Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Baxrom Eshnazarovich To'xtarov Maftuna Abduhamid qizi Nomozboyeva
Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand State Medical University,
Head of the Department of General Department of Hygiene, 2nd year graduate
Hygiene and Ecology student
In the article Uzbekistan Republic of the population different age groups layer in the middle hymenolepidosis of the disease spreading prevention get remedy events development illuminated.
Keywords: measures, helminthiasis, hymenolepidosis, incidence, epidemiology, prevention.
Main part: Epidemiologically and hygienically, helminthiasis takes the leading place among infectious diseases. According to the information provided by the World Health Organization, more than 90% of the population of African, Asian and Latin American countries live under the risk of helminth infections due to their geographical location.
Based on statistical data, it is known that among the acute infectious diseases of the young population, mainly children, parasitic diseases take the second place after acute respiratory viral infections. Based on the financial resources of the existing banks in the world, the economic damage caused by intestinal helminthosis of infectious diseases ranks 4th after diarrhea, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. More than 270 helminths are the cause of various diseases observed in humans. These diseases mainly affect the young population. Parasitic diseases are found in almost all countries. One third of the population of our planet is infected with parasites.
Worldwide, 1.6 billion people are infected with helminthiasis.
1374 million of them. ascariasis, 1032 mln. hookworms, 654 mln. trichocephalosis, 368 mln. enterobiosis, 82 million. teniarynchosis, 43 mln. geminolepidoses, 19 mln. diphyllobothriose, 12 million. constitutes those who are infected with the bond.
Endemicity of helminthiasis in most regions is related to socio-economic, historical and demographic processes. Therefore, measures to combat these diseases are both economically and politically relevant. The cultural outlook of the population and the improvement of the standard of living, the increase in the culture of the implementation of urban and agricultural measures, and the continuous implementation
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
of planned preventive measures against helminths led to a significant decrease in the incidence of these parasitic diseases in our republic. At the same time, despite the achieved success, 10-12 types of parasitic diseases are recorded in Uzbekistan. Helminthosis such as enterobiosis, hymenolepidosis, ascariasis, teniarnichosis, trichocephaliasis are widespread in some regions.
In the conditions of Uzbekistan, hymenolepidosis, which belongs to the group of helminths, is recorded mainly in the mountainous and sub-mountainous districts of Fergana, Syrdarya, Namangan, and Surkhandarya regions.
The purpose of the research. Development of measures to prevent the spread of hymenolepidosis.
Research materials. We used the official reports of the Sanitary Epidemiology Peace and Public Health Service in our republic on the infection of helminths with geminolepidosis and the results of the epidemiological investigation conducted in the epidemic centers. Epidemiological and statistical methods were used in the performance of this scientific work.
Conclusion. The epidemiological situation of hymenolepidosis in our republic cannot be considered stable. Currently, the measures taken against hymenolepidosis and the preparations given under the "Worm-Free Children" program of BJSST and the humanitarian system of UNICEF show their effectiveness to a certain extent, but it cannot be considered sufficient. This situation is clearly shown by the fact that the disease is recorded year after year among the population of our republic, and in most cases it takes a chronic form and leads to unpleasant complications.
The analysis of hymenolepidosis registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 1993 to 2022 showed that the incidence rate was 55.6 - 196.19 per 100,000 population in different years (Fig. 1). In the first year of analysis - 2001, the intensive rate of hymenolepidosis in our republic was 163.21 per 100,000 population, and the highest rate during the analyzed years was 196.19 in 2005. A downward trend has been observed since 2016, and the lowest indicator in 2022 was 55.6.
ISSN: 2181-1601
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Figure 1. Dynamics of hymenolepidosis disease in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2001-2022 (per 100,000 population)
The reason for the sharp decrease in the rate of the disease in 2022 is that due to the 2020 coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, all residents of our republic should follow the rules of the pandemic, stay at home, and strictly follow the rules of sanitation and hygiene without going to public places, kindergartens and schools. In 2022, it was observed that many diseases decreased.
Epidemiological characteristics of hymenolepidosis are as follows: 1) this parasitic disease is transmitted through a contagious way; 2) children of kindergarten age often get sick; 3) it passes without clinical symptoms and the mortality rates are extremely low; 4) the existence of decretive groups with a high risk of disease among the population; 5) gradual spread; 6) lack of epidemic character of the disease, etc.
Reference. It is of great importance to further improve the culture and standard of living of the population in the implementation of successful preventive measures against hymenolepidosis. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks. Strengthen sanitary-propaganda activities among different strata of the population, especially among children. Involve the general public and community activists for the continuous implementation of preventive measures. Strict adherence to personal hygiene measures. Constantly improving the qualifications of doctors, junior and senior medical staff in the field of parasitology. Active detection and treatment of patients with hymenolepidosis in scheduled public examinations. Identification of patients among population groups that play a key role in the spread of infection. In the process of treating patients, to prevent the external environment from being damaged by their feces
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
and other biological secretions. Constantly determining the season of transmission of helminthiasis, the period of death of many helminthiasis.
To further increase the indicators of providing the population with sewage and clean drinking water system. Public organizations, parks, parks, avenues should build toilets that meet sanitary hygiene requirements, install garbage cans in every yard and ensure their constant cleaning and timely removal of waste. Constant cleaning of seats, walls and floors from feces residues in toilets. Disinfection of seats, floors and seats in toilets without sewage should be strictly implemented.
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