Научная статья на тему 'Development and implementation of measures to improve environmental situation within Magnitogorsk industrial hub'

Development and implementation of measures to improve environmental situation within Magnitogorsk industrial hub Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Drobny Oleg Fedorovich, Cherchintsev Veacheslav Dmitrievich

The article presents the results of implementation of long-term environmental program at OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works», which includes measures aimed at reducing harmful environment impact of metallurgical production thus improving the production efficiency and ecological characteristics.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development and implementation of measures to improve environmental situation within Magnitogorsk industrial hub»

DUC calculation data

Pass design DUC

Rhomboidity, mm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30

Alignment of planes of big and small diagonals of billet and diamond pass

With hold-down 0.123 0.121 0.120 0.118 0.116 0.114 0.113 0.112 0.110 0.109 0.107 0.099 0.091 0.083 0.075

Old 0.115 0.114 0.113 0.111 0.109 0.107 0.106 0.104 0.103 0.102 0.100 0.092 0.084 0.076 0.069

Modified 0.141 0.139 0.138 0.136 0.134 0.132 0.131 0.129 0.127 0.126 0.124 0.116 0.107 0.099 0.091

Misalignment of planes of big and small diagonals of billet and diamond pass

With hold-down 0.123 0.124 0.125 0.127 0.129 0.131 0.132 0.134 0.135 0.136 0.138 0.146 0.154 0.162 0.169

Old 0.115 0.117 0.118 0.120 0.122 0.124 0.125 0.126 0.128 0.129 0.131 0.139 0.147 0.155 0.163

Modified 0.141 0.143 0.144 0.146 0.148 0.149 0.151 0.152 0.154 0.156 0.157 0.166 0.174 0.182 0.191


Targeted application of new, simple, and effective models and methods enables to find and use various technological reserves in rolling processes.


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Drobny O.F., Cherchintsev V.D.


Abstract. The article presents the results of implementation of long-term environmental program at OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works», which includes measures aimed at reducing harmful environment impact of metallurgical production thus improving the production efficiency and ecological characteristics.

Keywords: environmental, environmental protection, pollutants, industrial wastes, ecological characteristics.

The program of technological, technical, organiza- technological processes with environmental protection

tional and socio-economic activities as the basis of envi- installations based on the best available technologies and

ronmental policy at OJSC «MMK» (Magnitogorsk Iron removing obsolete facilities.

and Steel Works) has been developed and now is being The implementation of the technical revamping pro-

successfully implemented complying with the Russian gram has radically changed not only the manufacturing Federation state policy in the field of environment pro- structure at OJSC «MMK» but considerably reduced the tection. environment impact. In 2012 the overall discharge of pol-

The OJSC «MMK» strategy, aimed at negative envi- lutants into the atmosphere was reduced by 3.7 and the

ronmental impact minimizing, consists in using creative emissivity by 3.5 times as compared with 1989.

Today the environmental complex of OJSC «MMK» includes 445 gas purification units of different capacity, 43 local circulating water systems and 32 water purification installations, as well as 6 complexes for metallurgical slag processing. Over the last 10 years practically all environmental facilities were reconstructed or repaired.

Over the last 5 years capital expenditures for the reconstruction of existing and the construction of new environmental facilities accounted for $250 million. The company annually spends more than $500 million to maintain environmental facilities.

The long-term environmental program up to 2015 has been adopted and is being implemented at OJSC «MMK». The program includes measures aimed at reducing harmful environment impact of metallurgic production, improving production efficiency and ecological characteristics. This program provides to spend more than 4 billion dollars for the construction of new and the reconstruction of existing environmental facilities during the period of 2013-2015.

The problems of planning environmental protection activities are becoming principal taking into account that the implementation of environmental protection program requires substantial resources. The program includes a number of factors and faces great difficulties typical for work organization at any operating enterprise. It is necessary to have a methodology which defines the priorities, considering all factors and characteristics of the enterprise to improve environmental protection efficiency.

Since the atmospheric air pollution control is the principle environmental protection activity at OJSC «MMK», the company has developed and used «Methods of specifying prevalent pollutants in the air basin and the development of discharge technique of the dust collection system at metallurgical enterprises with complete production cycle» [1]. For the effective environment planning and management, the air pollution impact of any enterprise with complete production cycle can be defined by comparing the indices of environment threat of the production «Jetpj», which are calculated according to the following formula:


t =—etPL






where K is the indicator of the environmental threat of the jth production.

The environment threat index of any production impact can be defined by the following formula:

K«L =E





Mpl J

ing 20 minute interval) of the pollutant «i», being discharged by the production «j» in a set point (located in a residential area in a close vicinity to the production «j»), mg/m3; TLV mpi is a maximum threshold limit value of the component «i», mg/m3; ai is a coefficient, depending on the class of danger of the component «i».

To determine the value «Ci» in the formula (2), we’ll use OND-86 recommendations [2].

Surface concentration of the pollutant «i» in a set point at a given wind speed and direction, discharged by all production sources is defined by the following formula:

c =S c.


here c, is the surface concentration of the pollutant discharged from any pollutant emitter «,» (a compound of the production «j») in a set point at designed wind speed and direction, mg/m3; N is the number of pollutant emitters belonging to the production «j», number of items.

All pollutant emitters at OJSC «MMK» are point, excluded aeration lanterns and outdoor raw material storages. Aeration lanterns and outdoor storages at OJSC «MMK» are linear sources.

For the calculation of surface concentrations of linear sources, they are presented as a group of identical equidistant point sources.

Surface concentration of the pollutant from the emitter «n» in a set point at the designed wind speed and direction is calculated by the following formula:

C = s, s • r • C ,

n 12 m~


where clmax is maximum surface concentration (averag-

where s1 is a nondimensional coefficient, evaluated according to the distance along the pollution plume axis, between the pollutant emitter and a set point; s2 is a non-dimensional coefficient evaluated according to the vertical distance between a set point and the pollution plume axis; r is a nondimensional coefficient evaluated according to the wind speed; cm is the maximum pollution surface concentration from the pollutant emitter (a compound of the production «j»), mg/m3.

The calculation of the maximum surface concentration of the pollutant from a point source is calculated by conventional methods.

The outskirt of the village «Bruskovy», located in a residential area, is accepted as the nominal reference point. Calculation results of the primary production impact on the integral value of the environment threat index are given in the Table.

Whenever choosing dust collection systems at metallurgical enterprises exposed to full or partial revamping, the difficulties arise from the lack of free space sufficient for the installation of large-size dust collection equipment of high-efficiency, devices and facilities for collected dust recycling.



Calculation of the basik production of JSC «MMK» in the integral index of environmental hazards

Production Name (Designation) Maximum nominal concentration, mg/m3 Production Impact Level in the Test Point

dust nitrogen dioxide carbon oxide sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxide phenol K aonj J aonj

Sinter Production 0,31 0,02 1,467 0,9 0,004 2,86 35,6

Coke industry 0,068 0,025 0,838 0,02 0 0,016 2,34 29,2

Blast-Furnace Process 0,464 0,024 0,99 0,068 0,009 1,44 17,9

Electric Steelmaking Plant 0,062 0,019 0,071 0,004 0,005 0,26 -

Oxygen-Converter Plant 0,113 0,005 0,025 0,003 0,002 0,27 -

Total: Steelmaking Industry 0,53 6,6

Thermal Power Station 0,061 0,029 0,003 0,004 0,01 0,30 -

Central Power Station 0 0,043 0,002 0 0,016 0,26 -

Steam-Air Power Station 0 0,015 0,01 0,014 0,006 0,12 -

Total: Power Generation 0,68 8,5

Rolling. (Sheet Rolling Mill-3, Sheet Rolling Mill-4, Sheet Rolling Mill-5) 0 0,013 0,09 0,006 0,005 0,12 -

Rolling. (Finishing Plant, Sheet Rolling Mill-8) 0,001 0,003 0,003 0,002 0,001 0,02 -

Sheet Rolling Mill-10 0,001 0,007 0 0 0,002 0,04 -

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Total: Rolling 0,18 2,2

Maximum threshold limit value (TLV) 0,5 0,2 5 0,5 0,4 0,01

If we take economic efficiency of a dust collection system as an integral test provided that it achieves maximum permissible emission values MPE as its minimum limit for the given pollutant emitter, it’s reasonable to use the following estimating characteristics: efficiency of selected systems, the technical efficiency of dust collection, capital and maintenance cost, system capability by the volume of treated gases, specific energy source consumption per unit volume of treated gases, revenue from sales of the collected dust or the cost of its ground disposal and pay decrease for pollutant discharge into the atmosphere.

In this case, the economic efficiency of the dust collection system 3^ can be calculated by the following formula [3]:

£ [ F (P,n-fi„ )]-*, (q )-K«,

3t = ----------------------K----------------------, (5)

where Fr (Pin-Pik) is revenue from sales of utilized materials and pay decrease for pollutant discharge per year;Or (qk) is full costs for the system maintenance for a year; APr is profit reduction in production work per year; ar is a coefficient of diverse cost averaging; K is capital expenditures (cost of essential and auxiliary dust collection equipment, assembling and start-up costs of a dust collection system); Pin-Pik are concentrations of the element «i» per unit of original and treated gas; qk is consumption of every resource.

At the final stage of evaluation of dust collection alternatives it is reasonable to estimate the efficiency «3k» of any of them by the following formula:

=-^-----------^---------, (6)

p IЦJ -toj

A +lL^-----------

k=1 V

where Cl is specific environmental damage owing to the pollutant «i» discharge into atmosphere; yl is relative atmospheric pollution threat with the substance «i»; Цk is every resource price; Arj, Uj are additional expenditures per unit of resources used in the production process and their cost; V is a volume of gas emission per unit of output.

To make a final choice of the dust collection system it is necessary to take into account the possibility of further dust reduction of treated gases due to improvement of design and technological parameters of the system equipment, maintaining its steady operation in changing operational mode and parameters of the main production process as well as the possibilities and sufficiency of the system application for recycling and recovery of treated gases. Special attention should be paid to recovery and recycling of collected dust at steel mills of complete production cycle.

The developed technology makes it possible to evaluate both ecological-and-economic effectiveness of equipment and dust collecting units of gas cleaning systems to make a proper choice and to estimate ecological-and-economic effectiveness of environmental measures including recovery and disposal of collected products.

The environmental measures taken over the last 5 years resulted in gross emission reduction by 10800 tons (by 5%) and totaled 220200 tons in 2012 and specific wastes decreased by 11% (to 18.57 kg per ton of finished product).

In Fig. 1 one can see that since 2009 there is a steady allurgical slag doubled over the last 5 years and reached

trend to reduction of polluting substances emission into 11.5 million tons a year.

Special attention is paid at OJSC «MMK» to the complex recycling of industrial wastes so that they might be used in the manufacturing processes as well as to the quarry reclamation of the Magnitna-ya Mountain which is proved by the data given in Fig. 3.

Actual expenditures on the Ecological Program of the OJSC «MMK» in 2012 reached $38 million (including $34 million invested in capital development).

OJSC «MMK» plans to hold 44 events in 2013 within the framework of the Ecological Program.

Implementation of this program will provide sustainable development of OJSC «MMK» and create favourable economic environment for the South Ural in general.

The strategy of water resources protection is aimed at the maximum application of recycled water for process water supply. The share of recycled water supply at OJSC «MMK» has been maintained at the level of 96% for 5 years already.

Water-protective measures within the framework of the Ecological Program made it possible to reduce waste water discharge into water bodies by 42050 tons (27%) to 113800 tons, specific discharges of polluting substances per 1 ton of finished product decreased by 28.6% compared with 2011 and totaled to 10.32 kg/ton (Fig. 2).

OJSC «MMK» pays great attention to industrial waste recycling and control. Some 2.9 million tons of wastes were used as raw material in 2012, which is twice as much as in 2008.

The volume of recycled current and dump met- Fig. 2. Change of polluting substances discharge into water bodies

■quantity discharge B generally discharge

the environment at OJSC «MMK».

quantity emissions generally emissions

Fig. 1. Emission of polluting substances into the atmosphere from 2008 to 2012

Fig. 3. Change of waste utilization


1. Drobny O.F., Cherchintsev V.D. The specification of prevalent pollutants in the air basin at metallurgical enterprises with complete production cycle. Teoriya i tekhnologiya metallurgicheskogo proizvodstva. [Theory and technology of metallurgical production. Collected scientific papers]. Magni-

togorsk, 2003, vol. 3, pp. 216-223.

2. Estimation method of hazardous substances content in the atmosphere resulting from industrial wastes emission. All-Union regulatory document OND-86. Goskongidromet. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1987, 92 p.

3. Glukhov V.V., Nekrasova T.P. Economical fundamentals of ecology. S-Petersburg: Special literature, 1997, 304 p.

Kolga M., De Smedt V., Van Nerom L.


Abstract. Metallurgy is known as one of the most challenging areas for planning. Planning systems for metallurgical production are meant to solve a wide range of problems: from day-to-day scheduling at the workshop level to the development of the company strategy for years ahead.

Each level of planning presents specific tasks, degree of abstraction and planning horizon. The modules of the planning system are responsible to find the optimal solution at each level.

A properly selected, installed and operated planning system helps to improve control over production processes and increase the profitability of the company.

Keywords: planning system, production plan, planning horizon, scheduling, material flow, bottlenecks management, strategy plan.


In terms of industry, planning serves as the bridge between product design, production capacity and the actual production. Traditionally, planning tasks were performed manually, based on the experience of the specialists. Planning systems were designed to integrate, standardize, streamline and improve company planning, reporting and operational control capabilities.

Although the purposes and principles of the planning are generally the same, these systems vary from industry to industry and from company to company. The more complex the manufacturing, the more sophisticated planning system is required.

Metallurgy is known as one of the most challenging areas for planning. Such complexity of metallurgical production can largely be attributed to the factors as [2]:

• wide range of products (thousands of items)

• variety of routings (alternative routes between lines)

• multiple operating modes of the lines

• complex rules and constraints at the lines

• make-to-stock production and allocation of materials from the stock yard

• the capacity required is difficult to predict (since it depends on the particular mix of products)

• work-in-progress inventory is often large

• throughput times are generally long

• complex and strict quality requirements

• extremely high «cost» of the downtimes

• realtime (or «near-realtime») data exchange with the production level

• etc.

The aim of this article is to give an overview of the basic tasks which planning systems face at different levels of metallurgical production, and to present successful approaches to the problem. The latter is best done by way of example.

PSI Metals GmbH is one of the leading international companies providing IT solutions for the metals industry [1]. Planning system of PSI Metals presents a group of products which are meant to solve planning tasks at different levels.

Levels of Planning

Each level of planning varies in purpose, time span, and degree of abstraction.

At the basic workshop level, the aim of planning is optimal schedules of the production lines. The level of detail is very high; the planning horizon lies in the shortterm. Given a big variety of specific rules and constraints, which are never completely independent, the conflicts are inevitable and a compromise is not easy to find.

Optimization models implemented in PSI Metals scheduling tools are based on tried-and-tested algorithms, which use the customer’s priorities to range the goals and ensure the most preferable of feasible results.

Depending on the line type, the set of rules can vary greatly. For example, when talking on the continuous casting machine, one has to take into account fixed ladle batch sizes, acceptable steel grade transitions and steel grade nesting, variable geometry of the output products (slabs or billets), tundish wear and molds changes with the related stops, as well as many other factors. In case of the hot strip mill, the focus shifts to the problems like furnace-charge, width / thickness profile, run up, specific rolling rules («coffin rule»), stops for equipment readjustments and rolls changes, stockpiling, etc.

Thus, each production case requires individual approach; and this means one more challenge for planning systems - they must be «tailorable». The planning solution of PSI Metals meets this challenge due to the modular structure: a set of line-specific modules delivers the optimal results to the upper level of planning, where they are integrated and can be analyzed in the context.

The context of the higher level implies a full scope of the production lines available. The objective of the planning system is well-balanced load of the equipment with

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