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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Loskutov Yurii, Baev Alex, Slavutskii Leonid, Yunusov Gubeydulla, Volchonov Michael

In the framework of the momentless theory of cylindrical thin shells, the elastic deformation of multilayer pipes and pressure vessels is investigated. It is assumed that the pipes and pressure vessels are made by two-way spiral winding of carbon fiber reinforced plastic tape on a metal mandrel.The analysis of the dependences of elastic deformations on the reinforcement angles is performed. The relations for axial and circumferential deformations of the wall, depending on the structure of the layer package, reinforcement angles under static loading are obtained. The separate and combined effect of internal pressure and temperature is considered. For the separate effect of loads, the graphs of deformations against the winding angle are plotted.Composite pipes made of KMU-4L carbon fiber reinforced plastic, as well as composite metal-composite pipes, are investigated. The results obtained for thermal loads are in good agreement with the data of the known experiment and solution. Depending on the load parameters, composite and metal-composite structures with dimensionally stable properties are determined.It is shown that dimensionally stable structures can be used to solve the problem of compensation of elastic deformations of pipelines. For this purpose, using the ASCP software package, the variant analysis of model structures is performed. By the comparative analysis of the three versions of the structure, layer package structures and reinforcement schemes, ensuring a significant reduction of loads on the supporting elements are obtained. On the example of a pipeline with a flowing fluid, it is shown that the use of dimensionally stable multilayer pipes makes it possible to eliminate bending deformations and significantly reduce the level of working forces and stresses.Dimensionally stable composite multilayer pipes open up new approaches to the design of pipelines and pressure vessels. It is possible to create structures with predetermined (not necessarily zero) displacement fields, consistent with the fields of the initial technological displacements, as well as with the displacements of conjugate elastic elements and equipment when the operating mode changes. The scope of such structures is not limited to "hot" pipes. The results can be used in cryogenic engineering.

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В рамках безмоментног теоргг цилгндрич-них тонких оболонок дослгджено пружне дефор-мування багатошарових труб i посудин тиску. Передбачаеться, що труби i посудини тиску виконанг перехресног спгральног намотуванням армованог стрiчки з вуглепластика на метале-ву оправлення.

Виконано аналiз залежностей пружних деформацгй вгд кутiв армування. Отримано спiввiдношення для осьових i окружних деформацш стгнки в залежностi вгд структури пакета шарiв, кутгв армування при статичному наван-таженнг. Розглянуто вгдокремлена г комбгно-вана дгя внутргшнього тиску г температури. Для вгдокремленог дгг навантажень побудованг графгки залежностей деформацгй вгд кута намо -тування.

Дослгджено композитнг труби, виготовленг з вуглепластика КМУ-4Л, а також складовг мета-ло-композитнг труби. Результати, отриманг для теплових навантажень, добре узгоджують-ся з даними вгдомого експерименту г ргшення. Залежно вгд параметргв навантажень визначенг композитнг та метало-композитнг структури з розмгростабгльними властивостями.

Показано, що розмгростабгльнг структури можуть бути використанг для виргшення проблеми компенсацгг пружних деформацгй трубопроводгв. З цгею метою за допомогою про-грамного комплексу ASCP виконаний варгантний аналгз модельног конструкцгг. Шляхом поргв-няльного аналгзу трьох варгантгв конструк-цгг отриманг структури пакетгв шаргв г схеми армування, щоб забезпечити значне зниження навантажень на опорнг елементи. На прикладг трубопроводу з протгкаючою ргдиною показано, що застосуваннярозмгростабгльних багатошарових труб дозволяе виключити деформацгг вигину г помгтно знизити ргвень робочих зусиль г напружень.

Розмгростабгльш багатошаровг труби з композитгв вгдкривають новг пгдходи до проек-тування трубопроводгв г посудин пгд тиском. З'являються можливостг створення конструк-цгй з наперед заданими (не обов'язково нульови-ми) полями перемщень, узгодженими з полями початкових технологгчних перемгщень, а також з перемгщеннями сполучених пружних елементгв г устаткування при змгнг режиму роботи. Область застосування подгбних кон-струкцгй не обмежуеться «гарячими» трубами. Отриманг результати можуть знайти застосу-вання в кргогеннгй технгцг

Ключовг слова: композити, вуглепластики, вуглецевг волокна, схеми армування, конструк-цгг трубопроводгв, розмгростабтьтсть, пружнг деформацгг

UDC 539.3+ 629.78+620.22

|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.150027]



Yu. Loskutov

PhD, Associate Professor Departament of Strength of Materials and Applied Mechanics*

E-mail: [email protected] А. B a e v PhD, Associate Professor Department of radio engineering and biomedical systems*

L. S lavu tski i Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov Moscowskiy ave., 15, Cheboksary, Russia, 428015

G. Yunusov Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of mechanization of production and processing of agricultural products Mari State University Lenina sq., 1, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 424000 M. Volchonov Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of technical systems in agro-industrial complex Kostroma State Agricultural Academy Training Town, 34, Karavaevo village, Kostroma region, Russia, 156530

V. Medvedev Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor** P. Mishin Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor** S. Alatyrev Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of operation of transport-technological machines and

complexes*** P. Z a i t s e v Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of mechanization, electrification of automation of agricultural production***

M. Loskutov Engineer

Center for Fundamental Education* *Volga State University of Technology Lenina ave., 3, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 424000 **Department of transport-technological machines and complexes*** ***Chuvash State Agricultural Academy K. Marksa str., 29, Cheboksary, Russia, 428000

1. Introduction

The main loads acting on pipelines and pressure vessels are temperature effects, associated with changes in tempera-

ture conditions, and internal pressure of a working medium [1]. Temperature effects and internal pressure cause deformations of a shell not only in the axial direction. The cylindrical shell is also deformed in the circumferential direction



[1]. In this case, points of the middle surface receive radial displacements. In places of inhomogeneities: zones of interface of shells of different thickness; zones adjacent to rigid flanges, frames, etc., the development of radial displacements is constrained. As a result, wall bending occurs and significant local bending stresses arise. In certain conditions, local forces and stresses lead to wall rupture and detachment of reinforcement elements.

Therefore, when designing pipelines and pressure vessels, the problem of compensation of elastic deformations takes an important place [1, 2]. For deformation compensation, special devices are traditionally used: floating or sliding supports, flexible inserts in the form of bellows, lens or packed expansion joints. With the same purpose, curvilinear sections in the form of L-, V- or U-shaped bends are "inserted" into the line. In this case, the greater the flexibility of the bends, the higher the ability of the structure to compensate elastic deformations, the lower the level of working forces and stresses.

The introduction of additional elements and units in the line increases dimensions and weight, the cost of the structure as a whole. Fundamentally new approaches to the design of pipelines and pressure vessels open up with the use of modern structural materials [3, 4]. The use of multilayer structures with dimensionally stable properties becomes an effective means of "compensation" of elastic deformations [5, 6]. Selection of materials [7], development of layer package structures and methods for designing such structures with weight and dimension limitations, without reducing the product strength, seems to be a rather urgent problem.

To achieve this aim, it is necessary to accomplish the following objectives:

- to choose package structures, reinforcement schemes and determine package parameters that provide geometric stability under two-component static loading;

- to investigate two-way reinforced and combined multilayer pipes, made by winding of reinforced tape on a thin-walled metal mandrel;

- to perform a design justification of dimensionally stable structures.

4. Derivation of relations for elastic deformations of the wall and analysis of the effect of reinforcement _parameters_

We consider the deformation of thin-walled pipelines and cylindrical pressure vessels under the action of temperature and internal pressure.

Fig. 1 shows the pipe section as a thin-walled cylindrical shell. The wall of the shell is formed by two-way spiral winding of two symmetric fiber (filaments or tapes) systems on the mandrel. Fibers make up angles ±0 with the shell generator.

The number of the unidirectional layers is 2k+1. The inner layer (technological mandrel) is considered homogeneous and isotropic, the unidirectional layers from FRC (monolayers) - orthotropic and linearly elastic. The bonds of fibers and binder, as well as individual layers with each other, are assumed to be ideal.

_2. Literature review and problem statement_

The most promising materials for dimensionally stable structures are fiber-reinforced composites (FRC) [8]. Moreover, most of such structures are used in the rocket and space industry [9].

In [10], rod systems from FRC are considered. In [11], methods of optimization and design of dimensionally stable structures based on composite plates are presented. Matrix and binder selection questions are discussed in [6, 10] (carbon fiber reinforced plastic), [12] (metal composite) and [13] (combined metal and FRC). In [14], the technique for measuring the deformation of composite specimens for designing dimen-sionally stable structures at low temperatures is proposed.

Systematization of the results of these studies [5] suggests that existing approaches to solving the problem of compensation of deformations of composite structures rely on uniaxial self-compensation. Package structures and reinforcement schemes that ensure dimensional stability have been developed only under temperature loads. There are practically no studies on the creation of composite pipelines and pressure vessels with dimensional stability under the combined effect of temperature and internal pressure [8].

All this suggests that it is expedient to conduct a study on the development of new layer package structures and design techniques of dimensionally stable structures from FRC under the combined effect of temperature and internal pressure.

3. The aim and objectives of the study

The aim of the study is to develop structures of multilayer cylindrical shells with axial dimensional stability.

Fig. 1. Thin-walled multilayer shell element

We use two right orthogonal systems of coordinate axes. Coordinates 1, 2, 3 (natural coordinates) are associated with the axes of the elastic symmetry of the monolayer: axis 1 is directed along the fibers, axis 2 - perpendicular to the fibers in the monolayer plane. Coordinates s, r, t are combined with the middle surface of the shell (Fig. 1).

We assume that the monolayer "works" under conditions of plane stress state (radial stresses are neglected). In this case, the relation between deformations and stresses has the following form [15]:

_L 0

V12 t 1

E 0

E? 0



s1 " a1

S 2 a 2 -A (1)

T12 0

01 [ g °1 g12 0 " £1 P1 "

02 • = g °2 T g 22 0 ■ £2 P2

X12, 0 0 g 66 g 12 0

or in the matrix form:

{ei2 }= ]K } + K }DT.

Here {e12}, {o12}, {a12} are the vectors of deformations, stresses and coefficients of thermal expansion, respectively; [S0] is the monolayer elastic compliance matrix; AT is the temperature variation (measured from the initial level, corresponding to the stress-free state); Ei, E2, G12, v12, v21, a1, a2 are the technical thermoelasticity constants (effective thermoelastic constants: elastic moduli, shear modulus, Poisson's ratios and thermal expansion coefficients). In this case, v12E2=v21E1. A homogeneous field is assumed. The relations inverse to (1) are:


{012} = [G0 ] {£12} - {bi2}AT,

where [G°] is the monolayer stiffness matrix, {P12} is the temperature stress vector.

The coefficients of the matrix [G°] and the vector {P12} are related to the technical thermoelasticity constants by the following relations:

gli° = E1/ (1 -V12V2lX gl2° =V21E1/(1 V12V21 X g22 = E2 / (1 — V12V21), g66 = G12, g21 = g12 , Pi = (ai +V21«2) E1/I-V12V21), P2 = (a2 + V^) E2 / (1 - V12 V21).

Let us rewrite the dependences (1) and (2) from the natural coordinate system 1, 2, 3 to coordinates s, r, t. As a result, we get

{£ *} = [S K} + {a , }AT, {0 <} = [G ]{£<} - {P< }AT.

[¿1 ] =

[L ] =



m n -mn

,2 „,2


2 „2

nm 2mn -2mn m1 - n


n2 -2 mn 2 2mn


In this case, m=cos8, w=sin8. The index "T" denotes the matrix transpose operation.

Note that, according to (5), with arbitrary reinforcement, the angular deformations gst of the unidirectional layer are related to normal stresses os and ot, and the linear deformations £s and et - to shear stresses tst. In the particular case of symmetric winding for the system composed of two monolayers with angles ±8, the coefficients

S16=S26=°, g16=g26=°, ast=0, Pst=0.

As a result, these relations disappear.

We define the linear deformations £s and £t of the section of the multilayer pipe reinforced with the symmetric filament system. To do this, using the method of sections, we write the following equilibrium equation [4]:


£sA r, = ^PR

£0tA = pR.


Here i=1, 2,..., k+1 is the sequence number of the layer (composed of two monolayers), hi and Ti are the thickness and radius of the middle surface of the layer, R is the pipe hole radius, p=pm+pfxvirn is the intensity of internal pressure. In this case, pm is the static component, p/x»m is the dynamic component of pressure, equal to twice the velocity head (p/ and vm are the density and velocity of the fluid flow). It is believed that the pipe end sections are closed with plugs.

Substituting the dependences (4) into the equation (7), we obtain



£ g11,h, r,+£t £ g12,h, r-AT £M r=^ pR

£s £ g21, hi + £t £ g22,h - AT £ Pt, Ai = PR.

i i i






Transformations of matrices when the axes of coordinates s and t are rotated relative to the normal to the surface t have the known form [15]:

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[S] = [L ][S> ][L ]T, [G ] =[L ][G ][I2 ]t,

{a,} = [Li]{ai2}, {P,} = [¿2]{P12}. (5)

Here [i1] and [L2] are rotation transformation matrices:

R£( g22,h, )-2£( g12,h,r

pR ' 2

£( guAn )£( g 22ihi )-£( g21ihi )£( g12ih,r)

k+1 k+1 £( g22 a, )-2£( g 12 a, )

£At = AT

£ ( g11ih, )£ ( g 22ih, )-( gmh )

k+1 k+1 k+1 1

£(P shn )£( g22,A )-£(Pth, )£( guA



£( g11,h,ri )£( g 22ihi )-£( g21ihi )£( g12ih,r)

__k+1 k+1 I \ k+1

£(Ps,h, )£( g22,h,)-£(Pth, )£( g12,h,)

£(g11ihi)£ (g22ihi)-| £ (g12ih,


ef =


2X ( gnAr, ) - RX (

pR 2

X (g11ihr )X (g22iAi ) (g21iA )X (g12 A

k+1 k+1 2X( g11,h, )-X( g12,h, )

X (g11iAi )X (g22ihi )- XX (g12ih,



XM )X( gnM )-X(bh )X( g2


X (g1Hhr )X (g22ihi ) -X (g21ihi )X (g12ihii

)k+1 k+1 k+1 X ( gnh )-X M )X ( g12.h!;

X (g11ihi )X (g22ihi ) - X (g12ihi


In the particular case of an isotropic body with k=1, the formulas for linear deformations (8) acquire the known form [1]:

e s = p-

e t = p-

1 - 2v R

2E h '

2-v R

2E h '

eAr = eAr = a AT,


where E, v, a are the elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and thermal expansion coefficient, respectively.

In the case of an isotropic body, the equality es = 0 holds: under the action of internal pressure, if v=0.5; under the action of temperature, if a = 0.

For the pipe made of two-way reinforced material containing two monolayers, we define the angles ±0*, ensuring es=0. Consider internal pressure loading (temperature load is considered in [15]) on the pipe. In this case, based on (8),

from the condition ef=0 for k=1, it follows that:

g22 - g12 | 2 + R 1 = 0


The coefficients g12 and g22 are determined by the formulas (5):

= g>4 + 2( g^ + 2 g6°6 ) m 2n2 + g >4, = g^ (m4 + n4 ) + (g° + g02 - 4g06 ) m2n\


Substituting relations (11) into equality (10) and introducing a new variable 1= n2, we obtain the algebraic equation of the following form

al2 + b1 + c = 0, where


= 3( 1 + 3R)(g101 + g202 -2g102 -4g66),

- 2 g^1+2R


h V „ 0 L h

3 ^l1 + 3R j + 6 & ^1 + 3R

-g»l1+2R]-^ (1+4R

The solution of the quadratic equation (12) determines the angles ±0*, providing dimensional stability in the s direction.

5. Results of numerical experiment on thermal power loading of versions of multilayer pipe reinforcement schemes

For the sample made of two-way reinforced material based on unidirectional KMU-41 carbon fiber reinforced plastic (Russian Standard GOST 28006-88) with the characteristics: Ei=140.0 GPa, E2=9.8 GPa, G12=6.1 GPa, ai= =-0.24x10-6 K-1, a2=37.0 x10-6 K-1, v12=0.26, inner diameter d=96 mm, wall thickness H=2.4 mm, we obtain 11=0.6255827 and 12=0.0199187. Where 01*=±52016' and 02*=±8°07'.

Thus, under internal pressure loading on the sample, two different winding angles 0*, providing geometrical stability are obtained. Moreover, the angle 01* is quite close to the angle 00=±54°44', corresponding to the equilibrium reinforcement scheme [4].

Fig. 2 shows the graphs of the linear deformations es and et of the sample against the winding angle, constructed by the formulas (8). Graphs in Fig. 2, a correspond to the effect of temperature A7=1 K. The points on the graph are the experimental results [5, 15], averaged in the temperature range of 25^150 °C. Graphs in Fig. 2, b correspond to the action of internal pressure p=1 MPa.

0 15 30 45 60 75


Fig. 2. Change of linear deformations from the winding angle for the carbon fiber reinforced plastic sample: a — temperature loading; b — pressure loading

Table 1 shows the calculated values of the angles 0*, providing the dimensional stability of the sample in the axial direction, under two-component static loading. The combined effect of temperature and internal pressure is taken into account. We state that the calculated angles for various




combinations of loads are located in the interval of ±41°47' and ± 52°16'. The boundaries of the interval are limited by the angles, calculated under the partial action of loads.

Table 1

Angles 0 ensuring axial dimensional stability

Temperature, K Pressure, MPa

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

0 - 52.28 52.28 52.28 52.28 52.28

20 41.78 48.65 50.08 50.70 51.05 51.27

40 41.78 46.89 48.65 49.54 50.08 50.44

60 41.78 45.85 47.64 48.65 49.30 49.76

80 41.78 45.16 46.89 47.94 48.65 49.16

100 41.78 44.67 46.31 47.37 48.11 48.65

We investigate the deformation of the combined multilayer pipe, made by two-way spiral winding of reinforced tape on the mandrel. The mandrel is made of technical titanium VT1-0 with the parameters [16]: £=1.121x105 MPa, a=8.0x10-6 K-1, v=0.32. The tape - from KMU-4l carbon fiber reinforced plastic. The inner diameter of the pipe is d=96 mm, mandrel thickness is h1=0.3 mm, and wall thickness is H=2.4 mm.

Fig. 3 shows the graphs of the linear deformations es and et against the winding angle. Fig. 3, a corresponds to the effect of temperature DT= 1 K, Fig. 3, b - to the action of internal pressure p=1 MPa.

Using the ASCP software package [1] and the finite element [17], we analyze the stress-strain parameters of the pipeline with the flowing fluid. The design scheme of the pipeline is shown in Fig. 4 (dimensions in mm). We consider the mode of undisturbed internal flow. Fluid parameters: p/=1.02 g/cm3, vm=10 m/s, pm=0.898 MPa, DT=100 K. Forces of friction of the liquid against the pipe walls are neglected. Let us compare three versions of structures differing in pipe design. Version I is a single-layer structure made of VT1-0 titanium (inner diameter d=96 mm, wall thickness H=2.4 mm). Version II is a multilayer combined structure made by two-way spiral winding of KMU-4l carbon fiber reinforced plastic on the VT1-0 titanium mandrel (d=96 mm, winding angles 0=±60°, mandrel thickness h1=0.3 mm, wall thickness H=2 4 mm). Version III is a multilayer combined dimensionally stable structure. It differs from version II in winding angles - 0=0*=±12°48'.

Fig. 4. Pipeline design scheme

Table 2 gives estimated displacements, longitudinal forces, maximum values of the bending moments and loads on supports for each version of the structure.

Table 2

Pipeline stress-strain parameters

Version of the structure Displacement p. 3, mm N, kN Mymax, kNm Load on supports 2 and 4

u w Ry(2), kN Rx(i), kN

I 1.036 1.036 4.388 -1.112 4.560 4.560

II 1.870 1.870 6.226 -0.3987 1.594 1.594

III 1x10-4 1x10-4 7.238 -7.102x10-5 2.552x10-4 2.552x10-4



Each of the design versions of the pipeline gives noticeably different values of displacement and support reactions.

6. Discussion of the results of design justification of dimensionally stable structures

The results of numerical simulation (Fig. 2, 3, Tables 1, 2) indicate that the proposed design technique for multilayer composite pipelines allows creating dimensionally stable structures with two-component loading.

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Indeed, from the analysis of the graphs in Fig. 2, it follows that:

- At temperature load, dimensional stability of the sample (thermal stability) is ensured in both axial and

circumferential directions (£fT =0 for 8*=±41°47', £^=0 for 8*=±48°13). In this case, in the region of angles 8<41°47' with increasing temperature, the sample length decreases, and in the region 8>48°13' its diameter decreases.

- Under the internal pressure, dimensional stability of the sample is ensured only in the axial direction. At the same time, in the region of angles 8>± 60°, the circumferential deformations are rather small.

a b

Fig. 3. Change of linear deformations from the winding angle for the combined sample: a — temperature loading; b — pressure loading

From the graphs in Fig. 3 it can be seen that the winding angles corresponding to es=0 are: under the action of temperature 0*1=±12°46' and 0*2=±35°58', under the action of internal pressure - 0*1=±12°53' and 0*2=±50°34'. Note, in the region of 0*1<0<0*2, the internal pressure causes a decrease in the pipe length.

Analysis of the results of the computational experiment on modeling the stress-strain state of the pipeline with the flowing fluid showed the following. For version III of the pipeline, the estimated displacements, bending moments and loads on the supports are practically zero. Obviously, the use of dimensionally stable multilayer pipes eliminates axial deformations. As a result, the forces and stresses in the pipes associated with the bending deformations disappear, the supporting structure is unloaded.

Single-layer metal and combined pipes from carbon fiber reinforced plastic are in tension. Moreover, the tensile force in the pipe with a dimensionally stable structure (version III) is equal to the compressive force in the channel, i. e., N»P, where P=pA0=7.238 kN. Here A0 is the area of the pipe opening. In this case, the expansion loads from the pipe are not transferred to the fittings.

Of course, this method of compensation of deformations has some limitations:

- According to the used hypotheses of the theory of thin shells, the normal stresses in the direction of the normal are considered to be zero. Only interlayer shear stresses are taken into account. In this, connections between the individual layers, as well as the connections between the fibers and the binder, are assumed to be ideal. In a real structure, this circumstance may require additional technological or design solutions to ensure joint deformation of the multilayer wall and exclude delamination.

- The problem considers the pipeline as an engineering object with low thermal conductivity. A homogeneous temperature field is assumed, that is, the same temperature is obtained in all layers. In real structures, when filling the pipeline, a temperature gradient and thermal shocks are obtained. But due to the small wall thickness of the pipeline and slow filling (quasi-static process), we can assume that the temperature field is aligned in thickness, and in the first approximation it can be considered as homogeneous.

- Internal pressure is considered as an action of a stationary internal fluid flow. In actual pipeline designs, hydraulic shocks and vibrations may occur during operation. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse all compensators, but their number can be reduced.

- The physicomechanical properties of materials vary with temperature. Therefore, the proposed pipeline designs will have dimensionally stable properties within the preservation of the properties of materials. For other temperature ranges, there will be other layer packages and reinforcement schemes.

Note, dimensionally stable multilayer pipes from FRC open up new approaches to the design of pipelines and pressure vessels. There are opportunities to create structures

with preassigned (not necessarily zero) displacement fields [18]. The coordination of these fields with the fields of the initial technological displacements, as well as with the displacements of the coupled elastic elements and equipment when the operation mode changes. The scope of such structures is not limited to "hot" pipes. The results can be used in cryogenic engineering. Thus, such structures can be used in products of aviation and rocket-space technology, oil and gas industry, that is, in structures where the operation of pipelines is characterized by an increased level of tension with stringent requirements to overall and mass characteristics.

7. Conclusions

1. The obtained calculated relations for linear deformations of multilayer cylindrical shells under separate and combined temperature and internal pressure loading allow estimating the influence of winding angles and package parameters on the values of elastic deformations. Analysis of dependencies and strain values revealed the package structures, reinforcement schemes and package parameters that ensure the geometric stability of the pipeline in the axial direction under two-component static loading.

The presented structures were obtained on the basis of technical VT1-0 titanium and KMU-4l carbon fiber reinforced plastic. However, this is not the only combination of materials. Structures composed of stainless steels, niobium, organoplastic, and other materials have similar properties (dimensional stability).

2. The study of two-way reinforced and combined multilayer pipes, made by winding of reinforced tape on a thin-walled metal mandrel, allowed obtaining the dependences of the elastic strains on the reinforcement parameters. The possibility of self-compensation of axial deformations both under separate action of temperature and internal pressure, as well as with their combined action is demonstrated.

3. The calculated substantiation of the obtained dimen-sionally stable structures of multilayer cylindrical shells was performed. Using the example of the pipeline with the flowing fluid, the advantages of dimensionally stable structures are demonstrated. Thermal power loading of several versions of reinforcement schemes showed: the use of dimensionally stable multilayer pipes eliminates axial deformations. As a result, the forces and stresses in the pipes associated with the bending deformations disappear, the supporting structure is unloaded.


The work was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, RFMEFI577170254 project "Intraoperative navigation system with support of augmented reality technology based on virtual 3D models of organs obtained by CT diagnosis for minimally invasive surgeries".


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