Digital systems have the potential to revolutionize education by providing new opportunities for learning, engagement, and personalization. However, it is crucial to address the challenges and considerations associated with their implementation. By adopting a responsible and ethical approach, educators and policymakers can harness the power of digital technology to create more equitable, effective, and engaging learning experiences. References:
1. ChatGPT is going to change education, not destroy it". MIT Technology.
2. Bailey, John (2023-08-08). "AI in Education".
© Annayev B., Sarybekova L., Durdyyeva G., Aydogdyyeva B., 2024
УДК 37
Bashimov M.,
Rector of Naval Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan.
Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan.
A setting of the laser system of remote control of nitrogen oxides and sulfur contained in the composition of the exhaust gases of ship diesel and boiler equipment, and their monitoring in the atmosphere adjacent to the places of accumulation of vessels.
Key words:
sea transport, monitoring, goods safe, natural resources, ship diesel engines, the protective forces of nature, neutralization, recreational and rehabilitation abilities, the emissions of polluting substances.
Башимов М.,
Ректор Военно-морского института Министерства обороны Туркменистана.
Туркменбаши, Туркменистан.
Предложена комплектация лазерной система дистанционного контроля оксидов азота и серы, содержащихся в составе отработавших газов судовых дизельных и котельных установок, и их мониторинга в атмосфере, прилегающей к местам скопления судов.
Ключевые слова:
морском транспортe, мониторинга, грузов безопасными, природных ресурсов, судовые дизели, защитные силы природы, нейтрализационные, рекреационные и реабилитационные способности,
рассматриваемых загрязняющих веществ.
The relevance of the problem. Currently, it is the transport that combines almost all sectors of the
economy into complexes, ensuring not only the normal life of the state, but also its national security and integrity. In recent years, the market of transport services has been formed in sea transport, the legislative and regulatory framework, management system have changed. The Marine Fleet of Russia during the period of economic reforms integrates into the global shipping community and operates largely according to its rules. Independent ship owners of Russia control more than 1,200 vessels with a total deadweight of 13 million tons. The fleet provides annually for the export of services worth more than 2 billion US dollars. According to medium-term forecasts, the demand for transport services increases every 5 years by 18-20 %. One of the current tasks of our time is to make transportation of people and goods safe and cause minimum harm to the environment. The modern approach of the world community to the sustainable development of transport, including the transport fleet and coastal infrastructure, is based on the priority of security, including environmental and rational use of natural resources. Currently, one cannot hope for the protective forces of nature, its neutralization, recreational and rehabilitation abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research in the field of environmental safety in transport, develop and implement environmental programs. Despite the fact that the deposit of the SEU to the global pollution of the air basin in all countries is estimated at 2 to 3 % of the total number of hazardous substances thrown out by all sources, in places of intensive shipping and clustering vessels - spills, channels, etc. Ship diesel engines and Boilers become powerful sources of local and regional atmospheric pollution. The specified requires the development of a system for monitoring the emissions of the considered pollutants into the atmosphere with the exhaust gases (OG) of ship diesel engines and boilers. Object of study: ship diesel and boiler equipment. The subject of the study: the system and method of monitoring emissions of nitrogen oxides and oxides sulfur with the exhaust gases of diesel and boiler equipment of the vessels, as well as the assessment of the current and predicted contribution to the change in the quality of the environment in the places of accumulation of vessels. The aim of the study is to develop the method of monitoring emissions of pollutants with exhaust gases of diesel and boiler equipment of ships, assessing the current and predicting possible changes in the quality of the environment in places of accumulation of vessels. A setting of the laser system of remote control of nitrogen oxides and sulfur contained in the composition of the exhaust gases of ship diesel and boiler equipment, and their monitoring in the atmosphere adjacent to the places of accumulation of vessels. To manage and transfer information flows to the system control center, it is proposed to use Internet channels, as well as a database management system based on MySQL.
Using a systematic approach based on the theory of oriented graphs, as well as the method of expert assessments, a logical and graphic model is proposed to obtain quantitative data on the influence of emissions of pollutants from ship diesel and boiler equipment to the reaction of the ecological system under consideration.
Using the idea of the impulse process, an assessment of the atmosphere predicted for five years in the places of accumulation of vessels, taking into account the emissions of polluting substances, was made, their diesel and boiler equipment.
The novelty of the scientific research is:
- in the development of a reasonable technique based on the use of expert assessments, which made it possible to fulfill the reasonable choice of means and methods for monitoring the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide as part of the exhaust gases of ship boilers and diesel engines and the surrounding air basin in places of accumulation of vessels;
- in the reasonable configuration of the laser monitoring system and determining the optimal modes and parameters of its operation in the process of remote measurement of concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide products in the combustion products of ship boilers and diesel engines, confirmed by experimentally found values of constant studied molecules and calculations based on laser probe equations;
- in the development of a control system for pollution adjacent atmospheric vessels using the proposed information modules for processing and storage of data obtained by the use of laser systems for probing nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from gases of ship boilers and diesel engines;
- in the new logical and graphic model, which allows you to obtain quantitative data and predict the impact of emissions of the pollutants of the SEU on the state of the environment, built on the basis of a systematic approach and theory of oriented graphs. The practical significance of the dissertation is to obtain experienced results that contribute to the important task of monitoring the emissions of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur diesel engines and boilers, monitoring the air basin pollution with these gases of ship diesel engines and boilers, which can be used by the administrations of marine ports operating, operating on the creation and implementation of new remote monitoring systems, ship owners operating ships of the sea, river, fishing fleets, design scientific organizations.
1. Туркин A.B. Экологический мониторинг припортовых акваторий и воздушного бассейна на основе системы управления базой данных My SQL // Речной транспорт (XXI век). 2009. № 6. С. 84 - 85 (№ 70787 по ВАК 2008 г.).
2. Туркин А.В., Модина М.А., Туркин В. А. Моделирование процесса снижения загрязнения атмосферы выбросами от судовых энергетических установок//Речной транспорт (XXI век). 2010. №3. С. 72 - 73 (№ 1499 по ВАК 2010 г.).
3. Туркин A.B. Системный анализ и моделирование загрязнения воздушного бассейна морского порта выбросами от судовых энергетических установок // Эксплуатация морского транспорта. 2010. № 4. С. 21 -25 (№ 1951 по перечню ВАК 2010 г.).
4. Дьяченко В.В., Шеманин А.Г. 50 лет лазерной эры: лидары для мониторинга атмосферы // Безопасность в техно сфере. 2010.—№ 6. - С. 8 - 15.
© Bashimov M., 2024
УДК 37
Topbyyeva G.,
Instructor of Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Annayeva A.,
Student of Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
In Magtymguly Pyragy's time, knowing his country and the countries of the world must have required a lot of reading. It must be known to everyone that in the era of low communication means and no internet, one can learn so much information only from books.
Magtymguly Pyragy, his literacy, great poet, his poems.
Today, the poems of our great poet are analyzed and studied in various ways. Any question you ask Magtymguly Pyragy can be answered. When we read the poems of the poet, we find that he read and assimilated a lot of books written in the centuries before his century. It is clear that the vision of our word master, who was a training school for other poets who lived in the 18th century, is higher than theirs when we look at the