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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2024.115.1.16614
Normurot Fayzullaev
Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand
Jonibek Javharov
Doctoral student
of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand E-mail: [email protected]
Файзуллаев Нормурат Ибодуллаевич
д-р техн. наук, профессор Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова, Республика Узбекистан, г. Самарканд
Жавхаров Жонибек Жракул угли
Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова, Республика Узбекистан, г. Самарканд
In the work, the amount of the selected catalyst binding component was determined for the process of heating monochloromethane at high temperature in the absence of air. In order to determine the amount of the binding component that is selected for the heating process of monochloromethane at high temperature in the absence of air, and the amount of the binding component in the selective catalyst is selected for the purpose of determining the amount of the binding component in the selective catalyst, the amount of the binding component in the selective catalyst increases the concentration of the product and monochloromethane conversion. To implement the process, a catalyst bed reactor with a high catalytic activity and a selective catalyst layer was used at a temperature of 430°C and a volumetric rate of 1500 coat -1 ■ The amount of binding component in the selective catalyst with high catalytic activity selected for the implementation of the process was varied in the range of 30-70 mac.%. The physico-chemical properties of the synthesized, highly active and selective catalyst selected for the process were studied.
The purpose of the work is to select a component with high catalytic activity and a selective catalyst, which is selected for the process of heating monochloromethane at high temperature in the absence of air.
В работе определено количество выбранного связующего компонента катализатора для процесса нагрева монохлорметана при высокой температуре в отсутствие воздуха. Чтобы определить количество связующего компонента, который выбирают для процесса нагревания монохлорметана при высокой температуре в отсутствие воздуха, и количество связующего компонента в селективном катализаторе выбирают с целью определения количества связывающего компонента в селективном катализаторе, количество связующего компонента в селективном катализаторе увеличивает концентрацию продукта и конверсию монохлорметана. Для реализации процесса использовался реактор со слоем катализатора с высокой каталитической активностью и селективным слоем катализатора при температуре 430° и объемной скорости 1500 слой -1 . Количество связующего компонента в селективном катализаторе с высокой каталитической активностью, выбранном для реализации процесса, варьировали в пределах 30-70 мас.%. Изучены физико-химические свойства синтезированного, выбранного для процесса высокоактивного и селективного катализатора.
Библиографическое описание: Javharov J.J., Fayzullayev N.I. DETERMINATION OF THE QUANTITY OF THE BINDING COMPONENT OF THE SELECTED CATALYST FOR THE PROCESS OF HEATING MONOCHLOROMETHANE AT A HIGH TEMPERATURE // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 1(115). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/16614
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Цель работы - подобрать компонент с высокой каталитической активностью и селективный катализатор, выбранный для процесса нагрева монохлорметана при высокой температуре в отсутствие воздуха.
Keywords: monochloromethane, selective, catalyst, ethylene, propylene, reactor, binder. Ключевые слова: монохлорметан, селектив, катализатор, этилен, пропилен, реактор, связующее.
Al2O3, which is used as a binding component, exhibits catalytic activity when heating monochloromethane at high temperature in a vacuum [1]. Monochloromethane in Al2O3 has a high catalytic activity selected to carry out the convective process and is typical and 1.5% during 500 minutes of operation of the selective catalyst. Heating monochloromethane in Al2O3 at a high temperature in the absence of air results in the production of acocan methane (85 mol.%), the lower molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons that are precipitated, i.e. ethylene and propylene, and saturated hydrocarbons C2-C5+ in the amount of 15 mol.% does not increase [2-5].
Testing monochloromethane in airless, high temperature heating of Japan with microspheric YuKS-30/Al2O3 composition with high catalytic activity and selective catalyst. Monochloromethane in airless high temperature heating in Japan is effective for lower molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons, i.e.
ethylene and propylene. It is advisable to use a reactor with a high catalytic activity and a selective catalyst layer, designed for the process [6-8]. Heating monochloromethane in an airless place at high temperature is selected for the process, which has a high catalytic activity and the development of a selective catalyst with an Al2O3 binder in an acocid with an Al2O3 binder equal to 70:30 YuKTs-30:Al2O3 is the process of the YuKTs-30 acoci. A selective catalyst with high catalytic activity was selected for implementation [9-13].
YuKTs-30/Al2O3 microsphere with a volume of 40 cm 3 was prepared as a catalyst for the process of heating monochloromethane in an airless place at high temperature [14]. A selective catalyst with high catalytic activity is selected for the process - 0.06-0.12 mm [15-16].
YuKTs-30/Al2O3 mixture YuKTs-30-pure active ingredient and YuKTs-30/Al2O3 with high catalytic activity selected for the implementation of the process and combined with a selective catalyst were brought (1- table [17].
Table 1.
Physico-chemical properties and composition of microspherical and YuKS-30/Al2O3 selective catalyst
with high catalytic activity selected for the process
No. t/p Multiplier Measurement beep YuKTs-30 is a pure active ingredient YuKTs-30/Al2Û3 microspherical YuKTs-30/Al2Û3
1 Shabasite phase scale % 100 60 60
2 Linkage scope % macc. - 40 40
3 Zip surface m2 /g 610 526 535
4 Pore size cm3 /g 0.33 0.35 0.35
5 Amount of acidic centers per unit volume ^mol/g 1860 1510 1120
The information given in Table 1 shows that YuKTs-30 with Al2O3 has a high catalytic activity selected for the process, and the surface area of the selective catalyst is much smaller than that of the pure active component of YuKTs-30. The binding component tightly weaves the YuKTs-30 microporous layer, as a result of which Al2O3 has a high catalytic activity selected for the process, and the surface of the selective catalyst layer is less dense than the pure active component. A decrease in the amount of acidic centers per unit volume is also associated with hyddi shy. Implementation of the process in YuKS-30/Al2O3 microspheres in pseudo-dilution furnace allows for an increase in monochloromethane convection compared to the conversion in YuKS-30/Al2O3 with a fixed layer [18-20].
Experimental part
The activity of the selective catalyst layer with high catalytic activity selected for the process decreases
to different values during 500 minutes of operation: in YuKTs-30/Al2O3 mikpofepas -36.8%, in YuKTs-30/Al2O3-36.6% , which suggests a similarity in the deactivation of the cell.
The observed reduction of monochloromethane conversion in selective catalysts with high catalytic activity is associated with changes in the physico-chemical structure of YuKTs-30 due to the component of the binder and its gpanylation process. The combination of pure active ingredient - UKTs with high catalytic activity and selective catalyst acid group selected for the implementation of the process makes it possible to reduce the observed decrease in the activity of the product.
Mixing YuKTs-30 with a binding component does not lead to a significant change in the quality of the product, but when combined with YuKTs-30-pure active ingredient, it strongly affects the amount of clay per unit; the volume of YuKTs-30/ Al2O3, it increased the initial concentration of monochloromethane to 66%.
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• 7universum.com
январь, 2024 г.
In both cases, the activity of the catalyst with high catalytic activity selected for the implementation of the process, and with the increase in the selective catalyst operating time, the activity of the catalyst with high catalytic activity selected for the implementation of the catalytic oxidative chlorination process of methane in the presence of air oxygen in the presence of hydrogen chloride for the implementation of the process is observed. In YuKTs-30/ АЪОз 500 minutes after the start of the experiment, monochloromethane concentration decreases to 42%, in YuKTs-30/SiO2 it decreases to only 36%.
In YuKTs-30/АЮз and YuKTs-30/Si02 in sample the general selectivity for lower molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons, i.e. ethylene and propylene, has high catalytic activity selected for the process and
after 500 minutes of operation of the selective catalyst, 82 mol.% and reaches 75 mol.%.
Al2O3, which has high catalytic activity and selective catalyst, as a binding component, to carry out the heating process at high temperature in an airless place.
Experimental results and their discussion
A series of experiments carried out a catalyst bed process with high catalytic activity selected for the catalytic oxidative chlorination of methane under the influence of hydrogen chloride in the presence of air oxygen to realize a stationary process at a temperature of 430° and a volumetric rate of 1500 coat-1 of monochloromethane. Information about laboratory experiments is in the following passage.
Temperature 430°C, volume speed -1500 coat-1 1-YuKTs-30/Al 2O3 (70/30); 2-YuKTs-30/SiO 2 (70/30)
Figure 1. The dynamics of CN3Cl convective change depending on the duration of the experiment
AI2O3 binding agent, which has high catalytic activity and selected for the implementation of the process is added to the selective catalyst composition, which leads to a decrease in the activity of the catalyst.
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1stpure component YuKTs-30; 2-Binding componentAhOs; 3-YuKTs-30(70) AkOs (30) 4-YuKTs-30 (30)/Al2O3 (70)
Figure 2. Depending on the duration of the experiment, a catalyst with high catalytic activity and a selective catalyst, selectedfor the implementation of the type process, the binding component and the active component, are the dynamics of the change of the CNsCl condenser
According to the results of the research, the interaction process of YuKTs-30 with the binder does not cause a change in the product and its quality. Main products is C2 -C4 lower molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons, i.e. ethylene and propylene, and secondary products is C1-C5+ papafinlap. High catalytic activity and selective YuKTs-30/Al2O3 composition were chosen for the implementation of the process in the catalyst, with a simultaneous decrease in the polypropylene concentration, a significant increase in the ethylene concentration is observed, but in this case, the decreasing tendency of the total concentration is reversed with an increase in the duration of the experiment.
It should be noted that increasing the amount of the binding component ALO3 to 60 mac.% in a selective catalyst with a high catalytic activity selected for the implementation of the process causes a decrease in the selectivity of ethylene production by no more than 5 mol.%.
The general selectivity of low molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons, i.e. ethylene and propylene (ethylene, polypropylene) is present in YuKTs-30-pure active ingredient and YuKTs-30(60)/Al20s (40) is the
selected catalyst for the ongoing process and has a high catalytic activity and is 82 mol.% in 500 min of selective catalyst operation, the increase in the amount of the binding component leads to a significant decrease of the total selectivity to 79 mol.% for lower molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons, i.e., ethylene and propylene.
It was found that the catalyst used in Japan for heating monochloromethane at high temperature without air, using Al2O3 as a binding component , exhibits catalytic activity.
Al203 prepared on the basis of YuKTs-30 with catalytic activity and selective catalyst has a much smaller surface area than the pure active component of YuKTs-30.
The overall selectivity of low molecular unsaturated ethylene series hydrocarbons (ethylene, polypropylene) is 82 mol.% in 500 minutes of operation of the YuKTs-30-pure active component and YuKTs-30(60)/Al203 (40) catalyst. It is the increase in the amount of the binding component leads to a significant decrease of the total selectivity for ethylene and propylene lap up to 79 mol.%.
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