Section 6. Chemistry
Shermatova G. D., Eshbakova K. A.,
Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. SYu. Yunusov
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. In this work, the amount of tannins in the root and leaves of Rumex confertus Willd and Rumex pamiricus Rech. f. plants were determined by using standard method. As a result, it was found that the amount of tannins in the root of Rumex confertus Willd is 19.1%, in the leaves - 7.36%, and in the root of Rumex pamiricus Rech. f. - 16.5%, and in the leaves - 5.2%.
Keywords: Tannin, determination, standard method, Rumex confertus Willd, Rumex pamiricus Rech. f., Polygonaceae.
1. Introduction
Tannin, a chemical constituent derived from plant origin, has been known to mankind since ancient times. Till today, Lignin and tannin are considered to be "Dark Continents" of science as a lot ofwork is required to understand their complete nature. It is rather difficult to define the term "tannin" in a concise way as used in plant chemistry; it is generally used to include a whole group of substances (as in galls) having specific physical and chemical constituents which are responsible for transforming fresh hide into impermeable non-rotting leather. The definition of tannin has been enlarged to cover a whole mass of constituents which give general phenolic reactions. The essential property of tannin is the ability to combine with proteins and other polymers such as pectin [1].
2. Material and Methods
Plant materials
Extracts from leaves and roots of Rumex confertus Willd and Rumex pamiricus Rech. f. were prepared in the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences in 2012.
Many different methods for determining the amount of tannins, and one of the widely used methods is the standard method. This method is distinguished by its accuracy compared to the results obtained using other methods. The essence of the standard method is that initially the amount of total substances dissolved in water in the plant extract is found. Then the plant extract is shaken for 45 minutes with a specially prepared goal powder from the skin. In this case, all the tannins are contained in the extract are absorbed into the powder when it is shaken with the powder. Because tannins have the property of combining with proteins in the skin. As a result, only non-tannin substances remain in the extract. The amount of tannins is calculated from the difference between the amount of total substances dissolved in water and the amount of non-tannin substances.
Using the above method, we determined the amount of tannins contained in Rumex confertus Willd and Rumex pamiricus Rech. f. plants (Polygo-naceae). The obtained results are presented in the following table 1:
Table 1.- The amount of tannins in Rumex confertus Willd and Rumex pamiricus Rech. f.
Name of plant samples SDW Total substances dissolved in water % NTS Non-tannin substances % Tannins % S Standard
Rumex confertus Willd.
Underground part (root) 38.6 19.5 19.1 49.5
Aerial part (leaf) 42.3 34.9 7.36 17.3
Rumex pamiricus Rech. f.
Underground part (root) 32.8 16.3 16.5 50
Aerial part (leaf) 36.7 31.5 5.2 14
3. Conclusion confertus and Rumex pamiricus and according to the
In our previous articles, the information provided standard method, it was found that the amount of
about the chemical composition of Rumex confertus tannins in the root of Rumex confertus is 19.1%, in the
Willd. and Rumex pamiricus Rech. f. plants and their leaves - 7.36%, and in the root of Rumex pamiricus -
biological activities [2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]. Continu- 16.5%, and in the leaves - 5.2%.
ous studies on the chemical composition of Rumex
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2. Shermatova G. D., Shamuratov B. A., Mavlyanov S. M. Tannins from Rumex confertus Willd. Uzbek Chemistry Journal.- 3. 2012.- P. 11-13. (in Uzbek.).
3. Shermatova G. D., Shamuratov B. A. Flavonoids of Rumex pamiricus. Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan.- 4/2. 2013.- P. 232-233. (in Uzbek.).
4. Shermatova G. D., Zhang Y. J., Davranov K. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Rumex Confertus Willd. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology.- 9/12. 2021.-P. 1855-1856. DOI: 10.22214/ijraset.2021.39666.
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6. Shermatova G. D., Rakhimova Sh. Kh., Komilov B. J., Abdul-Azizovich B. M. Protein content of Some Rumex Species (Polygonaceae). Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences.- 2022.- P. 3-7.
7. Shermatova G. D., Bobakulov Kh.M., Shamuratov B. A., Mavlyanov S. M., Zhang Y.J., Eshbakova K. A., Azimova Sh.S., Sasmakov S. A. Phenolic Compounds of Rumex L: Aerial Part Fractions and Essential Oil Results of In vitro Screening for Antimicrobial Activity. Chemical Science InternationalJournal (Past name: American Chemical Science Journal).- 31/1. 2022.- P. 15-25. DOI: 10.9734/CSJI/2022/v31i130273.
8. Shermatova G. D., Bobakulov Kh.M., Nishanbaev S. Z., Rakhmatov Kh. A. Chemical composition of essential oils Rumex Confertus Willd. and Rumex Pamiricus Rech. f. growing in Uzbekistan. Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya.- 2. 2022.- P. 121-128. DOI: 10.14258/jcprm.2022029942. (in Russ.).
9. Shermatova G. D., Eshbakova K. A., Narbutaeva D. A., Karakulova A. M. Antioxidant and antihypoxic activity of emodin and chrysophanol. Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences.- 2022.-P. 11-13.