For citation: Zhang bai-wei, Shu Xing, Mei Shun-qi. Design of Small Automatic Dye Mixer Based on SolidWorks // URL: DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2020.01.019
UDK 677.01
Design of Small Automatic Dye Mixer Based on SolidWorks
12 *12 12 Zhang bai-wei' , Mei Shun-qi ' , Shu Xing '
1 Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430200, China; 2 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan 430073, China E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
0 Slg
mm^mmm^WMmm, ^/ft&^^ft®
ft, m tmmmt, 1« xxmmm.
iSM^mmffiMWKS 200-300mm, 150-400mm. femMmfi
''^i^TOM^ [3]. «M^fi^T^,
ft. imm^^.
m 1 gMfm^t^rnffl
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of automatic mixer
2.i mntt
^m^miw 550W, 380V, 140 w^mmn^u
s» 13kg. m^nm 2. ^rr^WTOx^
[4], 4.
M^^ÄM*^ 13kg, ffi&^mffi q = 13 x 9.8 « 128N. ^W^H^ffiU^ M:
M = qX^X(L-x),
M = 102.4 x(L- 0.8) M m L ÉÉ^Â, [5], 2mm L fc^ft 300mm.
m 2 шш^щт
Figure 2. Structure of the mixer
т з —mmm
Figure 3. Structure of the bracket
m 4 -^лшьт
Figure 4. Simplified diagram of the bracket force
^лйж, mm, шшшш, ^шщм 5. й 57 шшяш
m 5 M^s^^m
Figure 5. Structure of the main body of the stirring device
F = -kx, (2)
F x mi GtöM), k
^ Re < 30 Щ,
2.4 ОД
т 6 йшшшшшшт
Figure 6 Overall assembly drawing of automatic mixer
SolidWorks шш^йл^жет
в, ештощш^, даш
w, шшжв, мжшшдаж
3 m&m
tmmnm, M^ixxm -mim^n.
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