Научная статья на тему 'Dependence of air spring parameters on throttle re-sistance'

Dependence of air spring parameters on throttle re-sistance Текст научной статьи по специальности «Механика и машиностроение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по механике и машиностроению, автор научной работы — Reidemeister O.H., Kivisheva A.V.

Purpose. In this paper it is necessary to conduct: 1) research and analyse the influence of throttle element pneumatic resistance on elastic and damping parameters of air spring; 2) to obtain the dependence of air spring parameters on throttle element pneumatic resistance value. Methodology. The work presents the elaborated model of the air spring as a dynamic system with three phase coordinates (cylinder pressure, auxiliary reservoir pressure, cylinder air mass). Stiffness and viscosity coefficients were determined on the basis of system response to harmonic kinematic disturbance. The data for the analysis are obtained by changing the capacity of the connecting element and the law of pressure variation between the reservoir and the cylinder. The viscosity coefficient is regarded as the viscosity ratio of the hydraulic damper, which for one oscillation cycle consumes the same energy as the air spring. The process of air condition change inside the cylinder (reservoir) is considered to be adiabatic; the mass air flow through the connecting element depends on the pressure difference. Findings. We obtained the curves for spring viscosity and stiffness coefficients dependence on the throttle resistance at three different laws, linking airflow through the cylinder with the pressure difference in cylinder and reservoir. At both maximum and minimum limiting resistance values the spring viscosity tends to zero, reaching its peak in the mean resistance values. Stiffness increases monotonically with increasing resistance, tends to the limit corresponding to the absence of an auxiliary reservoir (at high resistance) and the increase in cylinder volume by the reservoir volume (at low resistance). Originality.The designed scheme allows determining the optimal parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the throttle element air resistance. Practical value.The ability to predict the parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the throttle element air resistance will improve the running performance of carriages, the comfort of passenger transportation and reduce the wear of the rolling stock and the track caused by interaction of carriage and rails.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dependence of air spring parameters on throttle re-sistance»

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

UDC 629.4.027.31-272.82


1 Dep. «Car and Car Facilities», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 19, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-7490-7180

2*Dep. «Car and Car Facilities», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 19, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-8811-7243


Purpose. In this paper it is necessary to conduct: 1) research and analyse the influence of throttle element pneumatic resistance on elastic and damping parameters of air spring; 2) to obtain the dependence of air spring parameters on throttle element pneumatic resistance value. Methodology. The work presents the elaborated model of the air spring as a dynamic system with three phase coordinates (cylinder pressure, auxiliary reservoir pressure, cylinder air mass). Stiffness and viscosity coefficients were determined on the basis of system response to harmonic kinematic disturbance. The data for the analysis are obtained by changing the capacity of the connecting element and the law of pressure variation between the reservoir and the cylinder. The viscosity coefficient is regarded as the viscosity ratio of the hydraulic damper, which for one oscillation cycle consumes the same energy as the air spring. The process of air condition change inside the cylinder (reservoir) is considered to be adiabatic; the mass air flow through the connecting element depends on the pressure difference. Findings. We obtained the curves for spring viscosity and stiffness coefficients dependence on the throttle resistance at three different laws, linking airflow through the cylinder with the pressure difference in cylinder and reservoir. At both maximum and minimum limiting resistance values the spring viscosity tends to zero, reaching its peak in the mean resistance values. Stiffness increases monotoni-cally with increasing resistance, tends to the limit corresponding to the absence of an auxiliary reservoir (at high resistance) and the increase in cylinder volume by the reservoir volume (at low resistance). Originality. The designed scheme allows determining the optimal parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the throttle element air resistance. Practical value. The ability to predict the parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the throttle element air resistance will improve the running performance of carriages, the comfort of passenger transportation and reduce the wear of the rolling stock and the track caused by interaction of carriage and rails.

Keywords: spring suspension; air spring; viscosity coefficient; stiffness coefficient


Air springs are the most progressive elastic elements of running gear, which are used in passenger car bogies. Their main advantage is the ability to maintain the position of the body at a certain level relative to the rail heads, regardless of the load, due to automatic adjustment of air pressure within the spring [4, 6, 7]. Furthermore, they have good noise and vibration reduction properties, providing comfort of passengers [9, 12, 16].

Ability to take up high horizontal and diagonal displacements as well as the torsional strength make the air suspension systems an attractive solution for use on all bogies [1, 4, 7].

There are several types of air spring systems [4, 8, 10, 14] (air damper and air spring with one or two extra reservoirs) and it is convenient to de-

scribe their dynamic properties with the help of the mechanical equivalent model.

To date, the most common for use on passenger cars is a pneumatic system design, consisting of an air spring and an auxiliary reservoir. The reservoir is needed to reduce the vertical stiffness [4, 7, 13]. As an auxiliary reservoir the internal cavity of the bogie frame truss is used; besides the auxiliary reservoirs may be located in the car body or in the space under the body.

As a rule, the air springs are limited by size according to the condition of their location on the bogie frame, so they are separated from auxiliary reservoirs and communicate with the latter by connecting pipes. The pipes are equipped with connecting elements, which have a calibrated vent holes. When overflowing from the cylinder into the

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

auxiliary reservoir the air has to overcome an air resistance of the connecting element, causing the spring to get the damping characteristics along with the elastic ones.


The purpose of this work is to research and analyse the influence of throttle element pneumatic resistance on elastic and damping parameters of air spring. To obtain the dependence of air spring parameters on throttle element pneumatic resistance value.

The changes in the connecting element flow capacity largely affect the overall pneumatic system. For the analysis of the newly constructed or improved existing air suspension system the issue of the connecting element capacity, along with the capacity of the auxiliary reservoir and the air spring casing, is an extremely important parameter.


To analyse the dependence of elastic and damping properties of air suspension system (hereinafter - the spring) on the connecting element parameters we consider the spring (Fig. 1) comprising the following components: rubber-cord casing cylinder (1), reservoir (4), piping (3) and connecting element (2).

p 2, respectively. They differ from the excessive one by the atmospheric pressure value pa.

The set of equations describing the system operation is as follows:

р 1 (-F ■ z ) ml

——by-- Y--= 0

р1 V1 ml

р 2 m 2

--Y--= 0

р 2 m 2 ml + m 2 = m


m 2 = f (pi - p2),

where z - cambering of spring; m 1 - air cylinder mass; m 2- reservoir air mass; y - polytropic exponent; f - function defining the mass air flow through the connecting element.

We assume that the spring operation proceeds at the ambient temperature equal to t=25 °C and the pressure equal to pa = 1 atm.

Equations (1) are interdependent, which allows approximate representation of the air spring as the elastic element with stiffness C and the viscous friction element with viscosity / (Fig. 2) mounted in parallel [5].

Let us consider cinematic excitation of this system, when its deformation is described by the expression z = a ■ sin 2nf (a - body oscillation amplitude, f - disturbing frequency).

The maximum strength occurs when z = a (the signs are not significant), it is equal to:

= С ■ a,


Fig. 1. Diagram of air spring with reservoir

The spring is considered as a dynamic system with three phase coordinates (cylinder pressure, auxiliary reservoir pressure, cylinder air mass). The process of air condition change inside the cylinder (reservoir) is adiabatic; the mass air flow through the connecting element depends on the difference of cylinder and reservoir pressure. [15].

The spring has the following parameters: cylinder volume V 1 and reservoir volume V 2, support surface area S (we assume that it is independent of cambering of spring), air mass m. The total pressure in cylinder and reservoir is denoted by p 1 and

and the work done by an external power source per full oscillation cycle -to the viscous friction element operation, i.e.

A = 2n2 ■ f ■ a ■ß,


Fig. 2. The equivalent mechanical system

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

Expressions (2) and (3) are used for determining the equivalent stiffness and viscosity of the air spring. For this purpose we integrate the equation (1) when z = a ■ sin2n/, which will allow determining the spring overpressure p 1 as a function of time t. The force exerted by the external source on the spring supporting surface is equal to:

P =(P1 - Pa) ■S,

and the work of this force per oscillation period is equal to:


A = | pdz = 2/1 cos 2nft ■ p(t)dt


Having determined pmax = maxt p(t) and A , we find the equivalent coefficients:

C = PmJ a,

ß = A/2-n2 • f •a2.




We obtained the curves for three laws of pressure variation of air suspension stiffness and viscosity characteristics, as well as determined the system operation depending on the connecting element flow capacity (Fig. 3-5.):

The research is carried out at a variable amplitude of oscillations (a = 0.005m, a = 0.010m, a = 0.020 m).

Taking into account the dependence of changes in gas (liquid) flow value on the section resistance and the vessel pressure employed in the fluid dynamics [2, 11, 14], we choose the dependence of

pressure difference changes p1 - p 2), but for

the research completeness and based on various types of connecting elements, we do not neglect the following dependencies: (p1 - p 2),

(P1 - P 2)2.

Calculations are carried out with different flow capacity of the connecting element: from virtually open connecting element, which equalizes the cylinder and reservoir pressure, to almost completely closed one, which shuts off the cylinder from the reservoir [3].

Under these assumptions, we determine the dependence of cylinder overpressure p 1 on time t. The obtained data on pressures allow drawing the conclusions about the work done by the system, its equivalent coefficients of stiffness and viscosity under various operating conditions.

Fig. 3. Dependence of system operation on element pneumatic resistance when yj(p1 - p2)

2500 2000 A,W 1500 1000 500 0

S* \


я T—"T--7" • • m—■

A] (k=le- 9) Aj |k=5e-10) Aj (b-2e-10) Aj |k=le-10! Aj |k=5e-11) Aj |k=2e-11! Aj (k=le-Й( Aj |k=5e-12) Aj |k=2e-12) Aj (t=le 12)

3=5 mm 56 77,044 113.34 143,99 167,22 159,96 109,91 62,635 26,142 13,159

-■-3=10 mm 160,99 224,1В 340,52 453,96 577,02 бвзда 627,47 443,30 206,26 105,64

—a=20mm 461,47 646,92 1000,2 1369,2 1326,9 2475,4 2771,4 2569,4 1564,2 вбо,за

Fig. 4. Dependence of system operation on element pneumatic resistance when( p1 - P 2)



1500 A, W 1000


Aj (k=l e Aj ik=5 e-5) Aj (k=2 HI Aj (k=l es| Aj (k=5 E-6) Aj (k=2 e-6) Aj |k=l e-6) Aj |k=5 e-7) Aj |k=2 e-7) Aj IkFl e-7) Aj |k=5 e-B] Aj )kF2 e-B] Aj IkFl e-B)

—♦— a=5 mm 23,6 56,2 124, 173, 156 79,9 47,5 20,9 3,44 4,24

-•- a=10mm 57,5 114, 225. 497, 696 627, 321, 167, 34,4 33,9 17,0

-*-3=20mm 92,5 231, 461. 907, 2009 2B27 2567 1323 saa. 347, 139, 70,1

Fig. 5. Dependence of system operation on element pneumatic resistance when

(p1 - p 2)2

As can be seen from the above curves, the system indicates the lowest peak value of the work performed in case of pressure difference change

curves pi - p2). Likewise in case of the curve

*J(pi - p2) the maximum system performance

level is achieved at the beginning of the opening cycle of the connecting element, that allows achieving the system peak performance for a shorter period of time than that of systems with pressure change dependences (pi - p2), (pi - p2)2.

It is also natural that the maximum work performed by the system falls to the oscillation amplitude of 0.020 m, whereas when the oscillation amplitude is 0.0050 m, the changes in the system operation in case of decreased flow capacity of the connecting element are insignificant.

Analyzing the formula (3), it can be concluded that the more work that the system makes, the higher the pressure needs to be maintained in the cylinder for its high-quality work, which in turn can lead to complication in spring supply system. However, the fundamental parameters for spring operation are stiffness and viscosity, not its work. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze these figures for all three dependences of pressure change.

For the above-mentioned law of the spring support surface motion, the phase shift between p i and z is virtually absent, which makes it possible to estimate the stiffness spring by the formula (4). Whereas the equivalent viscosity coefficient is determined as the viscosity coefficient of the hydraulic damper, which absorbs per one oscillation cycle the same energy as the air spring by the formula (5).

We obtain the following curves of spring stiffness and viscosity coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the pneumatic resistance of the element that connects the cylinder with the auxiliary reservoir (Fig. 6-ii):

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

1300 1600 1400 1200

C,kNm 1000 800 600 400


(k-le- 3) (k-5e- 4) (k=2e-4) (k=le-4) (k=5e-5) (k=2e-5) (k-le- 5) (k=5e-6) (k-2e-6} (k-le-&}

—♦—a =0,005 m 608,63 603,86 842,32 1244,5 1447,8 1497,8 1490,3 1481 1476,4 1479,7

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

a=0,010 m 604,19 609,8 1060,6 1380,5 1488 1499,4 1488,7 1490,1 1498,1 1499,9

—к— a =0,020 m 654,68 735,65 1279,8 1486,3 1532,6 1526 1549,1 1561,2 1567,3 1567,3

Fig. 6. Curve of stiffness coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic resistance

where pi - p2)

70 60 50 »t/С ад 30 20 10 0


/Д \

/J \\\

/// Y\

/1 \\


(k=le-3) (k=5e-4) (k=2e-4) (k=le-4} (k=5e- (k=2e-5) (k=le-5} (k=5e-6) (k=2e-6) (k=le-6}

—a=0,005 m 3,0039 11,842 52,277 68,193 45,154 19,502 9,8591 4,9491 1,9906 1,0041

-a-a=0,010ffl 5,9954 22,575 67,79 58,377 33,619 13,945 7,0122 3,5141 1,4114 0,71

—^ a=0,020m 12,023 40,197 69,584 46,306 24,788 10,088 5,0625 2,5352 1,0187 1,0187

Fig. 7. Curve for viscosity coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic resistance

where ^p i - p 2)

400 200

(k=5 e-10) (k=2 e-10) (k=l e-10) (k=5 e-11) (k=2 e-11) (k=l e-11) (ks5 e-12) (k=2 e-12) (k=l e-12) (k=5 e-13) (k=2 e-13) (k=l e-13) (k=5 e-14)

—a=0,005m 685,8 765,7 865,6 1014 1261 1404 1467 1479 1474 1482 1488 1489 1488

-■-a=0,010 m 653,1 703,3 767,5 867,5 1075 1265 1407 1475 1480 1498 1510 1515 1516

—a=0,020m 639,4 669,3 709,4 773,8 917,4 1085 1280 1456 1499 1545 1576 1588 1594

Fig. 8. Curve of stiffness coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic resistance

where (pi - p2)2

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

70 W 'M t/c w 30 20 10 О

/ /f\ \ \

/ s у \


^jf \V \

(k j e-10) <k 2 e-10) (k 1 frlO) <ki> e-11) |k 2 e-11) <k 1 e-11) <k 5 e-12) <k 2 e-12) jk 11 (ft>5 1 (k 2 (k 1 e-12) e-13) e-13) e-13) (k Ь e-14)

—♦—¡1=0,005 in 31.23 45,94 56,36 67,78 63,22 44,55 25,41 10,6 5,333| 2,676 1,032| Or55 0,234

—e-;|=0,Pl0m tt,Tl 34,M 41) 55,4/ 44,44 70,4 ID, / 7,Л Й:Ч| 1,ПИЯ

—*— a o.oajm 34, W 46,2В 70,21 ЪЬДЮ 39,62 21.B1 11,19 '1, jl-1 2.,2(JÖ 1,1'W

Fig. 9. Curve for viscosity coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic

resistance where (p 1 - p 2)2

Fig. 10. Curve of stiffness coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic resistance where (p 1 - p 2)

Fig. 11. Curve for viscosity coefficient dependence on the parameters characterizing the element pneumatic resistance where (p 1 - p 2)

By increasing the viscosity coefficient, the system smooth operation and, consequently, the level of passenger comfort is improved. The curves show that early achievement of maximum viscosity

is observed for p1 - p2) however, this figure


is slightly lower than for (p 1-p 2)2 and (p 1-p 2).

Originality and practical value

The designed scheme allows determining the optimal parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the

connecting element air resistance. The practical value is that the ability to predict the parameters of elastic and damping properties of the pneumatic system as function of the throttle element air resistance will improve the running performance of carriages, the comfort of passenger transportation and reduce the wear of the rolling stock and the track caused by interaction of carriage and rails.


Analysing the above curves, it can be concluded that the system stiffness coefficient increases significantly with increased resistance created by the connecting element, herewith the system viscosity tends to zero, which adversely affects the damping of the system. In its turn, the system viscosity is the highest at the mean resistance value of the flow generated by the connecting element. Moreover, the system reaches the maximum viscosity at the mean value of the stiffness coefficient that proves the beneficial effect on the system damping quality of the presence of the element with variable pneumatic resistance, which connects the cylinder with the auxiliary reservoir.


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1 Каф. «Вагони та вагонне господарство», Дшпропетровський нацюнальний ушверситет затзничного транспорту 1меш академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 19, ел. пошта [email protected], ОКСГО 0000-0001-7490-7180

2*Каф. «Вагони та вагонне господарство», Днтропетровський нацюнальний утверситет зал1зничного транспорту 1меш академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 19, ел. пошта [email protected], ОЯСГО 0000-0001-8811-7243


Мета. В науковш робот необхщно провести: 1) вивчення та аналiз впливу пневматичного опору дросе-льного елемента на пружш та демпфуючi властивосп пневматично! ресори; 2) отримання залежносп влас-тивостей пневматично! ресори вщ величини пневматичного опору дросельного елемента. Методика. Розро-блено модель пневматично! ресори як динамiчноi системи з трьома фазовими координатами (тиск у балош i додатковому резервуар^ маса повггря в балош). Коефщенти жорсткосп та в'язкосп визначеш по ввдгуку системи на гармоншш шнематичш обурення. Даш для аналiзу отримаш шляхом змши пропускно! здатносп з'еднувального елемента та закону змши тисшв мiж резервуаром i балоном. Коефщент в'язкосп розгляда-еться як коефщент в'язкостi гiдравлiчного гасителя, який за один цикл коливань поглинае ту ж енергiю, що i пневматична ресора. Процес змiни стану повиря всерединi балона (резервуара) вважаеться ащабатичним, масова витрата повiтря через сполучний елемент залежить вiд рiзницi тискiв. Результата. Отримано графь чш залежностi коефiцiентiв жорсткостi та в'язкосп ресори вiд опору дроселя при трьох рiзних законах, що зв'язують витрати повiтря через балон iз рiзницею тисков у балонi та резервуара При граничних (як великих,

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2016, № 2 (62)

так i менших) значеннях опору в'язшсть ресори прагне до нуля, досягаючи максимуму в середньому дiапа-зош величин опору. Жорстшсть монотонно зростае при збiльшеннi опору, прагнучи до меж, вщповвдним вiдсутностi додаткового резервуару (при великому опорО i збшьшення обсягу балона на обсяг резервуара (при малому опор^. Наукова новизна. Розроблена схема дозволяе виявити оптимальш параметри пружних та демпфуючих властивостей пневматично! системи, залежно ввд пневматичного опору дросельного елемен-та. Практична значимкть. Можливiсть прогнозування параметрiв пружних та демпфуючих властивостей пневматично! системи, залежно вщ пневматичного опору дросельного елемента, дозволить полшшити ходо-вi характеристики вагонiв, пiдвищити комфортабельнiсть перевезення пасажирiв, а також знизити знос ру-хомого складу та рейково! колiï внаслвдок взаемодiï ек1паж-шлях.

Ключовi слова: ресорне шдвшування; пневматична ресора; коефщент в'язкостi; коефiцiент жорсткостi


1 Каф. «Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 19, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-7490-7180

2*Каф. «Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 19, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-8811-7243


Цель. В научной работе необходимо провести: 1) изучение и анализ влияния пневматического сопротивления дроссельного элемента на упругие и демпфирующие свойства пневматической рессоры; 2) получение зависимости свойств пневматической рессоры от величины пневматического сопротивления дроссельного элемента. Методика. Разработана модель пневматической рессоры как динамической системы с тремя фазовыми координатами (давление в баллоне и дополнительном резервуаре, масса воздуха в баллоне). Коэффициенты жесткости и вязкости определены по отклику системы на гармоническое кинематическое возмущение. Данные для анализа получены путем изменения пропускной способности соединительного элемента и закона изменения давлений между резервуаром и баллоном. Коэффициент вязкости рассматривается как коэффициент вязкости гидравлического гасителя, который за один цикл колебаний поглощает ту же энергию, что и пневматическая рессора. Процесс изменения состояния воздуха внутри баллона (резервуара) считается адиабатическим, массовый расход воздуха через соединительный элемент зависит от разности давлений. Результаты. Получены графические зависимости коэффициентов жесткости и вязкости рессоры от сопротивления дросселя при трех разных законах, связывающих расход воздуха через баллон с разностью давлений в баллоне и резервуаре. При предельных (как больших, так и меньших) значениях сопротивления вязкость рессоры стремится к нулю, достигая максимума в среднем диапазоне величин сопротивления. Жесткость монотонно возрастает при увеличении сопротивления, стремясь к пределам, соответствующим отсутствию дополнительного резервуара (при большом сопротивлении) и увеличению объема баллона на объем резервуара (при малом сопротивлении). Научная новизна. Разработанная схема позволяет выявить оптимальные параметры упругих и демпфирующих свойств пневматической системы в зависимости от пневматического сопротивления дроссельного элемента. Практическая значимость. Возможность прогнозирования параметров упругих и демпфирующих свойств пневматической системы в зависимости от пневматического сопротивления дроссельного элемента позволит улучшить ходовые характеристики вагонов, повысить комфортабельность перевозки пассажиров, а также снизить износ подвижного состава и рельсовой колеи вследствие взаимодействия экипаж-путь.

Ключевые слова: рессорное подвешивание; пневматическая рессора; коэффициент вязкости; коэффициент жесткости


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Chief Researcher V. L Horobets, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), (Ukraine); PhD Tech. T. V. Sheleiko (Ukraine)

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Accessed: Dec. 11, 2015

Received: March 25, 2016

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