DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0036 yflK 004.31:654.924
Design of a Low Cost GSM Based Embedded System for Preventing Vehicle Theft Using AVR Microcontroller
Chanchal Raj and Santosh Mohan Rajkumar*
National Institute of Technology Silchar, India
Received 20.04.2016, received in revised form 10.02.2017, accepted 10.03.2018
Abstract. Now-a-days, increasing no. of incidents of vehicle theft have become a major problem in society. To prevent vehicle theft we can install an embedded system in the vehicle which takes care of this thing. In this paper, we deal with design of an embedded system to prevent vehicle theft. The pro-posed system makes use of AVR (Advanced Virtual RISC) microcontroller interfaced with a GSM module. After installing the system in the vehicle, if the vehicle is being stolen then the owner can control the ignition, say it to lock the vehicle or stop the engine by communicating with the GSM module from a mobile phone. The owner can bring back the vehicle to normal condition after enter-ing a secured password. Tracking of the vehicle is also possible due to the presence of SIM card in the GSM module. The system is designed in a single chip & the cost is very less.
Keywords: GSM, AVR, Vehicle Tracking, Embedded Systems.
Citation: Raj Ch., Rajkumar S.M. Design of a low cost GSM based embedded system for preventing vehicle theft using AVR microcontroller, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. & Technol., 2020, 13(1), 63-68. DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0036
© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected]
Дизайн низкой стоимости GSM на основе встроенных систем
для предотвращения кражи транспортных средств с использованием микроконтроллеров AVR
Чанчал Радж, Сантош Мохан Ражкумар
Национальный технологический институт
Индия, Cилчap
Аннотация. Случаи хищения транспортного средства стали серьезной проблемой в обществе. Для предотвращения угона мы можем установить встроенную систему в автомобиле. В этой статье мы имеем дело с конструкцией встроенной системы для предотвращения угона автомобиля.Предложенная система используетAVR(AdvancedVirtual RISC) микроконтроллера, сопряженного с модулем GSM. После установки системы на транспортном средстве владелец может контролировать зажигание, фиксировать автомобиль или останавливать двигатель, связываясь с модулем GSM с мобильного телефона. Владелец может вернуть автомобиль в нормальное состояние после ввода защищенного пароля. Отслеживание транспортного средства возможно также из-за наличия SIM-карты в модуле GSM. Система разработана в одном чипе, и стоимость ее значительно меньше других систем.
Ключевые слова: GSM, AVR, слежение за автотранспортными средствами, встроенные системы.
Цитирование: Радж, Чанчал. Дизайн низкой стоимости GSM на основе встроенных систем для предотвращения кражи транспортных средств с использованием микроконтроллеров AVR / Чанчал Радж, Сантош Мохан Ражкумар // Журн. Сиб. федер. ун-та. Техника и технологии, 2020. 13(1). С. 63-68. DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0036
1. Introduction
In recent years, vehicle thefts are increasing at an alarming rate around the world. According to National Crime Information Center (NCIC), in 2006, 1,192,809 motor vehicles were reported stolen, the losses were 7.9$ billion [1]. People have started to use the theft preventing systems installed in their vehicles. The commercially available anti-theft vehicular systems are very expensive. Therefore in this paper we propose a simple low cost embedded system to serve this purpose. The embedded system block consist of an AVR microcontroller, GSM module, LCD, keypad, relay circuitry, power supply unit.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile), is a standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe the protocols for second-generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones, first deployed in Finland in July 1991. As of 2014 it has become the default global standard for mobile communications - with over 90% market share, operating in over 219 countries and territories. The network structure of GSM is divided into a number of discrete sections as follows [7]:
• Base Station Subsystems (the base stations & their controllers).
• Network and Switching Subsystem (the part of the network most similar to a fixed network, sometimes just called the "core network".
• GPRS Core Network (the optional part which allows packet-based Internet connections).
• Operations support system (OSS) (network maintenance).
2. The designed embedded system
The block diagram of the proposed embedded system is shown in Fig 1. The power supply unit drawspowerfrom car'sbattery&supplies 5VtoAVR microcontroller&12V torelayconnectedto ignition & fuel suppiysystemofthecae. wnenenevehide is5ioten,tPc owner can send an SMS typing "STOP" followeaby opaeswsrd fromfihmop tlephppe to the srcreC mopile numbot oC Hie GhM module. Microcrnl^(^ltyr i^ea SMSi , reads the instruction it & compares
the password withthe value sala° lhe cwntr. If flip passwacd ir^^^c^hesayaufo^s;mirsat^r^i^tr(^^re^a^is-connects relfy fromthccircuitlt, she a^^lilde wiU sloc. TUo aehrore can be brought back to normal position in two ways: either the owner can send a message typing "RESET" followed by the password or by directly entering the password through the keyboard on spot. The LCD is there to show relevant information. Theownercananytimechange the password by using the keyboard after providing the cutreiit poriwotd.
rO. Vhe AVR mtcrocsniroSlec
The hcrot of ths cyctem lies in tie AW mrofepoutroliet, whish hondles ril s^nais. Ot ic vn it miacucAntroller to^i^Sc trosks 05 10 tfOH^s fst5 fcsquencf.Tht s^^^c^r ofAVR ^iai^hi^^^^^ ^crs; is ATmfpo3A ctii armel SSlo^ lepc feafhies of ATmigoa5 arr:
s cossumptiow.
• Ad^one. RISC ^^^hk^c^iui^T.
• ffigh endurao2eaoAiSSlatile memory segments.
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of the embedded system
• JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1 Compliant) interface.
The pin configuration of ATmega32 is shown below in Fig. 2.
B. The keypad
The keypad that has been used here is in the form of (4 x 4) matrix form to give input data (i.e. password, during validation process). The keypad is connected with AVR microcontroller row-wise from PB4 to PB7 & column-wise from PB0 to PB3. The rows are connected to an output port and the columns are connected to an input port. If no key has been pressed, reading the input port will yield 1's for all columns since they are all connected to high (Vcc). If all the rows are grounded and a key is pressed, one of the columns will have 0 since the key pressed provides the path to ground. It is the function of the microcontroller to scan the keyboard continuously to detect and identify the key pressed. The circuit diagram of the designed keyboard is shown in Fig. 3.
C. The display unit
The display unit used to display messages here is a 16x2 LCD. The data ports of LCD are connected from PA0 to PA7 of microcontroller & control pins RS, RW, E are connected to PC0, PC1, PC2 of microcontrollerrespectively. AvariableresistorRVl isconnected toVRtEport ofLCDwhich is used Oo adRust contraslofLCD. TheLCD used Rereis LM016L which is capable of displaying alphanumerics in 16x2 RotmaSeiR.
D. ThreelaynrtiS
The relae weareuringherekdrivenby Powei MOSFET (IRF830) and we apply the output of AVR miriocontroieerto thefaOeafMOSFET.ThoMeSFET is b iased by 12 V supply from the battery.
(T1) PB1 IZ 2
(INT2/AIN0) PB2 C 3
(SS) PB4 C 5
(MOSI) PB5 r 6
(MISO) PB6 L 7
(SCK) PB7 □ 8
40 ZI PAO (ADCO) 39 □ PA1 (ADC1) 38 □ PA2 (ADC2) 37 ZI PA3 (ADC3) 36 □ PA4 (ADC4) 35 □ PA5 (ADC5) 34 □ PAS (ADC6) 33 □ PA7 (ADC7) 32 □ AREF
GND C 11
XTAL1 □ 13
29 □ PC7 (TOSC2) 28 □ PC6 (TOSC1) 27 □ PC5 (TDI) 26 □ PC4 (TDO) 25 □ PC3 (TMS) 24 □ PC2 (TCK) 23 □ PC1 (SDA) 22 □ PCO (SCL) 21 □ PD7 (OC2)
31 □ GND 30 □ AVCC
(RXD) PD0 IZ 14 (TXD) PD1 IZ 15 (INTO) PD2 IZ 16 (INT1 ) PD3 c 17 (OC1B) PD4 IZ 18 (OC1A) PD5 r 19 (ICP1) PD6 □ 20
Fig. 2. Pin configuration of ATmega32 (DIP)
Fig. 3. The Designed Keypad
The relay completes the rgnition ciccuie & also ehe circuit of a choke con itr rhe fuel injection system of the vehcfle. Whenever the celaychnnccoitsstaCc ot discfnnectc ihe icnctfoT ci rcuit& hpg choke coil will come ieleactionchscontinmngthe fru^supply to engine. Thus vehicle stops. The vehicle comes into normal positionwhenm icrocontroller brings back the relay to the original state.
E. Shegcm motei^c
We are usinf SrM9hOA GSMmoture wilh Gi^eviif^ which wockr tee Cre^ncy 900/1800 MHz. Thereceivef (Rripm ocGSM moduk ^comrecledto Tn (pml5)of transmit
(Tx) pin of GSM module is connected to Rx (pin 14) of microcontroller. The default baud rate of both module & microcontroller is 9600. The GSM module communicates with the microcontroller serially as per UART (Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit) protocol. The signal of module contains Data Bits: 8 s Parily:oone, Shop Bit: L The frequency & Incut rate ctn bc medified using AT command.
3.The ehhemheicllimulтeedhaehwdredeiign
The sshemctie hardware simulation circuit for the embedded system to prevent vehicle theft is shown in Fig 4. In this simulation circuit we are showing two lamps showing the state of ignition and choke coil connected to NC & NO state pins of relay respectively.
4. Conclusion
With the designed embedded system installed in vehicle, vehicle theft can be prevented, also with SIM tracking feature location can be found out. The system components are very much cheap & hence the cost of the system is very less. The implementation of the system is very simple & hence vehicle owners can easily avail the benefit of it.
Fig. 4. Simulation Schematic o f theembeddedbystem
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