheres to in a period of prosperity) to the strategy of minimization, depending on the market conditions, takes placc. As long as the existing products and technologies brmg substantial profit, the tendency to the development of new technologies is low, as production activities are always associated with nsk. When there comes a prolonged crisis and prospects in tracitional inoustries deteriorate, the risk of the emergence of new technologies stops being an insurmountable obstacle, as any other alternatives can be even more risky The overall conclusion which can be done on the basis of this; scheme is the following: the largest number of emerging basic technologies evolves in the period of heavy and prolonged depression.

The second approach was developed by G. Clark. Frcin his point of view, a prosperous industrial enterprise, which is confident in the prospects of expansion of the market and profit growth, shows increased organizational and technological activities (Clark. 1981). In case of difficulties the company is not engaged in technological changes.

Therefore, the bulk of the primary1 emerging technologies is implemented in the period of long-term improvement of conditions.

The target reference point is the development of theoretical and methodological and practical aspects of teehnologization of enterprises of the industrial complex of F_nssia. It actualizes the concept of teehnologization of enterprises as global and national challenge to the modem innovation economy: the spread of elements of the new technological stage in the sectors of the domestic manufacturing industry: monitoring of teehnologization of enterprises of the Russian indisrrial complex

The concept of teehnologization of industrial enterprises of manufacturing industry should be understood as the way of a system organization of production and economic activities of enterprises, based on bringing the used equipment and technologies in lire with global technological stage and market renditions The difference«; from the periodic replacement of eqnip-nenr and technologies that companies used to implement and implement generally are

1) A ■»•¿»in lievinl lij>1ilnuii£ of llir lrcminiinils fin Irt liinial and Ir« luiolovr'ril rcinlnil oTllir [loclu'lum piorrs* in tec tail ycais.

Some time ago or even today there existed (or still exist) a machinery and equipment for manufacturing of pmdnrts llnouvli tiri<lili(>iMl machining, ivr usril (i>i slill iw) snr.h aiilxmnLimi of jiUKlurlicni jniHTssps as irl/iys mi-.iI >wilrhr%, ctiid ihc slaudaid liitleiials used m pioductiou wcie (<uc slill) meUils <uxl plastic, hi llir fuluie eveiylhiiiH will change greatly additive production and Laser processing will be used for manufacturing of products: industrial robotics and seusor systems will be an integral part of production processes: composite materials will be used widely.

2) In today's R.tbsi<i such sysicin wuik has uevci bctm peifmuied.

Some private initiatives in this field can not form a critical mass of different advanced domestic production o: high technological level, complementing each other. The creation of such "high-tech cluster" in the present conditions can be realized only upon the development of organizational and economic mechanism at the naticnal level, which will be subdivided into sectoral and regional levels as well the level of enterprises.

The choice cf manufacturing industries for priority teehnologization is explained both by the presence of "chain * of added value in these industries (which increases the competitiveness of the country) and the changes in institutional conditions for domestic enterprises in 201^-2015 (which include devaluation of the ruble, sanctions and dcclinc in oil prices). The combination of these factors leads to a quite logical turn towards the manufacturing sector in state priorities of the economic development of Russia.

Now the average age of the equipment in manufacturing industry in Russia is 12 years. Depreciation of fixed assets equals 45*54. In a number of strategic industries (machine tools, electronic industry, pharmaceutical, medical industries) the share of imported equipment and products rcacli and m some cases it is even 90%. Ir. most cases almost all Russian equipment is old (Industry.., 2014).

At the meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential C ouncil of the Russian .Fe deration on economic modernization and innovative development of Russia "On the development of new production technologies' in September 201 i the following perspective (from the point of view of world trends) technological directions were identified additive technology, new materials, industrial automation and robotics (The solutions ... 201-1 j. These directions can be consicered clear benchmarks for teehnologization of the manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation.

Justification and disclosure of the content of the technical and technological approach to the study of technologization of the industrial complex of Russia

7be main tasks o: technolcgiz?tion of the industrial complex include:

1 Disclosure of die technical and technological approach will allow to obtain f шея mentally new resnlrc while studying the processes of technologization of industrial enterprises The essence of die technical and technological approach is that technologization is considered as a non-isolated reproduction proccss. but a proccss which is included in the technical and technological cycle of an industrial enterprise.

This approach has it; own unique features: I) it is based cm the reproduction interpretation of technologization which is liirxtiirahly liilnlinkrtl wilh llir clrvrlojuiirul of llir nidusiiy. ?) laigr. 01 in i lalum (if шшмртт I ini llir rcsourcc requirements of die tcchnclogization proccss. namely, quality information and technical support at all its stages aimed at improving the competitiveness of manufacturing industries: 3) taking into account spccial priorities, principles and functions of management of development of the enterprise technologization; Л] information flexibility which suggests that the processes of technologization are formed, first, on the basis of the specificity and dynamics of die fa:loi inflnmrr and, srnmd fii:m llr sijjiiiils of drviahcMis fiinn llir cirsnrd irfiUKluriiini jMlli 5) vnsalilil) in application in relation to enterprises of various branch affiliation: 6) predetermination by the conditions cf modern technological evolution: /) the ability to reduce fragmentation and segmentation m the methodology of die subiect area of the research.

Tbe approach will allow to: 1) formalize technologization as a key process of technological policy of industrial de\elupineni in Russia. 2) identify ihe specificity uf catching up .ednulouical modelinzaliuu. 3) syniliesize the eflecl of macro- and micro factors; 4) give economic evaluation of the integrated result of technologization of manufacturing enterprises.

2. Disclosure of the multifaceted content and expansion of multi-orientation cf implementation of teclino.ogization in domestic manufacturing industry m the fizmework of die priorities of tbe Russian scientific and technological complex development яге focused on solving new problems associated with the development of a new technological stage. In this connection, it is advisable to identify institutional constraints to the development of modern production technologies. The first constraint is the strong presence of the state m the industry. A high role of the state m die industry and a huge amount of public order determine die attitude of industrial enterprises to innovations. U:e need for production renovation and introduction of new technologies. In Russia the state creates innovative development by iiirmis iif using llitr aduiniishalivr irsirnrr, nllfumgli nilmiahnu-iJ pxjninKr shows llial ¡mvalr < onijiainrs iiiiiMliir inncvatioQS more readily and more efficiently. If an industrial enterprise has a government order it means that this company doesn't actuallv need new technologies. The situation is different with private enterprises which "serve die market" and. therefore, need new technologies.

In addition, diere is a dilemma: on the one hand, the state recognizes that its objective is to increase U:e number of jolis ш llir roiniliy, tin llir ollin hand l. also stands fin an arliur inliodiiriion of innovations, which Iracls In an linrasr in production efficiency, increase in the level of automation, and. accordingly, the release of workers. The introduction of production technologies leads to the decrease of dcpcndcncc on a large number o: low-skilled labour resources, and increases the dependence on a small number of highly qualified employees. It means tiiat it will be necessary to release a significant number of low-skilled workers: and this invariably causes social tensions, which the state is also trying to control

The second constraint is connected with a high level of monopoly. The use of new production technologies enables an enterprise to gam a competitive advantage by improving manageability, speed and efficiency of production processes, л developed countries, the mam investor m research and development is the industry, whose share in die total cost of private business in this are?, is 60-90%. Such significant amounts of investment in R&D are explained by the desire of companies operating in a competitive environment, m reduce their costs In Russian conditions, when there are practically no competitors in some industrial sectors, it is extremely difficult to motivate entrepreneurs to innovative behavior.

The thirc constraint is related to the fact that national proposals of technological innovation for the introduction in the industry are very limited. Currently 62% of Russian enterprises do not see the possibility of using domestic мнщипгп! and mw niHlri ials inslrad tif inipniird cmrx Ьггаичг of llir lark of llir Пишп Hrirwilh. of rulnpnsrs have a claim relating to domestic equivalents (Russian Tederation .... 2015). Under these conditions, in some cases it is easier and cheaper for the Russian industrial enterprises to buy foreign scientific and technical production. In addition, one more serious problem is connected with the fact that manufacturers just do not have enough information about domestic developments.

The lack of incentives :or die introduction of industrial technologies is the fourth instir.itional constraint. Inflexible fiscal policy, high social insurance burden, and administrative barriers contribute to the reduction of investments of Russian manufactures in innovative technologies. If the burden on manufacturing Ьизтез$ is further increased, especially the compulsory social insurance payments, enterprises will push innovations in die residual financing principles even stronger In addition, investments in own or purchased innovations carp,' certain risks, which also reduces the motivation rn free up more funds -or them

Tlie innovation policy which followed supports so-called' garage" innovations, the main consumer of which is small and medium-sized business. In this regard, there is an urgent need to develop a mechanism which will allow to stimulate large enterprises so that they invest in R&D and introduce innovative tccluioloeics.

I his leads to the conclusion that for the effective development of innovations in the Russian industry it is necessary: firstly, to create favorable conditions, and secondly, to concentrate efforts and resources on the priority (in terms of global technology trends) directions.

3 The argumentation of die content and the development of directions of realization of organizational and economic irinrluinism uf llir ln~1innlo>>i/;ili(>ii »ГтгепшГиПкмп}) mlripnsrs 11 Llir rmiditioti^ пГшпншпг nnisliamis (jpen up nrw fields ufirsraicli coiinrtiru Willi ри>:-гччгч uf Ircl п ю1с }gisn lit м I of Ixilli ИШТШПЮШ 11IJ> nilriinsrs, Mill! mlnpiisrs 111

various industrial branches.


The expected results will oe focusec on two areas:

The first result is associated both with the expansion of theoretical knowledge and obtaining new data about the processes of teehnologization of manufacturing enterprises. It is expressed in the development cf a new scientific concept of teehnologization cf manufacturing enterprises, which develops the theory of the organization and the general theory of modern management The increment nf scientific knowledge is haseri on the justification of the specific of Irrln oltigi/iilnni оГ nmniiTielining r-iilnpnsrs. wlnrli lies in (lie lini:vfi>imnlion <if liadilioiml subject mallei, cibjei I goals, objectives, principles, functions and teehnologization tools in accordance with the value and target guidelines of the organization of industrial production, focused on solving the production problems of the manufacturing industry. The concept will be based cn technical and technological approach to the formation of modern technologizaticn processes, quantification and parametric methods that underpin the assessment tools In aggregate, it can improve the quality of managerial decisions in the subject area of the research, allowing to establish a quantitative determination regarding the quality characteristics of teehnologization of manufacturing enterprises, as well as determine the parametric ratio of teehnologization parameters and management of manufacturing system of manufacturing enterprises The developed concept of rechnologizarion of enterprises as я global and national challenge for the modern industry will -"ir.d its application in the theoretical and methodological snhsrantiatior of the spread of elements of the ncwr technological stage ш the sectors of the domestic manufacturing industry (additive production digital production, robotics, etc.).

Tlie second result is focused on the theoretical and methodological basis of the principles and mechanisms of reeulation of teehnologization of manufacturing enterprises Ьгош the viewpoint of a dynamic system process. This process includes management actions which are aimed at the organization, analysis, planning, forecasting, regulation, control over the formation and direction of the teehnologization impact on the performance of the manufacturing enterprises: and are designed to provide enterprises with optimal income in the current and future periods. To achieve this result we propose a model of monitoring of technologizaticn of manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federa'ion in -he conditions of economic constraints The proposed monitoring will be hased on the smdy earned om by A. Bu^danuv on lie conditions <ик1 facljis ensiaiug ibc equilibrium of systems. Accoidiiig lo his study. die highest form of organization is "the triune organization of things, people and ideas". The violation of equilibrium of the system may lead to its negative or positive change. Ihc hot means destruction, the sccond - means its development. 1 his very fact determines the degree of a stable state of the system (Bogdanov. 1УЬ9). lhe processes of technologizaticn need to be constantly monitored, assessed and forecast tirom the perspective of the direction of their development. Monitoring of teehnologization of manufacturing enterprises based on key economic indicators allows to assess the current state of the enterprise frcni the position of, first of all, microeconomic simation by calculating the values of these indicators which were fbrniec curing a specific reporting period (Miller. 2013). Such monitoring can be callec monitoring of the nam Irrlii nlojM/ahi m ]по; жч Memivvlnle mlrgiiilrtl assessment с»Г Ie<:hiiii1(>gi//ilu)u also involves line Vnig "iiiinr largii- ¿aid шасхо-ссишлих: Lends, ссипошк. sjci.il anil political aspects of lhe eulcipiise development. Thus, il is advisable lo шиш ил lhe picvcutivc pioccss uf ledmologizaiiuiL Mointciiug of pieveulive lechuulugualiuu piocess should be understood, above all. as monitoring cf "the future periods", tracking the most probable directions of the future enterprise development ш order to adjust the current development strategy. If monitoring of the main teehnologization process operates according to the system "current development fixture development", i.e. the results of today's period allow to generate proposals for improving the functioning of the enterprise in the future, it means that monitoring of preventive teehnologization process uses a system of "future development - current development": in other words, it tracks forecasted potential fimire options ir. order to develop preventive measures to prepare the enterprise for both prospective changes in rhe external business environment, and the formation of techno'ogi7atirn [niKXssrs Tin- dyriHiinr ilrvrlcijMiinil nf llir liuniiiiacLining ei 1п[п1чеч implies ll.nl lliey shniild coiulmi mil ju<l tajiiloiiug of pieveulive and main pioccsses. bu. also mouiloiiiig of lecLuologizajou consequences _oi ntuiufaciuihig enterprises. It can be noted that performance of modular technologizaticn monitoring lies primarily in the fact that it gives the opportunity to focus not only on the problems of teehnologization processes, but also or. the ways of their sohing, which, m addition, saves costly tunc for makuis forward-looking strategic decisions rczarding the enterprises of the manufacturing sector. A characteristic advantage of the proposed monitoring tools is the ability to draw

conclusions on the technologization implementation, which allows an industrial enterprise to strengthen its competitive position: increase its attractiveness, increase efficiency of utilizing its potential and the quality of organizational and administrative methods of management: as well as comprehensively approach to the justification of investment in techno Ionization taking into account risk factors.


Ih order not to fall out of the world "industrial-innovative train" it is vitally important for Russia to move from labor-intensive industries to more innovative industries with high added value. To achieve technological safety and integration of national economy into the world one at leading levels one should stimulate the development of our own innovation-oriented manufacturing industry and develop "cross-cutting" technologies that can be applied in different industries. Within the framework of public-private partnership such factors as support of the development of advanced production technology, framing of workers providing access of manufacturing enterprises to financing on attractive terms are required

It is necessary to reverse the siuvation where expensive loans, inflexible tax burden the decline in domestic demand lead to the fact that imny domestic manufacturing enterprises are on the edge of survival, rather than are competitive; as a result the demand for domestic development is not growing

Consequently, the main areas of the use of the achieved results will be: updating the content of state programmes towards adding some sub-programmes (sections) on technical re-equipment in accordance with the aims of the new technological stage: granting in contests of dev elopment institutions some activities amied at supporting research in the field of digital and additive manufacturing, robotics and new technologies.


The work is carried out with financial support of the Ministry7 of Education and Science of the Russian FederatioiL within the state task to HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS regarding carrying out research works for 2014-2016. the project No. 237S.


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