Результа-тивно-обоб-щающий Этапы: анализ полученных результатов с предметно-специфической и профессиональной точек зрения; обобщение и формулирование выводов; предложения по реализации результатов в учебном процессе, научно-исследовательской деятельности, в морской практике
Аттестационный Подведение итогов: качественная и количественная оценка преподавателем результатов достижения цели проектного задания; электронные презентации; сообщения и доклады на конференциях; публикации в открытой печати
Каждый из этих блоков определяет соответствующие компоненты проектной деятельности, такие как проблему, цели, задачи, методы, средства, способы и этапы, результаты, а также факторы, функции и мероприятия по оценке и реализации полученного продукта [8].
Познавательная деятельность студентов в процессе выполнения проектных заданий инициирует переход от механического усвоения знаний к овладению умением самостоятельно приобретать новые знания, пользуясь современными способами представления и извлечения учебного материала и технологиями информационного взаимодействия в предметной среде. Это позволяет формировать умение студентов работать с различными источниками информации, в том числе распределенными в локальных и глобальной мировой информационных сетях.
В заключение заметим, что сочетание педагогических технологий традиционного обучения и образовательных ресурсов дистанционной подготовки способствует повышению качества познавательной деятельности студентов, позволяет обеспечить равномерный характер самостоятельной работы в течение семестра, создает условия для индивидуализации обучения и эффективной коррекции образовательного процесса в направлении формирования знаний, умений и компетенций, адекватных структуре и содержанию изучаемых дисциплин.
Список литературы
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окультурных инноваций // Известия Южного федерального университета. Педагогические науки, № 4.- Ростов-на-Дону, 2014. С. 21-27.
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Kovalova K.
PhD, Associate Professor of the department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The article examines the development of economic competencies of the students. In the conditions of reforming the economy of Ukraine, the modern paradigm of education involves the training of a highly skilled future economists. The purpose of the article is to show the importance of formation of the students'competencies. On the basis of generalization of literary sources we can determine the structure of professional competence of future specialists of the economic sphere. It has been proved that the purpose of the development of personal competences is to stimulate students' interest in economic disciplines, form the ability to freely use professional economic terminology, promote the abilities of gifted students, involve students in active participation in various conferences, professional contests, etc. Also the article shows the necessity of creation of the pedagogical conditions in which the competences should be formed.
These conditions include: 1) the interest of students in professional activities; 2) understanding the value of professional terminology in professional activity; 3) self-education, the ability to critically evaluate and analyze the results of their work; 4) creative approach of students to the acquisition of professional terminology.
Keywords: economic competencies, pedagogical conditions, future specialists of the economic sphere, professional competence, education.
As stated in the Concept for the Development of Economic Education in Ukraine, economic education at the present stage of Ukraine's development is determined by the objectives of the transition to a democratic and legal state, a market economy, the need to approach the global trends of economic and social development. The development of education takes place in the context of the overall process of transformation of various aspects of social life, in close connection with the restructuring in other areas, while serving as a source for providing the necessary human resource.
In the conditions of reforming the economy of Ukraine, the modern paradigm of economic education involves the training of a highly skilled future junior specialist, and this process encompasses not only the development of his professional competence, but also the formation of internal readiness for occupation and his own implementation. Continuity of vocational education as a dynamic system enhances the role of each educational degree, provides general and professional training for further types and levels of vocational education. [5].
Obtaining an educational qualification level for a junior specialist develops the students understanding and significance of economic theories and practices that influence the quality of the formation of professional skills and play an important role in obtaining a complete higher education in economics. The Law of Ukraine "On Education" provides for a competent approach in education. At the same time, we believe that in order to improve the quality of the professional training of students of economic specialties, attention should be paid to: self-determination - the ability to develop their positions in life; to form their own world outlook, the ability to set and fulfill their task; self-realization - asserting oneself as a person; development of creative abilities (scientific, artistic, organizational and communicative); self-organization - skills of elementary psychic self-regulation; organization of a mode of life; achievement of the set goal. The work with students in extra-curricular time, in particular, work in professional profile circles, plays an important role in forming the above-mentioned qualities.
Theoretical analysis of the problem of the formation of economic competence directs us to the main concepts of the study: the meaning of "competence" and "professional competence". Thus, the notion of "competence" is considered as a matter in which a person is well-informed, has knowledge and experience. The notion of "competence" is possession of the necessary competences, which contain a person's personal attitude to the subject of activity; the acquired integral characteristic of the individual, which makes it possible to carry out some activity on the basis of the use of knowledge of educational and life experience in accordance with the acquired value system. [7].
Thus, competence is developed in the process of certain (professional or life) activities. Particular attention deserves the competence gained by students while working in student clubs, sections, projects.
Such activity is carried out in the following directions: research involves independent search of literature for a particular speech, report; research of economic phenomena, financial activity of enterprises; working out with scientific articles in economic and periodical professional literature. By the way, the search direction offers a discussion of specific situations that arise in enterprises, situations that would force students to work on their solution, referring to scientific sources and regulations; the experimental direction suggests to investigate statistical phenomena by the experimental method (to analyze, replace various statistical data). At the same time, the characteristics of professional competence are: understanding the essence of the tasks performed; knowledge of experience in this field and its use; ability to choose means, for specific circumstances; responsibility for the results achieved. Also, the ability to recognize own mistakes and to correct the appointment of a junior specialist in economics is determined by the fact that it is a specialist with a high level of professional education, prepared for planned economic, organizational and managerial, financial activities in the field of economics in production, in services, in management, in accordance with professional orientation.
Consequently, the economic competence of specialists in the process of professional training is understood as an integrated professional personality characteristic of a specialist that determines the possession of the necessary competences for the successful pursuit of economic activity or the performance of professional duties provided for primary positions in the field of economics in the production or services in accordance with professional orientation. [3].
On the basis of generalization of literary sources one can determine the structure of professional competence of future specialists of the economic profile: 1) competence in the field of economic activity (economic thinking, knowledge of methods of economic analysis, the presence of a systematic understanding of the structure and trends of development of Ukrainian and world economics; knowledge of the principles of the adoption and implementation of economic solutions at micro and macro levels; ability to use economic information in profession, productive activities and everyday life; ability to search for economic information; ability to conduct economic, strategic analysis and evaluation of financial and economic activity of enterprises; ability to carry out control, audit, checking of cash, inventory, fixed assets in enterprises, organizations, institutions, etc.);
2) competence in other spheres of professional activity - a system of knowledge of finance, marketing,
audit, international economics, law, management; knowledge of the legal framework;
3) information and computer competence refers to work with computer technology and is determined by knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the functioning of computer technology; ability to work with specialized software; the ability to effectively apply information technology and related programs in professional activities;
4) communicative competence, knowledge of business etiquette and foundations of conflictology, tolerance to other views, effective group interaction, positive attitude towards oneself and others, etc;
5) competence in the field of self-determination and self-regulation of personal qualities as an adequate self-esteem, self-confidence, self-control, self-efficacy, high level of motivation for achievements, recognition of the need for lifelong education throughout life, etc;
6) knowledge of job descriptions in accordance with the qualification of a specialist, namely: knowledge of requirements, functions, rights, duties; knowledge of the basics of etiquette. Any activity takes place under the influence of motives, since it is aimed at achieving certain goals. [1].
The motivational-value component provides the preconditions for the implementation of other structural components, determines the positive attitude to the profession, the level of awareness of the value of knowledge for the development of the personality and serves as the basic characteristic of readiness for professional activity. The latter in turn involves the formation and development of professional qualities of a specialist, among which diligence and systematic work, solidarity, responsibility, discipline, purposefulness, efficiency, business dedication and perseverance, erudition, self-confidence and decision-making, entrepre-neurship.
In the structure of economic competence, the cognitive component can be regarded as knowledge of the facts, concepts, principles and theories of economics; accumulation of system professional knowledge, which is the theoretical and methodological basis of effective economic activity of a specialist.
Another element of the structure of economic competence must be an activity component that is characterized by the skill of using the future junior specialists in the economic field of acquired professional knowledge, involves the experience of displaying competence in standard and non-standard situations, that is, the ability to act on the model and experience of creative activity. Each component can affect the development of other components. [7].
More than 15 years ago Bo Carlsson and Gunnar Eliasson described a concept called "economic competence". At the time they defined economic competence "as the ability to identify, expand and exploit business opportunities" [2].
According to Carlsson and Eliasson economic or business competence has four main components:
1. Selective (strategic) capability: the ability to make innovative choices or markets, products, technologies and overall organizational structure; to engage in entrepreneurial activity; and especially to select key
personnel and acquire key resources, including new competence. This aspect has been amply illustrated in recent years as many companies have struggled to define their corporate identities and strategies as distinct from their competitive strategies in each individual business unit; [6]
2. Organizational (integrative, coordinating) capability, i.e. the ability to organize the business units in such a way that there is greater value in the corporate entity as a whole than in the sum of the individual parts;
3. Technical (functional) ability relating to the various functions within the firm, such as production, marketing, engineering, research and development, as well as product-specific capabilities. These are the areas of activity in which firms can compare themselves to their peers or leading competitors;
4. Learning ability, or the shaping of a corporate culture which encourages continual change in response to changes in the environment [2].
The purpose of the economic groups is to stimulate students' interest in economic disciplines; the formation of the ability to freely use professional economic terminology, it is logical and appropriate to express one's opinion; promotion of research abilities of gifted students, involvement of students in active participation in various conferences, professional contests, etc ; promotion of a nationally conscious person who understands the tendencies of development of the Ukrainian and world economy; the formation of the moral and aesthetic principles of the personality of the future specialist on the best traditions of the Ukrainian people, which corresponds to the essence of the statehood of Ukraine.
The widespread introduction of new information and communication technologies into all spheres of activity has led to an increase in the share of work on personal computers and the acceleration of information processing in intelligent networks, which is why information and computer competence is extremely important. Correctly organized work with students during extracurricular time will improve the skills of finding the necessary economic information. It will form a communicative competence that will allow you to speak in a high-level, to prove your opinion, to persuade, because these skills are the key to success in any industry; attract students to active life positions; apply innovative teaching methods, including informational , individual and group work. The desire to involve students in experimental and research work will form the ability to look for analogies, to systematize, to classify economic phenomena.
Modeling is widely used in pedagogical research to obtain new information about objects and to identify ways and means of preparing for professional activities. We create a peculiar model (projection of reality) to recreate the processes of forming the qualities we need, while having the ability to control the course of action, make timely corrections, evaluate the effects of their own interventions and advance the desired result of our program. This opinion is confirmed by scientists A. Dahin and V. Shtoff, who offered to consider the model both as a form and as a method of scientific knowledge, considering that the model constitutes a conceptual instrument, an analogue of a certain fragment of social
reality, which serves to store and expand knowledge about properties and the structure of the simulated processes is focused on managing them.
In order to talk about the need to study the professional terminology, to develop methods to facilitate its assimilation and to try to convince future economists of the feasibility of mastering it, it is necessary to determine and follow from where the need for the ability to use it originates and who determines this necessity. Let's begin with the analysis of the labor market, the review of vacant positions, and the analysis of the requirements of the heads of enterprises concerning the employees.
Consequently, the order for future employees-economists makes the society. A list of vacant positions is announced immediately, requirements (professional, personal, business) are made to the level of possession of the relevant professional knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the economic sphere is enriched by its terminology, including "specific terms" - professionalism and every year there are new economic terms borrowed from abroad, this suggests that it is an integral part of the requirement for future qualified specialists in the field of economics is the perfect knowledge of economic terminology in the specialty and the development of skills for the constant renewal of their own formed knowledge. [4].
The role of the student is not passive in the learning process, and this is the reason that one should not rely only on the conditions that the teacher respects in his work, using them with the hope that they will be able to guarantee significant success in the study of professional economic terminology. It is also worth noting that student learning is temporary and faced with problems during the performance of official duties, it is necessary to solve them, and since society is in constant motion and development, knowledge is updated every time, improved, and more often there is the use of information technology in a professional the activities of economists. This will require students to continue education and work to improve their knowledge.
Another goal to be achieved in the learning process is to "teach students to study". Consequently, there is a need to use another group of conditions associated with the individual, psychological qualities and capabilities of students, which will depend directly on them and their desire to master "the language of their future profession." These conditions include: 1) the interest of students in professional activities; 2) understanding the value of professional terminology in professional activity; 3) self-education, the ability to critically evaluate and analyze the results of their work; 4) creative approach of students to the acquisition of professional terminology.
One of the most important conditions for the formation of vocabulary of future economists is the interest of students in their professional activities, which is a positive motivation. The motive is that which induces action, movement, to obtain the desired, which makes
it constantly evolve to achieve its own goal, and positive motivation is a positive setting that explains the need to study the vocabulary, thereby orienting the students towards effective learning, and we note that in this case, any student activity is carried out without coercion.
Significant advances in the formation of knowledge of professional terminology are possible only in the conditions of conscious attitude of students to the chosen activity, constant efforts to obtain new information and new achievements in its acquisition, interest in accordance with the professional requirements of society and constant self development as a qualified economist. [5]. Thus, the teacher will provide an interest in professional activities, students' understanding of the need to study economic terms will increase, and hence the speed and reliability of memorization. Students will be free to navigate in the modern economic world. [7].
The second personality-individual condition requires students to understand the importance of professional terminology in their professional activities. The world-famous fact: we perceive and remember only what we need to perform according to official duties. Teachers of professional economic disciplines confirm the fact that students study in accordance with this principle. But because they can not independently filter and analyze the knowledge that they will need in the future, then the result is a passive attitude to learning or "learning without interest." To ensure the formation of this condition, the teacher must construct the educational process in such a way that the study of economic terms is accompanied by solid examples and professional situations that require their use.
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