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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khaydarova M.H.

This article was put forward to answer the question of what the idea of competent learning should be as a result of learning. In addition, the role of language education in the development of professional competencies and communicative competence to address communication issues relevant to domestic, educational, industrial and cultural life through a foreign language, to achieve communication goals through language and speech.

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8.Галузшська М. Г. Самостшна навчальна дiяльнiсть учнiв - перший крок до творчосп / М. Г. Галузшська // Обдарована дитина.- 2005.- №10. -С. 2 - 13.

9. Головко З. Л. Уроки позакласного читання / З. А. Головко // Початкова школа. - 2005.- №5. -С. 39.

10. 1гнатова Р. Розвиток шзнавально! активносп учшв як педагопчна проблема / Р. 1гнатова // Вюник Львiвського унiверситету: Серiя педагопчна. - Львiв, 2004. - Вип.18.- С. 7380.

11. Кравченко Т. Розвиток шзнавально! активносп i самостiйностi учнiв на уроках укра!нсько! мови / Т. Кравченко - Початкова школа. - 2001. - № 5. - С. 12 - 15.

12. Кузьмшський А. I. Шдручник / А. I. Кузьмшський, В. Л.Омельяненко, - К.: Знания. -2010. - 418 с.

13. Методика навчання укра1нсько1 мови в початковш школ1: навчально-методичний посiбник для студенпв вищих навчальних закладiв / За наук. ред. М. С. Вашуленка. - К. : Лггера ЛТД, 2010. - 364 с.Освггш технологи: навч.-метод. поаб. / О. М. Пехота, А. З. Юктенко, О. М. Любарська та ш.; за ред. О. М. Пехоти. Ки!в: Видавництво А. С. К., 2003. 255 с.

14. Ранне дитинство: стан, проблеми, перспективи розвитку / О. М. Денисюк, Г. В. Беленька, О. В. Бопшч та ш. Ки!в: Держ. iн.-т пробл. ам'! та молод^ 2003. 116 с.

15. Савченко О. Я. Дидактика початково1 школи. Ки1в, 2008.

16. Савченко О. Я. Развитие познавательной самостоятельности младших школьников / О. Я. Савченко - К.: Радянська школа,1982.- С. 176.

17. Форостюк Т. В. Активiзацiя шзнавально! дiяльностi учшв початково! школи на уроках укра!нсько! мови // Молодий вчений. - 2016. - №4 (31).- С.576 - 579.

Khaydarova M.H.

Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical University

named after Nizami



Abstract. This article was put forward to answer the question of what the idea of competent learning should be as a result of learning. In addition, the role of language education in the development of professional competencies and communicative competence to address communication issues relevant to domestic, educational, industrial and cultural life through a foreign language, to achieve communication goals through language and speech.

Keywords: professional communication, competency approach, communicative competence, speech development, language education.

Radical reforms in the education system of the country on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" [1] and the "National Program of Personnel Training" [2] are aimed at introducing person-centered education, i.e training a well-educated, open-minded, competitive and mature person. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop students' professional skills and competencies by teaching them to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in various fields in the stages of continuing education. In today's era of globalization, one of the main tasks of education is not only to impart knowledge and skills to students, but also to develop the ability to apply them in practice. This set the task of introducing a competent approach in teaching all subjects.

It is known that the main normative document defining the principles of teaching the basics of each subject at certain stages of education is the State Education Standard, which defines the goals and objectives of teaching a particular subject, the content of knowledge to be acquired by students [3].

The word "competence", derived from the Latin word ("to be worthy, skilled"), means an individual's awareness of a field, the level of knowledge of that field [4]. In the dictionary of higher education terms, the word "competence" is interpreted as "a range of issues, in which a certain official acquires knowledge and experience" [5]. At the same time, the concept of "competence" is defined as "COMPETENCE, competence - the degree to which the knowledge, skills and experience of individuals with a certain social and

professional status correspond to the level of complexity of the task they perform and the problems they solve" [5]. Apparently, "competence" encompasses the concepts of knowledge, experience, and skills.

The concept of "competence" was first mentioned in the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century in the works of the American scientist N. Chomsky, who interpreted it as the ability of a person to perform an activity. N. Chomsky in "Syntactic structures", "Aspects of syntax theory" makes a comparative analysis of the concepts of "competence" and "performance" and distinguishes between the knowledge of the "speaker-listener" and the use of language in communication and activity, explains through differences [6].

Education based on a competent approach is education aimed at the formation of competencies to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in personal, professional and social activities. From this point of view, the scope of the competent approach in B. Khodjaev's research has three more elements: knowledge, skills and competencies, which are the three traditional elements of education: practical experience, competence, promotion of competence [7].

It should be noted that competencies are only manifested when they are applied. Otherwise, they are interpreted as hidden opportunities, unnecessary abilities. Therefore, competence means to demonstrate a certain ability in a particular situation. Professional competence is manifested only in the specialist who directly carries out this activity, but its initial conditions, basis, ground and individual aspects are formed and developed in the process of vocational education. Problem-solving training prepares a person practically for the future life and professional activity in the educational process.

These elements that determine a specialist's qualifications are identified and evaluated through professional communication in the work process. Therefore, in our view, professional competence and professional communication are inextricably linked, and they are among the core competencies. In order to develop special competencies, the knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular field of science are used to teach the terminology of the field, theoretical knowledge, their application in specific situations. In particular, the speech competence formed in language education plays an extremely important role in the development of professional communication competence. Foreign research has also analyzed various aspects of professional competencies.

In particular, M. Daniels' doctoral dissertation on "Development of professional competencies and their assessment" deals with the development of professional competencies in a creative environment, the organization of a learning environment for their development, as well as the assessment of professional skills in technical education [8]. The researcher has identified a number of factors that contribute to the development of professional competencies.

G. Cheetham's doctoral dissertation on "Acquisition of professional competencies" describes

functional approaches to competence and empirical methodology, which proposes a new model of professional competence and methods of its assessment [9]. In particular, the method of testing through interviews developed by the researcher is one of the pedagogical innovations.

These aspects include educating today's students to be tomorrow's, that is, to be competitive in the world market, always ready for any contingency, yesterday's knowledge and experience are not effective in today's and tomorrow's activities, the teacher will achieve as much as possible in the future life of students and should ensure that failure is kept to a minimum. If the teacher sees himself as the only and basic source of knowledge, interprets his experience in life and upbringing as the best experience, firmly identifies to students the "right" and "wrong" ways to solve life and professional problems, "must", " education will not be effective if it is given to considerations that are difficult to justify, such as "compulsory" and "it is necessary to get used to it". On the contrary, if today's young people are taught to think independently, to search for information, to apply what they have learned in unfamiliar situations, to get out of difficult situations, to solve problems on their own, they will be successful in the future.

As described in the methodological literature, communicative competence is the ability to solve problems of communication that are relevant in everyday, educational, industrial and cultural life through a foreign language; is to achieve communication goals using language and speech tools. In addition, we would like to emphasize that communicative competence is the ability to communicate with people in society, to speak their native language, the official language of the country where they live and foreign languages, to express themselves clearly and intelligibly orally and in writing, to ask questions logically and to answer questions logically, to adapt to the situation of communication, to follow the culture of communication in the process of communication, to be able to defend one's point of view while respecting the opinion of the interlocutor, it covers many aspects, such as being able to convince the interlocutor, self-management in conflict situations, and making optimal decisions in resolving problems and disagreements.

Based on the requirements of communicative competence, it is recommended to have the following components:

- know the vocabulary of the field;

- development of oral speech (clear and correct speech);

- development of written speech;

- adherence to ethics and communication ethics;

- mastery of communication tactics;

- mastery of communication strategy;

- to know the peculiarities and problems of the participants of the dialogue;

- be able to analyze external signals (body movements, facial expressions, speech tone);

- conflict prevention;

- self-confidence;

- be able to listen to others;

- mastering public speaking skills;

- acquisition of acting skills;

- acquiring the skills to organize and conduct negotiations;

- be able to empathize with others (empathy);

- understanding the interests of others.

These components characterize communicative competence mainly in psychological terms, however, the noted components and many other analyzes of communicative competence confirm that this competence is not the same in all areas.

Communicative competence is not formed spontaneously in a person learning a language, but is formed from a number of knowledge, skills and abilities and the ability to apply them, i.e competencies. The composition of communicative competence is expressed differently in different literatures.

The role of linguistic competence in the development of communicative competence cannot be denied. Linguistic competence is referred to in most literatures as language competence [17]. Linguistic competence in Uzbek language education knowledge of words and phrases related to social topics, national cultural lexicon of Uzbek language, synonyms, formal terms, professional terms, active vocabulary on speech topics in the curriculum and their correct use in oral and written speech.

Communication does not take place without speech, so communicative competence is formed directly through the following four practices of speech activity.

1. Listening comprehension: understanding the speech of the teacher and the interlocutor, the speech heard and broadcast, the basic information in the listened text, radio and television programs on current topics.

It is known that the graduates of general and secondary special education are mainly formed skills and abilities to listen to and understand socio-political, popular speech and texts, speech in the style of speech. One of the goals of vocational education is to develop these skills and competencies in speech that occur in industry situations.

2. Speaking: introducing oneself, making a request, accepting or rejecting an offer, receiving and giving information, briefly commenting on the opinion of others, participating in a discussion, expressing personal views and opinions when discussing a topic; to express one's opinion in the context of the studied topic, to make a presentation on the given topic.

Many of these skills and competencies are simply formed in the pre-higher education stages. However, in practice, the ability to express personal views and opinions, to express independent opinions on a topic will not be developed. This indicates the need to shape them at the stage of higher education through materials relevant to the field.

3. Reading: reading literary and artistic texts on the topic, popular materials (newspaper materials, short stories, personal and e-mails).

It is well known that in the general education stage, students are given lexically and syntactically simple texts and materials, so they will be able to read and develop reading skills. It is advisable that the materials provided for study at the stage of higher education are mainly of a sectoral nature.

4. Writing: composing texts on the topic and writing official documents (letters and e-mails, receipts, applications, explanatory letters, biographies, etc.). Dictation, essay writing and creative writing on the topics studied.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the methodological tools that shape these skills are rarely used in the general education system. In particular, the textbooks provide only examples of some official documents. Therefore, the main responsibility for the development of these types of skills and competencies lies with higher education, because if these competencies are not formed in the process of professional training, the specialist will face problems from the first day of work.


1. Integrated State Education Standard and Curriculum. Mother tongue. Literature. Uzbek language (grades 5-9). - T., 2010. - P.92-194.

2. On education / Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997.-9, Article 225; 2013. - №. 41, Article 543.

3. National Program of Personnel Training / Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997. - №. 11-12, Article 295; 2007. - №. 15, Article 150; 2013. - №. 41, Article 543

4. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language / 5 volumes. - T .: UzME State Scientific Publishing House, Volume 1, 2006. - 680 p., Volume 2, 2006. -672 p., Volume 3, 2006. - 688 p., Volume 4, 2008. -608 p., Volume 5, 2008. - 592 p.

5. Higher education (dictionary). - T .: Finance, 2003. - 456 p.

6. Chomsky N. Syntactic Structures. Mouton, 1957, 117 p.

7. Khodjaev B.X. Development of historical thinking in secondary school students through modernized didactic support: Doc. dis. abstracts. - T., 2016. - 82 p.

8. Daniels, M. Developing and Assessing Professional Competencies: a Pipe Dream? (2011), Uppsala University, Sweden, 108 p.

9. Cheetham, G. The Acquisition of Professional Competence (1999): Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield, Division of Adult Continuing Education, England, 380 p.

10. Azimov, E.G., Schukin, A.N. A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages) .- Moscow: IKAR, 2009. - 448 p.

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