DEVELOPING A PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN IN IRAQ USING BIM TECHNOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Project management plan / BIM-technology / План управления проектом / BIM-технология

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — S.G.H. Alamedy

Utilizing technical innovations in construction has grown crucial in recent years. BIM technology has the benefit of managing the quality of construction and is crucial to the building industry. The school complex implemented by the Al-khikani firm in Iraq was selected to develop a BIM-based project management plan. The expected outcomes of this study can be used for future projects of a similar nature because the program established during this investigation reduces implementation defects.

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В последние годы из-за многих проблем строительства использование современных инженерных технологий, в частности BIM-технологий, стало чрезвычайно важным. Технология BIM является развивающейся наукой, которая имеет преимущества для контроля качества строительства, а также играет решающую роль в строительстве зданий. Для достижения этой цели было выбрано здание школы, реализованный компанией «Аль-хикани» в Ираке. В статье рассмотрены усовершенствования традиционных методов управления качеством строительных проектов, а также ограничений приложений управления качеством строительства. Полученные результаты этого исследования могут быть использованы для проектирования последующих строительных объектов, поскольку план, разработанный в ходе этого исследования с помощью BIM-Технологии помогает уменьшить дефекты при их реализации.


W 692.115

doi: 10.55287/22275398_2023_2_5


S. G. H. Alamedy

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow


Utilizing technical innovations in construction has grown crucial in recent years. BIM technology has the benefit of managing the quality of construction and is crucial to the building industry. The school complex implemented by the Al-khikani firm in Iraq was selected to develop a BIM-based project management plan. The expected outcomes of this study can be used for future projects of a similar nature because the program established during this investigation reduces implementation defects.

The Keywords

Project management plan, BIM-technology.

Date of receipt in edition


Date of acceptance for printing



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According to the National Institute of Building Sciences in the United States, BIM is the application of cutting- j

edge digital technology to create a computable illustration of all the functional and physical features of a facility c

and its related project/lifecycle information, and it is meant to be a centralized repository for the construction 3

shareholder to use and establish throughout the life cycle of a facility [1 - 4]. Building in Iraq has become far more challenging due to the increased complexity of construction project plans and documentation^ - 6]. In Iraq, the building sector continues to suffer from a shortage of specialists and skilled professionals who can effectively use cutting-edge tools and methods. Consequently, this will negatively impact the job's pace, resulting in construction delays and higher construction expenses [7]. BIM technology has many benefits. As seen by the implementation of sports cities in Basra and Al Minna stadiums, it faces several obstacles. All of these initiatives were supported

individuals lack the necessary expertise to oversee building projects.




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by the Iraqi government and aimed to improve the quality of construction projects via BIM modeling. Two ^

projects in Basra have been done utilizing BIM technology [8]. In general, BIM technology aids project managers c


and planners in regulating the cost and duration of a construction project, as well as enhancing the quality of the £

project model during the early stages of the project's existence [9 - 10]. Al-Zwainy [11] conducted a study that tj


found that 92% of Iraqi enterprises use site engineers without professional certifications, indicating that these >- "JJ

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Materials and methods

The school chosen as a case study in this investigation, Ishiq School, comprises two buildings, a ground floor, and two repeaters. As seen in Figure 1, the school has 38 classrooms, staff offices, a cafeteria, a prayer room, and activity areas.

d Design Model Analatical Model

Fig. 1. Analytical and design model of BIM for management

BIM development stages

The five levels of BIM are numbered 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. In accordance with the implemented figures 2 - 6, stage 100 is the idea stage, stage 200 is the planning stage, stage 300 is the design stage, stage 400 is the working drawings stage, and stage 500 is the drawings stage.

Once a model has been chosen (the Isiq School) and a team has been assembled, a series of tests are performed on the model and its development phases to confirm its effectiveness in quality management. Frame information is analyzed in light of the following criteria (see Figures 2 - 3 and Tables 1 and 2).

Work t*l*

Active wortraet!


v I l&«v Inactive Wofkset Gr aptucs

Name Editable Owner Borrowers Opened Visible in «U views 1

Shared Levels and Grids ¡Ves Cng. Ahmed Yes

Werkte! 1 Ya* FnijAhmril Ye* E3

Doors Ves Eng. Ahmed Yes 0

Window« Vrl Fnrj.AhmerJ V« P)

Furniture Ves Eng.Ahmed Yes B

Walls Ves Enq. Ahmed Yes a

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Fig. 2. Review work sets

Fig. 3. BIM-interoperability-tools model checker report

Table 1

List of checks (1)

Documentation and file structure Project checklist Data checklist Attribute checklist Relationship / coordination checklist with other services Annotation checklist AutoCAD checklist

Check the list of deliverables Check graphic consistency Check data in the correct layer Check Label is from an attribute Check coordination with HVAC Check visibility and Placement of annotation Check AutoCAD Layers

Check and remove unnecessary folders in the drive Check readability Data Structure checklist Check the Check coordination with the Plumbing Check overlap and masking Check AutoCAD Blocks

Check Standards symbols Check relevant Data attribute symbolize use a domain Check coordination with RCP Check Consistent size and Style Check AutoCAD Viewports

Check the Submission folder Check design correctness / problems; build ability Check if correctly named and or naming convention or block reference Check coordination with Structure Check Relative Check Layout Tabs against the list of drawings

Table 2 see on the next page



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Table 2

Types of checks (2)

Check Software Description Software Frequency Output

Visual Check Verify that the design purpose has been preserved and that the model has no undesired features. Autodesk Revit On-going QA/QC Report

Interference Check Using the collision criteria Att01 included in Appendix B, perform an interference check on the model to locate any contact points between different building parts. Autodesk Naviswork Fortnightly / starting Schematic design QA/QC Report

Collaborative Design Review Resolve identified conflicts Autodesk Naviswork Monthly QA/QC Report

Standards Check Check that all BIM /CAD guidelines have been adhered to (fonts, dimensions, line styles,symbols etc.) Autodesk Revit On-going QA/QC Report

Information Exchange Audit Before submission, do a Compliance check using the SC BIM Compliance Report. Autodesk Revit and Naviswork Stage Submission BIM Compliance Report

The scale utilized was 1:100. A numbering system was created that begins with the project name, followed by the type of specialty (architectural), the floor number, the name of the sector or room, the type of drawing (facade), and finally the plate number .

As shown in Figure 4, the AutoCAD layers were examined to verify that they did not overlap, and the unnecessary layers were eliminated.

ft ^ Ç [i, 3 S * ' ~ Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 îjuj-Ld ¡Ujlasioj Ol^lj.dwg

Home Insert Annotate Parametric 3D Tools View Manage Output Add-ins Collaborate Express Tools F

* Current layer; 0

aHH ^ OK

Filters « S» Name * 0. F„ L. P., Color Linetype Lmeweigftt Transp... N. Description B ^ All 0 f • rf Con*"1"«» -Defa«, 0 K,


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* daraj f * rf e Mwh... Continu... — 0.15... o K

Defpoints » * rf 9 rjwh... Continu... - Defa... o H

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All: 24 Layers displayed of 24 total layers

Fig. 4. AutoCAD layer

The BIM model is evaluated based on the following criteria to certify compliance with quality standards. The amount of mistakes in the list of errors at the bottom right of the screen has been verified to be zero. The quantity invoices have been amended.

BIM is linked with the schedule by combining BIM with project management tools in an accessible and cost-effective manner, as seen in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. The link between the BIM model and schedule

Design teams, material suppliers, consultants, contractors, and customers may all benefit from having access to 4D models of a construction project, which show the evolution of building processes over time (see Figure 6).

Fig. 6. Overall model information


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With the following considerations in mind, researchers have compiled a detailed list illustrating the conflicts between the various services and the building activities. Figures 7 and 8 show the need to doublecheck the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and plumbing systems for compatibility.

Fig. 7. Check coordination with HVAC

Fig. 8. Check coordination with the Plumbing

Finally, good project management necessitates paying attention to the protocols for team meetings and recording the data and files that will be transferred throughout the project, as shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3

Meetings for BIM development

Type of meeting Stage of the project Frequency Participants Location

Kick-off requirements of the BIM model

Creation of a BIM Project Execution Plan

Design coordination

Reviewing construction progress over the shoulder

Other multi-party meetings, including building information modeling


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Table 4

Timeline for the submission and approval of information exchange

Information exchange File Sender File Receiver One-time or frequency Due date or start date Model file Model software Native file type File exchange type

design authoring 3d coordination structura engineer design team bim manager weekly date struct Revit .xyz .xyz .abc

design authoring 3d coordination mechanical engineer design team bim manager weekly date mech Revit .xyz .xyz .abc

Each entity tasked with providing BIM data to the GSA must designate a quality representative as part of the standard BIM scope of work before submitting the BEP. In every instance when information is transmitted to GSA, the quality representative (often the BIM integrator) must fill out this form (see Table 5).

Table 5

Delivery of BIM data to the GSA

Approval sheet

Document owner:


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All BIM deliverables must be checked for conformance with the agreed upon BIM standards, and the BIM author / manager must use Autodesk Revit Model Review to use it. The following are examples of duties that may be assigned to the author:

• It is important to consistently execute routine maintenance on model files to ensure peak performance.

• The BIM author must use the authoring tool's suggested modeling standards and industry best practices. These requirements must be written down and provided in the BIM Model Manual as Appendix C.

• If there is a noticeable decline in model quality, the BIM PM must conduct a thorough compliance audit in accordance with the established criteria. Any compliance issues must be reported to the BIM Author, who must take the necessary steps to address the problem before the deadline.

• Regularly, all BIM authors should check in on models sent by third parties, calling attention to any inconsistencies they see in geometry or data.

• They must always record these problems and provide them to the BIM PM and BIM leader when requested.

• They need to check future model exchanges to ensure that problems reported earlier have been fixed. Any remaining compliance issues must be communicated to the BIM PM and the BIM leader.

They must respond to concerns raised by other members of the project team on time without jeopardizing the schedule for others to provide high-quality BIM.


1. East, E.W. Construction operations building information exchange. — Requirements definition and pilot implementation standard: DTIC Document, 2007. — 195 p.

2. Penttila H. Describing the changes in architectural information technology to understand design complexity and free-form architectural expression. — Requirements definition and pilot implementation standard: ITcon, 2006. — 395 - 408 p.

3. The contractors' guide to BIM, Associated General Contractors of America / Ernstrom, B., Hason, D., Hill, D., et al: Arlington, 2006.

4. BIM handbook: A guide to building information modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers and contractors / Eastman, C., Eastman, C. M., Teicholz, P., et al. — Canada, 2008.

5. Kymmell, W. Planning and managing construction projects with 4D CAD and simulations (McGraw-Hill construction series). — Canada: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008. — 81 - 83 p.

6. Factor Affecting of BIM technique in the Construction Firms in Iraq / Hamada, H. M., Haron, A., Zakiria, Z., et al.—MATEC Web Conf: McGraw-Hill Education, 2017. — Vol. 103 c. — DOI: 10.1051/matecco-nf/201710303003.

7. Romanovich, M., Albehadili, K. A., Ali, Y. M. Benefits and challenges of Implementing BIM in the AEC industry in Iraq. — International experience in using BIM, 2021. — DOI: 10.23968/BIMAC.

8. Factor Affecting of BIM Technique in the Construction Firms in Iraq / Hussein, M. H., Ahmad, H., Zahrizan, Z., et al. — MATEC Web of Conferences 103, 2016. — DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20171030.

9. Building information modeling (BIM): A new paradigm for visual interactive modeling and simulation for construction projects / Azhar, S., Nadeem, A., Mok, J., et al. — Proc. First International Conf. on Construction in Developing Countries. — Karachi, Pakistan, 2008. — 8 - 10 p.

10. Fischer, M., Kunz, J. The scope and role of information technology in construction. — Proceedings-Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. — 1 - 32 p.

11. Zwainy, F. M., Mohammed, I. A., Raheem, S. H. Investigation and assessment of the project management methodology in Iraqi construction sector. — Proceedings-Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2016. — 1 - 32 p.

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Ш. Г. Х. Аламиди

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН), г. Москва

Ключевые слова

План управления проектом, BIM-технология


В последние годы из-за многих проблем строительства использование современных инженерных технологий, в частности BIM-технологий, стало чрезвычайно важным. Технология BIM является развивающейся наукой, которая имеет преимущества для контроля качества строительства, а также играет решающую роль в строительстве зданий. Для достижения этой цели было выбрано здание школы, реализованный компанией «Аль-хикани» в Ираке.

В статье рассмотрены усовершенствования традиционных методов управления качеством строительных проектов, а также ограничений

приложений управления качеством строительства. Полученные результаты этого исследования могут быть использованы для проектирования последующих строительных объектов, поскольку план, разработанный в ходе этого исследования с помощью BIM-Технологии помогает уменьшить дефекты при их реализации.

Дата поступления в редакцию


Дата принятия к печати


Ссылка для цитирования:

S. G. H. Alamedy. Developing a project management plan in Iraq using BIM technology. — Системные технологии. — 2023. — № 2 (47). — С. 5 - 13.

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