DETERMINANTS OF INNOVATIVE TEACHING AMONG THE INDONESIAN LECTURERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Rafsanjani Mohamad Arief, Andriansyah Eka Hendi, Prabowo Andri Eko, Laily Nujmatul

Innovation is the main source to remain competitive in today’s environment. As well as other employees, the lecturer is also required to do innovative teaching. But, encouraging lecturers’ willingness to do innovative teaching is challenging due to the dual roles as teachers and researchers. This study explores the predictor of innovative teaching by applying the job-demands resources model as a theoretical anchor. This research used the online questionnaire to collect the data from 233 samples taken randomly from nineteen universities in Indonesia. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the research model. The result indicated that teacher-researcher role conflict negatively predicted the innovative teaching of the lecturer. Besides, occupational well-being plays a mediating variable to explain the influence of teacher-researcher role conflict on innovative teaching. This study provides critical insight into the related stakeholders, such as the universities and related ministry, regarding the negative predictor of innovative teaching. They should discover approaches to reduce the negative effect of teacher-researcher conflict on the innovation behavior of lecturer teaching activity. The universities and related ministries have to ease the issue regarding job role conflict.

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Высшее образование в России Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia

ISSN 0869-3617 (Print), ISSN 2072-0459 (Online) http://vovr.elpub.ru

Determinants of Innovative Teaching among the Indonesian Lecturers

Original article

DOI: 10.31992/0869-3617-2021-30-5-65-74

Mohamad AriefRafsanjani - Master of Economics Education, ORCID: 0000-0002-0981-8031, Lecturer ofthe Department ofEconomics Education, Faculty ofEconomics, [email protected] EkaHendiAndriansyah - Master of Economics Education, ORCID: 0000-0002-9401-2357, Lecturer ofthe Department ofEconomics Education, Faculty ofEconomics, [email protected] Universitas Negeri Surabaya; Surabaya Address: Jl. Ketintang Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

AndriEkoPrabowo - Master of Economics Education, ORCID: 0000-0002-6074-5616, Lecturer of Department of Accounting Education, [email protected] Universitas Islam Riau

Address: Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113 Pekanbaru, Indonesia 28284

Nujmatul Laily - Master of Accounting, ORCID: 0000-0003-2156-692X, Lecturer of Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, [email protected] Universitas Negeri Malang

Address: Jl. Semarang No 5 Malang, Indonesia 65145

Abstract. Innovation is the main source to remain competitive in today's environment. As well as other employees, the lecturer is also required to do innovative teaching. But, encouraging lecturers' willingness to do innovative teaching is challenging due to the dual roles as teachers and researchers. This study explores the predictor of innovative teaching by applying the job-demands resources model as a theoretical anchor. This research used the online questionnaire to collect the data from 233 samples taken randomly from nineteen universities in Indonesia. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the research model. The result indicated that teacher-researcher role conflict negatively predicted the innovative teaching of the lecturer. Besides, occupational well-being plays a mediating variable to explain the influence of teacher-researcher role conflict on innovative teaching. This study provides critical insight into the related stakeholders, such as the universities and related ministry, regarding the negative predictor of innovative teaching. They should discover approaches to reduce the negative effect of teacher-researcher conflict on the innovation behavior of lecturer teaching activity. The universities and related ministries have to ease the issue regarding job role conflict.

Keywords: teacher-researcher role conflict, occupational well-being, innovative teaching, job demands-resources model

Cite as: Rafsanjani, M.A., Andriansyah, E.H., Prabowo, A.E., Laily, N. (2021). Determinants of Innovative Teaching among the Indonesian Lecturers. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia. Vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 65-74, doi: 10.31992/0869-3617-2021-30-5-65-74 (In Russ., abstract in Eng.).

Контент доступен под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. © Rafsanjani M.A., Andriansyah E.H., Prabowo A.E., Laily N., 2021.



The rise of science and technology encourages the lecturer to adapt to the current condition and improve his/her teaching skills [1]. The essential teaching skill for a higher education lecturer is innovative teaching [2]. Innovative teaching is crucial to the teacher and is a major concern in several studies across various disciplines. Besides, current technology developments are changing the learning process; thus, the old teaching methods may no longer be effective [3]. Innovative teaching implies the teacher's willingness to seek out different strategies, methods, approaches, and evaluation criteria in teaching practice [4].

Some studies agree and recognize that innovative teaching is crucial to prepare creative future professionals [4], keep students' attention and encourage class engagement [2]. But, encouraging lecturers' willingness to do innovative teaching is challenging in higher education due to the high demands of research activities [5]. Being a higher education teacher means being prepared to perform two roles as a teacher and researcher simultaneously. Teaching and research are unseparated and reciprocal activities to keep pace with the current science development [6], but teaching and research are different activities. Teaching refers to the student learning activity, and research is a creative activity to increase human knowledge, such as building, developing, and examining theories [7]. So it is unavoidable for lecturers to run into conflict in the roles. The role conflicts generate a sense of stress, dissatisfaction, and uncertainty.

Moreover, conducting teaching and research simultaneously leads the lecturers to an excessive workload. The excessive workload experienced by lecturers due to dual role demands, as a teacher and researcher, ultimately leads them to teacher-researcher role conflict (TRC). TRC is a concept where a teacher or lecturer feels those teaching activities are not fit and disturb the research activities [2]. Some works recognize that lecturers feel burdened working as both teacher and researcher due to drain of time and energy either physically or psychologically [7-8], and hard to conduct well in both roles [7].

In the job demands-resources model (JDR model), job demands are related to "those physical, social, or organizational aspects of the job that require sustained physical or mental health and are therefore associated with certain physiological and psychological cost" [9]. This study using the JDR model as a theoretical basis due to the cross-cultural validity, flexibility, can be adapted to the different fields of science [10]. Hence, it is appropriate to guide our study to examine the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching and the variables that mediate the relationship between the two, occupational well-being.

Previous studies had some limitations in applying the JDR model. First, they mostly examined partial relationships (direct relationships) in a study, not complex models. Second, the JDR model is rarely used in the context of higher education, except three works [7; 11; 12]. The first one ignores the mediated relationship in the JDR model, and the last two only see it as variable antecedents and consequences. The present study tries to bridge the gap by applying the JDR model in examining the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching by using occupational well-being as a mediating variable in a single study.

Literature review Job demands-resources model

There are several approaches in research related to stress, such as the job demands control model (DCM), the transactional model of stress and coping, the effort-reward imbalance model (ERI), the job characteristics model (JCM), and the job demands-resources model (JDR) [13]. The latest one, the JDR model, is gaining high popularity among researchers in the past decade due to the cross-cultural validity and flexibility [10].

In the JDR model [14], there is an assumption that each job may have its specific risks related to work stress. The risks are divided into two categories, job demands and job resources. Job demands refer to physical, social, or organizational aspects of the job associated with certain physiological and psychological costs. Job demands will trigger

job stress if the workers need to set great effort to meet the expectations [2]. Job resources indicate to "those physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the job that are functional in achieving work goals, reduce job demands and the associated physiological and psychological costs, or stimulate personal growth, learning, and development" [14]. So, job resources are utilized to minimize job demands as well as crucial for their advantages.

Based on the JDR model, there are two diverse psychological processes [14]. First, the health impairment process, where excessive job demands drain employees' mental and physic health resulting in a health problem. Second, motivational in nature, where job resources are positively related to work performance. These processes ultimately predict organizational outcomes [13]. Therefore, job resources lessen the effect of job demands and have the motivational potential for employees to give high performance.

Teacher-researcher role

conflict as the predictor

Being a teacher in higher education or a lecturer means being ready to conduct the dual role professions as a teacher and researcher. On the one hand, the dual roles are the demands of the lecturer profession. It gives a great benefit to teaching and keeps pace with science development [15]. On the other hand, the dual roles lead to excessive workload due to lack of time and energy [7]. The previous studies show that lecturers feel burdened, working as both teacher and researcher due to drain of time and energy either physically or psychologically [7-8], and hard to conduct well in both roles [7].

Some literature indicates it is hard for the lecturer to work well in the two roles. The scarcity model [16] reveals too many roles or tasks in a job lead someone to the high possibility of the role conflict because of a lack of energy and time. It's led to focuses on one role and less attention on the others as a consequence. In line with, the divergent rewards model [17] finds that research and teaching activities have a different distinctive reward, then drive the employee to

focus more on the activity or role that gives the higher return. It means there is a role or task that will be neglect as a consequence. In the personality model [18], teaching and research are jobs with different characteristics; thus, they require different characters. Researchers need a lot less distraction to focus, and it will help to work alone. At the same time, teachers have to communicate and interact with students. It's led to a high possibility of being more distracted.

In sum, it is tough for lecturers to be good in both roles due to high job demands. Consequently, they tend to focus on one role and neglect the other (role conflict). As discussed before, the teacher and researcher role is essential for a lecturer. The roles are unseparated and reciprocal activities to keep pace with the current science development [6]. Hence, if the lecturers only focus on one role and less on the other, it will negatively affect teaching performance (teaching innovation).

Based on previous studies and the literature, we assume that TRC is negatively related to innovative teaching. The dual role that lecturers must carry out leads to the excessive workload because they focus not only on teaching but also on research activity. Conducting the dual roles drains the time and energy of lecturers, consequently lack time to think and make some creativity for the teaching activity. So, if the lecturer loses space and time to think, he/she will be less innovative. Supporting this assumption, previous studies revealed that the role conflict is negatively related to employee innovative work behaviors [19-21]. Further, the increased workload will decrease the innovation potential of employees [22].

Furthermore, according to the JDR model [9], the high job demands drain the energy and strain that caused stress to the employee. Then it has a negative impact on occupational well-being. Previous studies show that job demands are highly related to well-being [23-27]. The high job demands will also trigger job stress if the workers need to set great effort to meet the expectations [2]. These studies are supporting our assumption related to the link of TRC to innovative teaching and occupational well-being.

f Emotional \ Exhaustion r

f T-R role Л Innovative A

V conflict J Teaching J

Wort! Y Enthusiasm J

Fig. 1. Research model

Occupational well-being as the mediator

The occupational well-being of teachers refers to the optimum condition of psychological and work experience [28]. It is indicated from job satisfaction and work enthusiasm and the absence of stress and emotional exhaustion in the teaching activity [29-31]. We concentrate on emotional exhaustion and work enthusiasm to accommodate the positive and negative dimensions of occupational well-being.

Emotional exhaustion points toward burnout's stress dimension, including the feeling of strain, chronic fatigue, and the decrease of emotional resources [32-33]. Moreover, emotional exhaustion prevents the employees from innovative behaviors [2], and impedes the teachers in making a challenging and new learning condition [34]. It may hold the teachers from creating innovative instruction that requires the capacity to prepare complex thoughts.

We first assume that emotional exhaustion plays a mediating variable between TRC and innovative teaching. Supporting this assumption, previous studies found that emotional exhaustion of employees mediated the effect of job demands (time pressure, discipline problems, and role conflict) to the job performance [35]. As we discussed before, TRC results from job demands [2]. The high job demands will drain time and energy, raise the strain, and increase emotional exhaustion. In the end, it will refrain the teacher from creating teaching innovation.

Furthermore, work enthusiasm is related to excitement, enjoyment, and pleasure regarding teaching activity as a teacher [36]. These positive being the teacher's fundamental elements in creating quality instruction [34]. Hence, high

work enthusiasm leads teachers to more engagement and good performance, including innovative teaching.

So, we also assume that work enthusiasm mediates the relationship of TRC to innovative teaching. Our assumption was deducting from the previous studies. The previous studies showed that job demands reduced work enthusiasm [29-34], and work enthusiasm also been noted to increase teacher work performance [37]. It has also been found that work engagement, which indicates work enthusiasm, mediates the link between job demands and job outcomes [38].

Based on the literature and previous studies as discussed, we hypothesize as follows:

H1. TRC negatively influence innovative teaching.

H2. Emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching.

H3. Work enthusiasm mediates the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching.



The survey was conducted randomly on 250 lecturers from nineteen universities in major cities in Indonesia. Among the selected sample, we dropped 17 because it does not meet the sample requirements, conducting teaching and research activities for at least the last three years.


We adapted five items (e.g., "the demands of my teaching interfere with my research", "due to teach-related duties, I have to make changes to my plans for research activities") from the work-family conflict scale [39] to measure the

Table I

Respondents' Characteristic (N = 233)

I %

Gender Male 131 56%

Female 102 44%

Educational Background Master 193 83%

Doctor 40 17%

Table 2

Mean, Standard Deviations and Correlation Among Variables (N = 233)

Items Mean Std. Dev TRC EE WE IT

TRC 5 4.81 1.35 -

EE 4 4.67 1.24 .427** -

WE 6 4.62 0.41 -.164** -.112 -

IT 6 4.62 1.16 -.512** -.550** .161* -

Note: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; TRC = teacher-researcher role conflict, EE = emotional exhaustion, WE = work enthusiasm, IT = innovative teaching

TRC. We also adopted four items (e.g., "I sometimes feel really used up at the end of a school day", "I often notice how listless I am at school") from Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI-ES) [40] to measure emotional exhaustion and six items (e.g. "teaching is fun for me", "I really enjoy teaching") from [29] and [36] to measure work enthusiasm. Last, we utilized six items (e.g., "I like to try out new teaching methods", "In my work, I often come up with ideas") of innovative behaviors from [41] to measure innovative teaching.

Data Analysis

We used structural equation modeling (SEM) in WarpPLS 6.0 to examine the research model. First, we tested the outer model related to the validity and reliability and the inner model related to the goodness of fit. The outer test shows all instruments of the present study are valid (loading factors >0.7) and reliable (alpha Cronbach >0.8) [42-44]. Furthermore, the inner model test shows all indicators of research model fit are fit (APC < .001; ARS < .001, AVIF = 1.249, GoF = .381) [44].


Respondents' characteristic in this study (Table I) show that the majority were male (56%) and female (44%). Meanwhile, mostly is a mas-

ter's degree (83%) and a doctor's degree (17%) for the rest.

Table II shows us the mean, deviation, and correlation among the variable of this study. The result shows TRC significantly related to EE, WE, and IT, while EE did not relate to WE.

The analysis was run using WarpPLS to examine all paths in the research model (Fig. 1) simultaneously. The result (Fig. 2) shows us that TRC has a positive effect on EE (P=.47, ¿<.01) and a negative impact on WE (p=-.17, ¿<.01). Meanwhile, EE has a negative effect on IT (P=-.38, ¿<.01), and WE has a positive effect on IT (p=.08, ¿<.05). Furthermore, TRC has a negative effect on IT (P=-.35, ¿<.01) directly. Hence, H1 received support.

The result of the mediation effect testing (Table III) shows all the paths were significant (¿<.05). It indicated occupational well-being (seen from emotional exhaustion and work enthusiasm) is a variable that mediates the relationship between teacher-researcher role conflict and innovative teaching [45]. Moreover, when we are multiplying the path coefficients of both first mediation [(TRC-EE) * (EE-IT) * (TRC-IT)] and second mediation [(TRC-WE) * (WE-IT) * (TRC-IT)], the signs are positive. It indicates the types of mediations are complementary mediation [45]. Thus, both H2 and H3 were supported.

Fig. 2. Relationship between variables

Table 3

The total effect, indirect effects, and direct effect (standardized coeff.)


в SE P values

Total effect -0.5422 0.06 .000

Total indirect effects -0.1922 0.003 .000

Specific indirect effects

through EE -0.1786 0.003 .000

through WE -0.0136 0.003 .004

Direct Effect -0.35 0.06 .000


The result (Fig. 2) shows us that the teacher-researcher role conflict positively affects emotional exhaustion and a negative effect on work enthusiasm. As predicted in the theoretical framework, TRC will raise emotional exhaustion and reduce lecturers' work enthusiasm. The lecturer's great effort to fulfill the job demands (teaching and research) will drain time and energy and be a trigger for job stress. In turn, it is affecting innovative teaching.

These findings support the JDR model, which states job demands are related to the psychological condition [14]. As a teacher and researcher, the dual roles make a lecturer focus on teaching and research activity simultaneously. The dual roles lead to excessive workload, drain time, and energy. Consequently, they lack time and space to think and make some creative for the teaching activity. Thus, they will be less innovative in teaching. This is in line with the findings of previ-

ous studies. Role conflict has a negative effect on employees' innovative behavior [19-22].

The present finding is also in line with the previous literature, such as the scarcity model [16], the personality model [18], and the divergent reward model [17]. A lecturer's demands to conduct dual roles simultaneously lead to a high workload and drain time and energy. As a consequence, they will more easily get role conflict (scarcity model). Besides, each job has a unique character that requires a unique personality according to the personality model. Teaching and research also have different characteristics. Thus, it's hard for the lecturer to be good in two different roles.

Moreover, teaching and research activities also provide different reward schemes. These will lead the lecturer to choose and focus on the role, which is more appropriate with his/her personality, gives more rewards, and makes be less attentive to the other roles. In other words,

the role conflict will cause the lecturer to give high priorities to one of the conflicting job roles and neglect the other role. He/she may feel unwilling to teach when felt teaching activities take a lot of time, reduce research performance, and vice versa.

Mediation effect of occupational well-being

The result shows that occupational well-being, seen from emotional exhaustion and work enthusiasm, significantly plays as a mediating variable of the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching. According to the positive sign of mediation path coefficient multiplying results, the mediations are partial complementary mediations. It means the mediating variable clarifies, possibly confounds, or falsifies the link between two, antecedent and consequent variables [45-46].

According to the theoretical framework built, emotional exhaustion and work enthusiasm can serve as explanatory variables to explain how TRC is affecting innovative teaching. First, TRC influences innovative teaching through emotional exhaustion. TRC is a consequence of job demands. According to the JDR model, job demands are positively related to emotional exhaustion. Hence, the high role conflict experienced by the lecturer will increase his/her emotional exhaustion. In turn, the high emotional exhaustion will prevent the lecturer from creating a new teaching strategy or method. The high emotional exhaustion also makes the lecturer refrain from creating an attractive learning environment and vice versa. This is consistent with the previous finding. The emotional exhaustion prevents the employee from innovative behavior [2].

Second, TRC influences innovative teaching through work enthusiasm. Based on the JDR model, the rise of TRC will decrease the work enthusiasm of the lecturer. The low work enthusiasm indicates the low of enjoyment, excitement, and pleasure. So, if the lecturer no longer feels joy and pleasure with the job, it will decrease the job performance, including innovative teaching, and vice versa. As revealed in the

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previous finding, the teacher's enthusiasm manifested the readiness to build up the skills and expertise, dedication to the job, and ultimately led to good performance [37]. The present finding is also consistent with the previous finding that work enthusiasm plays a mediating role in the relationship between job demands and job outcomes [38].

Practical implication

As we know, innovation is a core of competitive advantage that is essential to remain competitive and survive in the competitive environment [47-48]. Consequently, the university and related institutions should be more concerned about the innovative behavior of the lecturers. This study provides an important insight into the related stakeholders, such as the universities and related ministry, regarding the negative predictor of innovative teaching. They should discover approaches to reduce the negative effect of TRC on the innovation behavior of lecturer's teaching activity. The universities have to ease the issue regarding job role conflict.

There are several points regarding how to mitigate the negative effect. As revealed in this study, the job role conflict is related to the workload, the lecturer's personality, and the roles' reward scheme. First, the administrators may redesign the job structure to reduce the teaching hours and hire guest lecturers to fill the workload gap. Second, the lecturers may be allowed to work at their preferences and personality. For instance, the lecturers who like to teach are permitted to increase their teaching hours, and for lecturers who like to research, the teaching hours may be reduced. Our suggestions are based on the previous finding that the lecturers try to balance the research and teaching activity based on their preferences [7].

Last, the universities may redesign and evaluate the system to balance teaching and research rewards related to the reward scheme. It is necessary to promote the balance of lecturer's motivation on teaching and research. In the Indonesian context, most universities give high rewards to lecturers who can conduct research

and publications in reputable journals. Consequently, many lecturers choose to conduct research, neglect their teaching activity. This ultimately will decrease the teaching quality.

Hopefully, redesigning the job structure will reduce the workload, especially related to the number of teaching hours. Evaluating the reward system is expected to minimize the job role conflict of lecturers. The low job role conflict will lead to decreasing in emotional exhaustion and promote work enthusiasm. Thus, the innovative teaching of the lecturer will increase as a result.


This study found that teacher-researcher role conflict (TRC) was significantly related to innovative teaching. The high TRC will reduce the lecturer's innovative behavior on teaching activity, and vice versa. Furthermore, the present finding also reveals that occupational well-being (emotional exhaustion and work enthusiasm) acts as a complementary mediating variable to explain the relationship between TRC and innovative teaching. Finally, the university and related institutions should be more concerned about creating a balanced environment for lecturers regarding the job structure and reward system. Hence, the balanced job structure and reward system will encourage lecturers to balanced the dual roles as teachers and researchers.


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Acknowledgments. Universitas Negeri Surabaya supported this research. The authors also

thank Purba Andy Wijaya (Universitas Islam

Riau) who provided expertise to the research.

The paper was submitted 12.12.20 Accepted for publication 07.04.21

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