Научная статья на тему 'Development and growth of different varieties of cotton, yields in the region "bukhаrа-102"'

Development and growth of different varieties of cotton, yields in the region "bukhаrа-102" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Abdalova Guliston Nuranovna, Eshonqulov Jamoliddin Saporboy O'G'Li, Tuhtamishev Mansur Akrom O'G'Li, Umarova Dildora Husnutdinovna

This article discusses the development and growth of different varieties of cotton, yields in the region "Bukhara-102". Development and implementation of the AIC system based on the existing natural, soil, ameliorative and hydrogeological conditions. The most important and important factor in our perception is the need for soil, the condition of plants, which is understood by experts in all fields. Based on the above, it is necessary to study the norms of S-6524 (default), Bukhara-102, water supply norms (NPC) and irrigation procedures on typical coarse soils that occupy a certain part of the country's soil. This is one of the problems.

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В данной статье рассматривается развитие и рост разных сортов хлопка, урожайности в регионе "Бухара-102". Разработка и внедрение системы АПК на основе существующих природных, почвенных, мелиоративных и гидрогеологических условий. Самым важным фактором в нашем восприятии является потребность в почве, состояние растений, что понимают специалисты во всех областях. Исходя из вышеизложенного, необходимо изучить нормы S-6524 (по умолчанию), Бухара-102, нормы водного питания (NPC) и процедуры полива на типичных грубых почвах, которые занимают определенный участок почвы страны. Это одна из проблем.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development and growth of different varieties of cotton, yields in the region "bukhаrа-102"»


DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF COTTON, YIELDS IN THE REGION "BUKHАRА-102" Abdalova G.N.1, Eshonqulov J.S.2, Tuhtamishev M.A.3, Umarova D.H.4 Email: [email protected]

1Abdalova Guliston Nuranovna - Teacher; 2Eshonqulov Jamoliddin Saporboy o 'g 'li - Teacher; 3Tuhtamishev Mansur Akrom o 'g 'li - Teacher; 4Umarova Dildora Husnutdinovna - Teacher, DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE AND LAND RECLAMATION, TASHKENT STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY; TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: this article discusses the development and growth of different varieties of cotton, yields in the region "Bukhara-102". Development and implementation of the AIC system based on the existing natural, soil, ameliorative and hydrogeological conditions. The most important and important factor in our perception is the need for soil, the condition ofplants, which is understood by experts in all fields. Based on the above, it is necessary to study the norms of S-6524 (default), Bukhara-102, water supply norms (NPC) and irrigation procedures on typical coarse soils that occupy a certain part of the country's soil. This is one of the problems.

Keywords: cotton, harvest, Bukhara, variety, agriculture.


Умарова Д.Х.4

1 Абдалова Гулистон Нурановна - преподаватель; 2Эшонкулов Жамолиддин Сапорбой угли - преподаватель; 3Тухтамишев Мансур Акром угли - преподаватель; 4Умарова Дилдора Хуснутдиновна - преподаватель, кафедра сельского хозяйства и мелиорации, Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается развитие и рост разных сортов хлопка, урожайности в регионе "Бухара-102 ". Разработка и внедрение системы АПК на основе существующих природных, почвенных, мелиоративных и гидрогеологических условий. Самым важным фактором в нашем восприятии является потребность в почве, состояние растений, что понимают специалисты во всех областях. Исходя из вышеизложенного, необходимо изучить нормы S-6524 (по умолчанию), Бухара-102, нормы водного питания (NPC) и процедуры полива на типичных грубых почвах, которые занимают определенный участок почвы страны. Это одна из проблем.

Ключевые слова: хлопок, урожай, Бухара, сорт, сельское хозяйство.

УДК 631.8

One of the priorities of the Uzbek cotton industry is to increase its competitiveness in the regional and world market through the production of promising varieties of cotton, increasing its competitiveness in the world market and the development of high-quality

fiber, the Cabinet of Ministers, the main directions of government reform include promising new fiber I, the Creation of medium-thin fiber varieties III, IV and B-forms, their content in the territories of regions, regions, districts, as well as farms and development of complexes, due to the introduction of a new quality of imported cotton, reduce total price [1].

Water quality standards (NPC) are the main criteria for determining the intensity, growth, development, harvest, quality of cotton fiber, the efficiency of fertilizer application in water and the efficiency of fertilizer application through water using high-quality yields of medium-thin grades of fibrous cotton through improved irrigation procedures. To reduce water consumption for cotton crops, the optimal planting thickness of each hectare is based on soil types, groundwater levels depending on regions, regions, provinces, districts, farmers. requires training; Dependence on the genetic and physiological characteristics of cotton varieties and non-compliance with the above-mentioned optimistic principles, which have a negative impact on the yield of new varieties, promising seed varieties that give high-quality yields, studied by many experts, scientists, varieties, Maintenance of new varieties. Development and implementation of agro-industrial complex system based on existing natural, soil, reclamation and hydrogeological conditions. The most important and important factor in our perception is the need for soil, the condition of plants, which is understood by experts in all fields. Based on the above, it is essential to study the norms S-6524 (default), Bukhara-102, water nutrition norms (NPC) and irrigation procedures in typical rough soils that occupy a certain area of the country's soil. that's one of the problems.

The aim of this study was to study variations of cotton seeds in S-6524 (default), in cotton seeds of IV-V type "Bukhara-102" on typical gray soils, as well as in the thickness of water fertilizer seedlings (NPK) [2]. C) in the study of the norms and rules of irrigation systems, growth and development of different varieties of cotton, yield. (Table 1.)

Table 1. Experimental system

options № Varieties of cotton Pre-soil irrigation humidity in% to ChDNS Measurement of fertilizers, kg / ha


1 C- 6524 ( control) 70-70-65% 200 140 100

2 Bukhara-102 65-65-65% 180 130 90

3 Bukhara-102 220 160 110

4 Bukhara-102 70-70-65% 180 130 90

5 Bukhara-102 220 160 110

6 Bukhara-102 75-75-65% 180 130 90

7 Bukhara-102 220 160 110

The experiment was divided into 7 variants, 4 repetitions, one half. Each line has a width of 8 rows - 4.8 m, a width of 60 cm, an area of 384 sq. M, including an area of 192 sq. M, 4 rows with a width of 2.4 meters and a length of 100 meters.

Varieties of experimental varieties were determined in the system 60h15h1-2, the number of theoretical seedlings is 80-100 thousand Tup / ha.

Field practice S6524 (control), Bukhara-102, cotton varieties in a single system, where soil moisture is 65-65-65%, 70-70-65%, 75-75-65% humidity and two types of fertilizers; H-180-220, P-130-160, K-90-110 kg / ha. As control was used S6524 option, the option 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, breed Bukhara. (Table 2).

Time of mineral fertilizers Options

1 (control) 2,4,6 3,5,7


Terms of delivery of mineral fertilizers - 75 50 - 75 4 5 - 90 55

Together with planting 30 20 - 30 20 - 30 20 -

When the 3-4 inches come out 50 - - 50 - - 50 - -

When the alignment starts 70 - 50 50 - 4 5 70 - 55

When flowering begins 60 45 - 50 35 70 40 -

Annual amount 200 140 100 180 130 9 0 220 160 110

The following types of fertilizers were used: ammonium nitrate (N-34.0%), ammophos

(N-12%, R2O5 -46%) and potassium chlorine (K2O-56%). Annual standards for nitrogen

fertilizers were used based on the content of nitrogen in monoammonium phosphate.

References / Список литературы

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2. Avliyoqulov A.E. Cotton growing countries of the world // RSE "Agro-info" HJ, 02.42.98. Tashkent, 1998. B. 1-6.

3. Belousov M.A. Irrigation, mineral fertilizers and harvest / / Dekhkan journal. M., 1974. Issue. 6. P. 64-68.

4. Re S.H., Saidmuradova М. "Janowskie" water-nutrient rules and the order of irrigation in the cotton fields in Tashkent region. // Scientific basis of cotton growing and farm development: collection of articles on the basis of international scientific conferences. Tashkent, 2006. B. 295-296.

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