yflK 797.12 55K 75.717.7
DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2022-17407
L.Yu. Averina1, S.A. Yarushin2
1 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia 2 Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
The article takes up the questions of organization and development of rowing at the Kuban State University. An analysis of the training and competitive activities of students in rowing for the years 2021-2022 is presented. The benefits of rowing for student youth are determined. Approaches to solving organizational issues of the educational and training process of rowing lessons were identified. The prospects for the development of student rowing at the university were outlined.
Keywords: student sport, rowing, student rowing league.
Rowing is widely developed in the Krasnodar region. Currently there are seven departments of rowing sport in the region, effectively training athletes of higher sportsmanship and the reserve for the national teams of both the Krasnodar region and the Russian Federation. The Kuban athletes are the winners of the highest awards at the Championships of Russia 2017—2022. As part of the national team of Russia rowers Krasnodar Region won a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in 2021 in the category of coxswain less pair, silver medals at the World Championships in 2017 and 2018 in the coxswain less fours category, bronze — at the World Championships in 2021 in the eights with a coxswain, gold — at the European championships in 2020 in the eights (juniors) and in 2021 in the quadruplets (juniors) class. Successes of Kuban rowers on the world scene as well as the demand for rowing lessons among students and staff availability prompted the administration and sports club of Kuban State University (KSU) to consider the possibility of organizing rowing classes, creating conditions for training and competitions.
Rowing is a spectacular aquatic sport and owns a number of advantages for students:
1. In contrast to sports games and other highly technical and coordinated sports where it takes a long time to master the correct movement techniques, in rowing it is relatively easy to learn how to row correctly.
2. Rowing contributes to the improvement of cardiorespiratory system and the development of general endurance, which in turn contributes to the improvement of somatic health [2; 6].
3. Training in open water contributes to strengthening the body and increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors which is always relevant.
4. Rowing is also appealing because regular exercise develops both endurance and muscular strength. Moreover, rowing develops all major muscle groups harmoniously, which builds a good body shape and is helpful for young people [2; 7].
5. Due to the fact that, according to various data, from 80% to 95% of the body muscles are involved in this sport, the metabolism is accelerated and fat tissue is reduced.
6. Rowing develops intellectual skills, tactical thinking and quick decision-making aptitude in situations of increased physical stress [2].
7. Another advantage of rowing is that it is possible to train and compete individually, in pairs and in groups.
8. The low injury risk of the sport and the opportunity to engage in it at any age is also worth mentioning.
Taking into account all these advantages as well as the experience in training of rowing athletes at Chelyabinsk State University by rowing in 20 canoes of "Dragon" type, a rowing class was launched at Kuban State University in spring 2021, where any student could enroll. In May of the same year a male rowing team was formed, which debuted at the autumn events of the Student Rowing League (SRL) — the final competitions of the summer season. Dmitry Andrienko, a highly qualified specialist who is master of sports of international class headed this new sport program.
We had to work with students with different levels of technical and physical competence, which posed additional difficulties in the training process [1; 3]. Many of them had no concept of rowing and simply wanted to try a new sport for themselves, having no basic rowing technique or physical preparedness. The
most important thing is that the students burned with enthusiasm so our task was to keep them interested and motivated to do sports as much as possible. The goal was to participate in competitions held by the Student Rowing League.
At the initial stage of training, the following tasks were addressed:
— mastering the technique of rowing and adaptation of the athlete's individual rowing technique to different conditions;
— development of general endurance and muscular strength of rowing students;
— selection procedure and the formation of the Kuban State University team;
— Popularization of rowing in Kuban State University and maintenance of motivation towards sport among students
The number of men's eights in the SRL at the moment of the team' admission was more than 30, so the competition was tough.
The Student Rowing League is a community of student rowing athletes, university rowing clubs and universities that promote rowing. The main objectives of the league are to provide its members with the opportunity to compete, train together, communicate and share experiences as well as to promote the development of the sports infrastructure of universities, training, development and distribution of volun-teerism and student self-government in the university rowing clubs. Having formed in the 2016 season, the SRL is running test competitions that provide a ranking of higher education institutions.
In September 2020, the Kuban State University male team debuted at the SRL in Sestroretsk, finishing fifth in the 6,000-meter distance. In October they showed the same result in the 2000m. The student rowers did an incredible job and showed an outstand-
ing result in the first races. Then the winter competitions began, which were carried out online on the Concept-2 rowing simulators. The student rowing league gave four of its simulators to KSU, which were actively used both for training and competitions. Also, SRL is ready to provide the university with a motorboat, a "Cox Box" device for a coxswain, two Class 8+ and 4+ boats, and a motor.
The content and methods of training were adapted for the students [4; 5; 8; 9]. Not only the level of qualification was taken into account, but also the schedule of training sessions. Training loads, the number of workouts per day, in a weekly and monthly cycle, and the time of classes had to be adjusted to the educational activities of the students. In rowing (if it is not singles) the simultaneity of the oars diving and pulling them to the surface is very important — it affects the balance, speed and trajectory of the boat. Different schedules of the educational process (study at different times of the day) made certain problems in training the synchronism of the rowing. But in spite of certain difficulties, the selection in 8+, held in small classes, was made and the racing team was formed.
In the winter season of 2021 Kuban State University female team successfully debuted in the SRL competitions successfully, while the male teams continued to compete and improve their position in the rankings table. According to the results of qualifying stages, both the female and the male teams became participants in the finals of the winter stage of the SRL. The girls, having little training experience, at the end of the winter season managed to take 18th place out of 38 teams, the boys were in 7th place out of 42 teams (Table).
The 2022 winter season was relatively stable for KSU teams, and both of our teams improved in the
Rankings and results of KSU teams in the 2020—2022 SRL seasons.
Seasons Stages Male ranking position (number of points) Female ranking position (number of points)
Summer season 2020—2021 3 6 (91) —
4 (final) 5 (60) —
Season results 22 (151) —
1 11 (1189,5) 18 (803,5)
2 7 (1052) 17 (398)
Summer season 2021—2022 3 7 (1762) 21 (565)
4 7 (1073) 8 (789)
5 4 (2110) 22 (731,5)
6 (final) 5 (1835) 9 (1085)
Season results 7 (9021,5) 18 (4372)
Summer season 1 4 (102,5) 1 (60)
2021—2022 2 4 (167) 2 (81)
first two stages of the summer season significantly. The first stage was held in St. Petersburg, where the male team managed to take 4th position in the distance of 5 km, and the girls won the 1st position in the distance of 250 m. The second stage was held in Moscow, where the girls got silver medals for a race of 2000 meters, the boys took 4th position on the same distance. It shows that our student rowers, guided by their coach, are steadily improving their mastery of this sport, and the competition among students is growing, the number of which has increased to 30 as well as the popularity of this sport at Kuban State University.
A great assistance in the development of rowing at KSU was provided by sport school No. 4 of Krasnodar. Our students got the opportunity to train at the rowing base and use equipment and boats of different classes. Student rowers compete at municipal and regional competitions at the same time, increasing their level of professionalism in rowing and gaining competitive experience.
We plan to train for the third stage of the summer season and the final of the SRL, where the rowers expect to take top positions. Negotiations with universities in the Southern Federal District are also underway to hold meeting matches and exchange experiences. We work with university applicants who have athletic titles in rowing.
Also for the further convenience and development of academic rowing at KSU we consider the possibility of creating our own rowing base on Lake Karasun now which is located in the university neighbourhood. This would make it possible to store the boats in the boathouse, to have a specialized raft for access to the water and a facility for rowing simulators. All these conveniences would allow students to avoid wasting time on the road, and to improve their level in such a beautiful and beloved sport as rowing after classes immediately. With the establishment of its own rowing base, the number of students systematically doing sports will increase dramatically.
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Поступила в редакцию 01 июня 2022 г.
Для цитирования: Averina, L. Yu. Development of rowing in the university: problems and prospects / L. Yu. Averinal, S. A. Yarushin // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2022. — Т. 7, № 4. — С. 49—53.
Information about the authors
Averina Lilia Yurievna — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education. Kuban State University. Kuban, Russia. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4469-5495 SPIN code: 2633-8687 Author ID: 849180 E-mail: [email protected]
Yarushin Sergey Alekseevich — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5213-5298 Author ID: 490095 E-mail: [email protected]
2022, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 49—53.
Развитие гребного спорта в вузе: проблемы и перспективы Л. Ю. Аверина1, С. А. Ярушин2
1 Кубанский государственный университет, Краснодар, Россия
2 Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия
В статье рассматриваются проблемы организации и развития гребного спорта в Кубанском государственном университете. Представлен анализ тренировочной и соревновательной деятельности студентов-гребцов за 2021—2022 годы. Выявлены преимущества занятий гребным спортом для студенческой молодежи. Определены подходы к решению организационных вопросов учебно-тренировочного процесса студентов-гребцов. Намечены перспективы развития студенческого гребного спорта в вузе.
Ключевые слова: студенческий спорт, гребной спорт, студенческая гребная лига.
Список литературы
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8. Ярушин, С. А. Оптимизация двигательной активности в сфере современного спорта / С. А. Ярушин, В. В. Рыбаков, В. М. Болотов, Е. В. Иванов // Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития студенческого спорта в Российской Федерации : Материалы Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., 5—7 октября 2011 г. / под ред. М. В. Габова, Ю. Г. Мартемьяно-ва. — Челябинск: УралГУФК, 2011. — С. 541—546.
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Сведения об авторах
Аверина Лилия Юрьевна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания. Кубанский государственный университет. Кубань, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4469-5495. SPIN-код: 2633-8687, Author ID: 849180. E-mail: [email protected]
Ярушин Сергей Алексеевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-00015213-5298. Author ID: 490095. E-mail: [email protected]
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