Научная статья на тему 'Defining the global tendencies of transformation of national systems of higher education'

Defining the global tendencies of transformation of national systems of higher education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Grynevych Luidmyla V.

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the general world tendencies of the development of higher education, as well as their adaptation to the introduction into national practice. Topicality of research and monitoring, of both the processes common to civilization and the processes of functioning of world educational systems with the purpose of coordination of their basic parameters with tendencies of development of higher education system, has been substanti­ated. As a result of the research it is proved that the development of higher education system is possible only in case of taking into consideration tendencies of development of education system. They are the only determinants of the main trends that will need to be implemented in the near future. Prospects for further research are to determine the evolutionary stages of the development of higher education system in order to define the factors that will influence the strengthening of the institutional autonomy of university.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Defining the global tendencies of transformation of national systems of higher education»

UDC 378.8



© 2017


UDC 378.8

Grynevych L. V. Defining the Global Tendencies of Transformation of National Systems of Higher Education

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the general world tendencies of the development of higher education, as well as their adaptation to the introduction into national practice. Topicality of research and monitoring, of both the processes common to civilization and the processes of functioning of world educational systems with the purpose of coordination of their basic parameters with tendencies of development of higher education system, has been substantiated. As a result of the research it is proved that the development of higher education system is possible only in case of taking into consideration tendencies of development of education system. They are the only determinants of the main trends that will need to be implemented in the near future. Prospects for further research are to determine the evolutionary stages of the development of higher education system in order to define the factors that will influence the strengthening of the institutional autonomy of university.

Keywords: education system; national education system, higher education, higher education system, university. Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 26.

Grynevych Luidmyla V. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Economic Forecasting, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 378.8

Гриневич Л. В.

Визначення свтових тенденцй трансформацИ нацональних систем вищо} ocBim

Целью статьи является обобщение и систематизация общих мировых Метою статтi е узагальнення та систематиза^я загальносвтових тенден^й розвитку вищоi освiти та !х адапта^я до впроваджен-ня у втчизняну практику. Об(рунтовано актуальшсть дослдження i монторингу, як загальноцивЫзацшних процеав, так i процеав функ-цонування свтових остттх систем з метою узгодження 1х основних параметр'ю з тенден^ями розвитку нацональноi системи вищоi ост-ти. В результатi дослдження було доведено, що успшний розвиток система вищоi освти можливий лише у разi урахування тенден^й розвитку системи освти. Саме вони визначають головт тренди, як необидно буде реал'вовувати найближчим часом. Перспективами по-дальшого дослдження е визначення еволюцйних етатв розвитку системи вищоiосвти з метою визначення фактор'в, як! впливатимуть на посилення iнституцiйноi автономИ утверситету. Ключов'1 слова: система освти, нацональна система освти, вища освта, система вищоiосвти, ушверситет. Рис.: 1. Ббл.: 26.

Гриневич Людмила Володими^вна - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри статистики та економiчного прогнозуван-ня, Хармвський нацональний економiчний утверситет !м. С. Кузнеця (просп. Науки, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 378.8

Гриневич Л. В. Определение мировых тенденций трансформации национальных систем высшего образования

Целью статьи является обобщение и систематизация общих мировых тенденций развития высшего образования, а также их адаптация к внедрению в отечественную практику. Обоснована актуальность исследования и мониторинга, как общецивилизационных процессов, так и процессов функционирования мировых образовательных систем с целью согласования их основных параметров с тенденциями развития системы высшего образования. В результате исследования было доказано, что развитие системы высшего образования возможно только в случае учета тенденций развития системы образования. Именно они определяют главные тренды, которые необходимо будет реализовывать в ближайшее время. Перспективами дальнейшего исследования является определение эволюционных этапов развития системы высшего образования с целью определения факторов, которые будут влиять на усиление институциональной автономии университета. Ключевые слова: система образования; национальная система образования, высшее образование, система высшего образования, университет.

Рис.: 1. Библ.: 26.

Гриневич Людмила Владимировна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры статистики и экономического прогнозирования, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (просп. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

The system of higher education in Ukraine is one of the social institutions, the development of which is completely determined by the changing needs of the society, which are conditioned by the nature and achievements of scientific, technological and social progress. The dynamics of the modern social development is characterized by rapid and profound changes in all spheres of human life as well as by a tendency to continuous development in accordance with the changing goals and needs of the society, the emergence of new developments and the introduction of high technologies. At the same time, the response of the national higher education systems to social challenges of the time happens not automatically, but indirectly, in the process of development of the public opinion and activity

of teachers, public and state figures and is characterized by certain inertia. Thus, an urgent issue is to determine the direction of development of the national system of higher education in accordance with global trends.

Issues related to studying trends in the development of higher education for increasing the level of economic development of Ukraine were examined by such researchers as T. Boholib [1], O. Hrishnova [4], B. Danylyshyn [5], S. Ka-lashnikova [6], G. Kalinicheva [7], V. Kremen, S. Nikolaienko [3], V. Ponomarenko [14], Ye. Pinchuk [13], О. Rayevnyeva [17], V. Sidenko [16], V. Yablonskyi [2], and others.

Despite the presence of a significant number of publications on this topic, issues related to studying and adapting the global trends in higher education in the national system

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did not find comprehensive coverage the scientific literature. These circumstances necessitate a constant search involving research and monitoring both of the general civili-zational processes and the processes of the functioning of world educational systems in order to harmonize their basic parameters with social changes.

The aim of the article is to generalize and systematize the general global trends in the development of higher education and adapt them to the introduction into domestic practice.

In the opinion of the majority of authors, the most radical changes are required concerning such an element of higher education as its content, since it forms the foundation and possibilities for improving the programs for preparing students. The world education system includes [1-7]: + pre-school educational institutions (kindergartens);

+ general educational institutions (schools); + institutions of higher professional education (universities);

+ institutions of secondary specialized education

(vocational technical schools (VTSs); + private educational institutions (lyceums, colleges,

special schools); + additional education (institutes of advanced training).

Higher education, in its global sense, is an integral part of the world education system, and, therefore, varies under its influence. In turn, changes in the sphere of education are inseparably linked with the processes taking place in the socio-political and economic life of the international community. It is from this standpoint that the main trends in the development of world education are considered in Fig. 1.

Development of market relations in the field of education

Integration of education

Fig. 1. Global trends in the changes in the education system

The world educational space unites national educational systems of various types and levels, which differ significantly in their philosophical and cultural traditions, level of goals and objectives, and qualitative states. Consequently, their diversity is subject to classification in accordance with the characteristics that are produced in accordance with the development of a certain region. A. P. Liferov identifies types of regions on the basis of mutual rapprochement and interaction of educational systems [8].

The first type is presented by regions that are generators of integration processes. A demonstrative example of such a region can be Western Europe. The idea of unity became the basis of all educational reforms of the 1990s in Western European countries. To the first type of regions there can be attributed the United States and Canada, but their integration efforts in education are implemented in a different situation. In the world, a new Asia-Pacific Region (APR) - a generator of integration processes -is being formed. It includes the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, as well as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. For all these countries, a strategy of increased requirements for quality of education and staff training is inherent.

The second type is regions that respond positively to integration processes. First of all, these are countries of Latin America that are in the zone of action of integration impulses on the part of the United States and Western Europe.

The third type is regions that are inert to the integration of educational processes. This group includes a large part of the countries of Africa from the Sahara to the south (except for the Republic of South Africa), a number of states in South and South-East Asia, small island states of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins.

Thus, it can be concluded that modern education has become a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon, through which the transfer, assimilation, processing of knowledge and social experience takes place. Of great importance is the social aspect, which allows to view education through the prism of social relations, its interaction with society, influence on social development, spheres and structures, involves the consideration of education as a social phenomenon and social system as a source of personal formation, etc. [11]. Indeed, education is one of the most effective and most intensive ways of a person's entering the world of science and culture. It is in the process of education that a person learns cultural values. The content of education is continuously renewed and is drawn from the cultural heritage of different countries and nations, various areas of constantly developing science as well as from life and practice of man. The world educational space is intensively developing. Therefore, the world community is demanding the formation of a global strategy for human education (regardless of place and country of residence, type and level of education). At the same time, the acquisition of education is a process of transferring culturally designed patterns of behavior and ac-

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tivity, as well as permanent forms of social life. In this regard, the dependence of the development of individual countries on the level and quality of education, culture and qualification of citizens is increasingly being traced.

In the modern era of globalization and breakthroughs in science and technology, constant challenges of the environment, the state is responsible for formulating the priorities and goals of national development, choosing the ways and instruments for effective achievement of the goals. Moreover, the state is responsible for the production of public goods, one of which is education. The understanding of the role and significance of education for the successful development of a country under current conditions is growing. In terms of economic science, education (and, in fact, it has been realized in developed countries, as well as in China and India) has long been the most important area of state responsibility [10]. Thus, the expenses on education are 5.2 % - 5.5 % of the GDP in France, Germany, Great Britain. And all countries that borrowed loans from the World Bank spent 7-10 % on education (China took the most) from the total amount of borrowing [9]. Moreover, it is already considered established in the world practice that an objective "threshold" condition for ensuring the efficiency of higher education is to bring the share of the educational sphere in the GDP to at least a minimum level of 5 %. This will make it possible to provide educational institutions of all levels with the necessary material equipment, raise the share of university expenses to 30 % of the total education expenses, and the salaries of school teachers should be set at a level at least by 20-30 % exceeding the national average level.

Thus, the education system is a complex structured phenomenon, which combines several components that in their development influence each other. Intensive development of one of the components takes place under influence of various factors: economic, social, demographic, political ones. Thus, it is necessary not only to know the general development trends but also react to them promptly. In this sense, higher education is most strongly influenced by global trends in education as well as changes in the economic and political situation in the world. The analysis of the works of leading comparatorists reveals the main trends in the development of higher education in the world: mass character; continuity; diversification; enhancement of fundamentalism; international integration; integration with science and production.

Studies conducted by UNESCO have shown that the development of higher education is directly influenced by the level of socio-economic development of the state. Thus, according to the estimations of BusinesStat, in 2016 the value of the world market of higher education decreased by 4.6 % in comparison with the previous year and reached USD1186.3 billion. The decline in the value of the market occurred both under the influence of a decrease in the number of students and the average cost of training. It is expected that in 2016 an increase in the value of the world market of higher education will increase by 1 % compared to 2016 - up to USD1198.3 billion [18; 19; 21].

By the end of 2016, the number of students in higher education institutions in the world amounted to 515.9 mil-

lion people, which was 2.5 % below the 2015 level. The decrease was due to the macroeconomic and political instability, as well as the deterioration of the economic situation in oil exporting countries. In addition, in many countries of the world there was a shortage of jobs for specialists with higher education, which led to problems of employment after graduation and occupational mismatch [18; 19; 21].

In 2017, a slight increase in the number of students in universities of the world is forecast - up to 516.7 million. The growth in the number of students will be supported by informatization of education, development of remote technologies and international student mobility. In some cases, higher education abroad can be cheaper than in the home country, or even free of charge [18; 19; 21].

In 2016, the average cost of training on a fee-paying basis in universities of the world decreased by 2.3 % compared with the previous year and amounted to USD3.8 thousand a year. The decline in the indicator was due to the redistribution of demand for cheaper educational programs. In addition, the dynamics of prices was affected by a sharp increase in the rate of the US dollar against the national currencies in several countries. This led to the fact that the cost of training in dollars in these countries decreased with the growth of prices in terms of the national currency [18; 19; 21].

Thus, the formation of an appropriate policy in the field of higher education should have an economic basis. For this purpose, it is necessary to define a group of indicators for diagnosing the current state of the system and determine the prospects for its development. To solve this problem, it is expedient to use a system of indicators for assessing the current state of the world market for higher education [22-26], including:

+ general assessment of the current economic situation in the world; + the number of teachers in the system of higher

education; + admission statistics;

+ the number of students in the system of higher education;

+ value of the market for higher education; + natural volume of the market for higher education;

+ average length of training; + average price for higher education services. The information basis of the research can be presented by analytical reports and databases of such organizations as the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Standard Classification of Education, the United Nations Statistics Division, the World Bank, European Statistical Office. These organizations are aimed at a continuous monitoring both of the world education system and the higher education system, publication of the monitoring results in the form of analytical reports, which allows users to timely decide on the further actions in this area.

In most foreign developed countries, the main type of higher education institutions is a university, and it is there, according to B. L. Vulfson, that the bulk of students are concentrated; in Western Europe and Japan their share exceeds

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80 %, in the USA - 60 % of all students. Higher education is no longer a personal challenge or a privilege, it has become a social need of modern society. The Americans were the first to take the path of mass higher education. In the UK, since the early 1990s, a binary system has been established, involving the division of the country's higher education into two sectors: the elite university sector and the mass non-university one. In Australia, for example, in 1980 the number of university students per 1000 inhabitants was 25, in 1998 it increased up to 80; in Belgium - from 26 to 56, in Great Britain - from 19 to 58, in the USA - from 56 to 81, in the Republic of Belarus this figure changed from 39 to 47 [18; 19; 21].

The quantitative growth of the student contingent has necessitated a serious structural reorganization of higher education. In most Western countries, a system of degrees (bachelor, master and (or) doctor) is introduced everywhere, based on two cycles of training: undergraduate (basic) and postgraduate. For the universally accepted higher education model in developed countries of the West, the following features are typical: high selectivity in transition from a lower to a higher stage and a higher variability in the selection of specialization at an individual stage; flexible specialization and availability of various degrees at an individual stage of training. One of the leading principles underlying the multi-level education system is fundamentalization. This implies the creation of such a system and structure of education the priority of which is methodologically important, solid and invariant knowledge, contributing to the intellectual flourishing of the personality and its adaptation under rapidly changing socio-economic and technological conditions. Universities of USA, Japan, Great Britain firmly adhere to these principles [22; 23].

In our age of rapid development of science and technology, even the best universities cannot provide the training of highly qualified specialists "for life". As a result of the aging of the acquired knowledge due to appearance of new information, the specialist's competence decreases by 50 %. Therefore, postgraduate education, which involves an organized and systematic training of graduates, occupies an increasingly important place within higher education.

There observed a strengthening of the ties of universities with science and production in the interests of scientific and technological progress. The scale of scientific research in higher education abroad is noticeably expanding, which ensures the development of the main problem areas in the field of technical, natural and human sciences. The activiza-tion of university science provides ample opportunities for transferring scientific achievements to business practices, creating conditions for direct participation of academic staff of HEIs, students and postgraduate students in solving applied problems of a scientific and technological, and socioeconomic nature.

The global changes taking place in the world community are expanding the economic, social, informational interaction and interdependence of different states, generating global trends in the field of education. The main structures that shape trends in the system of higher education are [12]:

+ International Association of Universities, which includes universities of more than 150 countries (IAU);

+ European Association of Universities (EUA);

+ UNESCO Chair in Political Economy of Education;

+ relevant OECD analytical units;

+ Research Center for Higher Education Policy at the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland (HEPPU);

+ European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE);

+ International Center for Research in Higher Education (INCER, Universität Kassel);

+ European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA);

+ Academic Cooperation Association (ACA);

+ The Information Network on Education in Europe (Eurydice) and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA P9 Eurydice);

+ German Higher Education Information System (HIS);

+ Max Traeger Foundation.

The studies carried out by these structures cover the trends and problems in the development of the world and European higher education: processes of changes in European universities; improvement of the quality and enhancement of the creativity of universities; the Bologna Process reforms in the European dimension; correction of the Bologna Process reforms from the standpoint of the society, universities and business; development of programs for a bachelor degree and strengthening of their orientation to labor markets; observance of Master's degrees in Europe; analysis of fulfilling the requirements of the Bologna Process; critical analysis of the experience of the Bologna Process reforms in the pan-European and global contexts; improvement of the quality assurance system in universities; development of an institutional quality culture; elaboration of new approaches to the formation of modern accreditation systems; studying the impact of global ranking on research in higher education and production of knowledge; consideration of the role and mission of universities in the modern world of lifelong education, entrepreneurship and social development [21-26].

Thus, in 1999 the Bologna Declaration, which outlines the list of activities designed to ensure sustainable development of higher education under current conditions and modernization aimed at improving the quality of training specialists, was signed. P. G. Altbach, L. Rysberg and L. E. Rambli [20; 24-26] believe that modern higher education is changing under the influence of the "academic revolution", which takes place in the last halfcentury in higher education as a process unprecedented in its scale, diversity and dynamism. Speaking about the phenomenon of massification, they analyze in detail how the world higher education responds to this phenomenon. The massification itself is characterized by a greater social mobility for a growing segment of population, new models for financing higher education, increasingly diversified systems of higher education in most countries, and a decline in the academic standards.

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Higher education is aimed at ensuring such a fundamental background, base and training for a person that allows him/her to easily and quickly master a necessary set of special professional skills and knowledge. Accordingly, the goal of higher education is to provide people with common intellectual tools that enable them to quickly acquire necessary professional knowledge and easily adapt to changing demands of labor, professional and social life.

For the Ukrainian system of higher education, these trends can be formulated as follows [6; 7; 13; 14]:

+ the role of higher education as a public good preserves and fully supports its fundamental importance;

+ understanding the expanded role of higher education in a globalized world is the first step towards a constructive solution of the problems that inevitably heave in sight. + Today it is advisable to consider the modern role of a university taking into account three interrelated aspects:

+ society of knowledge and education; + ties of entrepreneurship and higher education; + social development and higher education.

That is, higher education is regarded as an independent institution that has a constant structure of rules and patterns of behavior, specific cultural elements and attributes [15]. Institutional unity of higher education is achieved by a balanceness of an education system, which allows to ensure its continuity, dynamism and effectiveness and to reveal the existing level of knowledge and skills of graduates. This unity is achieved on the basis of a balanced unification of institutions-norms (set of norms and normative legal acts regulating social relations) and institutions-organizations (state and non-state organizations that ensure the functioning of public institutions in accordance with the established norms).

The normative aspect of higher education is represented by legislative as well as moral and ethical norms, but at the same time they are constantly influenced by religious institutions and customary law. The transformation of the social paradigm in the context of the knowledge economy has had a significant impact on the moral and ethical principles of the education system. In the new society, the diploma not only attests to the educational level, but also is a status indicator, i.e., education becomes a social capital as well as a means for personal development, improvement of the welfare and conditions of life. The organizational unity of an institution of higher education is achieved through the unification of educational institutions, organizations that provide services in the system of higher education and governing bodies in the education system. The external organizational interrelationships of higher education with enterprises, social partners, employment promotion organizations, youth and public organizations are especially strong [15-17].

In this context, we can say that higher education is a link that unites political, economic and social institutions, because the predominantly high level of education of an ever growing segment of the population is a necessary condition

and a defining characteristic of the modern innovation development, transition to the knowledge economy. Under conditions of formation of the knowledge economy, the functioning of the institute of higher education is aimed at the creation of intellectual potential as the basis of innovative transformations in the economy. The increasingly growing integration and globalization of the educational space leads to a gradual unification of the internal structure of national higher education systems accompanied by the introduction of high educational standards and mechanisms for their achievement [16; 17]. In the process of deepening market relations, the range of subjects that participate in governing and financing higher education is expanding, and the entrepreneurial functions of HEIs are strengthening. Theoretical study of the economic aspect of the functioning of higher education consistently proves the need for the emergence and functioning of education (educational systems) as a specific means not only for permanent social reproduction, but for accelerating progress in the vast majority of possible directions.

Higher education should be considered in the following aspects [15-17]:

+ as an institution of society, state and economy of a country and a region - an active factor in human development; as an institutional center of personal and collective concentration; + as a complex intellectual area of governance.


Thus, higher education acts as an active factor of human development - the center of science, culture, which satisfies the intellectual needs of population and carries out the training of skilled labor, conducts research and introduces new knowledge combining the labor market (consumption of economic resources, application of labor of employees in this sphere, executors of state orders for staff training), the market for educational services (produces highly skilled human resources, acts as the producer of intellectual goods and services), and the market of the preferences of the population (accumulates in itself and around itself intellectual, cultural, scientific, commercial, charitable and other subjects and resources, the complex activity and application of which ensures intellectual reproduction). Consequently, further research involves determining the evolutionary stages of the development of the higher education system in order to identify factors that will influence the strengthening of institutional autonomy of the university. ■


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© 2017 луценко н. л.

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Луценко Н. Л. Форсайт-прогнозування розвитку вищоТ освгги: св^овий досвщ i актуальнкть для УкраУни

Глобалваф е одкею з найбльших проблем сучасного свту. Не обшшла глобал/зац/я i систему вищо:' освти, у зв'язку з чим перед укранським сус-пльством постаепитання про подальшудолю цeiсфери. Метою цeiпубл'жацИедоведення необ^днотмати УкраЫсвш довгостроковий прогноз розвитку системи вищоi освти. Розглянуто свiтовi прогнози розвитку вищоi освти, узагальнено свiтовi тренди розвитку в цй галузi, а також проаналiзовано i порвняно мiж собою прогнози модел'> утверситету майбутнього. Зроблено висновок про необхiднiсть глибокоiiрадикальноiпере-будови укра'тськоiсистеми вищоiосвти. Зазначено актуальнкть довгострокового передбачення розвитку свтовоiгалуз вищоiосвти, розумння можливих сценарИв ii розвитку.

Ключов'! слова: глобалiзацiя, прогноз розвитку системи вищоiосвти, свтовi тренди розвитку вищоiосвти, утверситет майбутнього. Табл.: 1. Вбл.: 11.

Луценко Наталiя Леон'д'юна - астрантка, Науково-дотдний центр тдустр'шльних проблем розвитку НАН Украни (пров. 1нженерний, 1а, 2 пов., Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 33.021:005.521:378 Луценко Н. Л. Форсайт-прогнозирование развития высшего образования: мировой опыт и актуальность для Украины

Глобализация является одной из крупнейших проблем современного мира. Не обошла глобализация и систему высшего образования, в связи с чем перед украинским обществом возникает вопрос о дальнейшей судьбе этой сферы. Целью данной публикации является доказательство необходимости иметь Украине свой долгосрочный прогноз развития системы высшего образования. Рассмотрены мировые прогнозы развития высшего образования, обобщены мировые тренды развития в данной области, а также проанализированы и сравнены между собой прогнозы моделей университета будущего. Сделан вывод о необходимости глубокой и радикальной перестройки украинской системы высшего образования. Обозначена актуальность долгосрочного предвидения развития мировой отрасли высшего образования, понимания возможных сценариев ее развития.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, прогноз развития системы высшего образования, мировые тренды развития высшего образования, университет будущего. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 11.

ЛуценкоНатальяЛеонидовна-аспирантка,Научно-исследовательский центр индустриальных проблем развития НАН Украины (пер. Инженерный, 1а, 2 эт., Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

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Lutsenko N. L.

Foresighting the Development of Higher Education: the World-Wide Experience and Relevance for Ukraine

Globalization is one of the biggest issues of the modern world. The system of higher education has not evaded the issue of globalization, and in this connection, the Ukrainian society encounters the question of the future fate of this sphere. This publication is aimed at proving that Ukraine needs to have a long-term prognosis of the higher education system. The world forecasts of development of higher education were considered, the world trends of development in the given area were generalized summarized, and the forecasts of models of the university of future were analyzed and compared. The conclusion about necessity of deep and radical transformation of the Ukrainian system of higher education has been made. The relevance of a long-term foresight of development of the world branch of higher education, along with understanding of possible scenarios of its development, has been indicated. Keywords: globalization, forecast of development of higher education system, world trends of higher education development, university of future. Tbl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Lutsenko Nataliia L. - Postgraduate Student, Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1a Inzhenernyi Ln, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2017


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