For citation-. Feng Jun-Long. Design of Face Recognition System Based on Matlabs // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (20)'2023 (DOI. 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2023.02) — EDN.
УДК 004.4274
Design of Face Recognition System Based on Matlabs
Feng Jun-Long1
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China;
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In order to improve the efficiency of facial recognition and solve the hygiene issues caused by contact, low recognition security, and low recognition efficiency in traditional facial recognition technologies. On the basis of traditional facial recognition technology, this article designs and analyzes a program based on Matlab for image processing and Fourier transform function for facial recognition. This program achieves non-contact, safety, and accuracy in the recognition process. So the design of facial recognition attendance system based on Matlab has high advantages in the field of facial recognition.
Keywords. facial recognition; MATLAB; image processing; Fourier transformation
Matlab шлшшшш
1 йж, 430073
E-mail: [email protected]
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Matlab одлмш^шжшш^лмшяш^д^шшш. ШП- ЛМШЭД Matlab; ШШ№; ШШ^Ш
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[1]. яш, таш&^етяш-^шш^лмш^ face
шшт. matlab шттшштт, шткшш, д^&йод
йй^пшт m ^жд^майздш,
тшш, Matrix шжщ. ш
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Fig. 1. Facial recognition flowchart
«i^s, mmmm&mMmrn. m&mmm^w, mm
AJJm^J: ftl&ft&^AlftA
(Closed Set) ft^ (Open Set) MA^.
2 AJM^m^&S
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# Matlab t, MM^ffl
gray_image = imread('gray_image.jpg'); % color_image = cat(3, gray_image, gray_image, gray_image); % MM&MW^^^^&MW imwrite(color_image, 'color_image.jpg'); %
mn&mmm^, 'gray_image' M. M^, mm 'cat' m M 'gray_image'
&&MM 'color_image' M^, ^tfW^mffl 'imwrite'
mm^: # matlab t, №P
Image Processing Toolbox, Computer Vision Toolbox f P Image Acquisition Toolbox
mmmmmmmmm, f^MMitmMi^. rnmrn^^ am^ mmTmtnmmmwnw&mmrnmmm,
mmm^—mmmmmmm^M^nmmmmm^wnwm. ^
^ttm^mmmMMtnmm^, sobel Prewitt ^n
rt, [5].
ftmx, sm^^mm^. ^nmrn^rnmr [6]:
i=imread('f:\facel.jpg'); j=rgb2gray(i);
imshow(j);imwrite(j,'f: facel.tif)
2: 1972 ^ 11 (Playboy)
ш 2
Fig. 2. Processed image
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i=imread('f:\facel.tif);i=rgb2gray(i); j=histeq(i);imshow(i); figure,subplot(1,2,1),imhist(i); subplot(1,2,2),imhist(j)
о too от
Fig. 3. Histogram
тшя, штттмш. шштштш:
Imfilter(i,h) = j2;Figure, subplot(1,2,1), imshow(i);
шштшшт 4
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Fig. 4. Processed image
Matlab7.0 № (edge) ШШЧШМШШЖШШ, ifЖ^^ШтifЖ. Itfffl canny ЖШ,
Fig. 5. Processed image
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1\1ena.tiff 1\lena.tiff
cle;clear all J1=imread( ' J2=imread( ' J1=rgb2gray(1); J2=rgb2gray (J2) J1fft = fft2(J1); J2fft = fft2(J2); J1fftShift;
J2fftShift = fftShift(J2fft);
J1Power = abs(J1fftShifb;
J2Power = abs(J2fftShift);
J2fftConjugate = conj(J2fftShift);%^Ä$I
CrossPowerSpecttrum=JlfftShift.*J2fhConjugate . (J1Power . *
); );
m 6 ^mwra&mim
Fig.6. Spectral plots of the original and comparative images
Table 1. Spectral correlation coefficient
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fig.7. Spectral plots of the original and comparative images
m 2 мшшжм
Table 1. Spectral correlation coefficient
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1+0i 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 -0.99708+ 0.90890+ 0.638400- -0.99998+ -0.89864+ -0.44842- -0.01213-
0.076316i 0.416996i 0.769704i 0.005295i 0.438673i 0.893818i 0.999926i
3 0.47604+ 0.98130+ 0.84871+ -0.96628+ 0.98233+ 0.577018- 0.997964-
0.879422i 0.192453i 0.528856i 0.257458i 0.187114i 0.816736i 0.06376li
4 -0.13200+ -0.39925- 0.30826+ 0.55613+ 0.197894- -0.42023+ 0.73823+
0.991248i 0.91684li 0.951299i 0.831093i 0.980223i 0.907417i 0.674546i
S^iffl matlab ffSPf^Wg^m,
tmm Matlab #
mmixmi ^itsi^Mim imnmmfAmm.
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