Научная статья на тему 'Деформация поверхности при геометрических ограничениях'

Деформация поверхности при геометрических ограничениях Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Берзин Д. В.

Предположим, что мы хотим изменить (деформировать) NURBS минимальным образом, чтобы достичь условия непрерывности с ее соседями. В данной работе дается алгоритм такой деформации

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Suppose we want to deform a base surface of a face in order to achieve some continuity condition (e.g., G continuity) with the given neighbors at common edges. We give an algorithm of a deformation that changes the surface geometry as little as possible.

Текст научной работы на тему «Деформация поверхности при геометрических ограничениях»


1. Герри М., Джонсон Д. Вычислительные машины и труднорешаемые задачи. М.: Мир, 1982.

Берзин Д.В.

Кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, Москва ДЕФОРМАЦИЯ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ПРИ ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЯХ


Предположим, что мы хотим изменить (деформировать) NURBS минимальным образом, чтобы достичь условия непрерывности с ее соседями. В данной работе дается алгоритм такой деформации


Ключевые слова: система автоматизированного проектирования, условие непрерывности G , NURBS, вариационная задача.

Berzin DV

PhD, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow SURFACE DEFORMATION WITH GEOMETRIC CONSTRAINTS



Suppose we want to deform a base surface of a face in order to achieve some continuity condition (e.g., G continuity) with the given neighbors at common edges. We give an algorithm of a deformation that changes the surface geometry as little as possible.


Keywords: CAD, G continuity, NURBS, variational problem.

Suppose that a face F0 is surrounded by some number of neighbor faces F1, F2, ... . We want to deform an (initial) base surface of F0 in


order to achieve some continuity condition (e.g., G continuity) with the given neighbors at common edges. This deformation should change the surface geometry as little as possible.

1. “Curve error” functional


0 .... 0

Denote vectors of initial and deformed control points by P = {P 1 }, P = {P 1 } respectively. Consider a curve c (t), which belongs


to (or located near) the initial (not deformed) surface S(P ). Let

w = w(c , t) = (u(t),(v(t))


be a corresponding uv-curve of c (t). Consider a class of 3D-curves with a fixed w and the variable P:


n m

z z

c w (P)(t) = i=0 1=0 P1 Nг •p (u(t))N1 •q (v(t)) Consider a functional

D(P) = D(c , c w ( P)), (3)

which in some way expresses distance (or maximum gap) between initial and deformed curves. Let call such a functional “curve error” functional.

2. Other functionals

Consider two more types of functionals: H(P) and G(P). “Control point error” functional H(P) expresses a distance between sets of


control points P and P. H(P) is to control a deviation of a deformed surface. “Continuity error” functional G(P) is to keep some continuity


condition, for example, G with some of neighbor faces.


3. Quasi-G

11 Instead of G at sample points on boundary curves, we can try to achieve a little different (and, in some meaning, stronger, than G ) condition, which, however, leads to linearity in the variational problem. Let E be an arbitrary, but fixed sample point on some edge, which is

0 0


shared by both face F0 and the neighbor face F1. Consider a tangent plane at E to a base surface of the face F1. Let S u and S v be


corresponding tangent vectors (taken at the point E in u and v directions respectively) to the initial base surface S(P ) of the F0. Project S u


0 T S S

and S v onto , get the pair of vectors u u and u v respectively. Now we can compose the continuity error functional for this condition at the point E:

GE (P) = || S u - a S u ||2 + || Sv - P S v ||2 , (4)

where S u and S v - corresponding tangent vectors to the deformed surface S(P), and & and P are real variables. Respectively,



continuity error functional for a set of sample points is G(P) = EeQ G E (P).

4. Variational problem

Now, we can compose the “total error” functional F(P) = k D D(P) + k H H(P) + k G G(P), (5)

where constants k D , k H , k G can serve as weights and might be found empirically. Eventually, our goal is to find a minimum: F(P) ^ min (6)

This variational problem without restrictions (see [4]) can be solved according to the Fermat theorem:

grad F(P ) = 0





where P is a solution of the problem.

5. Remarks

In this approach, knot vectors and the number of control points are still the same after deformation. Perhaps, this restriction will not allow achieving a precise continuity condition and preserving boundary curves within prescribed tolerances. It is needed to measure continuity and curve errors, and, if necessary, insert additional knots in the initial surface, and after that restart the deformation.

All terms in (5) should have a quadratic form, so that the system (7) becomes linear. In our first implementation, we will assume k D =

k H = k G = 1 for simplicity.

1 1

Quasi-G condition is not the same as G , but we can expect that generally (6) will force the corresponding tangent planes to approach desired positions.

6. First example

Let’s consider a simple example of variational problem with geometric constraints. Suppose that point A is located inside a mimimax box of points C and D. It is needed to find a new position B of the point A, so that B is nearly equidistant from both C and D (i.e. |BC-BD| ->

min) and the movement (deformation) is mimimal (i.e. |AB| -> min). Obviously, it’s reduced to a problem with one coordinate, say x. If x0

stands for A, x1 - for C, x 2 - for D, and xB - for unknown B, then minimization of corresponding functional leads to xB = (x0 + x1 +

x 2 )/3.

7. Second example

To exemplify, how to find a minimum of functionals like (4), consider another simple variational problem with geometric constrains.

Find a point (x,y), which is as close as possible to both line & (0,2) and the point (2,1). To solve this problem, compose the functional 2 2 2 2 F(x, y, & ) = x + (y-2 & ) + (x-2) + (y-1) and find its minimum. Equation grad F(x, y, & ) = 0 leads to the following expressions:

4x - 4 = 0, 4y - 4& - 2 = 0, -4y + 8& = 0 The answer: & = 0.5 and the point is (1,1).

8. Expressions for the curve error functional

After discussing the general approach, we are ready to write out precise expressions for the curve error functional D(P). Consider an arbitrary, but fixed pair w = (u,v), and corresponding 3D point E = E(P, w) on a loop of F0. Then, according to (2),

n m


E(P) = i=o j=° py N г.p (u)Nj(v) (8)

Set N1 1p (u)Nj,q (v). Renumber (ij) -> k and rewrite the expression (8) as



E(P) = k= P k N k (w) (9)

where N = (n+1)(m+1)-1, i.e. N is the total number of control points in the control net. Suppose that for deformed surface control points have the following coordinate representation:

0 0 0 0

P k = (x k , y k , z k ), P k = (x k , y k , z k ), (10)

where k = 0,...,N.

Then the squared movement of a sample point with fixed uv-coordinates w is

0 2

II E(P) -E || =


Z ~0 2 Z , У0 2 Z ~0 2

= ((k=0 xk Nk ) - x ) + (k=0 (y k Nk ) - У ) + ((k=0 zk Nk ) - z )2


0= ( X° У

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Here E = (x , •/ , z ).

If the total number of sample points (to control the curve movement) on the curve(s) is d+1, then the functional D(P) takes the form



D(P) = i=0 D1 (P) =

d N N N

Z Z x0 2 Z y0 2 Z z0 2

= 1=0 {((k=° xk Nkq ) - г ) + ((k=° y k Nkq ) - Si ) + ((k=o z k Nkq ) - г ) } (12)

where N k,г = N k (w1), i = 0, ., d.

Corresponding partial derivatives of D(P) with respect to the variables x r , y r , z r are


я я Z Z x0

d D(P)/ Я x r = 2 1=0 {N r,1 ((k=° xk N kq ) - 1 )} (13)


z z

2 1=0 {N r j ((k=

d N

z z

?r 1 о )} (14)


i £ N )} (15)

where r = 0, ..., N.

9. Expressions for the control point error functional The squared movement of a k-th control point is

0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 ||Pk - Pk || = (xk - xk ) + (y k - y k ) + (z k - z k ) (16)

The control point error functional


.^2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2

H(P) = k=0 ||P k - P k || = k=0 (X k - X k ) + k=0 (y k - y k ) + k=0 (z k - Z k )

Corresponding partial derivatives of H(P) with respect to the variables x r , y r , z r are


^ H(P)/ d X r = 2(x r - X r ) d H(P)/ ^ y r = 2(y r - y r )




d H(P)/ ^ z r = 2(z r - z r )

10. Expressions for continuity error functional

Consider again an arbitrary, but fixed pair w = (u,v), and corresponding 3D point E = E(P, w) on a loop of the F0. Then tangent vectors to the surface S(P) at this point:

S u (u,v) = d S(u,v)/^ u = 1=0 P1j (dNUp (u)/du)NUq (v) (21)

n "*


S v (u,v) = d S(u,v)/^ v = *=> 1=0 P1jNkp (u)(dN1’q (v)/ dv) (22)

Denote L 1 = L 1 (w) = (dN kp (u)/du)N 1 ,q (v), M1 = M1 (w) = N kp (u)(dN 1 ,q (v)/dv). Renumber (i,j) -> k, then we rewrite expressions (21) and (22) as

n "*



S u = k=0 p k l k zN

S V = k=0 p k M k



S S'

where N = (n+1)(m+1)-1. Suppose, that u u = (x u , y u , z u ), u V = (x V , y V , z V ). Then the expression (4) takes the form:





G E (P) = ((k= x k L k ) - ax u ) +((k= y k L k ) - ay u ) +((k= z k L k ) - a z u ) +


z z z

Я 2 Я 2 Я 2

+ ((k=0 x k M k ) - ^x V ) + ((k=0 y k Mk ) -*y V ) + ((k=0 z k Mk ) -*z V ) (25)

Suppose now, that the total number of sample points E1 (to control the continuity) on the curve(s) is g+1. Denote corresponding

projections of tangent vectors by


u’1 = (x u’1, y u’1, z u’1) and

) and S V^ = (xV’1, y V^, z V^ ), corresponding coefficients by L k,1 = L k ( E1)

and M k■1 = M k ( E1) respectively, and G1 (P) = G(E1, P), where i = 0, ... , g. Then the functional G(P) takes the form


G(P) = = G1 (P) =


=° { zN


( k=0

= 1=0 {(( k=0 x k L k'1 ) - a 1 x ^) + (( k=0 y k L ^ ) - a 1 y ^ ) + (( k=0 z k L ^ ) - a 1 z ^ ) +


( k=0


Я 1 xV4 )2 + ((k=0 y k Mkq ) -Я 1 y V4 )2 + ((k=0 zk Mkq ) -Я 1 z V,1 )2 } (26)



+ ((k=0 x k M k-1')

Corresponding partial derivatives of G(P) with respect to the variables x r , y r , z r , a s , Я s are


r .1



д x r : IN g I g I

= 2{ k= (x k i=0 ( L r-1 'L k ■i + M r, !M k J )) - i=0

N g g

д y r : IN I I

= 2{ k= (y k i=0 ( L r-1 'L k ■i + M r, !M k J )) - i=0

N g g

д z r -- IN I I

= 2{ k=° (z k i=0 ( L r, i l k и + Mr, i M k,i )) - i=0

i \/\r-1

г М r ,г y v,t )

i \/\rTv-i'

2 2



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y u,s +z US ) - fco L k-s (x u-s xk + y u’s y k + z u’s z k ) } (30)


д G/д P S = 2{ P s (xv-s + y v-s +z v-s) - k= Mk’s (xv’sxk + y v’sy k + z v’sz k ) } (31)

where r = 0, ..., N and s = 0, ..., g.

11. Linear system for the variational problem

We want to solve the variational problem (6). Actually, in our task the functional F = F(P,& ,P ) is a functional of 3(N+1)+2(g+1) variables. Namely, we have (N+1) unknown control points of the deformed surface (3 coordinates each), and (g+1) variable for each of u and

v direction in the continuity keeping component. Now we are ready to write out precise expressions for (5). For simplicity, set k D = k H =

k G = 1.

d N




/—i /—i x° 2 ^ 0° 2 ^ 7° 2

F(P) = i=0 {((k= xk N k’i) - г ) + ((k= y k N k’i) - Уг ) + ((k= z k N k’i) - г ) } +


I 0 2 I 0 2 I




Я ?r l N ?r +


I 2 IN

k=0 y k l k ,i ) _ & i y U,i ) + (( k=0


+ ((k=° x k M kJ ) - P г x v’{ )2 + ((k=° y k M kJ ) - P г y v’{ )2 + ((k=° z k M kJ )- P г z v’{ )2} (32) The system (7) takes the form:






Id IN N k ■i X0 0

i=0 {N r (( k=0 x k ) - i )}+ (x r - ■ x r ) +

N g g


+ k=0 (x k i=0 (L r,i L k •i + Mr, 'M k•i)) ■ . i=0 (&

d N

Id IN v° 0

i=0 {N r ((k=0 yk N k ■i ) - У i )}+ (yr - yr) +

N g g


+k=0 (yk i=0 (L r,i L k •i + Mr, 'M k•i)) ■ - i=0 (&

d N

Id IN N k •i 70 0

i=0 {N r (( k=0 z k ) - i )}+ (z r - zr) +

N g g


+ k=0 (z k i=0 (L r,i L k,i + M r,i M k•i)) ■ - i=0 (&


k=0 L k’s (xU’s x k + ■ y U’s y k+ z U’s z k ) ■ - & s (x1


г l ri y UP + P г m rk y v’b



2 2 2

+ y U,S +z U,S )

2 2 2

k=0 M k’s (x v’s x k + y v’s y k + z v’s z k ) - P s (x v’s + y v’s +z v’s) = 0 (37)

The system (33)-(37) is a linear system of 3(N+1)+2(g+1) equations and 3(N+1)+2(g+1) unknowns. Here r = 0,., N and s = 0,., g. Denote:














IS i=0 N r ,i n k,i L rk = i=0 L r,i L k ,i , M rk = i=0 M r,i M k,i

X 1 x u,i X y X z

X ri = - L r, ri = - - L r,' ' y u,i, ri = - L r, i z u,i

X y z

№ n-_ = - M r, i x v,i № ri = - M r, i y , № ri = - Mr ,i z vy ,

X y z

L sk = = L k,s x u,s р sk : = L k ,s y u,s , L sk ■■ = L k,s z u,s

X y z

M sk = M k ,s x v,s, M sk = M k,s y v,s, M sk = = M k,s z v, s,


rk = N rk + L rk + M rk § s = - (x u,s + y u,s +z u,s ) § s = - (x v,s + y v,s +z v,s )

n x Z . x° 0 Qy Z . v° 0 Q z Z . z° 0

в r = i=0 N r ^ i + X r в r = i=0 N r ,г i + y r в r = i=0 N r ,г i + z r Then we get the following expressions:










. i=0 g


. i=0 g





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z + zr■


№ x P i = в X (38)

№ У P i = в У (39)

№ Zn P i = в z (40)

z x Z У Z z <, u

k=0 l sk x k + k=0 p sk y k + k=0 p sk z k + § s O s = 0


z x Z y Z z <, v R

k=0 M sk x k + k=0 M sk y k + k=0 M sk z k + § s s = 0

Solution of the (38-42) is the solution of the problem. This linear system has the form AX = B (43)



where A = (ay ) is a matrix of constants, B = (b1) is a vector of constants, and i, j = 0, ..., 3(N+1)+2(g+1) - 1. The vector of unknowns

X = (x0

, xN , y0,

,yN , z0,

7 N O 0

a g p




We can depict the structure of (43) in the following sketchy form (see the next chapter for a full description):





Q rk (+1) 0 0 X Xk X № rk x r в X

0 Q rk (+1) 0 X yk № У y r в У

0 0 Q rk (+1) X Ik z № rk z r в z

X L sk y L sk z L sk § u 0 a s 0

X M sk y M sk z M sk 0 §v P s 0

12. The matrix

The matrix A in (43) consists of 25 blocks and can be described as follows.

a) First column of blocks: j = 0, ..., N (stands for the variable x in X). a-1. i = 0, ..., N r = i, k = j

a1 = Q rk , if i ^ j; a1 = Q rk +1, if i = j a-2. i = N+1, ..., 2N +1

a11 = 0 (square zero block) a-3. i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2

a1 = 0 (square zero block)


a-4. i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g

ai] = Lsk , where s = i - (3N+3), k = j a-5. i = 3N+4+g, ..., 3N+4+2g

a у = m sk , where s = i - (3N+4+g), k = j

b) Second column of blocks: j = N+1, ., 2N +1(stands for the variable y in X). b-1. i = 0, ..., N

a v = 0 (square zero block) b-2. i = N+1, ..., 2N +1 r = i - (N+1), k = j - (N+1)

ai] = Qrk , if i^ j; ai] = Qrk +1, if i = j b-3. i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2

a v = 0 (square zero block) b-4. i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g y

aij = Lsk , where s = i - (3N+3), k = j - (N+1) b-5. i = 3N+4+g, ., 3N+4+2g


ai] = M sk , where s = i - (3N+4+g), k = j- (N+1)

c) Third column of blocks: j = 2N+2, ., 3N +2 (stands for the variable z in X). c-1. i = 0, ..., N

a1] = 0 (square zero block) c-2. i = N+1, ..., 2N +1

a v = 0 (square zero block) c-3. i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2 r = i - (2N+2), k = j - (2N+2)

= Qrk , if i^ j; aiJ = Qrk +1, if i = j


c-4. i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g


aiJ = L sk , where s = i - (3N+3), k = j - (2N+2) c-5. i = 3N+4+g, ., 3N+4+2g


aiJ = M sk , where s = i - (3N+4+g), k = j - (2N+2)

d) Fourth column of blocks: j = 3N +3, ., 3N+3+g (stands for the variable & in X) d-1. i = 0, ..., N

ai] = A rk , where r = i, k = j - (3N+3) d-2. i = N+1, ..., 2N +1

aiJ = A rk , where r = i - (N+1), k = j - (3N+3) d-3. i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2

aiJ = A rk , where r = i - (2N+2), k = j - (3N+3) d-4. i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g

aij = 8 s , s = i - (3N+3), if i = j, and

a'1 = 0, if i ^ j (square diagonal block) d-5. i = 3N+4+g, ., 3N+4+2g

a iJ = 0 (square zero block)

e) Fifth column of blocks: j = 3N+4+g, ., 3N+4+2g

(stands for the variable $ in X) e-1. i = 0, ..., N


ai] = V rk , where r = i, k = j - (3N+4+g) e-2. i = N+1, ..., 2N +1

aiJ = V rk , where r = i - (N+1), k = j - (3N+4+g) e-3. i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2


aiJ = V rk , where r = i - (2N+2), k = j - (3N+4+g) e-4. i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g

a iJ = 0 (square zero block)


e-5. i = 3N+4+g, 3N+4+2g

ai] =& s , s = i - (3N+4+g) if i = j, and

a1 = 0, if i ^ j (square diagonal block)

13. Right-side array of constants

The column of constants B = (b1) in the equation (43) has the following form: в x

1) i = 0, ..., N: b1 = u r , where r = i

2) i = N+1, ..., 2N +1: b1 = в Г , where r = i - (N+1)

= в

3) i = 2N+2, ..., 3N +2: b1 = u r , where r = i - (2N+2)

4) i = 3N+3, ..., 3N+3+g: b1 = 0

5) i = 3N+4+g, ., 3N+4+2g: b1 = 0

14. Algorithm

In order to compute new positions of control points, we should complete the following main steps:


1) Get a vector of (N+1) control points {P k } of initial surface, see (10).


2) Choose (d+1) sample points to keep boundary curve(s) position {(u1 , v1 )} 1_0,..’d . Let’s call these points “G0 sample points”.


3) Choose (g+1) sample points to keep continuity {( u 1 , v 1 )} 1-0’ .’g . Let’s call these points “G1 sample points”. In our implementation, a set of G1 sample points is a subset of the set of G0 sample points.

4) Calculate “desired” tangent plane at each G1 sample point and get 2(g+1) corresponding projections of tangent vectors to initial

C . V ■

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surface onto the tangent plane: (° “,1) and (° v’1), see (26). In other words, get a pair of 3D vectors for each G1 sample point.

5) Calculate two vectors of (g+1) constants each: (^ s ), (^ s ).


6) Calculate (N+1)-vector N k ,1 for each G0 sample point using B-spline basic functions, see (12).

7) Calculate a pair of (N+1)-vectors (L k ,1), (M k ,1) for each G1 sample point using B-spline basic functions and their derivatives, see


8) Calculate three (N+1)x (N+1) matrices: (N rk ),(L rk ),(M rk ); see Ch.11.

9) Calculate (N+1)x (N+1) matrix (Q rk ), see Ch.11.

10) We don’t need matrices (L rk ) and (M rk ) anymore and can free corresponding memory.

в x в y в z

11) Calculate 3 vectors of (N+1) constants each: (“ r ),(^ r ),(^ r ); see Ch. 11.

12) We don’t need the matrix (N rk ) and vector of control points {P k } anymore and can free corresponding memory.

x y z x y z

13) Calculate six (N+1)x (g+1) matrices (A ri ), (A n ), (A n ), (M n ), (M n ), (M n ).

x y z x y z

14) Calculate six (g+1)x (N+1) matrices (L sk ), (L sk ), (L sk ), (M sk ), (M sk ), (M sk ).

15) Free memory allocated for each sample point.

16) Compose the matrix A. Free corresponding memory.

17) Compose right-side array of constants B.

18) Solve the system (43) using routines for sparse linear equations.

19) Get a set of new control points.

20) Create new surface.


1. W. Welch, A. Witkin “Variational Surface Modeling” // Computer Graphics (ACM), 1992

2. G. Celniker, W. Welch “Linear constraints for deformable B-spline surfaces” // Computer Graphics, 1992

3. D. Terzopoulos, H. Qin “Dynamic NURBS with geometric constraints for interactive sculpting” // ACM Transactions on Graphics,


4. S. V. Fomin, I. M. Gelfand “Calculus of Variations” // Dover Publications, 2000

Богун В.В.

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры математического анализа Ярославского государственного педагогического

университета им. К.Д. Ушинского



Рассматривается применение численных методов при решении задач, направленных на исследование определенных объектов математического анализа (числовые последовательности, алгебраические уравнения, интегралы от функций, дифференциальные уравнения). Перечислены численные методы, используемые при решении соответствующих задач, и показана необходимость применения информационных технологий при реализации рассматриваемых вычислительных алгоритмов.

Ключевые слова: объекты математического анализа, численные методы, информационные технологии.


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