For citation: Zhang Zhenhui. Design of Horizontal Organic Fertilizer Mixer // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (22)'2024 (DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2024.02) — EDN:
UDK 631.333
Design of Horizontal Organic Fertilizer Mixer
Zhang Zhenhui1
1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In recent years, the rapid development of China's agricultural breeding industry has led to a swift increase in the generation of poultry and livestock manure, causing significant environmental pollution and posing threats to human health and safety. Therefore, it is essential to transform waste from poultry and livestock manure into valuable resources by producing organic fertilizers. To address the issues of low work efficiency, uneven mixing, and easy clogging and accumulation at the end in traditional organic fertilizer processing equipment, a dual-shaft horizontal mixer for organic fertilizer is designed in this study. This paper analyzes the overall structure of the dual-shaft horizontal mixer for organic fertilizer, including the selection of the electric motor, analysis of the transmission system, and analysis of the mixing device, to determine a scheme. Subsequently, the design and calculation of the transmission device's belt drive are conducted, followed by the design and calculation of the transmission device's reducer. Then, the design and calculation of other components of the transmission device are carried out, including the selection of the coupling and the design calculation of the driving gear set. Finally, an analysis of the mixing device is performed.
Keywords: Organic fertilizer; Dual-shaft horizontal mixer; Belt drive; Reducer; Driving gear set
i mummx^, Mirnm&mmm&rn&mmM, nu 430073
E-mail: [email protected]
тшшшш, шт^-^ш. m пшшшшшмшшттж, ит^^тшшшш
0 Иш
^Ш. ШШИ 2020 4126.69^ш2, Щ^ТЙ^ 9fct, ФШ
шш 20^t, жш^шш&тш* [1]. щш
шшшшмщшшттъшш, х^ташй&^шй шшшшшштяшшш-щшш, шхт мшшт. шшгхъ, ш^шттш-шш, хттш шшштшш, штчшгк
шм±тшш ш. «шетадщмфжшмм^ [2-3]. ттшмтхшшмхтктт,
хт, ттшшшшш. йш, rnw
дах^йтет шшшшшм, шшш, чтттш
«штййт мШШ±ШШ,
штшшттгтшттшх, п
1 яяшяшатяшш
Ш1 т^, шшв^я шйштшшттттжшт,
Figure 1. Overall Preset Diagram of Double-shaft Horizontal Organic Fertilizer Mixer
йадпш, ш ря^шштя
^ф: 11kw ШШ: 1460r/min
Table 1 Electric Motor Parameters
YE3-160M-4 11KW 1460r/min
YE3-160M-4 ^кШ Figure 2. YE3-160M-4 Electric Motor
2.2 ^^Mfö&it^it»
2.2.1 «тэд&ягнюгёшн-
й^кмадж, шшшжшш, шшаджж, ттт
тшшттш, шз
Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Adding Belt Drive Between Motor and Reducer
(1) Х^ШЫШ: ШЖШ&^ШХ ^Ift 10h, КЛ^ 1.4;
(2) Pca=KA Pd=1.4 11=15.4kw
(3) т^ттч: v штш, ладшадж,
(4) Й PC ЙШ 15.4kw 1460r/min, Й [4] Ц8-11 й B Ш^Ж V Ф.
(5) шшда^зд [5], «фмжш^^шж v,
(7) ЙД B Ш^Ж V Ф 6 Ш, 1760mm. ШШШ^ dd1(/J^
^)=132mm, dd2(A^£)=280mm, a=524.7~603.9mm.
Л F0=221.17N, %Ш2 pfi^.
Ш2 шшшшм
Table 2. Design Results of Belt Drive
ФШ вШ шш 6Ш
ФЩЙЙФЖ^ dd1 132mm dd 2 280mm
551.1mm 1760mm
164.6° ФЖ 10.10m/s
221.17N Н$ЙЛ FP 352.40N
2.2.3 MM^ft&it^it»
[5] if,
(M^^), НЛЙ a =20° ,
Figure 4. Schematic Diagram of a Two-stage Straight-tooth Cylindrical Gear Reducer (Unfolded)
i й=пш/п}ши=1460/20=73
(2) Ш5 ^ж;
V (ii=2)
(14 =1) (15=1) (ШШШ^Ш)
ш= i1 i2 i3 i4 i5=36.5
i2 i3=73/2=36.5 i2=(1.3 i2 i3)1/2=6.9 i3=5.3
(1-2) (1-3) (1-4)
Ш5 Ш^Ш^мШ
Figure 5 Schematic Diagram of Gearbox Stage Transmission
(3) ш^жштштяш: ш ж [5] ши" таш®, тшш, жшшш,
(4) ШШ Ш^;
Table 3. Dynamic Parameters of Each Shaft
ад^ шад йжад Фгаад 1ШЗД »ад
^Ши (r/min) 1460 730 105.8 19.96 19.96
Й^Р (KW) 11 10.56 10.04 9.54 9.44
^T (N • mm) 7.195 Х104 1.38Х105 9.06 Х105 4.567 Х106 4.519 Х106
1 6.9 5.3 1 1
ШШ Z1=38, Z2=262, ШШ m=2mm, НЛ^ a=20°, Ф^Ё a=300mm, Ш^ b1=81mm, b2=76mm. ФШ&ЙД 40Cr (iMM), ^Ш^ЙД 45 Щ (iMM), 7 ШШ
Table 4. Summary of Parameters for High-Speed Stage Gears
ШШш 2 2
di + d2 a= 2 300 300
Ш z 38 262
^^ B 81 76
d 76 524
zi=26, Z2=138, f!^ m=3mm, a=20°, a=246mm,
b1=83mm, b2=78mm. 40Cr (iMM), AS^ffl 45 ^ (iMM), 7 ¿Iff
Table 5. Summary of Parameters for Low-Speed Stage Gears
ШШт 3 3
di + d2 a= 2 246 246
шт z 26 138
ияВ 83 78
78 414
® шшда^зд [5], шлад^шш
^6 шшм
Table 6. High-Speed Shaft Data
ш-ш Ш-Ш ШИШ шжш ШЛй Ш-Ш
Ш5 (mm) 30 33 35 42 49 42 35
■fe® (mm) 34 50 32 94 67 9 32
Figure 6. Schematic Diagram of High-speed Shaft Structure
Figure 7. Bending Moment Diagram of the High-Speed Shaft
®11 ЯЯЖ.
Table 7. Intermediate Shaft Data
«-a «-a «на «на «sa
Ig(mm) 55 6i 64 71 55
^Ä(mm) 47 80 17 75 48.5
Figure 8. Schematic Diagram of the Intermediate Shaft Structure
Table 8 Low-Speed Shaft Data
«-a «-a «na «Ha «sa «Aa «^a
Sfê (mm) 100 107 110 117 124 113 110
(mm) 165 113 53 91 12 76 73
Figure 9. Schematic Diagram of the Low-Speed Shaft Structure
® Xttlltt,
fflio t^tt^^ffl
Figure 10. Bending Moment Diagram of the Intermediate Shaft
Figure 11. Bending Moment Diagram of the Low-Speed Shaft
m Ш0Ш
Table 9. Bearing Parameters
ад^а-^ ^^Б(шш) ЙЙБ(шш)
6207 35 72 17 25.6
® ФШММШШШШ: £№10
mio Ш0Ш
Table 10. Bearing Parameters
адш^ ^^Б(шш) ЙЙБ(шш)
6211 50 100 21 43.5
mii Ш0ШШ
Table 11. Bearing Parameters
ад^а-^ Й^(шш) ^ÄB(rnrn)
6222 110 200 38 73.5
(8) F^K
Ш12 W№mM0&&£
Table 11. Summary of Parameters for Each Shaft Key
ад ад@ (шш) ад^ (шш) Ш® (шш) ШЙ (шш) (шш)
30 34 8 7 32
Фшй 71 75 20 12 70
61 80 18 11 70
йШй 113 76 32 18 110
100 165 28 16 160
Й&Ш: -Ш&ЖЙЙ&, Hm
ййД7 ш^, ш [4] mio-7
Й^ЙД 40Сг (Ш), 280HBS.
ЙЙ38, Ф^Ё 320mm, Й®^ 70mm, Й^ЙД 40Сг
(Ш), 280HBS, 7Ш&
Table 12. Summary of Parameters for the Drive Gear Set
di + d2 a= 2 320
ШШ z 38
ИйВ 70
тса ^^
GB/T4323-2002 ЗД, ЙД TL12 ШШ^, T = 8000N - m,
n = 1450г/min , 100mm, 167mm.
Tea = KAXT3 = 7763.9N •m<T = 8000N • m n = 19.96r/min < и = 1450 r/min
ШД, #№Ш3 ЯЯЖ.
Table 13. Coupling Parameters
(N ■ m) (r / min) аде (mm) ЙЛ-fcÄ (mm) D (mm)
TL12 8000 1450 100 167 100
2.3.2 ЩЗДШЁ
+ 320mm, 20r/min.
Щ^ШШЖ^ 160mm, мшшш^ф.
Ш12 ЯЯХ.
а 12 жшшхш
Figure 12 Schematic Diagram of Dual Stirring Shafts
3 mim
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