DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHICS OF CHILDREN OF FIRST YEAR OF LIFE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Muminov R.K., Agranovsky M.L., Karimov A.Kh., Kozimzhonova I.F., Azimova G.A.

The recognition of the age-related features of the child's mental development should be recognized as insufficient. At present, a rare family knows that the age of up to 1 year is the period when communication is the main activity of the child and that the lack of emotional contacts with him can adversely affect his character in the future. Our today's article is devoted to the mental development of a child of the first year of life or how it is otherwise called infantile age. According to the common systematics, we divided the development of the child into 5 stages: the first stage - motor (up to 1 month), the second stage (2-3 months), the third stage (3-6 months), the fourth stage (6-9 months), the fifth stage (9-12 months).

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УДК 159.9

Muminov R.K.

Agranovsky M.L.

Karimov A.Kh.

Kozimzhonova I.F.

Azimova G.A. department of Psychiatry and Addiction Andijan State Medical Institute


Annotation: The recognition of the age-related features of the child's mental development should be recognized as insufficient. At present, a rare family knows that the age of up to 1 year is the period when communication is the main activity of the child and that the lack of emotional contacts with him can adversely affect his character in the future. Our today's article is devoted to the mental development of a child of the first year of life or how it is otherwise called infantile age. According to the common systematics, we divided the development of the child into 5 stages: the first stage - motor (up to 1 month), the second stage (2-3 months), the third stage (3-6 months), the fourth stage (6-9 months), the fifth stage (9-12 months).

Key words: psyche, child, period, motor stage, emotion, first year.

Relevance. It is necessary to recognize still insufficient popularization of knowledge about age features of mental development of the child. At present, a rare family knows that the age of up to 1 year is the period when communication is the main activity of the child and that the lack of emotional contacts with him can adversely affect his character in the future. Our today's article is devoted to the mental development of a child of the first year of life or how it is otherwise called infantile age.

Purpose of the study. The purpose of our study was to study the child's mental development up to one year.

Materials and methods of research: To solve the tasks, we conducted an examination of young children. The survey was carried out by children's polyclinics in the city of Andijan and the polyclinic of the AIPPD. A total of 112 children were examined, of them boys - 64 (57.1%), girls 48 (42.8%).

Results of the study: According to the common systematics, we divided the development of the child into 5 stages: the first stage - motor (up to 1 month), the second stage (2-3 months), the third stage (3-6 months), the fourth stage (6-9 months), the fifth stage (9-12 months).

The first stage of development of the psyche is motor. Only 22 (19.6%) of the child are boys 14 (12.5%), girls 8 (7.1%). Birth is a shock to the body, as there is a transition from vegetative existence in the relatively dense environment of the mother's organism to new conditions of the air environment with an infinite

"Экономика и социум" №3(70) 2020



number of frequently changing stimuli. The life of the child under the new conditions provides congenital mechanisms, it is born with a certain willingness of the nervous system to adapt the body to external conditions (breathing, circulation). So, for example, it can be noted - a strong skin irritation, a prick -causes protective twitching, flickering in the face - eyelids squeezing, an increase in the brightness of light - a narrowing of the pupil. All these reactions are protective reflexes.

There are also orienting reflexes, that is, aimed at contact with the stimulus. Observations found that during the period from the first to the third birthday a strong light source causes the head to turn (in the children's room of the maternity home the heads of the majority of newborns are turned towards the light). The orientation reflexes are also easily called-touching the corners of the lips, the cheeks cause a reaction in the hungry child for a search: the child turns the head toward the stimulus, opens the mouth; sucking reflex - the child begins to suck the object embedded in his mouth. Congenital responses are necessary for a child's life, they help him to adapt to the new conditions of life for him, thanks to these reflexes, a new type of breathing and nutrition becomes possible.

Newborn (from birth to 1 month) is the only period in the life of the child, when it is still possible to observe in a pure form manifestations of innate, instinctive forms of behavior aimed at satisfying organic needs (in oxygen, food, warmth, etc.), these needs can not form the basis of mental development, they only ensure the survival of the child.

The development of the visual and auditory apparatus, the improvement of reactions to external stimuli occurs on the basis of the maturation of the nervous system of the child and, in the first place, of his brain.

The necessary conditions for the normal maturation of the brain during the newborn period are the exercise of the sense organs (analyzers), the receipt of various signals from the outside world in the brain. If a child falls into the conditions of sensory isolation (enough external impressions are missing), its development slows down dramatically. The source of visual and auditory impressions necessary for normal development of the nervous system and sense organs of the child and, more importantly, the organizer of such impressions becomes an adult. The adult brings objects to the child's face, tilts his face, talks with the child, thereby activating his orientation reactions.

The newborn begins his life with screaming. With normal upbringing, the deafening "ua" of the newborn imperceptibly passes into a less violent reaction of negative emotions - crying.

A smile expressing positive emotions appears later than a cry. The first, quite definite manifestations of emotions in the form of a smile, are observed at the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of life, and a smile occurs when the patient concentrates on the subject, or on affectionate words, an adult's smile. From this we can conclude that for the emergence of positive emotions, it is not enough just to meet organic needs.

Gradually the child develops a special emotional-motor reaction, addressed to an adult, which is called a revitalization complex. The revival complex consists

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in the fact that the child focuses on the face of the person bending over him, smiles at him, moves his hands and feet animatedly, makes quiet sounds - this is an expression of the need for communication with adults - the first signal need of the child.

The second period (2-3 months), in total 21 (18.7%) children were examined in this period, including 12 boys (10.7%), girls 9 (8%). This period is characterized by the establishment of a rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, and also lengthening of wakefulness in comparison with the period of newborns up to 5-8 hours per day. Long periods of wakefulness create the possibility of contact with others and the development of more diverse emotional reactions. Particularly attractive are bright, shiny objects. Either he actively moves his arms and legs, pronounces individual sounds, smiles.

The third period (age 3-6 months). A total of 30 children (26.7%) of them were boys (16%), girls (10.7%), 12 at this age, the child constantly looks at toys and surrounding objects while still awake, but more often sees her hands. After 5 months, interest in toys begins to dominate, the child keeps a long look at the toys, watches their movement, wraps them around, pulls into the mouth, while the facial expressions of the child are expressively changed: it smiles, then focuses, then frowns; Thus, lessons with a toy take the form of an elementary game, which affects the overall emotional state of the child.

If the child by the end of the third period continues to give preference to the examination of his hands, then this is one of the earliest symptoms of mental retardation.

By the end of the third period, the child makes lingering sounds, pronounces such combinations of lip sounds as "baaa, maaa," as well as the lingual sounds "taaa, laaa," and the first syllables "ba" or "ma." The stable monotony of sound complexes is an early symptom of mental retardation.

The fourth period (6 - 9 months). At this age, 15 (13.3%) children of them were boys of 6 (5.3%), girls 9 (8%). A distinctive feature of this period is the concentration on some kind of activity. The child under the control of vision takes toys, examines and probes them, shifts from hand to hand, shakes and knocks them. In the hands of an adult, he examines and probes the face, shows interest in the details of clothing and decorations. All these actions are accompanied by a lively facial expression and various intonations of voice reactions: pleasure, displeasure, surprise. These forms of behavior are manifestations of active cognitive activity. At 8 - 9 months the child is already knocking the object on the object, listening to the sound being released.

Fifth period (age 9 - 12 months). A total of 14 (12.5%) children of them boys 4 (3.5%), girls 10 (8.9%). In the child's behavior, such things as inserting an object into an object, putting one object on another, begin to predominate, while he grasps objects with two fingers, manipulates 3-4 fingers, preferably acts with one hand. After completing any actions once, the child actively seeks to repeat them. All the actions of the child are emotionally colored. If the action was successful, it causes a joyful revival, laughter, sounds of babbling. An

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unsuccessful attempt is accompanied by mimicry of displeasure, reaction of protest, weeping.

For this period, a new type of communication between the child and an adult is characteristic: the subject-effective. It consists in the fact that contact with the child is established and maintained by means of various bright objects, which the child actively manipulates.

In 9 months, children with normal hearing should adequately respond to speech and intonation, understand the speech they are speaking, recognize the voices of their loved ones, perceive certain instructions in familiar phrases such as "no", "hotly", react to the name, respond to certain verbal requests, type "open your mouth." At the age of 9-12 months the child distinguishes food by appearance, recognizes an increasing number of objects, begins to distinguish colors and geometric forms, differentiates sounds well, clearly localizes the pain point.

Conclusion: The social situation of child development in the first year of life is characterized by the fact that all of its activities are realized either directly through an adult or in cooperation with him. All the needs of the child are satisfied by adults. At the same time, the infant's consciousness develops, and at the beginning of the second year of life from reactive forms of activity, he passes on to active ones.

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"Экономика и социум" №3(70) 2020



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