Научная статья на тему 'Depression among students'

Depression among students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Smirnova E.A., Andreeva A.V.

The issue of depression is relevant not only in Russia but also worldwide. Today it is one of the most serious social and medical problems. А survey conducted among the students of Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University proves it. The results are presented in the article. The causes of depression, symptoms and measures of dealing with it are also considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Depression among students»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

УДК 159.99=20


Е. А. Смирнова, А. В. Андреева Научный руководитель - Н. Н. Куприянова Руководитель по иностранному языку - Н. Н. Куприянова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Тема депрессии является актуальной не только в России, но и во всём мире. На сегодняшний день она является одной из самых серьёзных социальных и медицинских проблем. Это доказывает проведённый нами опрос студентов СибГАУ, результаты которого представлены в статье. Рассматриваются причины депрессии, симптомы и средства борьбы с ней.

Ключевые слова: депрессия, депрессия у студентов, причины депрессии, симптомы депрессии, средства борьбы с депрессией.


E. A. Smirnova, A. V. Andreeva

Scientific Supervisor - N. N. Kupriyanova Foreign Language Supervisor - N. N. Kupriyanova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

The issue of depression is relevant not only in Russia but also worldwide. Today it is one of the most serious social and medical problems. А survey conducted among the students of Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University proves it. The results are presented in the article. The causes of depression, symptoms and measures of dealing with it are also considered.

Keywords: depression, depression among students, the causes of depression, symptoms of depression, measures of dealing with depression.

Depression is a state of deep sadness, it develops after a recent loss or other sad event, as well as for no apparent reason. It is characterized by excessive expression of negative emotions and their unusual duration. Movements and speech become slow. The World Health Organization compares depression with epidemic that has engulfed the whole humanity: depression has moved into the first place among the causes of absenteeism, and the second - among the diseases leading to disability. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders - more than 350 million people of all age groups suffer from it. Every year about 150 million people in the world become disable due to depression. It causes an annual loss of more 50 billion dollars to the US economy. This sum includes the costs of 290 million for lost working days, psychological assistance and decrease of efficiency.

50 students of Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University at the age of 17-22 took part in the survey which showed that more than 25 % males and more than 70 % girls are already at the first stage of depression. In the survey Zung Enxiety Rating Scale was used. The majority of the students answered "Often" to the question "How often do you feel tired for no reason?" 41 % male and female students get tired for no reason, and 38 % - feel depressed.

Let us consider the main causes of depression. The representatives of any social group at any age may have depressive disorders. This is primarily due to the fact that the values of the modern society have a significant pressure on a person. People strive for social well-being, professional success and attractiveness. If a person fails to achieve this, he can fall into despair, feel deeply sorry for his failures, and, as a result, become depressed. Heavy psychological traumas, such as bereavement, family breakdown, breakup with a loved person, game addiction, and a serious disease, can lead to depressive disorders. Also, the reason for the students' depressed state may be connected with going to university. It can be the stress of being in a new

Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2016. Том 2

environment, of failing to enter the chosen University or speciality, having new responsibilities, the necessity to become independent and taking examinations. In rare cases depression occurs without any apparent cause.

The symptoms of depression may include a variety of emotional expressions: anxiety, despair, low self-esteem, etc. A person suffering from depression, experiences constant fatigue and sadness. He is no longer interested in what he used to enjoy, becomes indifferent to others. Thoughts become negative, the person is fixed on the negative aspects of his life, considers himself useless, worthless, a burden for his relatives. It is difficult for him to make his own decisions.

In addition to the changes in the emotional sphere, depression is also characterized by physiological manifestations. Most often there are problems in the wake-sleep schedule, there can be insomnia and weight reduction. The appetite can be lost completely or, on the contrary, it can increase and lead to overeating. Patients complain of heart and stomach ache and suffer from constipation. The energy supply of the body reduces significantly, patients get overtired quickly even after low physical and mental activity. There are often disorders in the sexual sphere, alcohol and drug addiction. Unfortunately, alcoholism and drug addiction are often caused by depression. Alcohol and drugs give a patient a false sense of well-being. Depression also is the basis of a variety of social phobias, and in severe cases it can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts.

It is necessary to know that depression can and should be struggled with. There are many measures of dealing with depression. To get rid of depression at the initial stage, it is important to analyse the events that led you to depression and plan your day so that you are busy with the things which are pleasant for you. If you have a hobby, do it. If you do not have a hobby, try to find it. The investigation conducted by the student of International Higher Business School at SibSAU Dutova Olga among her fellow-students showed that the majority of the students having no hobbies are in poor psycho-emotional state. The highest level of psycho-emotional state is observed among those students who have hobbies. A hobby has a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person that helps him to learn and work effectively [2] and, thus, prevents him from depression. Walking in the fresh air, going to the gym, all kinds of art, charity and physical activity help get rid of the negative energy and avoid depression. When you are depressed, you should not make important decisions because under depression it is difficult to assess the situation properly and adequately. Depression affects your perception of the world, so the best way out is to put off making a decision till a later time. Make a plan of your day and stick to it in any situation. Keep a healthy diet as it is known that food affects the body, particularly the brain, which, in its turn, affects depression. Many depressed people begin to raise their spirits with alcohol. However, it does not work in a good way. The lack of sound sleep also causes a decrease in mood. Sound sleep is one of the best medicines against depression. It is necessary to alternate mental and physical activity. When you have some insolvable situation at work, take a holiday or a day-off. At a more serious stages of depression medicines are the basis of treatment but in Russia and former republics of the USSR district doctors can prescribe these drugs, but often do not have any necessary experience or qualifications to do it. Also psychotherapy and electroshock therapy are used.

If no proper measures are taken at an early stage or a very serious one, according to the statistics by 2020 depression will paralyze the economic life in both developed and developing countries.


1. Depressia (Depression) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.vidal.ru/encyclopedia/ narusheniya-psihiki-psihologiya/depressiya [04.03.2016]. (In Russ.)

2. Dutova О. A., Kupriyanova N. N. Hobby As a Means of Influencing Success and Active Life Position // Youth. Society. Modern science, technologies & innovations: collection of papers of the XIII-th International Scientific Conference of bachelor students, master students and post-graduate students (May 15 2014, Krasnoyarsk) / under the general editorship of I. V. Kovalev, M. V. Savelyeva, N. A. Shumakova; SibSAU. Krasnoyarsk, 2014. P. 74-75.

3. Evsegneev R. A. Raspoznavanie i lechenie depressiy v obschemedicinskoy praktike (Recognition and treatment of depression in general medical practice): Study guide. Minsk, 2002. (In Russ.)

4. Kurpatov A. V. 5 spasitelnih shagov ot depressii k radosti (5 saving steps from depression to joy). SPb. : Neva ID SPb, 2006. P. 224. (In Russ.)

5. Psihoanaliz depressiy (Psychoanalysis of depression) / Collected papers edited by prof. M. M. Reshetnikov. St. Petersburg, East-European Psychoanalytic Institute, 2005. p. 164. (In Russ.)

6. Sinitskii V. N. Depressivnie sostoyaniya (Depressive states). Kiev : Naukova Dumka, 1986. (In Russ.)

7. Depressia. Simptomi depressii. Prichini depressii. (Depression. Symptoms of Depression. Causes of Depression) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://brosaem.info/depressiya.php [04.03.2016]. (In Russ.)

© Смирнова Е. А, Андреева А. В., 2016

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