DEVELOPMENT OF PHONETIC SKILLS IN STUDENTS OF NON-LINGUISTIC HIGHER EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
English language / phonetic skills / non-linguistic / development / education / lesson

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Buronova S.A.

In this article highlights of development of phonetic skills in students of non-linguistic higher education.

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UDK 808.3

Buronova S. A. teacher

Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights of development of phonetic skills in students of non-linguistic higher education.

Key words: English language, phonetic skills, non-linguistic, development, education, lesson.

In today's world, English has become the language of international communication. Learning a foreign language has a deep personal meaning and personally significant motivation to improve skills and communication skills, being one of the dominant factors in the competitiveness of the individual in the professional space. Recognition of domestic diplomas abroad and the domestic labor exchange require high competence in the development of secondary language personality, able to participate in international communication. When learning a foreign language, the linguistic picture of the world and personal Outlook expand, which gives a full sense of belonging to the world community.

Developing mental processes and communication skills. Much of the information (Internet, computer programs, documentation, business negotiations, etc.) is codified in English, and as they say, "who owns the information - he owns the world." Knowledge of a foreign language at the proper level involves knowledge of the correct pronunciation (phonetic and phonological characteristics) and understanding of foreign speech by ear, reading aloud and fluent pronunciation. Any language is a codified and regulated system of communicative orientation. And, above all, it is a sound system. If you violate the phonetic norms of the language -partially or completely violated informative, because it will not be recognized in the overall speech flow. One of the main requirements for pronunciation is phonemicity, i.e. the degree of correctness of the phonetic design of speech, sufficient to understand her interlocutor, and fluency. Pronunciation skill - is the ability to freely and quickly distinguish and recognize by ear phonetic phenomena of a foreign language in someone else's speech and correctly and automatically pronounce the sounds of a foreign language separately in the flow of speech, correctly intonate.

Thus, the development of sound culture of speech is one of the key tasks of teaching a foreign language, which includes pronunciation qualities, elements of sound expressiveness of speech, as well as elements of the culture of speech communication. The sound side of speech - a very complex phenomenon that must be considered from different angles. Each language has its own system of sounds, its own characteristics and distinctive qualities. The components, prerequisites and conditions for the emergence of speech are - speech hearing and speech breathing,

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(24) 2019 science-j.com

rhythmic and melodic side of speech and speech sounds. The development of sound of speech culture is a task, which includes the following aspects: development of language of hearing, education of pronouncing the correctness of speech; learning the correct pronunciation of sounds; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (accent, tone of speech, timbre and strength of voice, tempo, intonation).

An important quality of speech is expressiveness - the ability to clearly, convincingly and concisely Express their thoughts and feelings; the ability to intonation, word selection and construction of proposals to influence the listener and reader. Formation of speech expressiveness is the ability to use the height and strength of the voice, the pace and rhythm of speech, pauses, intonation. The phonetic-intonation aspect of expressiveness, i.e. the formation of the sound culture of speech, is associated with education. The ability to vary the strength and height of the voice contributes to the development of its flexibility and mobility, forming the ability to use a different pace of speech. Intonation, according to Svetozarova, being a phonetic phenomenon, can be considered in articulation, acoustic and phonological aspects, it is, first of all, a means of speech design, creation of its integrity and a means of dividing the speech flow into minimal segments in sense. It should be borne in mind that some researchers fundamentally distinguish between phonetic and phonological approaches to the study of intonation.

Phonetics requires special attention at the initial stage of training, assuming the mastery of practical skills and abilities, as well as theoretical aspects, for use in various types of communication activities. Phonetic skills are the skills of pronunciation of foreign sounds and their combinations, as well as the allocation of these sounds in the flow of speech, stress and intonation of syntactic units. Determining the methods of formation of foreign language speaking skills, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the ability to own the sound system of the native language, which causes interference. Thus, there are normative pronouncing deviations in the space of the studied foreign language.

The study of foreign language speech can be carried out in two ways: - the subject enters a foreign language environment, where he is forced to assimilate foreign speech due to the communicative need; - the subject purposefully learns a foreign language in any educational institution by means of communication with a teacher who is already professionally prepared for the learning process. Studying a foreign language, students unconsciously seek to compare it with the principles of functioning of the native. This is due to the fact that the student, starting to study a second language, has already established skills of reproduction and perception of prosodic units of the native language, therefore, entering into interaction with foreign models of language structures, there are difficulties in distinguishing prosodic characteristics and, as a consequence, etymology.

Given the interference, the sounds of the English language can be divided into three conditional groups: - the group whose sounds are close to the sounds of the native language in articulation and acoustic properties: [p, b, g, s, z, m, n, etc.]. When mastering these sounds, the transfer from the native language works and does

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not require special work with them; - a group that includes sounds distinctive from the native language by essential features: [t, l, h, etc.].

There are two kinds of mistakes: communication is meaningful and communicative and insignificant. The first group includes prosodic errors that lead to a change in the meaning and communicative type of the statement, a change in the emotional connotations of the statement, and the second - prosodic errors that do not lead to a change in the meaning, communicative type and emotional-modal coloration of the statement. For the production of the necessary pronunciation exercises for articulation apparatus, exercises on perception and reproduction. For example: in a stream of heard words to define words with a certain sound, etc. When performing exercises on listening, spontaneous speaking on a specific topic or reading aloud, you can judge the level of formation of speech skills. Additional exercises for certain sounds are offered for error correction. One way to eliminate interference is to use poems, tongue twisters, songs, and poems. Selected for a certain phonetic difficulty, they contribute to the development of articulation apparatus and the formation of pronunciation skills.

Learning a modern foreign language is possible only if the use of materials taken from the life of native speakers or compiled taking into account the peculiarities of their culture and mentality in accordance with accepted and used speech standards. Perceiving the phrase, the student must break it into separate elements, informative features of the sounding phrase, which are expressed by the corresponding speech characteristics: intonation, pause and logical stress.

Therefore, for the successful assimilation of a foreign language text, special attention should be paid to the development of skills of adequate perception of intonation, pause and logical stress. "Speaking" is a process in which the Communicator encodes the information to be transmitted and the interlocutor decodes it, which in turn is a step-by-step translation of the sounds of audible speech into the meanings of words, and this provides an understanding of what the Communicator wanted to say.

Thus, the importance of using video films is that they can reflect communicative situations much wider, brighter and allow you to see where and how the action takes place. The material is selected in accordance with the level of knowledge of students and their individual characteristics. In teaching a foreign language, it is important not only to maintain the formed skills at a certain level, but also to continue to improve them. In the absence of a language environment under the influence of native, there is a displacement of foreign language skills, and they are easily destroyed. The pronunciation skills deteriorate. Thus, the main task of training in a non-linguistic University is the preservation and improvement of pronunciation skills, which is provided by the implementation of phonetic exercises, development of new lexical and grammatical material from the position of phonetics, development of articulation skills when reading aloud, paying attention to live authentic speech.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(24) 2019 science-j.com



1. Witt N.B. the Factor of emotionality in learning a foreign language //Foreign languages in non-special faculties. -M:, 1971, -P. 124.

2. Sinkevich G. S. Song at the English lesson // foreign languages at school - 2002. - № 1. - P. 50-54.


UDC 808.5

Djumaniyozova E.


Tashkent architecture -construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights importance articles in the sentence and features of the use of articles in English.

Key words: article, English language, history, features, sentence.

In English, almost all nouns are associated with articles. Therefore, on the basis of this fact, even in the early grammar there was such a thought that the article is as such an "indicator" of a noun. Articles are mainly used to specify nouns. Articles are very common in English grammar. They are important not only for English speakers, but also for those who are just starting to learn English. That is why, you need a complete picture for everyone, what is at stake. If we turn to the grammar of the early period, we can see statements that the article was an adjective. This concept was expressed around the XVI century.

Many also believed that the article came from the adjective. Also, it was assumed that the article is a particle, then followed by the fact that it performs the properties of a noun, and also expressed that the article acts as a determinant. There were many points of view and concepts of different grammarians, so it affected the interpretation of the article. The most correct and convincing concept says that the article is considered as an independent word, a certain official part of speech. And about the function of the article we can say that it allows you to define a noun.

English originates from the V century. Already in written literature, which has reached us around VII-VIII centuries ad appeared inscriptions with the articular form of the word. For some time, this form was formed, and by the advent of the new England period became an independent official part of speech, which is not only accompanies the noun, but also forms it. For example, The ifs and the buts. Thus, the "objectification" of the noun is increasingly growing thanks to a certain article in the English language. Despite this, the very notion of certainty and uncertainty needs to be clarified. Since the object itself cannot be uncertain, otherwise it will cease to be what it really is. On the formation of articles, we can say that their history is mysterious. For example, the indefinite article "a/an" is formed from the numeral one, and refers objects to the class and genus in General,

"Мировая наука" №3(24) 2019


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